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SOCIALIST APPEAL November 27, 1987 Labor Leader Left Are You Ready for War?
Murdered In Minneapslis Jabs tive sses with masses war.
Have we sion. Discussion on Imperialist War, Past and Present, on the Presidential Peace Lovers and How They Prepare the Minds of the Masses in Support of a New World Wide War for Plunder and Exploitation. Sweet Land of Liberty Pierpont Morgan, who arFascism is the capitalist system itself when On the other side, Germany, Italy and Japan rived in this week follow(Continued from page it has stripped for action, for war. And saying build up their own imperialist alliance, their own ing his annual holiday of several the same thing in reverse when capitalism strips League of Nations, store up their sub machine loyalty to the interests of the months at this estate in England for war, it approaches the fascist totalitarianism guns and pineapples until they feel strong enough workers, incurred the enmity of and at his shooting box in Scotwhich is needed for running a capitalist war. While to sally out and challenge the boss racketeers. No a large section of Minneapolis land, will pass the Thanksgiving Smith and Brown are at the front bravely fighting wonder these latter want to insure their collec employers and their agents. There holidays at his Glen Cove counfascism. fascism will be alighting in their own security against the other! And the two can be little doubt that many try home. Shortly after the holiunguarded backyard.
alliances jockey back and forth, matching gun for of the employers who have dealt days he will take a cruise in gun and airplane for airplane, while the world with Corcoran during the past Southern waters on his yacht wish the Corsair. Society News Hypocrisy, 1937 Model atmosphere gets hotter and hotter till the ther for his elimination. It is obvious Item. cut in relief expendimometer boils over.
What hypocrisy! Sitting on the corpse of What does it mean, then, when the League of in the interest of the workers taxation is absolutely necessary that one who fights consistently ture and some relief from heavy democratic liberties at home, clasping the hands of some of the fascist and militarist dictatorships, Nations calls for sanctions (penalties)
against makes enemies. Those enemies are if business is to survive in Am.
flirting with others, and selling out the fight the aggressor Italy, or in the future against the known and threats received over erica. Radio Speech. William great democrats will mobilize the consciences of racketeers for help against the challenger Whether seriously Corcoran death was of seven slowly starving to death the the on a monthly salary of these sanctions or penalties are economie at first desired. Fight fascism! Save the cry. The Teamsters Joint Council 54, hanged himself in his Greendemocracy! The hypocrites of 1914 too fought to or military, it is the first step toward imperialist and all its affiliated locals hold point, home. As his emaçi save democracy hand in hand with Tsarism!
we forgotten Wilson so soon?
In the case of the Ethiopian war, for example, nothing but the highest respect ated body lay on the floor, his and admiration for the work that calloused feet showed through We too are ready to the economic sanctions that were applied were, to fight for the real demoBut effec Corcoran has carried out. He the holes in the soles of his cracy which can come only when there are no everyone knows, totally ineffective.
longer exploited and exploiters, as well as for the tive sanctions necessarily involved military naval knew of the danger that con shoes.
News Item. Now all democratie liberties which the workers have fought measures. Sanctionists (like the Communist Par fronted him, but in spite of this together, lets sing, My Country for and gained under capitalism; but especially in ty) raised the demand: Close the Suez Canal. insisted on carrying on his tis of Thee.
nal. struggle to improve the conditions Martin Stand on the war time, this can be done only by vigorously carry on it; it required a naval blockade. An effective vinced that the dastardly murder Sitdown.
ing on the struggle of the workers against the enforcement even of the sanctions voted on also of Pat Corcoran will only serve bosses, and in the long run, by revolutionary action meant a blockade of the Italian coast. These are to spur the Drivers Unions to We wish that Homer Martin to overthrow our dictators at home.
war steps, nothing else.
even greater organizational efs would pause long enough between Wars to End War. Collective Collective security, by the capitalist govern forts. His murder will not go visits to his mamma, speeches at Security ments, means war war under the banner of the unavenged. Teamsters Joint Labor Party meetings and stateLeague of Nations perhaps, but no sweeter for Council No. 32 pledge themselves ments to the press to take one The peace lovers who want war by the dem that.
to carry forward to a successful stand on the sitdowns and then ocratic, peace loving gang of imperialists against conclusion the campaign which stay put for two days in suces the fascist gang of imperialists call their peace.
The Workers Answer to War was inaugurated by Corcoran. If medicine collective security. They think the fascist gang can be kept in check if enough bayo attacks must be their own collective action in duals they will be able to wreak The answer of the working class to imperialist think that by murdering indivi Troyanovsky Beware!
For diplomats, Recalled to nets are pointed at them.
dependent of their own governments and its war their will upon the working class, Moscow is the Stalinist équivaWhen two gangs of racketeers are embroiled in steps. Independent action against the imperialist they have murdered in vain. We lent of taken for a ride.
restored if the stronger sang lines the other gang dekressor, whether it be Italy or Japan, thru boy will carry on.
Corooran funeral, last Satur Dukes Mixture.
against the wall and points their machines guns against shipments to the imperialists, etc. Inde day, was accompanied by a com. The machine gun peace that results pendent action against their own war government, Pork by teamsters and taxi is reported, will appoint Doris Gov. Moore of New Jersey, it from the domination of a single gang is certainly by carrying on the class struggle at home.
And preferable to open gang war. But strangely finally, independent action to overthrow their own honor of the slain labor leader.
drivers, called by the union in Duke husband to the senate enough, the good citizens who are exploited by seat formerly occupied by the this gang do not take the attitude that they should ing class government that can really be an ally Governor. Doris Duke husband.
therefore support the victors. They rather say: of the oppressed peoples of the whole world.
Stalinists Exploit perhaps we had better call him the Duchess. announced that if let us utilize the split between the two gangs to Tragedy We are not pacifists who are against all offered the seat he was ready to wipe out both of them.
wars because they involve violence, but revolue Meanwhile, in the midst of serve; we fortunate ones should The machine gun peace is only a short breath. tionary Socialists who refuse to support or sie speculation as to the identity of be ready to serve for the benefit ing space, which lasts only while the other side on our own imperialist government. We are not the slayers, Stalinist spokesmen of others.
In view of the fact prepares itself further and gains other allies. It isolationists who want to have nothing to do in Minneapolis and their official that Doris donated 50, 000 to the leads all the more surely to a bigger and better with European troubles, but revolutionary inter press, the Daily Worker. are Democratic campaign fund, we war between bigger alliances.
nationalists who believe in the international col. making the greatest efforts to can safely assume that the Duke That is what is happening today, and that is laboration of the workers of the world, democratic utilize the murder for the pur Tobacco fortune will be reprewhat happened in the events leading up to the or fascist, American or pose of discrediting the Teamst sented in the Senate.
or European.
ers Joint Council, and particular.
World War. Today, the satisfied imperialists are We are for our own war to end war the ly its affiliated General Drivers The Road To Life ganging together and have incorporated them world wide war of the social revolution, to over Local 544 and its leadership.
as the League ns. The League throw the system that breeds war and build a Nations is only the protective association of the Socialist world in which it will no longer be ne trying to clean up Local 544 children in Leningrad, it was At the trial of teachers of the The Citizens Alliance has been Red Dawn Colony for homeless democratic racketeers who want to keep the cessary to set worker bayoneting his fellow for years, because it has outs from muscling in on their territory.
been revealed that children had been worker.
the staunchest pillar of unionism beaten so badly as to require in Minneapolis and throughout hospital treatment that the Northwest. The Alliance is the organization mass illness resulted from of the most worms in the soup. At the trial, powerful labor hating employers one of the teachers playing the of the Twin Cities. The local role assigned to him by the Stalinist leadership is now of. answered yes to the (Continued from page 1)
sequent arrest of Steiner led to sassination of the Russian eco Alliance Mayor to do the job signed to discredit the Party and fering its collaboration to the question were your actions de the uncovering of the terrorist nomist, Navashin, in the Bois de which the Alliance has thus far Only accidental circumstances organization in France. Boulogne in Paris: the kidnap. been thwarted in by the growth paper Eastern Truth of Tashprevented Sedoff from going to government. The newsMuehlhausen where he Demands Duclos Be awaited at the railroad station on. These crimes were commit and solidity of Local 544.
kent reports seven more officials The class conscious militants sentenced to death for counter ted by the same organization Investigated by Renata Steiner and Smirengwhich stole my archives, assas of the labor movement are thor revolutionary activity. What ky. The confession of Steiner It is beyond doubt that the sinated Reiss, and attempted to oughly aware of the plans of the in a name Red Dawn Colony shows from what danger Sedoff judicial authorities will find the trap Leon Sedoff. It is in con Communist Party, which is abus for a Stalinist hell hole. Eastwas saved in January. It was just at the moment that Moscow solution to a whole series of nection with all these crimes that ing the name of the orga ern Truth for Stalinist lies.
recommended by cable to the nization in Minneapolis now under prepared the second great Trial hitherto unsolved crimes (the AS French authorities that they sublits factional domination, to frame. That Man Browder. Pyatakovl Radek. mit to interrogation, at least as The shadowing of Sedoff went a witness, Jacques Duclos, mem up the leaders of Local 544, and Extry! Extry! Strip tease and on uninterruptedly until last STALINISM ber of the Polit Bureau of French they stand prepared to take all flag dance! The Kansas belle August when Steiner, Smirensly, and others received an unex and Communist Party, Vice President the necessary and indicated with a Kansas twang and a May pected order from above to find BOLSHEVISM of the Chamber of Deputies, for measures to expose and counter flower ancestry is positively and kill Ignace Reiss. The Kremmany years an agent of the the activities of the Stalinist guaranteed to entertain the 20th lin considered this assassination by frame up perpetrators.
Century Americans in 1998 by as the most urgent, in view of 100 Leon Permit me to add that such At the same time, the Union stripping off the last remnant of the threatening disclosures from TROTSKY Friends of the intends to leave no stone unturn Marxian clothing and then doing the former trusted agent. The Pioneer Publishers who are in reality friends of the ed in its determination to un the Suzie Cue tantalizingly, teasnew enterprise was, as is known, should prepare them cover the murderers of Pat Cor ingly, while waving two Amer100 Fifth Avenue successful: Reiss was assassinNew York, selves for very disagreeable re coran and to see to it that they ican flags.
ated September But the subvelations in the coming months. are given their punishment. Bin and Coming Trials to Reveal Secret Plans ofG.
the was