AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyVictor SergeWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL November 13, 1937 Are You Ready for War. New Int Bill To Appear Column In Weeks on the own place.
for Discussion on Imperialist War, Past and Present, on the Presidential Freedom and Rome Peace Lovers and How They Prepare the Minds of the Masses in The first issue of the revived Support of a New World Wide War for Plunder and Exploitation.
The Roman Catholic Church publication of the New International, a monthly organ of revo dominates Montreal. Recently the bar lutionary Marxism, is already Communist meetings has You want peace. So do one hundred out of But the jiu jitsu trick is possible only when the being prepared for the press been extended to include meetings practically any hundred people you might stop on rash attacker is ignorant of the principles behind According to the business mana Lof the unemployed. Said Cardinal the street. So do we.
it. It is the lack of understanding behind his ger, it will be ready for the mails Richelieu, congratulate the religious and municipal authorYou remember the horrors of the last war, if attack that leads to his self defeat. So with mo in less than two weeks.
not through personal experience, then through dern war propaganda; the peace movement can Among the material of interest Cities who have opposed the Monta, movies, books, pictures, acquaintances. Thousands only be self defeating as long as it lacks under that will appear in the first is real meeting and the people who sue the editors announce the have denounced them Paganof well intentioned people have pledged Never standing.
following: ism has many offers, among them again, thousands have participated in peace are freedom of speech, freedom leading article parades, petitions, etc. Yet the clank: Wars to End War. Stopping the twentieth anniversary of the terfish and our religion. so in the meetings, ing and grinding of the war machine can be heard Aggressor Russian Revolution.
getting louder and louder.
Governments pile up their armaments, led by memorate further the great his eyes of the Holy Cardinal, free speech is paganism. And indeed The oldest gag is the cry: Let us maintain toric event, there will appear an the Cardinal stand is in accord our very Roosevelt, who also is a peace lover The Best hemisphere is blazing at both peace by warring against any nation that breaks article on the Red Army, written with the traditions of his church, the peace. The first nation that dares to attack by the German revolutionist, ends, in Spain and China.
preparation for the inevitable war. the world. And of course, we must support this commanding officer in the Soviet withstanding. Mouthings of the Diplomats maneuver will be over awed by the opposition of the rest of Erich Wollenberg, who served as Browder to the contrary notfor alliances In Europe the masses seem resigned to a new war to end war!
armed forces for several years. States about democracy must be agents of Rome in the United world slaughter, and know that it is impossible for America to stand aside from a war which will But what is an aggressor? Is it the nation omnibus review of the most im measured against their acts elserage over the far flung empire of American im whose army first crosses the border, which at portant recent works on the Sowhere. Events in Spain, Austria, perialism. The cries of Peace seem to be only tacks first? Only one who lacks all understanding viet Union, subjecting them to a Italy, Canada reveal, again and the dust clouds raised by this onward march of of the modern world can believe this. The fact is critical analysis; he the war machine; and they are just as powerless that the aggression that initiates the next war Eugene Lyons, Fred Beal, Victor priestly robes are not only opium as the dust clouds.
has already taken Serge, Andre Gide, Yvon, Al for the people but the policeman club and the gangster blackThe war between America and Japan is raging bert Rhys Williams and others. jack as well.
There Were Peace Lovers Then Too right now, and started long ago. It is being the record of an informal even The Blood of the Lamb This is not the first time this has happened. war between American and Japanese capitalists shevik insurrection, participated fought, for example, in Latin America. It is a ing of recollections of the BolBefore the World War too, there was a tremendous Mayor La Guardia, candidate of Blooming of the peace movement. The year 1917 of Toreign trade, for fields of investment, for raw in by number of the revolution the Republican, Fusion, Progressaw more peace conferences than any preceding business collide in pursuit of their imperialist the head of the job in 1917.
materials. Whenever American and Japanese ary leaders who were directly at sive and Labor Parties, endorsee year. And then too, we had a peace loving Pres: aims, this trade war rages.
of the Social Democrats, the ident who said he hated war and vowed to The War of Japan against and the speaker for FaseThis imperialist trade war is fought with weap China is the subject of a tho ists and anti Fascists, friend of keep us out.
But when the war came, all this vanished as if ons. At first, the weapons are purely business rough going examination by Li the employer and the employees it had never existed. Wilson peace speeche ones. But they do not remain so. As the trade Fu jen, and Felix Morrow writes spokesman for Father Divine and served only to help the mobilization of the people war sharpens, the capitalists call upon their gov about the role of the anarchist Holy Rome, addressed the Salvabehind the war, since they had learned to look ernments for support, and the capitalist govern movement in the Spanish Civiltion Army last week. Said, HizWar.
zoner. Fellow Salvationists.
toward him with confidence. The pacifists of all ments respond. New weapons come into play, The American scene is dealt What a man!
shades joined in the war drive, utilizing the presgovernmental weapons.
with in an article on Roosevelt tige they had gained by their peace activities to Trade treaties, spheres of influencef. trade and the American Revolution by The White Man Burden rally confidence in the government policy. If concessions, tariffs, embargoes, subsidies these James Burnham. Articles on the We did not conquer India for these people are for it, it must be a good war! are the big guns the governments bring up at this relations between the cIo and And the only organized force that opposed the stage of the struggle. Puppet dictators in the the AFL and the future of the the benefit of Indians. We conwar were the revolutionary Socialists, like Gene Latin American countries are taken in tow, like American trade union movement, quered India by the sword and Debs.
Vargas Presidential Peace Lovers Today interests. Puppet dictator is set against puppet gency convention of the Socialist Wehold it as the finest outlet dictator, and small scale local wars result which Party called in Chicago by the of British goods in general and Lancashire cotton in particular.
Today too there are all kinds of peace lovers. are really clashes between the rival imperialist left wing, will also appear. gratifying interest has been. Lord Brentford in the day when Britain imperialist spokesAnd leading them again is the President, who iSuch was the Gran Chaco war fought between shown throught the country in shoved his face into the news reel cameras saying Bolivia, representing American interests, and Par the revival of the New Interna men occasionally spoke the truth. hate war! at the same time that he builds the aguay, representing the British. tional and orders for bundles and individual subscriptions have Bargain biggest army and navy in our peace time history and gets ready to intervene in the Chinese conbeen coming into the office of the For discriminating people: manager from all parts of the Black broadtail with blended flict.
With the world tottering on the brink, President AS THE WAR APPROACHES! country. Those branches that marten collar, only 4, 400. AdRoosevelt choose this moment to announce a rehave not yet sent in their orders vertisment in Times. Are versal in foreign policy. Throwing aside his previous the bullets sunk within our living flesh!
We who are the ghosts of last year arms, are urged to do so immediately, there any discriminating people demagogic demands for American neutrality in the shrapnel through its eerie flight because economy dictates the the audience. printing of a number of copies world conflicts, he calls for American intervention limited to the requirements in Success to quarantine the aggressor. whom his man laced within our youthful chests; Hull defines as Japan; that is, noxious gases stealing through the broken land, sight.
takes the first All communications and mon That the American Labor Party step toward swinging into action against Japan. among the torn colored flowers lying in the sand!
to be the rapturous breath eys should be sent to the New Inchieved certain successes in Roosevelt throws aside his mask of peace and International at 116 University the last elections must be admitthat brings our howling death heads toward imperialist war.
Place, New York City. The sub ted. They succeeded in defeatthat this was warWhile the memory of the last war is still fresh, and is said to be no more.
scription rate has been set at ing Democrats and electing Re generation is again mobilized for war. How has 00 a year. Bundle orders are publicans to Albany, in fact they this come about?
offered at reduced rates. succeeded 80 well that last The ghosts that were never laid awayyears success Governor LehMobilizing the Consciences walk through the towns on public days, Genesis of man and his supporters are now with stumps for legs and medals on their thighs, in a hopless minority in the New Long ago, it was very easy to mobilize for war. their gassed heads held high for patriotism I did not organize the Labor York legislature. Other gucWhen the Indians went on the war path, they sigh, Party. Mr. Mahoney party or cesses might be mentioned but painted their faces fearsomely, keyed themselves their song spangled on their lipsganized it. La Guardia the greatest success of all was up with war dances and yells, and were ready. Their is but to do and die.
candidate for mayor.
to furnish the badly shattered The braves knew why they went to war to gain Republican Party with two posneighboring land, hunting rights, etc. for them Be Silent, Go Forth, lie among the gunsSTALINISM sible white hopes for 1940 selves.
from public charities and social un insurance, and La Guardia and Dewey. The latter, Today under capitalism, the war makers do not you ve had but poverty and now you ll get the Thomas Dewey with his tell the masses that war is necessary in order to fun BOLSHEVISM movie bodyguards are almost irresistible.
defend capitalist investments, or gain colonies or if unemployment has not worn out your endurance!
dy markets. John Smith has no investments to de You re married to this very bewitching nation, 100 Leon Free Labor fend, and Mrs. Smith would not send her son to and cannot treat it like a public whore, TROTSKY the front in order to enslave some colonial people. whose pleasures you ve promiscuously taken Under this the German Nazi They are not interested in those things. new and whose payment you ll now insure!
Pioneer Publishers procedure the worker is virtually technique is necessary. Today, by your bloody body not to be forsaken, bound to his job, a situation pro100 Fifth Avenue The first principle of the war makers is to mo but to be made holy in some national ground, bably without precedent in the bilize the Smiths and behind war utiliz hen some other commanded workman shoots New York, modern capitalist state Raying their vary desire for peace.
against youmond Clapper in the World Teler It a political jiu jitsu trick. In a scrap with and you are quiet! death is but a moaning sound.
grum. Though similar methods ju jitsu expert, the energy which you put into Upper West Side Branch of slavery may not be found rashing your opponent is turned against you, to But should it be that you ll live to see the dayPRE CONVENTION DANCE general in any other capitalist knock you off your feet. So today: war propa and understand the quarter of your attack; Saturday, Nov. 13 state certainly Clapper would not ganda is rigged so as lead the masses to war thru you ll turn the guns and shoot the other way, 916 9th Ave. Corner 58th St. have to go outside the boundaria 2nd Floor of God Country to find a pretheir own search for peace. Wars are not simply the generals, the financiers are always in the REAL SWING BAND cedent. The cotton pickers of the Imperialist wars; we are told they are wars to end war.
Democratic South know no other HARRY ROSKOLENKO Admission 89c.
procedure, back.