BolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxismMoscow TrialsPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL November 20, 1937 British Labor Party Prepares for War Shachtman Gives Marxist War Line at CCNY DespiteC. Disruption Move We reprint here the analysis manner at the first theats from mongers said: the Labour Party are in the arts of betrayal, real. mised faithfully to conduct no made of the Bournemouth Confe that quarter. In the name of the must withhold its support untilized that the position their more united front activities. And rence of the British Labour Par Unity Campaign was destroyed the Government has promised to capitalist masters is so grave that John Strachey informs us through ty, held recently, appearing in the Socialist League, the only apply this more effective for even a campaign of pseudo left the columns of the Daily Work the current issue of the Militant. organized left wing body in the eign policy. There is no differ demagogy might create a danger er that the next effect of the the organ of the Militant Group Labour Party. When the cam ence of principle here it is ous situation. Such a campaign Bournemouth Conference has in the Labor Party, an associa paign was initiated last January, merely a question of the best was waged in France and Spain been to put rejoicing and high tion of revolutionary workers the Militant characterized it as tactics to be employed to sell the and resulted in the return of spirits into the members of the who are working for the princi an insidious attempt to canalize workers to capitalism. Popular Front Governments, but labor movement throughout the ples of revolutionary Marxism the growing left wing sentiment Not one of these ferocious the workers took advantage of country. We might add that among the ranks of the party in among the workers behind a létts got up and stated that the situation to demand an im the rejoicing and high spirita England. The analysis is all the policy of Popular Front alliance under no circumstances could the mediate betterment of their con are not confined to the labor more timely because of the in with capitalism. and claimed workers identify themselves with ditions and thus created revolu movement, but are shared by the torrent aroused in this country by that the division between the re the war plans and predatory aims tionary conditions. The Radical, leaders of the National Govern the shameful pro armaments formists and the unity bloc were of their class enemies: not one of Socialist and Communist Party ment and the entire capitalist position taken by the social pa not ones of policy but het Timme: them had the guts or the honesty awayze most of the gains the triotic majority of the confer(Note: Transport House is the ence, lining up the official British diate Program with its striking of the working class is its own workers won during these peri headquarters of the Labor Par.
labor movement in advance for similarities the defense of British imperial pects to the policy of the Bloc capitalist class and that the only ods, but only with the utmost ty)
that interests in the coming war. confirmed our analysis. If fur the class war to overthrow im no desire to embarrass the war war the workers should wage is difficulty. Transport House has Ed.
ther confirmation was needed, it perialism.
plans of the National GovernThe proceedings of the Bourne was to be found in the surrender ment by helping to create a simouth Conference of the Labor to Transport House at the first The Battle of Words milar situation in this country.
Party are a severe blow for the threat of disciplinary action and Felix Morrow, author of The Civil War in Spain and working class. On every major in the conduct of the leaders of Small wonder that the Daily Jamie, large majorities were re the Bloc at the Bournemouth mouth concealed unity of pur Cripps and Laski to the new NaThe battle of words at Bourne Herald can greet the election of of a forthcoming book on the Spanish revolution, will speak capded for the Reformist Lead Conference.
on What Next in Spain, on Eiphip policy of surrender to The debate on the Labour Par pose between Attlee and Pollitt, tional Executive with equanimiFriday, November 19, at capitalism. In view of the bu y decision not to oppose the arms Morrison and Cripps. That purty. These bold leaders, with the at 159 Rivingston St.
ramacratic control of the trade estimates wore an air of unreali pose is to mobilize the workers rapturous applause of the ComThe place of meeting is the unions, that was to be expected, ty. Neither the reformists nor behind the war plans of the class munist Party, have already pronew spacious headquarters of but the most distressing feature the Unity mongers were op enemy, behind the defense of claimed their loyalty to Transthe Lower East Side Branch.
of the conference was the absence posed to giving arms to capital British imperialism. The right port House, and through that, of any real opposition. ism. It was merely a question of wing leaders, experienced as they to British imperialism, and proDuring the past nine months the conditions which the Labour We have been treated to many Party should endeavor to impose performances of the Unity upon the National Gevrnment as Bloc circus using violent left the price for its support. The wing phrases, Pollitt, Cripps and right wing said: the Labour ParMellor have flung down the ty must support the armaments gauntlet over and over again to race or it will be impossible for Transport House, only to capi it to demand a more effective tulate in the most shameful foreign policy. The Unity By Donald Bergner gave the full jingoistic, Stalin pacifist, semi Socialist position.
ist line. Despite these pro war The last speaker, comrade ShachtDespite continued attempts on speeches the anti war Oxford man, contrasted the revolutionthe part of the Young Communist Pledge was passed at the end of ary Socialist position with the SELECT LIST OF PIONEER PUBLICATIONS League to prevent him from be this first meeting by 350 to 200. pro war position of the Stalia ing invited, Max Shachtman, editor of the Socialist Appeal gan only the Stalinists When the second meeting be ists. Even the Stalinist controltheir led school paper was forced to LEON TROTSKY spoke to more than three hun. sympathizers left. Laidler, who take notice of his vigorous at.
dred students at the College of was forced by the Charityites, tack upon social patriotism and THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL the City of New York at their under pressure, to speak with imperialism. The Stalinists canArmistice Day celebration last Shachtman and not with AFTER LENIN Stal not prevent the revolutionary Friday.
inists, gave his regular semi. position from being heard!
408 pages 50 The Young Stalinists had carTHE STALIN SCHOOL ried on a desperate campaign to prevent Shachtman from speakOF FALSIFICATION ing, but were defeated by a strong 50 united front of YPSL, Clarityites, Lovestoneites, LaborWHITHER FRANCE?
Zionists, and unaffiliated pro The Appeal is the name of our fencial help, but so many old Cloth 75 Paper 500 gressives. The Student Council paper. You read it, you criticise debts had to be paid first.
LESSONS OF OCTOBER had called a conferenee of school it, you agree with it entirely or Enclosed find 00 money 128 pages Cloth 75c Paper 500 clubs to organize the Armistice partially. Regardless of what order. This money is to be used Day Demonstration.
your attitude toward it may be for a double subscription order, When JAMES Progressive United we feel sure that YOU DON for 12 months. Please send us Front defeated the YCL attempt WANT IT TO CEASE PUBLI two copies of each issue for a WORLD REVOLUTION 1917 1936 to capture the Conference, and CATION.
year. We plan to distribute one the Arrangements Committee 50 You read this column every to interested parties, and file the elected by the Conference invited week (we hope) and by this time other away for record and refeShachtman as one of the speak you know that Appeal means rence.
VICTOR SERGE ers, the Stalinists pushed a mo something else here. This column Speaking for myself, feel that FROM LENIN TO STALIN tion through the Student Council has been nothing more than an my real socialist training began to disregard the Conference Com appeal. Some day in the near only with the publishing of the 02 mittee, and got a new Commit future we hope that this space original Socialist Appeal, by tee appointed, made up of one can be utilized for something Goldman, over a year and a half MAX SHACHTMAN Stalinist, a Stalinist sympathizer other than emergency appeals ago. Despite this fact, joined and three school politicians. but this depends upon you. Get the Socialist Party in May of BEHIND THE MOSCOW TRIALS Even this new committee was subs and contributions so that 1932.
Cloth 75c Paper 22 forced to give in to left wing the financial headaches can be We like the Socialist Apped pressure, and invited Shachtman transformed into a healthy ex tremendously. Certainly, keep it PAMPHLETS again; then, under renewed Stal pansion program. Do your part going. We are convinced the inist pressure, reneged and now and we ll do the rest. Bolshevik way is the correct LEON TROTSKY adopted list of speakers who Following is another letter road to working class triumph. Delane of the Soviet Union 10c would present the Stalin Roose from an Appeal enthusiast: Yours for a Soviet rule, velt pro war line. Finally, after Dear Comrades: The Suppressed Testament of Lenin 10c the Progressives had threatened a Almost with the first issue, my More of these letters! More Counter Demonstration, the Stu wife and wanted to send you subs! More Contributions!
JAMES BURNHAM dent Council decided let The People Front 15 Shachtman speak. The Stalinists then said that, with the excepSocialist Appeal FRIEDRICH ADLER tion of Harry Laidler (whom they 116 University Place Date The Witchcraft Trial in Moscow the invited for Socialist window New York City dressing. the other speakers WHY DID THEY CONFESS. Mike Quil of the Transport enclose.
for which please send me the study of the Radt Platakov Trial 16 Werkers, a Stalinist, and the rep Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months resentatives of the Chinese and. 00. WAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Spanish Consulates) would not enclose.
es the International Communist Lang speak on the same program with as my contribution toward 144 Shachtman. This was solved by building the Socialist Appeal.
having technically, to meetings, PIONEER: PUBLISHERS one following the other in the Name same place, with the Council 100 Ft A, New York, N, President as Chularm of the Address second.
SEND POR BOOKLIST The two consular representaCity 4tives and Quit spoke first, and More Subs!
368 pages 160 pages 440 pages 116 pages 142 pages to