AnarchismAndrés NinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGPUImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

here it with cordiale som har en Lessons of the Goodyear Sit Down coren to SOCIALIST APPEAL November 27, 1887 movement in the eyes of all the militant labor SOCIALIST APPEAL elements in Minnesota who originally looked toVol. No. 16. Saturday, Nor. 27, 1937 by the recent convention of the State Federation Published every week by the of Labor.
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Now, however, the Stalinist wrecking crew think By Blake Lear Published at 116 University Place, they see their supreme chance. They are trying Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for to use the blood of Patrick Corcoran to smear AKRON, Ohio, Nov. 21. The recent sit down at the months. Foreign: 50 per year, Bundle order Local 514 and its spokesmen, to discredit it, to Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company plants in Akron, like cents per copy. Single copies cents.
break it down; thereby they hope to remove the similar sit downs in the auto industry, should be studied All checks and money orders should be made main obstacle to their bureaucratic dominion over carefully by every worker and revolutionist, for they mark out to the Socialist Appeal.
the Minnesota All the statements of Mauseth, and of his bosses a new important stage in the sharpening class struggle in Ectered as second class matter September 1, 1987 at the post office at New York, New York, Leach and his Police Chief to strike jointly at ganized are being brought face to face with the fundain the Dails Worker, all their appeals to Mayor this country, a stage in which the workers now well or under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Local 514, are calculated toward that end. mental problems of capitalA government mediator was rush The Plan for a Frame Up ism. Trade unionism alone ed in.
Minneapolis: Watch the Fingers of On Saturday the sit downers the Frame Up Artists!
They are planning to frame up the leaders of will not solve these problems.
Local 544 who, according to Alderman Bastis, are revolutionary political were ordered out of the plant by The cold blooded murder of Patrick Corcoran, next on the murder list Bill Brown, Vincent party is needed. The course Alled with wild rumors, and lack tecretary treasurer of the Minneapolis Teamsters Dunne. Grant Dunne, Miles Dunnel Joint Council has come as blow and a shock to Only those who are parblind, and do not see of the unions in the current ing adequate leadership, the met the phants angry, the entire labor movement of the country. what the Stalinist vultures are doing throughout period of reaction will de evacuated knowing they were being beNone but the blind or the mendacious can fail the world, can ignore this danger to the Minnen pend to a large degree upon trayed, but coming out. The 30what influence revolutionary called Communist Party support to see and point out in the assassination of Cor polis labor movement.
treacherous blow aimed at the trade union The blood hounds who framed up and executed socialists can exert in the ed the emptying of the planti.
House, to placate the boilies movement itself. The prompt action of the Joint hundreds of revolutionists in the Soviet Union given situations.
Council in offering a 10, 000 reward for the apu know no infamy too loathsome to stop them in membership, called a meeting for prehension of his murderers and in calling a half their tracks.
Trouble began at the Goodyear Sunday at the Akron armory for day stoppage on the occasion of his funeral, is gang which did not hesitate to lynch factory on Thursday, November the purpose of deciding what an authentic reaction of genuine trade unionism Andres Nin in Spain, to kidnap, imprison and 18, when 1600 men received their course to pursue. Later, after to his assassination. No trade unionism worthy murder hundreds of Trotskyists, members of the lay off notices. Shortly after mid more conferences with the manaof the name could fail to display the same atti POUMI, anarchists, syndicalists and left wings shift entered the factors, all three Strike vote could be taken, the tute. socialists right in the midst of the war against plants of the greatest rubber fac requisite twenty four hour notice til Fascism, will not hesitate at such a trifle as tory in the world were closed tight not having been given the memThe Meaning of the Stalinist Attack framing the militant leaders of Local 544.
by a huge sit down.
bers! Saturday night, on the eve The Minneapolis Stalinists, who control and Ignace Reiss, for a ride in Switzerland, in approv. the breaking into the open of a local history, the members were The assassins who took the Polish revolutionist, This sit down signalized the most important decisions in the of the formulation of one of the discredit what is called the cio in that territory, ed Chicago gangster style, and left his corpse long, wearing struggle which be locked out of their halli have already rushed into print with a statement riddled with bullets using White Guard Russians exonecating the bosses in advance of all respons for the purpose will not hesitate use the reacgan with the hiring of 1, 500 tirebuilders after the great Goodyear That the rank and file could sibility for the crime, and calling upon the police tionary Mayor and Police Chief of Minneapolis strike of last year. The hiring of have the sell out agreement ram.
to look for the assassin in the ranks of the Drive to help exterminate the indomitable fighters who these men, plus the activity of med down their throats at the ers Union The meaning of this should be clear to all. These stand in the path of their course of rule or ruin. Goodyear Gadsden, Los Angeles, Sunday meeting is due entirely Workers of Minneapolis! On guard against the and Jackson, Michigan: plants ship of the rank and file operat.
to the lack of a genuine leadershameless scoundrels, who are nothing but the frame up gang! Remember the Stalinist record enabled Goodyear to build up. hired and conscious agents of the international in Russia, in Spain, in Switzerland. Build an iron very large inventory which would ing over a period of months and Stalinist frame up and murder machine, have fish wall of militant labor solidarity around Local 544, permit them to close down for preparing the membership for of their own to fry in Minneapolis. Their object which is just such a crisis. Despite a proder such severe attack by the enemies long periods of time.
is not to protect the labor movement against the of the working class. Turn the searchlight of gram advanced by progressive horrible menace of assassination and gangsterism. pitiless publicity on the unspeakable creatures who Why Offensive Was militants at the Sunday meeting.
Indeed, these methods are not alien to their own. Offer, in public statements, to work with the bosses the bureaucracy was able to ride Launched rough shod over their opposition.
Whoever knows, for example, of their most recent and the bosses police.
the Cafeteria Union of New York, Watch the finger of the Stalinist frame up Coupled with this is the deep where they were closely tied up in the leadership artists!
national recession with the remnants of the Dutch Schultz gang, will which has reflected itself here in More Lay Offs Coming work schedules which average, need no enlightenment as to their trae attitude The rubber barons and the Sam Baron Released even the press reports, twelve union bureaucracy have won hours per week. With this well temporary victory. Though the No, the Stalinists are not concerned with the struggle of the workers against gangesterism.
Sam Baron, leading member of the Socialist in mind, heartened by the defeat membership has been victimized, Their aim is to smear the General Drivers Party. Right Wing) has been released from a of Little Steel (Tom Girdler is however, ecanomic laws have their Local 614 and concoct a frame up against its lead prison in Loyalist Spain, in which he had been on the board of directors of Good. logic. More lay ofts are coming That is what the Stalinist black guards are confined by the Stalinist for his refusal year. swallow in full the suppression of working class Partisan League candidate in the the other rubber shops as well.
This magnificent labor organization, which was organizations by Stalin hangmen. In obtaining mayoralt in campaign, three. The membership who learn, men built up to a tower of strength out of nothing. has the release of Baron, the massed protest of work plant and the labore movement especially with they learn more the been thorn in the side of the Minneapolis anding class organizations throughout the world have leadership, the company decided prepare, present progressives organizo, and extend their incand driven a breach in the framed up campaign of the to launch its offensive.
Northwest open shoppers for the past four years. Comen all those who, By sheer militancy and doggedress, it has raised to destente Fourteen hundred men were The old leaders who fought and the living conditions and the self respect of thou: selves with the surrender of independent working Akron. The membership stormed, mass industry have already hard: hou. to one degree or another, refuse to reconcile them. laid off. There is no relief in established the unions in the their knees more than one hard boiled employees of the counter revolutionary bureaucrat sands of workers in its terribors, and brought to class action in Spain and elsewhere for the benefit but no ettective opposition leaders ened into harassed bureaucrats: methods of old line unionism, it introduced a new The Baron case proves that the Stalinist frame was coming. John House, reac tants must be created; and in the spirit of aggressiveness and mass activity in the up artists are not beyond control, that their sinister tionary president of the local, developing events only revolution Northwest labor movement. After having won Baron is free, but dozens, hundreds of other work wieks ill. The company bided sighted and clear direction, ben will be able to give far class victims of Stalinism still remain in the its time.
tended the warmest assistance ne sont pails of the The fate of Erwin Wolver ees in other cities throughout the Northwest, but Mark Rein, of Kurt Landau is still unknown. Wole, was pursuing interminable nego to fight the bureaucratic leaders Last Thursday, while House of the motion. They will have Wor other industries and crafts who asked Rein, Landau must yet be saved from the GP. tiations with the company, dis ship of the as well as for 544 help in the missal notices were sent out. No that of the of They will dnión recognition.
fight for organization and executioners! thousand tricks by the emAll those who rejoice at Baron release, all seniority whatever was observed. have to fight the which is ployers, their Citizens Alliance, their political those who cherish the freedom of working class Immediately, the radical fourth faithfully acting as the Puppets, and even reactionary labor leaders, have action, all those who realize the danger to the shift sat down when they came of the bureaucrats in the unions.
the proved incapable of breaking the solidity of Local labor movement in the nefarious methods of the in on the graveyard shift mid They will have to expose of increasing 544 and its intelligent, class conscious leadership. Stalinist must join hands in a united front in at six, they joined those al government mediation. Their to liberate the other working class victims of influence must ready sitting down.
diffused Local 541 Thorn in the CP Side Stalinism. Only the broadest united front throughout the mass industries.
organizations can stay the hand of the Stalinist House Knifes SitBut Local 544 has also been a thorn in the hide madmen.
Lacking a genuinely militant of the Stalinist machine. Bending every effort Downers leadership, the unions are lo grave danger of having their into take over the control of the Minnesota labor Three Cheers For Red (White Blue)
House promptly disclaimed any fluence whittled down, and it responsibility for the sit down. some cases, of being destroyed class collaboration, for herding the workers into We reprint below an item released by United Mayor Schroy police were im altogether. Nevertheless, class support the coming imperialist arthe Stal Press from its Washington office. Comment is mediately dispatched to the plants, conflict on a national scale seems inists have been frustrated at every trun by the superfluous.
where they prevented the hoisting in the offing. This will have its firmness of Local 544 and those workers and labor WASHINGTON, Nov. Mrs William in of food. Governor Davey, who political reverberations. Now, organizations associated with it. Abuse, slander, Becker, national president of the Daughters of trotted into office clinging to the never before in recent years, will blackmail, hooliganism, threats, bribery all the the American Revolution en out spoken opponent coat tails of the great Hamani the revolutionary tendency have methods of reaction have availed the stalinists of Communism last night attended an elaborate tarian, Roosevelt, and who him the possibility of recruitment, nothing. Even after they captured control of the reception at the Russian Embassy to celebrate the presidency, immediately or duped by the but especialli and not merel from the worker Minnesota CIO movement, and installed their the twentieth anniversary of the great October dered the national guard to be from native and heretofore un stooges, Smith and Mauseth, as spokesmen of it, socialist revolution.
they proved unable to crush Local 544. They did With her was the editor of the magazine, denounced the sit down as, ille against the inadequacy of simple ready to move into Akron, and politicalized workers thrown up Pucceed, however, in discrediting the great cio Mrs. Frances Parkinson Keyes.
gal, immoral, and revolutionary. trade unionism.
exploits in the In this question.
ex Workers of.
be of labor.