CapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinismURSSWorking ClassWorld War

November 13, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Anti Moscow Pact of INTERNATIONAL NOTES Fascist Powers Shows Line up in War Peril is of Japanese Economy Crumbling Under War Strain During the years of the last world crisis the weak sectors of Japanese economic structure were propped up through the advantages that Japan was able to gain in the world market in the cheapness of raw materiais, outlets for its cheap exports and so on. Even at that at that period, however, the shaky financial position of Japan required a devaluation of the yen. The recent economic upswing and the general European rearmament competition which (Continued from page 1)
steeply forced up the prices of the basic raw materials have of the sort. In the first place, among themselves (not for dem worked hayoc with Japan.
five times greater than Germany! the democratic bloc not only ocracy but for colonies and herself. Most of this territory includes France and England, power. and a war of Germany The rise in prices on raw materials it must import has more went to England and by demand but countries like Poland, Yugos and Japan for the partition of than annulled the advantage of cheap labor. The cost of its ing its return, Germany comes lavia and Rumania, in which the the Soviet Union. The policy of rearmament program that has already imposed a severe strain into direct clash with England, most savage military dictator democratic England is bring on the country resources has been more than doubled. For the even if not so sharply as does ships are in power. In the second ing closer the prospect of the past few years Japan export has barely covered two thirds of Italy.
place, the present line up is pure united imperialist war against the import. The costly Manchurian conquest, achieved with relaThe real significance of the ly transitory.
the Soviets.
tive ease, has been followed by the far costlier campaign in Italo German alliance does not The conflict between England lie in its permanence, for the and Japan is real and not just a So far as France is concerned, North China. The price on rice, the basic foodstuff of the Japathe highest in a decade, and has been steadily calculated to be permanent. Each morrow. The conflict for hege that she dares not take any deci verge of despair because of the lack of goods and the steeply simple reason that it is not even matter that will disappear to served to underscore the fact rising. The peasantry long in an intolerable position is on the of the two partners has diver mony in Europe between French sive step without the support of mounting prices. The budget calls for expenditures of bilterests to pursue, and there is and has been going on for years. England. Today, she is aligned lion yens while the income is estimated at billion.
no lack of points of conflict be Above all, with Russia against Germany, These ever widening gaps and monstrous disproportions carry tween them. For both of them. world imperialism and the Soviet out of fear of Germany ad. with them a threat of rain for Japan. The foreign imperialist however, the alliance is a means Union is real, and can end not in it Germany shifts her attention nese onslaught on China, are banking largely on economie difvances into Central Europe. But powers, whose interests are being encroached upon by the Japaof pressure upon England to a reconciliation but only in the from Central Europe from Po ficulties to checkmate Japanese militarism. The European press, shift her past course.
The British ruling class has over the other; the two systems and Yugoslavia, the allies of especially the British, is filled with speculations as to the possion that Germany must be given side with each other indefinitely toward Russia, is there any ser the situation is recognized and even openly discussed by Japanese the opportunity to expand in one direction or another. She must Two Currents ious reason to believe that dem newspapers as well.
either be given some colonial ocratic France, which is imperi The Manchester Guardian Weekly in its Oct. 22 issue carries power which means a slice off The two main currents in in alistic through and through, will the present possessions of Eng ternational affairs. therefore, join Russia in a war upon Ger precisely on this point. We cite a significant passage from it: lengthy article on Japan, in which the main stress is laid land or she must be allowed to may be reduced to the following: many in order to expand to the East that is, to either a world war of the im conquests of the October Revolu: discussions pointing out that the emergency. appropriations up Financial pages (of Japanese newspapers) contain serious invade the Soviet Union.
perialists among an assault by the Fascist pow. one side or the other, in which France would then defend the this is just a beginning. On the other hand no one is prepared But would not the latter mean with the Soviet Union aligned on can believe in such a possibility. to December alone will be far more than the total cost of the changes, and that ratic powers. and would Eng of the capitalist world between been defending democracy. in to predict any collapse at present. There are rumors about restrictions on bank withdrawals, but nothing has been put into land, herself a democratic pow the present haves and have Spain!
er. fight tooth and nail against nots. Or, a war of all the imeffect yet. Exchange control is becoming stricter and Japanese a strengthening of Fascism at perialist powers, or of a section It is entirely conceivable that down rather heavily, and the Government is endeavoring to bolThere is one other possibility. capital abroad is being mobilized. Domestie stocks have gone interested in preserving democ Soviet Union. in which the aim ther alliance and give it the most are worried about the outlook, especially as regards raw maNonsense! England is as much by ias ineutrals. against the Russia in a genuine, blood bro ster up the market. Outside the munitions field business men racy or defending the Soviet would be the destruction of the serious support in a war between Union as Japan is in preserving Soviet Union, the distribution of But her and Germany Japan.
civilization in Asia. All she is its territory into colonies and only on one basic condition: that said above is that Japanese militarism, faced with economie colOne of the conclusions that must be drawn from what has been concerned with is maintaining spheres of influence of the im the Stalinist regime works to lapse, cannot withdraw now, but must plunge on with its plans her world imperialist power. The perialist countries, and the com wards restoring private property of conquest, in the hope of thus averting an internal catastrophe.
propaganda of the Communist plete restoration of capitalism in the Union, that it helps wipe Party that England, like France and private property throughout out the nationalization of the The campaign against Russia is intensifying. Foreign corand America, is one of the dem the Soviet republics.
means of production and ex respondents report that large bodies of troops are being sent ocratic and peace loving coun Since England doesn give a fig change, that it breaks down the to Manchuria. Some even say that more soldiers are sent there tries, is one of the most mis for the abstract cry for democ monopoly of foreign trade, and than to Northern China, apparently in preparation for an onleading frauds of our time. racy and defense of the Soviet that it gives England and France slaught on the Maritime Provinces. Says the Manchester Cuar.
Union made by the Stalinists, substantial guarantees in the dian: The press is full everyday with reports of Russian activiEngland in Spain she is conscious of the fact that form of industrial concessions ties in China, notably the dispatch of aeroplanes.
Any doubts on this score can she runs the risk of losing her and the right of large scale exbe finally dispelled by the latest world empire in an imperialist ploitation in Russia.
Russian White Guards on the Class Nature of the action of England in the Spanish war. She is no less conscious of situation. For more than a year, the fact that if she lets Germany Labor Role Soviet Union the apostles of the People Front go full steam ahead against the have pictured England and Soviet Union with prospect The Stalinist bureaucracy is In its August, 1937, issue Znamya Rossii, one of the most rabid France as the benevolent guar of conquering the Ukraine, a war counter revolutionary precisely counter revolutionary periodicals published abroad, prints theses dians of democracy and ene between Germany and England because, among other things, its which attempt to draw the balance of the recent frame up trials, mies of Fascism in Spain.
But over the former lost colonies whole tendency is in that direc the purge, and the ever sprending campaign of terror.
England was not ever and is not would be postponed. Furthermore, tion: the extirpation of the last Among other things, the theses state the following: now concerned in the slightest and what is more important of the achievements of the Ruswith democracy.
She wants a war between Germany and sian Revolution. The extent to Under the inescapable pressure of life itself, of the demands only to protect her Mediterranean France, in which Germany might which it succeeds in this depends of foreign policy and the threat of war, the communist power route to India, and her sources upset the balance of power in at bottom upon the world work was compelled to make numerous and important concessions, of mineral wealth in Spain. With Europe by extending her in ing class. If the latter builds shifts, and retreats. All these changes, however, while providing Franco in increasing control of fluence in Central Europe (Aus up its own class organizations, some relief for the country, are inadequate; they are of a mathe latter, and in a decisive posi tria, Czechoslovakia, Yugosla re establishes its class independ neuvering and opportunist character, and incapable of reconciling tion with regard to the former, via. would also be postponed. ence, revives the revolutionary the population with the power, and they do not alter the crvence England is just as ready to deal movement, and thereby restores of the communist dictatorship.
England and Japan with him as she was to deal with the self confidence and militancy The conclusion drawn by the White Guards is that the foundaValencia up to Foreign England is also conscious of of the Russian proletariat, the Secretary Anthony Eden, the the fact that she cannot engage anti Soviet bureaucracy can be tions of the workers state have not been undermined sufficiently paladin of democracy. declar right now in a war with Japan overthrown, its plans thwarted, by Stalinism to enable the counter revolution to hope for a peacethere is no reason to believe that occupied with Spain and the Medi perialist ed in the House of Commons that England is still too greatly pre and the whole caboodle of im ful triumph. An insurrection, at least a palace revolution. is thrown required, in their opinion. Franco Government in Spain terranean. She is still too far into the ash can of history.
would be hostile to the interests from her goal in rearmaments Above all in this crucial period Orlov, head of the Soviet navy, has been replaced. Ivanov, the of Great Britain.
England and the Spanish Fas air. She knows that if Japan of re consolidating its ranks.
That means: above all, on the sea and in the the working class faces the task commander of the warship Marat. who was sent to the coronation of George VI, is among the missing.
cists have already come to a expansion can be re directed basic agreement! The defense that is, if Japan is not opposed The old Internationals of labor of democracy is good thing in an invasion of Siberia she and working class parties Stalmoved from his post as Commissar of Education, and is now no Dubnov, one of the few remaining old timers, has been reto deceive the masses with; the may halt her expansion into nist and social democratic are defense substantial British China with the seizure of the bankrupt. Their only power is doubt in jail.
mining interests in Spain that Northern provinces and not con that of demoralization and disinis more realistic, more decisive! tinue into the South of China. tegration. The building of the Mugdussi, head of the Armenian who a short time ago England policy in Spain fore, where she would come into direct Fourth International, the building was decorated by Yezhov himself with the highest honor, the Order shadows the line up in the world and immediate collision with of the revolutionary Marxian of Lenin. for his zeal in prosecuting the enemies of the people, confliet tomorrow.
British imperialist interests. parties, is on the order of the has himself been arrested as a counter revolutionist.
Will it be a war between Fas To sum up: there is a race be day the supreme task of the eism and democracy. Nothing tween a war of the imperialists hour! now.
war mongers