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November 27, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Stalinist Uses Sleight of Hand Trick to Party Prove That Lenin Opposed Soviets Activities was an trea fascist to in exBy James Casey Ohio Party Plans Active Workers Conference Ku Kluxers, after lynching a sharecropper and burning his home, always place the In Cleveland on December 5th blame on the unions, the Reds and the foreigners. And the Kluxers always commit their deeds to safeguard our country and uphold the noble ideals of 100 per cent By Blake Lear ned and publicized open meetings; Protestant White Americanism.
The Socialist Party of Ohio (2) The setting of our face What accentuates the serious(Left Wing) will hold its third toward the factory. Here the ness of their foul acts is that writing was denouncing the So. for an America of Soviets and, active workers conference at rapidly moving events in the misinformed people succumb to viets controlled by the Menshe on its publication in 1933, was Cleveland on December 5th. The mass industries were analyzed; their super patriotic propagandaviks of whom Ambassador Troy acclaimed as a masterpiece by Russian and the trade union it was shown that with the and applaud the drive against anovsky outstanding the Daily Worker.
question will be discussed.
the Reds and foreigners to make leader, and other counter revoworking hand in glove with the Is Harrison George now ready At the last conference, held in trade thion bureaucracies, the America safe for Americans, lutionary scum. In a word, Lenin to admit that William Foster Akron on November 14th, the deepening of the depression, the Yet our native terrorist group was at the moment condemning is also a nit wit Trotskyite, who formal pro convention discussion growing disillusion of the workers lets cannot claim a monopoly on the People Frontist treachery should be made to sign one of was opened with Blake Lear re in a straight trade union struggle, this Stop Thief method of per of his day.
those familiar confessions and porting on the Spanish question and the necessities which the petrating crimes and shifting the Can the Stalinist writer ex be executed within twenty four and Robert Stiler on the problems coming war will impose, we must responsibility on others.
plain how it happened that he, hours. of organization and party build intrenet ourselves in the unions.
Witness with what gusto the who attacked Trotskyists for We repeat: Why have the so ing.
the Socialist Appeal must conStalin regime is imprisoning, ex not reading or ignoring Lenin, viets fallen out of the Stalinist There being no differences of tain articles written from the iling and shooting workers and himself conveniently omitted the grace along with commissars, opinion expressed upon the ques field upon the basis of which Old Bolshevik leaders by the following up his quotation from ambassadors, scientists, authors. tion of Spain, the major portion workers may be won to us. And thousands and placing all the Lenin superb treatise. For educators, editors, news service of the discussion centered around the articles must be written in blame on the Trotskyites, but Lenin, after assailing the coun managers, tourist directors and the questions of organization and their language. There must be whereas the Kluxers kill for the ter revolutionists and their con tens of thousands of imprisoned party building, since it was con more analysis of the American sake of Americanism, the Stalin trolled, Soviets, wrote: workers?
sidered that these questions are scene. the of hangmen do it in the name of Le Soviets can and must appear among the most important con struggle; the Roosevelt program; nin and for Socialism, Reason for Latest in this new revolution, but not Thus wholesale murder is glo the present Soviets, not organs fronting the revolutionary ten Laborg Non Partisan League; Attack dency today.
rified with made to order resolu, of compromise with the bourgethe deepening depression; the The general conclusions reach beginning strike wave.
tions, adorned with the cloak oisie, but organs of a Actually, the reason for the ed were (1) that there must be (3) The initiation of a real Justice, and Lenin works are tionary struggle against it. That latest form of attack on the Trot an intensive and serious over campaign within and withcut the tonly distorted. The defiled pic of building the whole state af.
willfully, shamelessly and wan even then we shall be in favor skyites is not hard to discern. hauling of the party organism To this end literature must The Stalin regime already has organizationally. 2) that we must be sent to their best militants; ture of Lenin is then offered the ter the Soviet type, is true. This held its last Soviet Congress. put our face to the factories, and personal contacting and long, to the population to cover up the is not a question of Soviets in There will be no more under the (3) that a thorough, serious, and patient discussions must be en regime bestiality.
Stalin regime.
general, it is a question of strugplanned campaign among the gaged Pamphlets dealing with Froin the first outbreak of the most militant and politically the American scene, naming and Latest Crime. Belief gle against the present counterrevolution and against counter. revolution in conscious of the members of the describing specific incidents in Soviets chery of the present Soviets. Spain, the Stalinists fought with must be instituted.
must be published. The In the report and in the discus calendar of crime must be made ker appears on November oth Toward the Seizure of Power. tablishment of Soviets in that sion, the following points were known to all. Sympathizers must As an example, the Daily Wor. 49 Chap: On Slogans, Book might and main against the esAnd if the Stalinist leader had country. with a brand new form of attack be worked upon. The e. (1) The establishment would are not ready for Soviets, the on the Trotskyites. for their continued reading Lenin, and structure is beginning to shake; crimes. The latest crime of the have found that in an article Stalinists said, while they flock functioning of literature, educa we must hasten its collapse.
Trotskyites is that they still becalled lieve in Soviets! What awful peo cely a month after the one on os government after another, and other committees, with re in estabhishing contact with comGeorge in his grossly misnamed Kerensky Public Prosecutor, selling out the masses of the peo minutes, the delegation and check working out unified plans for areas, ing of responsibilty generally; entire industrial Column Left only nit wit pointed out that one of the char ple to European imperialists.
In China the Soviets, for which the adoption of branch budgets changing experiences, and in Trotskyites who never read, never ges against him was that he exgave their life blood, with dues systems, the organiza heartening the membership, make believe in that outdated, outworn Slogan, All Power to the Soviets have been liquidated to become a tion of sympathizers, and regular the system of active workers and conferences one which can be theory of Soviets a theory which, must, and will, conquer despite special district of the Kuomin financial reports; regular according the Stalinist writer, all the zigzags of the path of tang nationalist regime at a time closely organized fraction meet applied with great fruitfumes when it was most neccessary to ings; the establishment of shop by the comrades in the other Lenin discarded as untenable way His little abortion of Lenin mobilize and solidarize the work papers; frequent and well plan sections of the ccuntry.
back in 1917.
Citing the days when Lenin teachings, George entitled When ers and peasants in a revolution1ought the Provisional Govern Lenin Hid in Haystack. Yet ary struggle against Japanese imperialism.
200 Hear Harry Milton Speak On Spain ment, while he was in hiding in the Stalinist writer well knew Finland, George writes in in San Francisco his that the Title should have been: What Democracy are column. When We Stalinists Hide Lenin It was then, too, that they Fighting For?
Lenin wrote that superb treatise in a Haystack.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. constrained to take the floor in On Slogans which nit wit Trot Why the Sudden Out And in America Stalinist spo Two hundred workers attended defense of the position, skyites never read, never underburst?
stand or ignore. It urged that, kesmen are taxing their lung ca the mass meeting held here last which the speaker castigated for bacities, while their publications Sunday for Harry Milton, recent its counter revolutionary role This slogan transition of all In this connection there is con are consuming gallons of printers ly returned volunteer in the In with a wealth of first hand evid state power to the Soviets was siderable doubt whether George ink in a holy crusade for demo ternational Brigade of the o. ence. fighting the Fascists in Clarityite spokesman also now irrevocably gone from March really believes that Trotskyites cracy.
Their rationalizations notwith Spain, Comrade Milton talk rose to defend the Right Wing 12th to July 17th. This slogan never read Lenin. There can be Stalinists admit was forcefully presented and well Socialist position. In a feeble atno question, however, of the Sta standing, the has clearly ceased to be correct linist leader firm conviction that the Democracy they received the audience.
tempt to reply to Milton exp Despite the fact that the posure of the ridiculous and George goes on to say: One lers are not familiar with Lenin ist type but the democracy that issued a leaflet asking that all shameful line contained that his Communist Party read fighting for is not of a Socialthe can imagine cafeteria Trotsky and, further, that they are hap fosters unemployment, evictions, union members boycott the meet Clarityite resolution on ites of today, had they been there, pily misled victims of the Stalin the clubbing and shooting of ing of the union wrecking Tret Spain, Nathan, who spoke for it, bursting with moral indignation ist art of deception and falsifi workers on the picket line and skyites. there were not only declared that the description at Lenin betrayal of Leninism. cation.
imperialist war the democracy many unionists present, but a given in the resolution of the Sounds very profound, doesn it?
The question naturally arises: of Wall Street.
spokesman of the Stalinists felt Largo Caballero government.
Stalinist arguments a ways Why the sudden Stalinist outaprovisional revolutionary sound formidable until they are burst against the Soviets?
government was merely an unexamined and confirmed with fortunate phrase which had facts.
crept. into the resolution How a Quotation is denly discovered, after twenty Representatives of the opposti years, that Lenin had been op Friday, December 24th, at P. tion in the Proletarian Party Distorted posed to Soviets and that the soand of the as well as a The sentence which the Stalin Marxism Leninism?
viet type of state is contrary to number of non party workers IRVING PLAZA also participated in the discusist writer quoted from Lenin on Or, more horrors: Has the Stasion. Several excellent contacts state power is correct, every lin regime sensed that the So15th STREET AND IRVING PLACE were made. From the political word of it. What is wrong how viets were jammed full of Trotpoint of view especially, the ever, is that this single sentence skyites, making their liquidation Tickets: In Advance 55 cents At the door 75 cents meeting was extremely sitceegswas cunningly and knavishly a matter of first importance. Kfted out of the context to comful.
And just to refresh the mempletely deceive the reader, reory of the Stalinist leaders, who vise Lenin and help to build up seem to have forgotten completeFor Sale at: Labor Book Shop, 28 East 12th St.
another alibi for People Front ly that history existed before the Est class treachery.
rebirth of the People Front two What the Daily Worter writer, years ago: Do they recall a book Who is too well known Stark with the title, Soviet America. AUSPICES: Convention Arrangements Committee at lender, failed to explain is. It was written by the chairman Socialist Party (Left Wing)
that Lanin at that particular of the Communist Party, called NY that Our millions.
as Is it possible that Stalin and Christmas Eve Dance