AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyAndrés NinCominternCommunismDemocracyFranceGPUIV InternationalKidnappingMoscow TrialsSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

November 20, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL It Is High Time To Launch a World Offensive Against Stalinism An Open Letter to All Workers Organizations By Leon Trotsky The world social movement is mittee of the CPSU in which he No sooner did military activities its Shanghai correspondent is a less chain of crimes serving?
being consumed by a terrible di declared that the Fourth Inter begin in the Far East than Stalin agent who fulfills the And the answer is hammering its sease. The source of contagion is national consists two thirds of launched crushing offensive decisions of the April plenum. way into their minds: Stalin is the Comintern, or to put it more spies and diversionists. This against his revolutionary oppon Informed Chinese sources have preparing his coronation over correctly, the for whom brazen and truly Stalinist decla ents in China. The method is in the meantime ascertained the ruins of the revolution and the apparatus of the Comintern ration already indicated quite identical with that applied in that there was and is no Trots the corpses of revolutionists.
serves only as a legal cover. The clearly at what the Kremlin Cain Spain. Stalin sells to Chiang kyist organization in Kwangsi.
events of the last few months in was aiming. His designs are not Kai shek, as to Negrin, products (Socialist Appeal, October 16. Stalin must coincide with his The Bonapartist natid Spain have shown what crimes confined, however, to the frame of Soviet industry at high prices, But this does not alter the situa political death the unbridled and completely de work of the Fourth Internatoinal. and with the income thus obtain tion: The Shanghai cable signi class movement. It is necessary for the working generated Moscow bureaucracy In Spain the POUM, which was ed pays his falsifiers, journalistic fies that in China there has open to rally the efforts of all revoand its hirelings from among the itself in an irreconciliable con swindlers, and hired assassins. ed the chapter of framed docu lutionists, all honest workers, all declassed international scum are flict with the Fourth Interna on October 5, a cable dispatch ments, kidnappings of Trotsky true friends of the proletariat, to capable of. It is not a question tional, was enrolled among the from Shanghai appeared in the ites and murders from ambush. purge the ranks of the emancipaof incidental murders or inci Trotskyites. After the POUM new York Daily Worker, accusing The prisons of Chiang Kai shek tory movement from the horrible dental frame ups. In question is came the turn of anarcho syndi Chinese Trotskyites in Kwang have already in them not a few contagion of Stalinism. There is a conspiracy against the world calists and even left Socialists. si of an alliance with the Japan: impeccable revolutionists. Their only one way to attain this: By labor movement.
The Moscow trials could, of against the repression of anarch Worker is an organ of the lives are now being directly truth, without exaggerations, but course, have taken place only un ists are being enrolled among published in New York; threatened by Stalin.
also without any embellishment.
der a totalitarian regime, where the Trotskyites. The frame ups the dictates alike the and crimes are mounting at a The Amazing Testimony of a Canadian Communist The program of action thus flows conduct of defendants, the prose fearful rate. Isolated and especialwell nigh automatically from the Who Revolted situation itself.
cution, and the defense. But these ly scandalous details may, of judicial frame ups were from the course, be accounted for by ex The Canadian Communist, crimes, dozens of foreign bourgeWe must definitely establish outset designed as a starting point cessive zeal on the part of indi Henry Beattie, who participated ois journalists of the Walter and make public the names of all for a crushing offensive against vidual agents. But the activity as a volunteer for four months Duranty Louis Fisher school are the national delegates who partithe opponents of the Moscow as whole is rigidly centralized, on the Spanish front, and who kept on the payrolls of the cipated in the recent Paris pleclique on the world arena. On and is being conducted in accord was then sent back to his own It has long been no secret num, as the men directly resMarch Stalin delivered a speech ance with a plan elaborated by country as an agitator by the to those able to read between the ponsible for the organization of at a plenum of the Central Com the Kremlin.
militiamen themselves, has re lines that the amiable critical frame ups, kidnapping, and murcently recounted in the press how equivocal dispatches and articles ders in the respective countries.
An ECCI Plenum Served To Prepare The World he party of Canadian Stalinists from Moscow signed by indeWe must definitely establish Murder Campaign had compelled him to say at pendent names, often accom and make public the names of public meetings that Trotskyites panied with a notation uncensor all foreign Stalinists who either On April 21 an emergency ple. loath to prostrate themselves in in Spain shot wounded militia ed, are in reality written under held or are holding any kind of num of the ECCI convened in the mud which was soaked with nen. For a while, Beattie, accord the dictation of the and militaryi polide, or badmánistraParis, at which the most trusted fresh blood. But within a few ing to his own statement, ful have as their aim to reconcile tive posts in Spain. All these representatives of 17 most im months, the resistance of the filled this monstrous order, sub world public opinion with the individuals are agents of the portant sections participated. waverers was broken down. The mitting to party discipline, e. sinister figure of the Kremlin implicated in the crimes The sessions were strictly secret entire press of the Comintern. o the decision of that same secret Dain. Independent journalists committed in Spain, in character. The world press which Stalin keeps in a dog collar plenum directed by Stalin. Today, of this type differ from the! We must carefully follow the carried only a brief dispatch of gold, was drawn into an orgy after Beattie escaped from the Messers Duranty only in this, international Stalinist press, as mentioning the fact that the de of slander unprecedented in vile poisoned atmosphere of the Co that they come at a higher price well as the literary activity of liberations of the plenum were ness and cruelty. The guiding mintern into the clear air outside But the reporters are not the only the avowed and devoted to an international strug role was assigned, as it always he is of course branded as a spy nes mobilized. Writers with high friends of the inasmuch gle against Trotskyism. The is, to the emissaries of Moscow and a diversionist, and it is even sounding or famous names like as from the character of the instructions came from Moscow, like Michael Koltsov, Willie possible that there is a price on Romain Rolland, the deceased fumes they emit it is often posdirectly from Stalin. Neither the Muenzenberg and other scound his head. When it comes to such Barbusse, Malraux, Heinrich sible to forecast what new crimes discussion nor the decisions have rels. Pravda confidently promised understandings Stalin is Stalin is preparing.
not Mann or Feuchtwanger are in been published. As is evident that the purge in Spain would be effect pensioners of the It is necessary to institute in expenses from the information at our dis conducted with the same ruth stingy: the technical which pays liberally for the all labor organizations a regime posal, and from all the ensuing lessness as in the USSR. Its alone for the murder of Ignace moral services of these friends of rigid mistrust of everyone events, this mysterious plenum words were followed with deeds: Reiss amounted to 300, 000 francs! through the medium of the State directly or indirectly connected was in reality conference of framed documents against the To cover up or justify these Publishing House.
with the Stalinist apparatus. One the most important international POUM, assassinations of anarchmust always expect any kind of agents of the for the ist writers, the murder of An The Leaders of the Second International And Their perfidy on the part of the agents purpose of preparing a campaign dres Nin, the kidnapping of ErRelation to Stalin of the Comintern who are the of framed accusations, denuncia win Wolfe, the kidnapping of spineless tools of the tions, kidnappings and assassina. Mark Rein, dozens of less pro There is a somewhat different for itself into the consciousness We must tirelessly gather tions against the adversaries of minent stabbings in the back or but not greatly improved situa of the labor masses of the world. printed material, documents, Stalinism in the labor movement murders from ambush, incarcera tion with regard the leaders Drunk with impunity, Stalin has testimonials of witnesses conthe world over.
tions in Stalin extra territorial of the Second and Labor Interna groesly over stepped that nd cerning the criminal work of the At the time of the Zinoviev prisons in Spain, confinement in tional. Out of considerations of ary which caution dictates even agents of the Comintern.
Kamenev trial (August 1936) these prisons in special cells, diplomatic or internal political to the most privileged criminal. We must periodically publish in there was still some wavering in beating and infliction of all sorts character Leon Blum, Leon Jou It is possible to dupe so brazenly the press rigorously substantiated the ranks of the Comintern. Des of physical and moral torture haux, Vandervelde and their com only those who want to be duped. conclusions drawn from these of the like Jacques Du all this under the cover of con peers in other countries have or Not a few of the dubious lumi materials.
It is necessary to open the clos in France, even the inured tinuous, crude, poisonous and term, a conspiracy of silence But the masses do not want to eyes of public opinion to the fact cadres of the Corintern were truly Stalinist slander.
around the crimes of the Stalinist be deceived. They need the truth. that the honeyed and lying probureaucracy both in the USSR They are striving for it, and they paganda of many philosophers, The Works On a World Scale With Anyone and on the world arena. Negrin will attain it.
moralists, aesthetes, artists, paciWho Will Serve and Prieto are direct accomplices No longer bound by any prin fists and labor leaders in deof the All this they do ciples, Stalin has over stepped fense of the Kremlin, under the In Spain, where the so called some information to the French under the guise of defending the final boundary. Precisely guise of defense of the Soviet Republican Government serves police. On September 4, in Lau democracy!
therein is weakness. He is still Union is paid for liberally in as a legal shield for Stalin cri sanne, Ignace Reiss was murder We know that the enemy is able to kill. But he cannot halt Moscow gold. These gentlemen minal gangs, the founded, only because, horrified at the powerful; he has a long reach; the truth. More and more work must be covered with the infamy the most favorable arena for crimes of Stalin, he had publicly gold clinks in his pockets. He er communists, socialists and they so richly have earned.
fulfilling directives of the broken with Moscow. Some of covers himself with the authority anarchists are being seized by Never before has the labor April plenum. But matters were Reiss assassins have been ar of the revolution which he is alarm. Even Stalin allies in the movement had in its own ranks not confined to Spain alone. The rested.
strangling and dishonoring. But Second International are begin so vicious, dangerous, powerful French and British military They are members of the Comin we also know something else: ning to cast fearful glances at and unscrupulous an enemy as staffs, as appears from the press tern and agents of the however powerful the enemy may, the Kremlin.
Many literary Stalin clique and its internaof the Comintern itself, were recruited from among Russian be, he is not omnipotent. Despite friends have already cautiously tional agentry. Remissness in the supplied with some sort of mys White Guards. The investigation the Kremlin treasury and ap withdrawn to the sidelines under struggle against this enemy is terious documents pertaining to of the French and Swiss court paratus and legion of friends, the pretext of neutrality.
But tantamount to betrayal. Only Trotsky meeting with Rudolf authorities provides every ground truth is beginning to cut a path this is only the beginning.
windbags and dilettantes but not Hess. The Czech military staff for the assumption that this very serious revolutionists can confine Las handed forged correspon gang had committed a whole se The Truth Will Out: We Must Organize To themselves to pathetic outbursts ce intended to establish a con ries of hitherto unrevealed crimes.
Make It Known of indignation. It is necessary to tion between the Gestapo and White Guards serve Stalinas have a plan and an organization.
old German Revolutionist, assassins, just as they serve him Ignace Reiss was not the last lunteers in Spain will spread It is urgent create Inton Grylewicz. Jacques Duclos in the guise of prosecutors to bring us his revelations. The throughout the globe the truth commissions which would follow Sled to link up the Troskyites (Vyshinsky. publicist (M. Kolt murderers of Reiss apprehended about the hang man of the re the maneuvers, intrigues and With mysterious terrorist acts in sov, Zaslavsky etc. or diplomats in Switzerland and France, may volution. Thinking workers are crimes of the Stalinists, warn the Terticoncerning which the GPU (Troyanovsky, Maisky, and the disclose a good many things. asking themselves: To what end labor organizations of danger in doubtless have supplied rest of the fraternity. Thousands of revolutionary vo is all this? What aim is this end. Continued on page 7)