CapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismURSSWorld War

Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 14, 401 Saturday, November 13, 1937 Cents per Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL Anti Moscow Pact Shows War Peril Coming Conflict Will Take Place Not to Defend Democracy But to Protect the Imperialist Plunder of Big World Powers Armistice Day Pause, 1937 SK countries over during The past week witnessed ent in territorial expansion two deeply significant and in China. She is interested interrelated events which in more colonies. She is incommand the closest attenterested especially gaintion of every worker: the conclusion of the Anti Coming more ground in Africa.
munist Pact between FasShe is interested in becoming a decisive power is the cist Italy, Germany and Mediterranean Sea.
Japan, and the virtual recognition granted the SpanIn the past few years, she wh Fascist government by has been hostile rather than democratic England.
These two developments There is not only the stand.
in international affairs are ing dispute between the two the German.
most revealing for anyone inhabited Tyrol which Italy who really wants undertook from Austria stand the true character of as war the new world war in prespoils, but also the struggle between the two Fascist paration, so that he may be UNIVERSAL able to clarify his attitude powers for hegemony over ARMAME NTS, INC.
Austria and Balkan states.
towards it.
More recently, however, On paper, the Pact these conflicts have yielded Againts Communism does in importance to the new not seem to be a particularly conjunction of imperialist war like document. It declares that the signatoriesinterests between Germany and Italy.
Italy, German and Japan Italy has come into direct obligate themselves to keep conflict with England, first cerning the activities of the the war against Comintern and to confer on Ethiopia, which threatened British imperial interests necessary measures of dein Northeastern Africa and fense to carry out such measures of cooperation.
along the route to India, latterly, during the Civil Pact Is Imperialist War in Spain, when Italian Smoke Screen strengthening of the Italian But the words of the Pact, base in the Mediterranean, which increased the threat to the apparently do nothing principal life line of English more than create a world house for information, are power.
are merely a smoke screen At the same time. Gerbehind which more serious many, having grown more purposes are at work.
arrogant and powerful with In the first place, the the re occupation of the main purpose of the pact is Rhine, the restoration of a zot the cementing of a world the Versailles Treaty, and large army in defiance of Fascist alliance to combat the revolutionary activities ritory to establish the rule rich mineral resources. But, successful rape of the the enormous armaments of the Communist Interna of labor.
tional. Neither Hitler, Mus The real aims of the Pact separating Siberia from the it the Soviets are simulta is coming out openly for the solini nor the Mikado are restoration of her lost colocomplete idiots.
as well as the next man that sible aims. More precisely, solitary duel with the latter. two fronts separated by tionary crusade against the far from constituting a the Pact is pursuing specific hanced if it has an agree Soviet Union, and for the that each of the signatories to Its chances are vastly en thousands of miles.
extension of her influence threat to capitalism, the and different interests, ment with Germany to keep Italy Signs the Pact in Central Europe, present day Comintern is a which are all equally reac the Soviets occupied on the zealous defender of the ex tionary to the core.
Western front while Japan The broadening of the isting social order. They scope of the Pact to include Germany Lost Colonies also know that the Stalinist Japan achieved its main attacks in the Far East.
Similarly with Germany. ment that has developed war, Germany was stripped Italy introduces another ele With her defeat in the International and its objective when it allied it.
have been in the front line self with Germany in the It has always been an inte more fully since the original of all her colonial possesoriginal anti Communist gral part of the program of Pact was signed.
Isions. Before the war these the counter revolution in Pact a year ago. The Japa Hitlerism to conquer the big is Bpain, crushing with an nese ruling class has never granary represented by the ested in the conquest of so possessions covered 1, 134, tron hand every attempt of ceased yearning for the con Ukraine, a part of the Soviet viet territory. Nor is she 239 square miles, an area the workers in Loyalist ter quest of Siberia, with its Union. The prospect of a directly interested at pres. Continued on pepe clearing