FranceGPUKidnappingSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismTerrorismTrotskyWorking Class

Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 16.
401 Saturday, November 27, 1937 Cents per Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL Labor Leader Slain In Minneapolis Coming Trials To Reveal Stalinists Seek Frame up Secret Plans of of Leaders of Local 544 Industrial Lay Offs Challenge To Labor By Leon Trotsky COYOACAN, D, Nov. 16. In France and in Switzerland sensational trials are imminent over the criminal activities of the upon the world arena. The in Minneapolis: Watch the Fingers of the Frame Up Artists!
quiry is apparently being conducted with energy. series of facts have already been See Editorial, Page conclusively established. One of the new facts is the painstaking preparation of an attempt upon the life of Leon MIXXEAPOLIS, Minn. The time before the killing of CorcoSedoff, my son living in Pamurder of Patrick Corcoran, ran, about information at his disna The Swiss woman, ReTrotsky Cable to Premier Chautemps Secretary Treasurer of the Min posal indicating that not only neapolis Teamsters Joint Council, Corcoran, but William Brown, nata Steiner, has made a NLT CHAUTEMPS PRESIDENT CABINET, PARIS. MO was prominently active in president of the General Drivers precise deposition on this IN AFFAIRS ASSASSINATION IGNACE REISs the organizing of the labor move inion, and the three. Dunne And STOLEN affair totally confirmed by MY ARCHIVES AND ment for years, has aroused the brothers. Vincent, Grant ANALOGOUS greatest tension that has exist. Miles organizers of the union, the evidence. As an agent CRIMES PERMIT ME TO INSIST ON NECESSITY) ed in the trade union movement were slated for killing: of the Renata Stein SUBMITTING TO INTERROGATION AT LEAST of the Northwest for a long time.
While the assassin or assassing er participated, as is known, AS WITNESS JACQUES DUCLOS VICE PRES The cold blooded assassination have not yet been apprehended, in the assassination of Ig IDENT CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OLD GPU of the union leader is all the more the police declared that they have significant in view of the annace Reiss near Lausanne. UAGENT.
nouncement made by Minneapolis Patrick Corcoran But during more than a TROTSKY Alderman Albert Bastis that year before this assassinathe had notified the police, some tion, Renata Steiner and a Russian White Guard accomplice, Smirensky, were occupied in shadowing Leon Sedoff: they prepared the stealing of my archives and attempted the kidnapping of Sedoff himself. Smirensky and Renata Steiner rented an apartment next door All indications in the national scene point to a wholesale offensive against the liv. to that of Sedoff (Rue La ing standards of the American workers, both in the industrial as well as in the cratelle 28) so that the res political field. The past week has witness ed a further sharp drop in employment tigpective balconies were only ures, organized threats on the part of the bosses against the incipient resistance of three feet apart from each the workers to this trend; ed from 90 per cent to 35 per Linked up with this strategy, other.
and a marked tendency on cent of capacity.
follows an onslaught on the gains On November of last year, the part of Congress and Lay offs are planned made by the trades unions in the Smirensky, together with other the Administration to act past period, the wholesale attack agents who will be named in Yet, as the editorial writers in on agreements fought for on the time, stole 143 pounds of my more openly than at any the capitalist press point out, picket lines, the abolition of seniarchives stored by Sedoff with time since the inception of there is sign of a crisis in ority rights and so on. That is the Institute of Social History. the New Deal. as the the banking system; interest why the bosses are especially The crime remained unsolved in direct agency of the capital lates remain low and no indica alarmed at the militancy of the police did not have the slight ists in their efforts to un elopment of the capital goods the rubber workers in Ohio, why est doubt that all threads led to load the burden of the on industries. At the same time, have begun to reply to the laye Moscow rushing depression upon la the financial pages overflow with off campaign with sit down notices of dividend payments. strikes.
already questioned two suspects.
Planned Assassination bor shoulders.
Why, then, the sharp drop in of Sedoff Meanwhile, the Teamsters Joint At the United States Confer employment totals? Spokesnien Mobilizing Against Council has offered a reward of ence of Mayors, held in Wash of the United States Chamber Militants 10, 000 for information leading In January of this year, the ington last week, it was estab of Commerce provide the precise terrorists tried to arrange lished that in numerous locali answer. If a recession is on the of the sharpness of the coming minal. The Council issued a state.
Politically, the first expression to the apprehension of the cri. trap for Leon Sedoff at Mul ties employment totals have way, the New York Times cor clash between capital and labor ment placing the responsibility house (Muehlhausen) analogous fallen off between 10 and 20 per respondent quotes them, the has been the mobilization of the for Corcoran murder upon antithe one they arranged for cent in the last few months thing to do is to retrench on the National Guard in Ohio and simi labor elements, and declared: hace Reiss in Lausanne. Under alone. In the highly industrial payroll as sharply as possible lar preparation in Michigan and ver of the name of my Swiss ized regions, the percentage is for the moment and get over in other sections, as a reply to Teamster Council Porney, who is occupied with If we with it. Times, November, 21, the spontaneous outburst of sitit over slanders made by the held to be even higher.
Statement However, the political intern, the conspirators re are to take steel as an example 1937. In other words, since the downs Pat Corcoran has led an unedly urged Leon Sedoff by of the trend, lay offs of a far the working class the shock ab expression of the attack is not compromising fight against Minraph and telephone to come wider scope are in prospect. Com sorber. Let the brunt be borne confined to such crass examples. neapolis employers and has un Dahlhausen for a conference. Ipared with the beginning of the by labor! There is the strategy or far greater consequence is questionably by his answerving fined as tare 8) year, stoel production has dropp of the bosses in a nutshell. Continued on page 2)
Here (Continued on muge 8)