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SOCIALIST APPEAL November 20, 1937 The Stalinist International in Action!
Vargas Coup Entrenches Hold of Imperialism GPU 705EU When considering semi colonial Oliviera undoubtedly would be Latin Americas a clear under swept into office. The desire of standing of politics is inconcei the Vargas feudal clique for selfvable unless it is analysed in the preservation and with it, the light of imperialist machina exigencies of American imperialtions. This is all the more true ist domination determined the of the most backward of all the action of Vargas.
South American countries, Brazil, The Daily Worker striving to whose colonial nature can hardly prove to the American bourgeoisie be overlooked. Reposing upon a the virtues of Russo American feudal economy, with coffee as accord, warned Wall Street ediits economic foundation, virtually torially on November 12 that the entire industrial life of the Dictator Vargas in Rio de Janenation is monopolized between rio has taken his orders directly American and British imperial from Hitler, Mussolini and the ism.
Konoye cabinet in Tokyo. We The contradictions between by no means wish to ignore the these two imperialisms have been role of Germany in Brazilian the main dynamic force behind politics. German imperialism, Brazilian political happenings of almost asphyxiated as a result the last decade. The two impe of Versailles, has been turning rialist camps struggling for the frantically, during the last few upper hand have organized poli years, toward Latin America as tical cliques and parties. During a source for war materials and this time, the pliant tool of Ame as an outlet for her industrial rican Dollar Diplomacy has been commodities, and has succeeded in and still is Don Getulio Vargas. obtaining mining concessions in In 1930 he was nominated as some South American nations.
presidential candidate by the feudal landlords of Rio Grande sidies on exports, By means of government subGermany in De Sul, Minas Geraes and Para 1936 led the in exports to hyba in connivance with Wall Brazil. The Integralist party Street which controls the rail overtly expresses its friendship roads, banks and electrical indus for Nazi Germany. The large, in.
tries of those states. His op fluential German population of thoroughly subdue these masses and to stifle their querque of Sao Paulo, the hope its sympathies. However, at the ponent was Julio de Albur Brazil is overwhelmingly Nazi in SOCIALIST APPEAL social and political aspirations, the totalitarian of the British Lion which domi present time, German economic regime of Vargas will prove more feeble than nates the economic life of that and political influence isn of Vol. No. 15. Saturday, Nov. 20, 1937 any other regime in the countries of Latin Ame state. With the government of great significance and the InPublished every week by the rica. The sub fascism of Vargas cannot act as President Washington Luis favor. tegralist party is still far from SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS anything but a docile instrument for the genuine ing the candidacy of de Albur being a decisive force in BraziPublished at 116 University Place, imperialist fascism which created it. In other querque, Vargas and his Yankee lian political relationships and Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for words, the totalitarian coup etat is not a step masters, demagogically flirting struggles.
months. Foreign: 50 per year, Bundle order along the road from a semi colonial position to with the masses, carried through ward national liberation, but on the contrary, a a successful coup etat against The fact that Vargas has given cents per copy. Single copies cents.
free latitude the Integral step back from the semi colonial position toward Luis.
All checks and money orders should be made ists in their activities does not out to the Socialist Appeal.
complete colonial enslavement.
Vargas Past Record prove that he is an agent of GerFor the Latin American prol proletariat, as for the many, but stresses the point, Entered as second class matter Septemberk; working masses in general, e facing thith contempt seven years and has consistently he rests to some extent uport that Vargas has been in office for that lacking any social support, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
the diplomatic lie of non intervention. Getulio shown himself to be a loyal fascist rabble in his efforts to Vargas is preparing for the most starved and the lackey of his Yankee overlords. perpetuate his rule.
To The Aid of the Brazilian People most aggressive imperialism a base from which it In fact, it has been one of the As for Japan, we can add, that with will be able to intervene in the internal life of all most friendly periods in the hisLatin America has penetration of German and Italian fascist im a question of defending themselves with the power. Vargas servility, Brazil, grown by With the evident objective of facilitating the Latin America. For the workers it becomes then tory of Brazilian American rela. Although Japanese trade tions.
As a crowning point of leaps and bounds during the last perialism international solidarity. The duty of Buenos Aires conference, openly few years, cofily the most inaive acquired by North American capitalism, this solidamerica.
Brazil on the night of November ninth officially of Latin falls primarily upon the workers and unmistakingly aligned itself political observer could maintain totalitarian with Washington in the latter that Japan exercises at the preThe Brazilian proletariat who number almost efforts to attain economic hege. The same can be said for supPresident Getulio sent time, influence on Brazil.
Vargas disclaims having made fascist coup 11, 000, 000 workers in industry and agriculture mony of the Western Hemisposed Italian influence. The etat. He has more reason for his denial than have many times demonstrated their magnificent phere.
he himself thinks. The regime has introduced combattive qualities. The totalitarian regime will Washington dispatch to the Daily Worker, trying to place the Vargas is not fascism, but its colonial parody.
Fascism is the product of contradictions inso duration. This Brazilian dictatorship, the last to 12, obviously after the reporter Tokyo axis and furthermore, by be a severe school for them, but no one of long New York Times of November responsibility for the coup upon the Rome Berlinluble to imperialism, that is to say, capitalism appear, will very likely be the first to fall.
had consulted State Department maintaining in that same editorIn its final stage. The real beneficiary of fascism In order to preserve Latin America from the the records of the men in power rican policy is for peace and is finance capital. The instrument of fascism is colonial slavery which menaces it more and more in Brazil, would indicate that as Democracy shamelessly attempts the petty bourgeoisie of the town and country, it is necessary to unite it. It is not the national long as they remain in office any to dissimulate the fact that Var.
ruined by finance capital, desperate, and falling bourgeoisies, these agencies of foreign imperial: move being sponsored contrary mas is the product of American into the trap of its exploiter.
ism, who will assure the success of this task. It to the interests of the is imperialist manipulations.
Brazil, like all the Latin American countries, is only the working masses who are capable of of inconceivable.
itself possesses no finance capital, or almost none. creating by their indomitable revolutionary Has Brazil turned fascist: How explain the action of Var. sober political analysis It is foreign imperialism which dominates the struggle the United Socialist States of Latin gas? Basically economic life of the country and dictates its laws. America.
reasons for Workers of Mexico! Workers of Latin America! Brazilian president. The in today in that country is just The coup etat can only serve therefore to enlatest step of the bring an observer to the conclusion that what presents itself slave the country more thoroughly to foreign workers of the entire world! We must tighten ternal economic and political si another form true, more naked capital.
Contrary to Europe, the petty bourgeoisie of the the real meaning of the Brazilian coup etat. We Sharpening of imperialist con ship so common throughout Iberocities have never played an important economic must help the Brazilian advance guard, materially tradictions.
American history. The tyrant role in Latin America. The peasant masses are and morally. We must assure the right of asylum The seven years dictatorship Gomez ruled Venezuela for 25 not yet free from a semi feudal servitude. They for Brazilian political refugees. We must help which has brought Brazil to the years have no tradition of political struggle. They are them in the creation of a genuine nucleus for the brink of economic disaster, re than Vargas will rule under the so called future revolution.
ducing millions of hunger ridden new constitution. fascist move. green shirts represent a negligible quantity and masses to barbaric levels of ex ment is an upsurge of discontentThe van guard of workers it appears that Getulio Vargas has not even found their vibrant appeal for the solidarity kere wond listence, and which has pitilessly ed petty bourgeois masses and Because of of the political misery of the petty of the United States which is called by history Brazilian people, finds itself to Vargas hasn any mass base at labor and above all of the powerful working class imperialist manifestation of the the interests of finance capital.
bourgeoisie, it was state apparatus and pri to become the leader of the oppressed people of day devoid of any social support all, having long since alienated marily the military apparatus, that is to say, the instrument of foreign imperialism, which became this continent.
whatsoever with new mass ex the sympathies of virtually the at the same time the instrument of the Vargas had entire Brazilian nation. The new coup Down with world fascism and its miserable lieu plosions imminent. etat.
to reconsol tyrant rests upon the precarious Hence the totalitarian regime of Brazil has had tenants in Latin Americal precarious rule.
since its origin a purely bureaucratic character.
Down with foreign imperialism and its national support of an army which will Secondly, a fair election being inevitably reflect the social antaIt is more like the dictatorship of a Primo de Rivera agents!
held, with the hatred and disgust gonism which the very logic of than that of a Hitler or of a Mussolini. Deprived Long live international socialism!
of the masses directed against his politics will not mitigate but of any social and political base in the masses of Liga Comunista Internationalists (B. Vargas, British imperialism only intensify.
the country, established only in order to more Seccion Mexicana de la IV International. candidate, Armando de Salles Bernard Ross.
became a state.
would molle