BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMussoliniSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL November 20, 1937 Are You Ready for War?
in and Carlety; we must conduct a determinGlimpses Bill at Latin Column America Discussion on Imperialist War, Past and Present, on the Presidential Stalinized Cosmetics Peace Lovers and How They Prepare the Minds of the Masses in Political tyranny rules supreme Amid the mass of reports of Support of a New World Wide War for Plunder and Exploitation. in Central America. Trujillo in purges, arrests and shooting of: Santo Domingo, Vincent in Haiti presidents, vice presidents and (Continued from last issue)
cipant in the Chaco war; which is waging war minate with pitiless brutality the commissars, vice commissars and and Samoza in Nicaragua do premiers of Soviet republics, of.
now upon the Cuban people, thru the military oppressed, hunger ridden masses assistant commissars of industry, Capitalism Must Expand dictatorship of its man Batista; which has the of their respective countries, of managers, Assistant managers But the trade war cannot be settled by such whose hands are dripping with the blood of the tion. And, one must not forget, a relief to read of one enterprise!
biggest peace time budget in its history. France mercilessly quelling all opposi and foremen of factories, it is prove inadequate for one of the imperialist rivals. Moroccan war of 1925; which today under the that it is precisely in those coun. that is not cursed with Trotskyit cannot merely accept defeat and give up. Its on the Continent and is building beyond it; whose hegemony is unquestionable, and commissar that rates not a firing capitalist must expand and then expand again. democratic army is led by avowed fascists, whose no government could endure for squad but promotion. That ex them to reach out toward new lands the neces positions are not touched by the People Front. any length of time in those parts ception was not found in the steel, sity for new markets to dispose of the goods who run these governments, and how peace loving we just recall that President try that remained free from How peace loving are the capitalist politicians United States. And, by the way, No, the one outstanding induswithout the support of the coal, oil or machine industries.
which cannot be bought by the impoverished masses at home, the necessity for fresh fields for are the bankers who run these politicians. Roosevelt called the western he enemies of the people and true investing capital when the rate of profit falls The Real Line Up misphere a bulwark of democ in its entirety to the Man of lower and lower at home. Capitalism must find acy.
Steel was and is the Cosmetic new victims to feed upon as the old are sucked The fact is that democratic capitalism is no industry. And the outstanding Democratic government is not commissar that won well deserved.
root is leading divided up, that it must inevitably more pe cerdovinethan any other kinderf capitals the rule but rather an exception promotion was none other than collide with other imperialist robbers who likewise versus the fasciste hulp is not the the democracies throughout Latin America and, it the wife of Stalin right hana are prowling about outside of defending their led to the World War: the imperialist robbers that perialism dominates that the lotoff is to be congratulated on And so when tariffs and trade treaties and local on their bloodily gained loot, versus the imperial exist. Vargas in Brazil and Ba husbands.
have what they want and are willing to sit back most naked police dictatorships her choice of industries and of is made. And the last resort is to cannon, gas, of the world the Haves versus the Have Nots.
politics prove, useless a new change of weapons ist robbers that are dissatisfied with their share ţista in Cuba are just two excellen Lunatic tanks, airplanes, the guns pop and the bayonets The fascist nations are for the most part the dis tention, And in Peru, the despot. While George, who is substitutthat flesh. That is when you say war has begun, satisfied powers. Germany, defeated in the last general Benavides remains in poing for Wally boy friend as the But this thing you call war is not something world scramble for colonies; Japan, which came werin despite the fact that his puppet king of England, was cethat suddenly appears with no connections with late on the world scene, when the world had already main political component in the lebrating Armistice Day along the past, like the visitation of a plague. It is continuation of the imperialist politics of the past. been divided up: Italy, which thinks its share 1986, received about eighty per sent hunderds of thousands of the Versailles peace settlement does not measure cent of the popular vote.
In general, war is a continuation of the politics of up to its power. And it is precisely because these English boys to their death in Bernard Ross a nation with a change of weapons.
the World War, a man dashed This is the reality. Anything else used to cover spoils upon which capitalism lives that their innations have been frozen out of the imperialist out shouting: This is all hypoup this reality is a lie. Behind the screen of ternal contradictions and weaknesses led to fascB. WIDICK crisy. You are all preparing for peace time. war is raging always.
Former Research Director another war. He was sent to a ism, the last resort of a desperate capitalism seek United Rubber Worker psychopathic hospital, while those ing to preserve itselt. who cheered the butchers Who Is the Aggressor?
Should we support the successful robbers against Speaks on: their symbol king were allowed of Peace? to walk around as sane men.
And in all this, who is the aggressor? During the unsuccessful? Our answer is Nowe cannot line with the victorious imperialists against peace time. the imperialist nations prowl around Upper West Side Branch the defeated 919 9th Ave. Corner 58th St. Looking Backward each other, crouching like wrestlers who are looked struggle against both. The tiger with his belly FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19th ing for the most favorable opportunity to spring full is less dangerous at the moment than the 8:00 Admission Free In a 1923 issue of the Communist Jewish Daily Freiheit are upon their rival. The question of who attacksbut it would be exceedingly whom first is a matter of military expediency, unwise for the lamb to lie down with him.
found two pages of pictures of Chicago Celebrates Communist leaders, including the preparedness, diplomatic maneyvering, degree of The lines forming today do not find the democNovember 7th governmental heads of the Soviet imperialist drive; it does not decide our attitude.
Union. They were all there s0 The imperialist war began far back in economic racy arrayed against the dictatorships. The allies About 500 people attended the many of them today dead, victims.
rivalries, and both groups of imperialists are Rumania and Jugoslavia, semi fascist and militar spirited celebration of the Rus of Stalin firing squads, or in equally the aggressors.
ist dictatorships, and fascist Poland is especially ember 7th, at the Medical Arts was in the Cabinet, Commissar of aggressor? Capitalist imperialism SC Acta itself means a continual aggression. It is a concedits tinual attack upon the working masses at home, racies, which raise the banner Fight Fascism. Building The meeting was or National Minorities, but not liebe who are exploited and oppressed so that the are anxious to inveigle into their ranks even fascist ganized by the Chicago local of was he known, that the Freiheit money lords may raise themselves on their backs Italy. Indeed, some of the chief supporters of this the Left Wing Socialists and was named him Stalline reach Fearlehen eroute. vek in thcontinula treacherous policy, the Communist Parties, go showing of the greatsfilm. From An Announcement attack upon the working masses in the colonial further. For the sake of including Italy in the Tsar stemme Communist Party, ushers in uniform The 1938 edition of Earl Browby foreign imperialists, kept in dictatorial slavery has declared its willingness to give up the fight helped to make an efficient and der annual repudiation of his fodder against rival dictators, or shot down un upon Mussolini, to make a mutual assistance pact by the chairman, Lydie Beidel. lished early in January, under mercifully when they rise against their double with the Soviet Union, offering in exchange an Preceding the film, a speech was the title: People Front. Peryoke of foreign oppressor and native capitalist Italian People Front with the fascists, for the delivered by Albert Goldman Won sons close to Bros The working masses of both America and Japan, reconciliation of the fascists and anti fascists 20 Years of the Existence of masterpiece of old fashioned the Soviet Union. in which he horse feathers. Mr. Browder will plus the colonial peoples, are the attacked; the and the liquidation of the struggle between them. traced the development of the demonstrate the indivisibility of imperialists of both America and Japan are the will they remain democratic in war time? How october Revolution and its sube peace the infallibility This is the division between aggressors democratic were they in the last war? How much Stalin leadership. The tremend Stalin and the gullibility of his and defenders.
ous contrast of the Soviet Union followers, the 20th Century Understanding this, what is to be done? Inter more of democratic rights remained than exist in of today and twenty years ago Americans.
national collaboration not with one group of in open military dictatorships. perialists against the other but international or was made more visible by the ganization and action of the workers of all coun Democracy In War Time film, in bringing home the fact Governor Cure for that the entire leadership of the tries against the imperialists of all countries. And The sad truth is that no capitalist government revolution is today non existent, Depression in each country, the workers face their most im can afford to be democratic in war time. Already having been for the most part mediate aggressor, their own capitalists, the prepared for us is the Industrial Mobilization Plan executed by Stalin. do not hesitate to say that enemy at home. This is revolutionary socialism. of the American government, which provides for An excellent part of the meet to avert the threatening storm What a crime it is if, instead, the workers of the setting up of a virtual military dictatorship ing was the brisk sale of litera ahead it is my judgement and America join hands with their own exploiters over every aspect of our lives, civil as well as ture and the general keen inter the judgement of many of the slaughter the workers of Japan and help the im military, thru a special board of industrialists est in our movement displayed by best friends of the President that perialists keep their colonial slaves in chains! This with dictatorial powers. Strikes will be treason, the many newcomers. The meetThere is another bait for the peace lovers. The free speech win be sedition, the workers in the linge ended with cheers for the he must come Yorward with an fascist nations, we are told, want war; the dem ping out of line. France, the democratic Franceing of the International. carrying the courageous and efocracies want peace. We must defend our democ of the People Front, has its day plan too, in fective ring he has so often seed racy against the fascists, and thereby stop their the shape of the notorious Passive Defense Law, STALINISM in the past, but his message war plans. Therefore we must support war by which puts every man, woman, and child under and should contain the finest courage the line up of peace loving democratic nations the control of the military administration. The BOLSHEVISM versus fascists.
Nye committee of the Senate, which reported on filled with healing comfort and Well, how peace loving are the peace loving the American plan, concludes: The price of war by democracies. England, whose empire was built may be actual operating dictatorship, under military hope for the whole people. 10 Leon Governor Gardner, of North on the blood and slaughter of helpless natives; control in this country. Possibly, under certain which lives by keeping its colonies under an iron circumstances, that price will not be too high for TROTSKY Carolina. Any day now we ca heel of militarism; which did not stop at foment the people to desire to pay it. As if anyone will expect to see the veterans Pioneer Publishers ing war in the Gran Chaco to protect its imperial ask the people! And will the peace lovers who 100 Fifth Avenge on the street corners selling ist interests; which is feverishly building its miwant a war to make the world safe for democracy New York, ples. We planned it this wa litary establishment: America the other parti accept this price?
President Roosevelt.
were Who is is the in say it is of free from class consciousness and