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1 Roosevelt Makes a Little Gift to New York think onls Spain and who, bs a precedent cent. SOCIALIST APPEAL November 13, 1937 world.
SOCIALIST APPEAL Upon you has fallen the providential mission of realizing a second re conquest of Spain, of Vol. No. 14. Saturday, Nov. 13, 1937 saving it from the barbarism, crime and desPublished every week by the truction, that has been erected into a syste?
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS by the Government. One can never invoke against Published at 116 University Place, the Fatherland political ideas or the origin of Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for the power; these factors must be subordinated months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order to the position of a means for serving it better.
In this terrible hour, 8 cents per copy. Single copies cents.
of virtue of of you All checks and money orders should be made your exceptional By Sam Marcy state itancy and steadfastenss of the out to the Socialist Appeal.
of intelligence, of calmness, of strength of shipyard workers displayed in The peace loving President their recent strike testifies to character and a professional value which finds has presented to New York City this. Nor was the ruthless and Entered as second class matter September 1, only in the finest pages of our his a gift of 62, 000, 000 in the bloody crushing of this magnifi1987 at the post office at New York, New York, tory, must transform it.
form of an appropriation for the strike under the Act of March 3, 1879.
accidental. Onco My which regret today, does not per construction of the largest and again, the workers were adminmit me to solicit the honor of being a soldier most powerful super dreadnaught istered a cruel object lesson in Hero of the People Front under your orders; have no resources for lever built on this side of the the intimate connection between have been despoiled of everything; by a miracle, Atlantic.
the police, the courts and the exThe re opening of the People Front Cortes in have saved a life which is worth nothing but The occasion for this modest tra legal terrorist apparatus of Valencia on October 1, marked the re appearance which hopes for the the welfare of the Fatherland gift was the annual celebration the employers. Not until the last in its sessions of the former Prime Minister of which have served as well as knew how and of the Navy Day celebrated worker had been beaten back to the Spanish government, Portela Valladares, who could, by maintaining authority and by fighting, this year in the Brooklyn Navy work was word again heard of.
returned from France together with other bourge without concern for the risk, against disorder the keeling of the battleship, the ois leaders, such as former Minister of the Interior, and anarchy. Even the most partisan must For the first time in many North Carolina.
Miguel Maura. Valladares is respectfully received acknowledge it.
years the yard held open house in Valencia by the Sthlinists and Socialists in The New Chapter It is with these sentiments that shall follow, to some 15, 000 visitors, while fun of the People Front. Unlike the infamous Trotskyemotion, as have up to now, your mag patriots and munition mongers, print of the battleship itselt. rabid militarists, professional cursory glance at the blue ists, he is, you see, a hero in the struggle against nificent undertaking. am always at your com from the Assistant Secretary of Shows why it marks a new chapFascism.
plete service, your admirer and friend. the Navy down to Harvey ter in naval history. The mere Nevertheless, the same Senor Valladares ad Portela Valladares.
vied with each other in showers fact that it cost 62, 000, 000, dressed a letter from Nice, France, on October have not to this day, October 22, had of praise for our navy con 30 times the amount of relief 8, 1936 that is, in the midst of the civil war the opportunity of sending this letter across the scious administration and its to General Franco.
given to students throughout the frontier by a sure way because of the irregular. President.
country, is not very significant To His Excellency St. Francisco Franco, ity of the postal connections with Spain. Illustrious General and Distinguished Friend: when compared to its other fea. photographic Symbolic Occasion of this instructive epistle copy tures. It will take years of At the moment when you are invested with was printed first in the Basque Fascist daily at Ass Sec y of the Navy, Edi steady, uninterrupted activity, and Generalissimo of the Armies of Spain, 1937, and in the Fascist Bulletin Information monies with the significant re 1, 500 sailors and only about 80. desire to send you the deepest and sincerest Espagnole of the same date printed in Paris. mark: This occasion symbolic or 90 officers. It will have nine felicitaitons which the entire nation feels, and to Hlay we ask the attorneys and apologists of the of a new chapter in naval his 16 inch guns, in three turrets, assure you of my ferrent wishes for your im People Front to answer the indicated question: tory. And indeed, it is. For the or 1:0 heavy anti aircraft guns, mense work which should give to our country Why is this Fascist scum received with honor by of this sea monster deserve the 11 inch pom poms, and will have a future of order, of justice, and of peace, of the Valencia regime and its Cortes while irre: attention of all militant workers. a power plant to produce a speed prosperity and of strength, capable of restoring proachable revolutionists in Spain are murdered to it the high place that it must occups in the and imprisoned every day by the The beginning of the construc of from 20 to 30 knots an hour.
tion was originally scheduled for It will also have the strongest last spring, but was postponed. armor ever provided. The North Among the reasons given, that of Carolina, when completed, will be labor trouble is extremely tell nothing but a gigantic plant ing.
afloat. Its 1, 500 workers in It is well known that not every uniform will be a hundred times ship yard is as well adapted tech more exploited and oppressed, nically and geographically for than on any conveyor belt or How the Chinese Soviets Were Liquidated naval construction as is the steel furnace. Anyone even casu.
Brooklyn Navy Yard. But the ally observing the relations be man power to do the work is tween officers and sailors even Yesterday Today not quite as desirable, because it in times peace, knows with What is the content of our general politica!. it is an absolutely false and unfounded is recruited from a center which what terrible effects the class line at the present stage of development of the legend spread pro Japanese elements that the was it not in the New York ship impressed upon the naval struc.
is a hot bed of radicalism. For, character of capitalist society is Chinese Revolution? The struggle for every pos slogan regarding the creation of an all Chinese yards that the first repercussions ture.
sible timely combination of the revolutionary nass government of national defense means the over in this country of the French In its October 23 number The movement in Soviet and non Soviet China under throw of the existing Nanking Central govern sit down strikes were echoed? Army and Navy Journal we And the uniform leadership of the proletariat to over ment and the establishment in its place of an Although spontaneous in charac in an obscure corner that. while throw the rule of the imperialists and their lackeys, entirely new government. It is slander, provoca ter and quickly suppressed, it the administration efforts to the Kuomintang, and establish the power of the tion! At the present time only the Japanese ag was enough to give the jitters reduce expenses have not currevolutionary democratic dictatorship of the work gressors and their agents are interested in over to the officers in charge of the tailed any essential naval activiing class and the peasantry in the form of Soviets throwing the Nanking government. We, third naval district.
ties, the economy axe has hit throughout all China. From the Report of Wang Communists, openly declare that we support the The constant tirades of Rear many places in the navy. notaMing, Chinese representative, to the Thirteenth Kuomintang and the Nanking government, and Admiral Yates Sterling (former bly orders affecting personnel.
Plenum. of December, 1933. will fight shoulder to shoulder with them against ly in charge of the Yard) against Perhaps the officers? But Rep.
Japanese imperialism. Wang Ming, writing in Communism not mere Costilla Bill now pending in Conthe Communist International, Vol. 4, No. 10, Oct. ary who saw in every shipyard pay. Evidently, even in times of rantings. Here was a reaction gress calls for increases in their 1937.
worker a potential enemy to this peace they are after the hides imperialist stronghold. The mil lof the sailors. Our Party is succeeding step by step in con The Government of the Soviet Republic of verting its slogans that the overthrow of the China dissolved itself today and ordered its armies, of the affairs for ten. Generalissimo against Japanese and other imperialisms and that Chiang Kais shek the Nanking Central Govern4 the Soviet government and the Red Army of ment. In manifesto the Central Executive ComChina are the only consistent fighters of the na mittee of the Chinese Communist Party announced tional revolutionary war from Party slogans into support of and unity with the present Chinese slogans of the masses.
Wang Ming at the Thir administration. Reorganization of the Communist reminds all comrades and friends strategy and tactics. All the The National Action Committee of revolutionary history, theory, teenth Plenum of the General Chiang military affairs commission was of its recent decision to mobilize great problems of revolutionary announced. Associated Press dispatch from our entire membership for a con policy involved in the Russian Nanking, New York Times, September 22, 1937. certed, special campaign to po revolution, bourgeois democracy pularize The Case of Leon and proletarian dictatorship, the We know from the history of the struggle of. for the building of the Communist Party of China that when the optional united front the of an anti Japanese na Trotsky, the record of the Mex. Spanish Civil War, the Chinese Chinese Communist Party portunists in its leadership, headed by Chen Tu in their telegram to the Kuomintang offered four ican hearings.
Revolution, the struggle against hsiu, counterposed the tactics of the united na guarantees: The Soviet Government is re named The verbatim record of the fascism, bureaucratism in the tional front to the task of the class struggle at the Government of the Special District of China, Mexican hearings is a mighty labor movement and the Soviet the critical moment of the revolutionary move and the Red Army is renamed the National Revo weapon of revolutionary truth. state, the defense of the Soviet ment in 1927, when for the sake of retaining a lutionary Army, to be directed by the Nanking Not only does it reveal the mons: Union, workers democracy, the anited national front with a part of the national Central Government and its Military Affairs Comtronse frame rune of the stalinit thirteen years struggle of the bourgeoisie opportunists renounced the rev mission: thorough democratic system is olutionary struggle of the working class in dolense be practised in the Soviet districts: The plans is an annihilating reply to the revolutionists in the coming war nakedness. No less important, it Left Opposition, the tactics of force of whole chorus of reactionary revolution of the peasantry, renounced the strug arms are suspended: The confiscation of the bourgeois opponents and disillu many others were posed in quesgle for winning over nal revolutionary armies land of the landlord is suspended. To say this sioned parlor radicals who idenand for arming the workers and peasants and, is the surrender of the Communist Party is. tify Bolshevism and the Russian and answered illuminatingly by finally, rejected an independent policy in regard a wilful slander. From a speech delivered by Revolution with the bloody re without exception and every to our temporary allies. they brought the 1927 Mao Tsetung, chairman of the Chinese Soviet gime of Stalinism.
Tevolution to defeat. Wang Ming at VII World Government, published in China Today, September, sympathizer should have In addition, The Case of Leon book in his library for study and Congress of the August, 1936.
Trotsky is a veritable handbook reference. Study in Contrasts Chinese were Kuomintang regime de condition of the success agent fores that have disturbed Chingie internal Committee Urges All Branches To Help In Sales Campaign of Case of Leon Trotsky these this دهد. اعدات