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2 SOCIALIST APPEAL November 13, 1937 Labor Great Political Power Must Be Used for Independent Action, Election Vote Shows Internal Bulletin No. Ready The second internal bulletin, containing various resolutions and articles on the question of the Soviet Union is now ready.
To insure a pufficiently adequate discussion on this all important question, order your copy immediately through your local secretary.
By Widick Appeals Court Exonerates An analysis of the municipal campaigns and elections recently finished gives strong indications that the leadership will try to continue its policy of bartering with Sacramento Defendants capitalist parties and that reaction is growing stronger in the industrial centers.
Without question, industrial workers in key cities were largely united behind tde Norman Mini and the seven syndicalism statute, the vague program of the dominated by Labor Non Partisan League in the municipal other defendants in the famous indictment under which the workSacramento criminal syndicalism ers were arrested, and the oatcampaigns.
where the trade union bureau of a labor versus capital dispute, the reversal of case have been exonerated, by rageous conduct of the court and Aid Old Party Men conviction the prosecution. The reversal cracy is highly skilled through In Akron, they made the same recently handed down by the ap was given solely on the ground In New York City, labor misleading the workers, the en our policy of not having an in capitalist court saw to it that the the defendants years of practice in the art of mistake. But in New York City, peals court. But the hypocritical that the jury, having declared not guilty on vote was corralled by the trance of the unions into politics dependent candidate, or one that victory of the National Sacra another count based on the same American Labor Party be was viewed with uncertainty and appeared to be, brought real sue mento Appeal Committee was facts, had by implication exonehind its endorsement of the as an experiment by the cess.
whittled down to the irreducible rated the defendants from the leaders. Opportunists to the core, Republican faker, La John Lewis and his associates, leaders pose the question It is significant too, that the minimum.
charge under which it simultaGuardia, running for re elec wanted to find out by experience of the next national election as ready served his term, and even Norman Mini himself had al neously convincted them.
tion as mayor. Both the So how they could proceed to control a race between the Democrats and his period of parole had expired and the other defendants, who We congratulate Norman Mini cialist Party (Right Wing) the votes of the workers.
Republicans, with the labor vote before the court acted. The same at least will not have this conand the Stalinist Party aided in politics was clear to its leaderThe purpose of the o. in holding a balance of power.
was true for other defendants. viction used to speed them again winning workers support for La ship. They think, falsely and to The writer well remembers a In its lengthy decision, a copy to jail for class struggle activiGuardia.
the detriment of the workers in conversation with some top o. of which has just arrived, the ties. But the struggle of the Com The furnished a power terests, that capitalism can be litics, a few remarks from which single point. It left inviolate the the criminal syndicalism statute leaders on labor going into po court limited the reversal to a lifornia labor movement against ful base in Detroit for its demo reformed. Lewis and company are pertinent. If we saw some validity of the vicious criminal has yet to be won.
cratic candidate, Brien, when hope to achieve some reforms of the Auto Workers union endorsed capitalism by gaining control of more Farmer Labor party vicand campaigned for him. and were also active in lators, so that reform laws can that, we ll act as a buffer force The municipal, state and federal legis tories, we begin to press for a national party. If we don see PIONEER PUBLISHERS supporting this capitalist politi be passed. What puzzled the cian. leadership was the method between the Democrats and ReSeventh Anniversary In Akron, the United Rubber by which they could become a publicans, one of them said.
Workers union, spent much time greater political power.
The defeat of the Farmer BANQUET AND SYMPOSIUM and thousands of dollars urging Labor party by a Republican can the election of Patterson, National didate in the Minneapolis elec FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3rd at P. democrat, who was chosen as ions, along with its evident weak democratic. labor mayoralty Should the o. with its lesses elsewhere, threw cold ROSOFF S, 147 West 43rd Street candidate. In Canton. Ohio, 3, 000, 000 members, sponsor a water at least for the coming supported politician ran national Farmer Labor Party? periodon any ideas the o.
SPEAKERS for mayor.
Should it proceed along the eaders had in that direction.
All the steel and mining areas People Front idea, vehemently They ll be satisfied with support Sidney Hook James Farrell in Western Pennsylvania were advocated by the Stalinists las ng progressive Democrats or Ludwig Lore Eugene Lyons the scene of an intense political part of their complete rejection Republicans.
Carlo Tresca James Cannon campaign conducted by the Steel and betrayal of all revolutionary Workers union which endorsed principles. Should the unions Fatal Faith Reservations 50 and in some cases, nominated its seek to capture the Democratic In other words, they are preFrom: PIONEER PUBLISHERS, 100 Fifth Avenue, own choices for municipal office, party? The recent elections were either on the democratic or re to furnish the significant straws pared to have repeated the exNew York City publican ballot.
in the wind to answer these ques perience with Roosevelt during The program of the was he Little Steel strike, a simple one. It revived Labor It hardly need be added that again, on a thousand fronts. All Non Partisan Leagues, which had the furthest thought in the minds they received from the White west developed out of the Just as the workers smashed been created in 1936 to help re of the leaders was the idea House during the massacre at smashing of the Little Steel the open shop and the company elect Roosevelt, to act the of doing anything which might, Chicago, the shootings of work trike. It can be blocked from unions by fighting independently political guide of the working directly or indirectly, promote ers in Canton and Youngstown, a to form industrial unions in the class vote. This was its answer the class struggle in the political was the rebuft. plague on growing only by pursuing to the growing realization of the field and thus prepare the work both your Houses. Roosevelt lass struggle program against economic field, they must smash ers workers that political action to achieve revolutionary betrayed the workers in steel the bosses. Ford dynasty in the chains that bind them to the socialism.
must supplement economic strugstrike. He caused thousands of Detroit is the strong hold of re capitalists in the political field.
gle. The top leadership What were the election results. relief workers to face starvation action. Organization of Ford The immediate and the historic wanted the developing class con In New York City, LaGuardia because of the WPA slashes. Yet workers into a powerful, militant interests of the working class sciousness, especially of the mass to the cheers of the capitalist the o. leaders again have industrial union, would break the were defended in the municipal production workers, directed into anti labor press won decisively. affirmed their faith in capitalist backbone of the anti labər senti. elections only by the revolutionthe safe channels of class colla The 489, 000 American Labor politicians. The Stalinists shout ment. The must miske ary socialists wh ran indepenborationism, under the slogan of Party votes turned the trick. to the house tops that they se this its major task immediately. dent candidates in the New York. New Dealism.
In Detroit, Akron, and Canton, cond those policies, which betray The road into the Democratic Minneapolis, Akron and Cleveland the League candidates lost. The the workers party or any other party based elections.
Surrender Labor Akron defeat, incidentally, was a Revolutionary socialists must on reform of capitalism is a blind These things the leaderreal shock to the Even the point out the utter futility of the alley for the workers. Not until ship does not understand or unProgram Republicans thought the political policies of the the workers take the path of re derstands only too well But the Once the unions voted support would win.
return to the militant and pro volutionary struggle against the rank and file workers, through of the League, little pretense was mixture of victories and gressive policies which built the bosses will they be able to find their own experience and our made that this was independent defeats of the candidates vast industrial unions is neces a fundamental solution to their propaganda, will understand, med Working class political action resulted in the Pennsylvania sary. The reaction in the middle pressing problems.
will act accordingly.
Quite the contrary. The whole elections.
movement was consciously carried How did the results of the has had occasion to come into political contact into the bosom of the Democratic elections affect the political ideas with Sam Baron, knows how utterly ridiculous it party. We ve got the labor vote, of the leaders whose pois to charge him with the crime of Trotskyiem.
We must woo the regular dem licies will continue to predomiocrats! the League officials said. nate in the labor movement durThe only crime of which Baron is indubitably This meant giving up any parcel ing the next period. Sam Baron, sent to Spain by the National Ex guilty is having made an attempt to look into of labor program left and ecutive Committee of the Right Wing of the the hideous frame up against a a working class becoming democrats, body and Balance of Power Socialist Party for the purpose of investigating political party which the Stalinist Republican soul. This accounts for the the arrests of the leaders of the POUM, has him regime in Spain, aided by the has perfact that in few industrial centers To us, the election has de self been arrested by the agents of the in petrated against the Workers Party of Marxian did the workers vote as a unit. monstrated beyond doubt that in Unification (POUM. Anyone who refuses to accept In Akron, only 60 per cent of the a national eleetion between demA message in code, received by his friends in on mere say so the Stalinist charge that any and mion movement voted for Patter ocrats and republicans labor will Paris, read Sam Baron under arrest in Valencia. every one of its political opponents or eritics is son. In Detroit, Homer Martin, hold the balance of power. an Communist agents accuse him as Trotskyist. He automatically an agent of the Gestapo and in the Auto Workers president, admitted official spokesman declarservice of Hitler, Mussolini and or the Mikade tha mion membership didn ed. Now our job is to consolidate hat As in the case of Erwin Wolf, Mark Rein, Kurt himself becomes such an agent.
support the League candidate. those gains, and Landau and what now amount to thousands of The entire labor movement must exclaim Mass production workers were belief.
looking for independent political The labor bureaucrats have others revolutionarists and labor militants, we a single loud voice against the loathsome meth nction against the capitalists. reasoned in this fashion: In protest with the greatest energy and indignation and record of the Stalinist and demand They didn and won get it, Detroit, we took beating be this latest act of political banditry committed by the immediate release of all working class prisen through present policies. cause our inexperienced union the Stalinist Secret Police.
ers now held in its dungeons end not only Outside of New York City, Ileaders made the issue too much The Stalinists in Spain, as well as anybody who Spain but in the itself.
tions, over as Sam Baron Arrested in Spain Spain.
in trouble.