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SOCIALIST APPEAL November 27, 1937 INTERNATIONAL NOTES Stalin Purge Extends into the Youth and Even Penetrates the Politburo.
On National Congress Of 4th International over and Stalin Purge of Blood, At Home From day to day it become increasingly evident that a blood purge of unprecedented proportions is taking Ipace in Russia, under the direct guidance of Stalin. All the preceeding purges pale to insignificance in comparison with the scope and depth of the current Most significantly, the ground. Komsomol, and other organs of the ruling party and of the one. The chief target of the purge is once again the the By Terence Phelan Though the increasingly militant French workers still surge, such as produced the re government. The purge extends not only to the and the hope that the anti communist actions of the Stalinists are volutionarye lessons increpations so swift is the pace of the purge, that the purgers of yesterday waly maneuvres (the CP increased its General Council to be felt, especially among the are the purged of today, and the purgers of today the enemies seats in the cantonal elections, completed October 17, from metal and building workers. of the people on the morrow.
10 to 41. the Fascists. LaRocque, Doriot, de Kérillis Despite compulsory arbitration, Neue Zuericher Zeitung computes that from the time of the Co. know better where lies the real threat to their gangs despite the illegality of stri Kamenev Zinoviev in August 1936 up to the beginning of last and plots. Calling upon the Popular Front government noisome Stalinist sell outs, the was a public record of 808 executions in the USSR. The Havas the increasingly October, that is, covering a period of more than 18 months, there whida has already seven times suppressed the Bolshevik fury of the General Federation agency computes on the basis of data fram 20 provinsial papery Lepinist newspaper, La Lutte of Labor fakers, and savage po that 403 pecple have been executed by Stalin from September to Ouvrière, LaRocque now advanced workers food for ser dic. outbursts of Youth. October 1) are giving lice repressions, fierce spora. October 10 last.
of unauthorized publicly demands in Le Petit ious thought on the real nature strikes and factory occupations That is to say, in a period of approximately one month as many Journal, organ of his. Croix of Popular Frontism, as a form increase daily, and spread. have been shot as had been in the previous 17 month. The closer de Feu fascist league (now of democratic capitalism. The miserably paid goverment the elections the more ferocious the purge becomes! This coinciemployees, after thinly disguised as the Parti The New Upsurge interminable dence imperiously poses the question as to the connection between patient waiting at the behest of the Moscow frame ups and Stalin political goals within the USSR Social Francais) that the their union leaders and promises itself. In the recent period public trials of the Moscow variety France remains in a pre revo of the ministers, have just have been taking place all over the Soviet territory. They receive government forbid the anlutionary situation amid a sharp been fobbed off by Finance Mi no notice in Pravda, or other central publications of Stalin. Nor awal congress of the French ening crisis which will soon put nister Bonnet with a compro does the capitalist press devote much space to the:n. except to section of the Fourth Inter an end to the pause which has mise settlement that is a posi record them in the general tabulation of executions. They do receive national, the Parti Ouvrier existed since the Matignon agree tive insult. Even the reformist notice in the Soviet provincial press.
the Internationaliste.
keynote was struck by the go had to protest against it.
Each province has its own Piatakov with thi: difference, His grounds are significant: vernment communique of Octothat these Piatakovs are the very flower of Stalin supporters because only the POI has on its ber and the explanatory minisBolsheviks Provide of yesterday: They are in effect the very men who helped Stalin order of the day, the question of terial speeches that followed it. Leadership purge the original Piatakovs. In many cases they were decoratmass occupation of factories to The Radical Socialist Premier ed only a short time ago for their zeal in rooting out the enemies defeng the 40 hour week, which Chautemps piously appealed to Thus French labor learns the of the people.
is at present under savage attack, both capital and labor to make bitter lesson of Popular Frontboth frontal and sniping. by equal sacrifices for the solu ism. The pause in the classBaku Kalinin Liquidated the tricksters of the Popular tion of the production crisis. struggle, demanded by the Front. LaRocque fears What is meant by equal sacri government and its Stalinist One such trial took place in Baku on October 31. Only three the ground swell of the workers fices? Well, labor must return porters, is about The weeks before there had been a purge, the scope of which may be renewed militancy, born of an from a 40 to 45 hour week. And French worker has had about Anexy disillusion with a govern capital? Capital must also help, enough of compulsory arbitration cleaned from the fact that the President of the Azarbeidjan Automent under which wages are by rationalizing its production. boards, of slogans of patience nomous Republic (i. e. the Azarbeidjan Kalinin. was arrested frozon at 1936 levels though the Pressed to define just what ra and patriotism, of government on the charge of Trotskyism and Bukharinism. Ten out of the cost of living has gone up 515 tionalization specifically means, leniency with the fascist gangs fourteen accused in the Baku trial are prominent members of in the last year, under which all messieurs the ministers frankly coupled with savage repression of the Nine of them are over 40 a significant item, indicating strikes are outlawed, and their define it as increase of labor militant workers. Bitter personal that these are not recent henchmen of Stalin. Among these ex traddinion reformist saving machinery. more over experience is proving to him the dignitaries was Muzabekov, Chairman of the EC or the Soviets.
Political fakers give no reply to time, and a higher tempo of frivolity of the Stalinist expla Almost simultaneously with the trial in Baku came news of their outcries beyond Patience work. Such are the sacrifices nations that it isn capitalisman Abkhasian plət (November 9) involving the of the patience.
as a system, but the wicked 200 Abkhasian Mikeladze and Ampar; People Commissar of when, in mid March, the Front But the French worker can sto families, who are responsible Agriculture. Chalmatz; Director of the Tobacco Administration, Pepulaire was still prating pa mach just sº much. Though the for his misery; shows him that Mikhail Lakoba; Director of the Azneft. Vassilii Laksha together tience, it was the aroused though conventions of the parties com his Popular Front government with the secretary of the party organization, and the chairman of heaved LaRocque fascist agents duly voted continuance of the vernments only in that it asks the party district committee. This trial was in every detail a replica put their factories, not with coalition government, of the Moscow frame ups: assassination plots, sabotage, link sharp him to like and approve the way out a low caresses. It is work ening of the political situation is it crushes him.
with Trotsky Serebriakov Piatakov etc. and last but not least, ers militancy he fears; but how shown not only by serious reaccused. new strike wave is begin confessions from all much more does he fear. lest volts within those conventions, ning to rise. The advanced worthose workers find the truly rev but also by the results of the kers, fed up with the betrayals of Suicides Also Increase utionary leadership of the Bol cantonal elections, in which the the Front Populaire and its Stavik Leninist POI! Hence his extremist parties gained at the linist supporters, look for true counter revolutionists shot among them a secretary and chair, On Novenber came a report in Krasnava Taiaria of 14 rejoicing when the Popular Front expense of the centre pårties. revolutionary leadership.
suppresses the POI paper: The North African colonies are in leadership is offered them by the man of the party committee, an editor of the newspaper, and several hepce phis demand that the increasingly open revolt so ser Bolshevik Leninists of the POI, agronomists.
ban its congress.
ious that the government of with the slogans of direct class In Gomel on November 5, the military tribunal entenced Tardieu Revelations it, has had to despatch a fleet of smash the bullies of LaRocque socialist direction, as Blum calls action, of workers militias to to death, among them again high dignitaries; a former chairman the Gomel Soviet; a high functionary in the People Cothmissariat The French workers haye, re78 army bombing planes to over and prevent another Spain, of of Health, etc.
awe and terrorize the wretched workers control of factories cently had a signal opportunity Algerians; while daily clashes be through the extension and amal. This latest phase too has its suicides. most prominent among toiseerunthat capitalist democracy tween the starved and brutalized elamation of the existing workers them being the suicide of Balitsky, head of the Ukrainian The Yezhov of the Uklaine figuring as a Tom ky! The pretexts fascism, is its nurturer and trail natives and the police produce shop committees; and its courablazer, in the revelations made their scarcely reported but re geous and open goal the French for removal rary as they have in the past. Thus Rudzutak, a member of the Political Bureau whom we last reported as in dison October 26 by former Premier gular toll of dead and wounded. workers state.
grace has just been arrested on the charge of criminal negliAndré Tardieu as a witness in gence in the preparation of the Levanovsky flight. Stalin still the tibel suit brought by Duke Bon di Borgo, co founder shies of accusing his closest henchmen of yesterday of :Trotskyism. In Ulan Ude, in Inner Mongolia 16 have just been shot as with Catocque of the fascist PIONEER PUBLISHERS Cap de Feu for when thieves Japanese spres.
full out, honest men get interSeventh Anniversary The capitalist press is extremely circumspect in with these latest esting information.
which they are nevertheless developments, Under Loath, Tardieu testified BANQUET AND SYMPOSIUM following most closely. But occasionally the newspapers carry an that as Premier and Minister in item or two, revealing the actual tenor of the speculations of the Berart cabinets frem 1996 to 19 Twenty Years of the Russian Revolution bourgeoisie. Thus, Neue Zuericher Zeitung, in its October 19th 324 vaid LaRocque secret go FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3rd at P.
carries a long article on the coming Stalin elections which yongment subsides, to the tune of begins with the statement that the inere reading of the Soviet press from 220, po to 250, 000 francs.
ROSOFF S, 147 West 43rd Street conveys the impression of extreme nervousness on the part of the for sevices rendered the governSPEAKERS of Russian home politics. The writer even goes 50 iept by LaRocque fascist far as to speculate whether the coming elections might not suffer ones. Thus, under democratic Sidney Hook James Farrell the same fate as the widely publicized census of a short while malism the taxes drawn from Ludwig Lare the workers are spent to prepare Eugene Lyons which, after a great deal of ballyhoo, was suddenly postponed.
Carlo Tresca their further bloody suppression James Cannon The internal difficulties Stalin is encountering on the path to his coronation are no secret to the ruling tops of the imperialist and nalezement.
Reservations 50. Rentations of this sort,. comcountries. And the latest maneuvers of English and French diplomacy with the united front apFrom: PIONEER PUBLISHERS, 100 Fifth Avenue, with Hitler and Mussolini are undoubtedly closely linked with the to the Stalinists to the Do New York City latest developments in Stalin Russia.
riot Fascist youth (see Challenge Wright.
heads dealing issue, car are