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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL November 13, 1937 New Struggles on Horizon As French Standards Fall Britain Takes Steps to Solve Spanish Crisis By Recognizing Franco the By Herman Stern nounced by the Popular Front.
By this the few dollars increase Since the glorious strike wave in wages gained through heroic of May June 1936, the French strike sacrifice, and much more workers have experienced every was quickly returned to the conceivable attempt on the part bosses. The Socialist and Comof the People Front govern munist Parties of France supment to rob them of their wage ported inflation as a means of By Felix Morrow and hour victories.
saving French capitalism.
England took another long step last week in solving the Spanish question. Capitalism has two basic methThe communiqué of the French Prime Minister Chamberlain announced establishment of formal relations with Franco. ods for intensifying the exploita Government (Oct. again wholeand oppression of the heartedly endorsed by the bour.
As small coin to anti fascist sentiment, the diplomatic and consular officials were masses.
designated merely as agents. but observers recalled the identical step was taken First, there is the more brutal Communists, spells a crushing geois socialist Blum and by the prior to British recognition of Soviet Russia. At the same time, Eden assured Parlia and difficult system of Fascism. blow at the living standord of ment that a Franco victory and diet standard upon the the working class. Among other would not mean a regime Likewise, we have no doubt. rights, but actually ruling the workers and proceeds to enforce reactionare stipulations it po hostile to Britain. Thus the Stalin will strive to do all he can masses through the armed might this with bullets and terror. The vides that production will be bloc prepared themselves rangement for the participation the Anglo French, imperialists, method practised by the bourgeois undertake the alteration of the masters of the Anglo French mise to get an equitable ar end of the road pointed out by guised, oftimes equally as brutal, as the speed up)
and that the for a Franco victory. or a of the loyalists in the joint re and already accepted by the Nei democratic and People Front labor regime in the conditions compromise.
gime with the fascists. For that grin government. There are still regimes.
is England next step: a com objective difficulties in the way foreseen by the law of June 21, Britain Policy Roosevelt and Blum democ 1936, on the forty hour week.
promise superintended by the Franco hopes to win everything racy. confronted with unmistak Then, as though in anticipation imperialist powers.
and is encouraged by Italy and The fact is that the democBut this able manifestations of mass dis of how the French workers will That the loyalist government Germany to fight on.
ratic imperialists never wanted has already agreed to support a much is clear. If not a complete content, begin with the time welcome these new laws a loyalit victory. They permit compromise with the fascists is Franco victory, then the best that worn trick of deception, by cham People Front forbids and illeted trickle aid to the loyalist attested to by a Stalinist source: can come from Anglo French pioning the cause of higher wages galizes, violation of collective from the Soviet Union, because Louis Fischer, in the Nation of aid is a joint regime with the and shorter hours. Then by skill contracts (any strike can be fascists.
fully constructed legislative meas designated illegal) and occupathey did not want a victory for September 4, 1937: Franca while his Italo Cirman Spanish government reStalin will find this a bitter ures. inflation the decrease of tions of the factories.
allies dominated purchasing power. and hy peacehis regine presentative who attended King pill to swallow. However, a comraising prices and insufficiently secure, the People British interests profitably cm. George VI coronation outlined, promise with the fascists would fully If French capitalism is not yet ployed the interim to arrange to Foreign Minister Eden, Va be dressed up, it would never creasing the cost of living, the Front will execute the indiswith Burses for joint exploit:tion of the British owned Bill 10 war. truce was to be declared. Stalinist prestige throughout the is systematically reduced. When agitators, whoever they may be.
region All foreign troops and volun world. But rather than break the workers, understanding the The main preoccupation of then be immediately withdrawn policy today, the winning of an racy, act to improve their condi. never submit to this infamous tre serving on both sides would with the main objective of Soviet true nature of bourgeois democ The militant French workers will from the first was: hw postpone the from Spain. During the truce no Jalliance with Anglo French im tion the more naked form of boss sell out without a fight. The battle lines would be shifted. perialism, Stalin will inevitably rule, fascism is introduced.
next months will undoubtedly war. onlain the demoratir Let us recall that almost im witness strong resistance on the myth, and yet begin to dge Hiller Non spaniards having been eli submit to a settlement dictated minated, Great Britain, France. by them. He will find a forinula. mediately following the gains part of the workers.
and Mueslini out of Spain? The Germany, Italy, and the Soviet The same arguments which were wrested from the French bosses answer also obvious: compromise between the loyalist and Union were to devise a scheme, used to justify Soviet entry into by the workers, inflation was anfascist comps. As early as Dewhich the Spanish government the London committee, if acceptpledged itself in advance to ed, would justify the final act England would save Spain from democracies not be seduced by cember 17, 19:36. the unofficial accept, whereby the will of the of treachery against the Spanish Franco, Russia would perhaps be voice of the British Forvign offi. the Machiavelianism of their Augu: stated that English political and social future might Spanish nation regarding its people.
ready and able to save China from wort enemies and let the not agents were working for it al be authoritatively ascertained. New Alibi Japan. Nation, October 16. again be the victim of a base armisti. in the North, while Thus China becomes an alibi for decision French cents were doing like Meaning of Plebiscite Precisely in these last months, not decisively aiding Spain, while Were not the consequences of wise in Catalonia. Even the socialwhen the Anglo French scheme Spain remains an alibi for not patriot, Zyromski, stal At the best, such an arrange was taking final shape, Stalin saving China. If England would this policiy so tragic, one would roar with laughter at the picture Blum perPopulaire. March ment would mean a plebiscite found a new alibi to supplement save Spain from Franco 3, 1937 of the ingenuous candor of perloves can be seen that under the supervision of the those provided by the FrancoThe face of the Negrin govern fidious are aiming at concluding a peace European powers. With Franco Soviet pact and collective seAlbion and the Quai ment is turned not to the battle which would signify not only the in possession of territory includ curity, with which to push the fronts but to London and Paris. Orsay. Fearing that he was to end of the Spanish revolution, ing more than half the Spanish oyalists into still greater depen After the fall of Gijon, Negrin was thus begging his imperialist but al. co the total loss of the people, and with the Italo German lence on the Anglo French bloc. broadcast. Not Gijon, but London, mentors to remember that he social victories already achieved. and Anglo French blocs compet Louis Fischer gave it crudely was what troubled him. will accept any means of reducAll the searcely news. Even ing for Franco friendship, one enough: The Spanish war has Once foreign ing the anguish of this country.
the offical apology for Stalin can easily foretell the outcome assumed such large dimensions enemies are trying to take ad Had he not already proved that, endorsement of the non interven of the plebiscite: unity of the and is lasting so long that Russia vantage of the ingenuous candor by his repressions of the worktion committee. Harry Gannes bourgeois elements in both Spa alone, especially if it must help of European democracies by fine ers. How the Soviet nion 11:1ps nish camps in a Bonapartist re China also, cannot bear the subtleties. Spain will accept Perfidious Albion calls the tune, Spain. published in November gime, decked out at the begin Purden. Some other nation or any means of reducing the an1936. admitted: The Baldwin ning with formal democratic nations must contribute If guish of this country, but let the and Stalin dances after him. cabinet suged its international action to retain the good will of the prospective fascist dictators POPULAR HANDBOOK OF THE TACTICS AND STRATEGY OF REVOLUTION!
of Spain and to prevent it victory by the People Front CRUSHING INDICTMENT OF THE STALIN FRAME UP REGIME!
Şufficient has appeared make positive the assertion that They say: Britain has come to its own agreement with General Franco. He marshals his evidence and argument with such mastery and cumulative force that the reader Joined Union of Bandits will probably regard this testimony not so much is a defense as an indictment. It is an indictBat what mattered the fate of ment more powerful than any penned by Zola durSpain, the future of the European revolution. All that weighed as ing the Dreyfus affair.
nothing in Stalin scales Sidney Hook, in the New York Herald Tribune against the tenuous friendship of imperialist France. Said Gannes. This book is most readable. It contains Trots The Soviet could not come to an ky final speech of summation which will, most open clash with Blum on the nonlikely, go down in history as one of the greatest Intervention pact, because that indictments of all time. It contains Trotsky rewould have played into the hands cord of his life, his relationship with Lenin, with The Verbatim Record of the Hearings of the Dewey Hitler and the pro Nazi facStalin and the defendants at the trial, his story tion in the London Tory cabinet Commission in Mexico City which was trying to provoke just of the oppositional fight with Stalin. And it consuch a state of affairs. Theretains a closely reasoned and brilliant analysis of fore? The Stalinists joined the every aspect of the Moscow trials.
617 Pages bandits to prevent the clash!
James Farrel, in the Nor could Stalin join the London Saturday Review of Literature.
committee without white washing it by pretending that it had its SPECIAL PRICE DURING THIS CAMPAIGN SALE: 50 uses. Again we quote Gannes. Rather than to allow collusion between Nazis and the Tory ministers to confront Spain, the Rush all orders to Soviet Union strove to do all it could within the non intervention 28 EAST 12th Street New York, committee to stop fascist arms from being shipped to Spain.
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