AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyExtremistGuerrillaImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

November 20, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL ChiangkaiShek WillNot India Striking Masses Are Release Peasant Masses Colliding With Own Bosses For War Against Japan the BOMBAY, India. In the past the strike. They permit the mill seven months, since the advent owners unanswered to designate of the Popular governments in the strikers as extremists who various Indian states, widespread foment class warfare. As in all labor troubles and strikes have democratic countries, so in Indeveloped in one province after dia, the boss class weeps oven By Li Fu jen another. It began in Bengal with the poor working folks. Really, Chiang Kai shek has from the beginning prosecuted the war inadequately and a strike of the jute workers. This they tell the workers, you must half heartedly, all the while hoping to be able to make a more or less favorable deal was brutally crushed by the ac have unions, let us build them tion of the ministry. dispute for you. The minister of Labor with the Japanese imperialist moloch with the aid of British and American imperial then arose the cotton industry in Bengal recently said: ism. Direct evidence of this attitude, and the treacherous role of the Stalinists, is which threatened to involve the It has been suggested that now at hand in the shape of a factual editorial which appeared in the Shanghai entire population in the United my policy of encouraging and Evening Post Mercury for October 18, 1937: deal, giving recognition to unions is working for a peaceful settle merely a subterfuge to combat From foreign observers, ment, handed the matter to a active strikers. The question of says the Peat, who have been rather to isolated units and to Far East, and has its own reasons liberal Congress member for subterfuge does not arise. do in this area (North China) we the mass of the soldiery than for desiting a stronger struggle arbitration. The strike has not not consider the agitators and learn that the one time Red to any coordinated planning or against Japan.
yet been settled. In the meantime trouble makers who are always Army, now known as the 8th spirit of get together on the Is it any wonder that, as these 3000 cotton workers from the ready to strike, to be representRoute Army, has had a peculiar part of high command. lines are written, Japan war Cawnpore Mills have joined the ing the trade unions at all. Hittime of it. Various apparently successful operations have not struggle against Japanese impe all its objectives, sweeping aside 7000 It thus emerges that China machine is pounding forward to strikers, bringing the total to herto, these people were nothing else but a conglomeration of been reported to the general rialism is being actively sabotag China defense both in North In Bombay, where these lines chronical soreheads, who are alpublic, or have been reporteded by Chiang Kai shek. By order China and at Shanghai? The are being written, a procession of ways willing to fight their emwithout identification of unit or of the Nanking government, the legions of Japanese imperialism workers of the plum Mills last ployers on the basis of class warking still feels indisposed to do from conducting guerilla warfare paratively frail military defenses held later and militant speakers union, in order to be genuine and leaders, evidently because Nan former Red Army is prohibited are being met only by such com night was dispersed by the police. fare and disseminating class To my mind, a trade anything which might contri against bute glory to its one time foes. Nanking forbids the arming of pitulatory in mood and treacher condemned the police interven responsible must first accept the What is more to the point, the peasantry although this could ous in action, has been able to tion. Because of the great unrest, principle of collaboration with by Government order the former be done on a scale never before strew their path.
masses the Provisional Committee has the employer and cooperate with out their most cherished plan Red Army to an area west of held immobilized by the govern Inquiry, Reds have been unable to carry attempted. It confines the former are herded in the background and appointed a Commission of Wage him on the basis of adjustment of rights. Also it must have a the organization of a large Taiyuanfu, well away from the ment military dictatorship. Not In Madras there have been leadership capable of influencing mass of armed peasants for scenes of military operations.
guerilla warfare which And why? Because Nanking is ed either by the Nanking govern mills.
a single appeal has been address strikes in at least three of the the membership.
The Madras government These sentiments will Japanese might find extremely still suspicious of the 8th Route ment or its Communist serthe Bengal Minister are doubtedly provide for thought to undistressing. That the ex Com Army and all its works. Sus vitors to the Japanese soldiers spending considerable time trying those Indian workers who have munists have their feet firmly picious, be it noted, in spite of planted mass movement is the craven capitulation and sur the interests of their own ex thing is alright, and at the same brand of political theory, providwho are being forced to fight in to assure the workers that every hitherto had the notion that any undenied, eem that render of the Stalinists! But the ploiters. Chiang Kai shek could time protecting the interests of ed it professes to espouse the they might be highly success suspicion, in this case, is merely hardly make such appeals, for he Indian and British capitalism. cause of the working class, is ful in reviving the technique a reflection of Nanking very has no program which would Adopting the deceitful language of 1926 27 days which in large real fear of any movement of the strike any sympathetic chord in that the more experienced West. really fighting for its interests.
It is already evident that in these measure was employed against armed masses. Nanking and its the mind of the downtrodden ern bourgeois governments have struggles there is arising from the Government in subsequent bourgeois constituency fear and Japanese soldiers. And if he did used for years to fool the work the ranks a fighting new leader With active collaboration of than they do Japanese imperial ese soldiers would pay any atten nance of industrial peace at class collaboration line of the old Nanking, and Government sup ism. Nor are they at all confident tion to it? Chiang is known to any cost. and declare that in, union leaders. This new leaderply of arms to the masses, such of the ability of the Stålinists to the Japanese workers and pea ternal settlement of industrial ship will have a great task to a thing could be done on a scale keep the masses in check, despite sants as the executioner of the disputes is preferable to an ex perform. They have not only to before attempted. The Moscow assurances.
Chinese proletariat.
ternal settlement. The trade lead the oppressed Indian masses efficiency of such Who exposes the deadly treachwould be unquestioned, for an ery of Chiang Kai shek and the union leaders, many of them or in their daily struggle against And the Stalinists? They, as ginating in the Stalinist Red their masters but they must give armed peasantry is the most Kuomintang government at Nan engage in any more revolution lined up with the interests of the political guidance that will we know, have promised not to Flag Union, are almost solidly to their less informed comrades unpleasant enemy any foe can king. The Stalinists. By no ary propaganda. Yet only a re British pd Indian boss capital. show the necessity of linking encounter over a wide area. means! They have kept as silent volutionary appeal would reach the trade union bureaucrats have their fight with that of the westJapan tactics are rigid, they as the grave. Their mouths are the minds and hearts of the disapproved many of the actions call for the employment of con sealed by the pact which Moscow Japanese soldiers. Any other of the cotton workers, both in ern working masses. Only then ventional counter tactics, and has made with Chiang Kai shek. would ring with an an opponent living on the soil, In refusing to permit the arming hollowness.
inevitable striking and in the conduct of will the Indian masses be free.
knowing its every character of the peasants for guerrilla waristicChiang is holding Moscow Upon the Chinese Bolshevikwhich would confuse and baffle revolutionary initiative by the for building a new revolutionary Japanese mechanized and masses. That is why the Daily party, which alone can lead the Successful Meets in Chicago mechanized minded armies. Worker can print only nauseating struggle to victory. The first step Many observers have said, in prattle about united China, in this direction is strive to idence of the masses.
CHICAGO. Two successful class and the subsequent destrucfact, that the launching of which simply means Stalinist including Chiang Kai shek sol meetings were held in Chicago tion of these organs by China wide the was China one sure answer revelation of Chiang sabotage diers, by tireless practical work for Harry Milton, member of the bourgeois people front governto Japanese aggression, and of the struggle is left to a paper in the present struggle, and by International Brigade of the ment and its most active force, there is a great deal of merit like the Shanghai Evening Posta consistent exposure of the POUM militia, who recently re the Stalinists. He recounted the turned from Spain.
to this view, beyond doubt. Mercury, which is an organ treachery of the Kuomintang and May Day struggles in Barcelona. But Nanking is suspicious of American imperialism in the the Stalinists.
On the afternoon of November the persecution of Anarchists and 2, Milton spoke to over 100 stu Poumists, and the arrests and of the 8th Route Army and all dents at the University of Chi assassinations of hundreds of its works, apparently. Orders have confined the ex Reds to Non Sectarian Zamite cago. He was accompanied by leading militants and revolutionoperations exclusively west of Henry Beatty, a former member aries from the ranks of the workTaiyuanfu, the Shansi capital, of the Lincoln Battalion, recently ing class. Most important of all, and certainly the operations Attention Left Wing Social ment are the members of the resigned from the Canadian Com Milton pointed out how great wag conducted by others east of ists. statement appeared in Reading section of the Social munist Party and Young Com the possibility of establishing the Taiyuanfu have not been crown the Reading Eagle of last even Democratic Federation. By Left munist League because of his op workers state in Barcelona and ed with signal success. The ing which implied that am Wing Gross meant the Thomas position the traitorous line the great support it would have Japanese and foreign observers supporting the Right Wing So Tyler outfit. This Gross who talks pursued by the Stalinists Spain. had throughout Catalonia and the seem agreed that lack of effect cialists. This is false. am ac 50 freely about Left Wing The meeting was attacked by rest of Spain.
ive leadership and central con tively supporting the candidates Socialists while endorsing Dem the YCL group on the campus and Beatty gave an account of his trol largely nullified the fight of the workers party, the Democrats, was dug out of bed on its affiliate, the American Student recall from Spain, following his ing spirit of the men. No ge ocratic Party. The statemen October by the Clarity mem Union. They distributed leaflets disabling wounds at the fronte neral plan appears to have been above referred to is false and bers of the State Executive Com denouncing Milton as an agent for the purpose of propaganda followed, and in some instances probably inserted in the paper mittee in an attempt to get a of the POUM, which in turn was in the interests of the Negrin the erratic back and forth move by those who wish to mislead the majority for the expulsion of the an agency of Franco. Despite government and the Stalinist ments have involved the aban voters as to the stand have Appeal members of the SEC. On these attempts at sabotaging the course. He related how his speech donment of carefully prepared taken, as a desperate last mi that occasion he voted faithfully meeting, it was extremely suecess was prepared for him by the defenses without a struggle nute, futile attempt to rescue against the real left wing and ful and had a good effect upon Political Committee of the Canaa situation only one step short the Right Wing Socialists from with the Clarity leader, Mickey the audience made up of students dian Communist Party and his of the Jehol debacle when defeat. Signed) Harry Gross. Harris, District Disorganizer of In the evening, Milton and subsequent refusal to carry out mountain defenses were never The above advertisement ap the on all questions. It is Beatty addressed a public meet the line imposed upon him by the given even a preliminary test. peared in the Reading Times, now reported that Herbie Zam is ing of 175 200 people, called by bureaucrats of the Party. Few compliments can be November Its author is a being sent in to straighten out the left wing organization of the Following a period of questions paid what has been done north member of the Penn. State Ex Reading. Zam success in Socialist Party. At this spirited and discussions, both ended their of the Yellow River thus far. ecutive Committee of the Social. straightening out Altman and meeting, Milton traced the deve remarks with a ringing call for 4th International. The meeton a basis of reports. Such ist Party. The Right Wing Social. Thomas eminently qualifies him the rise of the independent or ling closed with the singing of compliments as are in order goists referred to in the advertise for the job.
gans of power of the working the International.
never maneuvers to grasp would be an opponent to its chgeretemente el suppose am Leirister rests the responsibility Milton and Beatty Speak At