Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL November 6, 1937 The Crisis of the Russian Revolution Why Basques Lost the North and crannies of reform their power. Continued from page 4)
for the regaining within it of the rights of capitalist exploitation.
the part of the international proletariat, will sweep The Stalinist bureaucracy suffocates and stranaside the military bureaucratic regime which is gles the revolution, its course is the sure and cer. Continued on page 6)
strangling them, re conquer power and control of tain road to its final defeat.
militia held firm. Not among the forces which, after retreating their own destiny, and head Soviet society as The social democracy, reformism, reinforced now. colleagues. It is a fact that their from Cangas de Onis, had extabwhole once more on the path of socialism; or the continued rule of the bureaucracy, with it by the Stalinist reversion to the offal and refuse, having existed cannot be discover. lished new lines. But in the coastal region east of Gijon, sabotage and disruption of the economy and the of reformism, as always is ready to act as the ed from the Stalinist press!
whole social order, and its cumulative undermin ticket the revolution, and is prepared to gloat Stalinist Alibi where the Basque troops were, and which was under the direct ing of the remaining socialist foundations of the The Stalinists attempted to command of the general staff economy, will result in the restoration of capital over its bones.
All the tribe of cowards and weaklings, unable unload all blame onto the Basque stationed in Gijon. The fascist ist exploitation and capitalist rule. There is no to stand up under the blows of historic events, in bourgeoisie, in a statement of Navarrese advanced twenty eight middle road.
Stalinism has nothing in common with social despair and retreat before advance of reaction the CP Political Bureau in mid miles here through towns ism, with Bolshevism, with the ideas or policies and at the spectacle of the temporary triumph of September. But La Pasionaria villages in three days. Even so, speech in the Cortes, October 1, the chief Insurgent forces were or methods of those who made the Revolution. The Stalinism, today grub around in an effort to re the Basque deputies were there, fifteen miles east of Gijon when Stalinist Party, masquerading as the Communist volution itself.
pudiate and undermine the foundations of the re most of them coming from Paris the city surrendered, on October In the nooks and and immediately afterward re 21!
ty of the Revolution. The Bolshevik Party the events, they seek shabby proofs of their pitiful turning there said not a word. the Party of Lenin and Trotsky, still lives within the thesis that Stalinism is the heir of Bolshevism. about the treachery of the Basque government officials and army officers had fled, But the masses Soviet Union, but it lives in hiding, in the pris that the degeneration of the Soviet Uninon was bourgeoisie. Instead, she said. We know that the salaries of course could not flee: they ons, the concentration camps, in determined by the strategy and policies of Lenin in exile, and in the and which the workers earn are not were left to the mercy of Franco.
Trotsky and the other leaders of October.
hearts and memories of the workers.
Their thesis is the thesis of cowardice and des sufficient to take care of their No measures had been taken in bureaucratic dictatorship over the masses, and its lution by a magic phrase, and imagine that purity when the workers are not satis: worker patrols to cleanse the city The totalitarian nature of the Stalinist militarix; pair. They wish to solve the problem of the revo homestamine this wense, we have the months intervening to puree complete reliance upon the suppression of all op of heart alone, and not enduring determination position and upon the guns of the have the example of of the hidden fascists, nor were excluded the possibility of the legal and peaceful and struggle, will wash away the accumulated fied; we have of the regime. By his own acts and his debris of the long centuries of exploitation and (Basque) Euzkadi, where the the Civil and Assault Guards workers continued with the same sifted. As a result, once more, own system, Stalin has left the masses only the oppression.
reject with scorn the weaklings and the salaries because the same capital. the Civil and Assault Guards one resort of political revolution to re establish joined, with civilian fascists to cowards. The birth pangs of the new world are Blames Workers take control and the fascist The defense of the Russian Revolution, of the not easy. Who but a dreamer or a dolt could expect troops merely marched in. Again, greatest victory of the working class, thus im otherwise? The task of the revolution is to reNo other conclusion could be a city had fallen intact, with all struggle against, and the overthrow of, Stalinism means whereby every man may poses as an inescapable duty the unremitting and under his conscious control, to provide the drawn from these words, except its factories ready to work for find the free and lost the military struggle. The that the dissatisfied worker had Franco.
the deadly and irrevocable enemy of that Revo full development of all of his resources and talents. only blame of the bourgeoisie The Government of lution.
or Defeat The Defense of the Revolution Firmness, determination, courage, sacrifice, strug workers better salaries! If the gle, intelligence, heroism these are needed to pseudo radical reference to the The government of victory. Pasionaria had christened the No greater witness could be brought to the im achieve it. And the strength of these must en same capitalist establishments measurable strength of the socialist revolution, dure, not bending and shaking to the changing were anything but demagogy, Negrin cabinet on its birth. Six and the inexhaustible sources of development winds of defeat and advance.
which it opens up, than the fact that all of the The degeneration of the Russian Revolution, the demand that the other capitalist grotesque ludicrousness of that defeats of the international working class, the hollow and transitory victory of Stalin, these have establishments in remaining christening. The one conceivable weariness and disillusionment of the masses, and in no slightest way weakened our confidence in Spain be given to the workers. justification for its repressions all the crimes of Stalinism, have not yet succeeded the revolution itself. Rather, by teaching us more, on the contrary, the cabinet is against the workers and peasants in altogether destroying the conguests of the revo y showing the endless resources of the revolution and land away from the workers might have been its military lution.
in In the still nationalized industry of the Soviet Ponfirm and the vast might ofreaction, they and giving them back to the old victories. But precisely from its renew our confidence.
reactionary politicx flowed its Union, the workers have weighty and invaluable disastrous military polices.
foundation from which, once they have regained reaffirm our allegiance and our faith. We reAsturians Fight On Whether Spain remains under control of the politicki regime, they could leap assert our loyalty to the Russian Revolution, and The Asturian and Santander this terrible yoke and goes down forward toward socialism. This great conquest, to the men and the policies that made it. Their the immediate and direct result of the October way, the way of October, of the Bolshevik Party, militiaman. largely CNT and to the depths, or yet frees her Revolution twenty years ago, belongs to the work of Lenin and Trotsky, is our way, and the only every foot of ground. The ter self from these organizers of ers of the entire world. They must and will de way.
in here was even more favor defeat and goes forward fend it against all of its enemies.
The Extension of the Revolution able to the defense than the hilly victory, whatever happens, his.
against the hidden or open They will defend it Santander region. The Asturian tory has attacks of world imperialism. In the case of war, already stamped the In the next great advance of the international dynamiters were still unshakeably Negrin Stalin they will unite firmly and unwaveringly in the revolution, the advance which events are even now holding their grip on Oviedo sovernment military struggle against the imperialist aggres. preparing, which is maturing in the very defeats suburbs, immobilizing the garri. with its true title: the governsors, whose vietory would guarantee at once the and losses, the whole tribe of weaklings and son there since July, 1936. Annent of defeat.
destruction of the nationalized economy, and the doubters and traitors will be thrust aside like told, nearly 140, 000 armed troops restoration of capitalism. And ceaselessly also chaff before the surging wave of the masses. were in the loyalist north.
they will defend the conquests of October against Stalinism and its blighting influence will go down The striking contrast between UNSER WORT the fatal hand of the bureaucracy, whose endur into the shameful grave which history has already the fighting methods of the and of the Basque The attention of comrades ing victory would no less certainly guarantee the dug for it. The victorious masses will not take Asturians familiar with the German destruction of the economy and the restoration of time to argue at length with the cowards and the nationalists was indicated by the traitors.
fact that not a village was given language is called to capitalism, Unser up before it was destroyed. The Wort. the official paper of Throughout the world, the preparation of the retreating Asturians The defense of the Revolution is the solemn and seem de the German Section of the 4th imperative duty of all workers, and above all of advance goes on. In every country, the Fourth termined to leave only smoking International.
all revolutionists. In the fulfillment of this duty, Internationalists, the inheritors of the traditions ruins and desolation behind them Comrades wishing to subthere go hand in hand the two necessarily related and ideas of the Octbber Revolution, defend and when they are finally forced to scribe to the paper, or to retasks of the struggle against imperialism and the preserve that tradition and those ideas against abandon a town or a village, ceive bundle orders should use struggle against Stalinism. This, and this alone, guidance of that tradition will march forward with (October 19. their traducers, and train men who under the wrote the New Times the following address for comis the defense of the Revolution.
munications: the masses to new and lasting conquests. The Jean Meichler, 14 The Attack on the Revolution But Are Betrayed banner of the Fourth International is the banner of the October Revolution. Out of the ruins of the 248 Rue des Pyrenees As in its first days twenty years ago, so now Second International, the international of betrayal in the Oviedo region, where the Then something happened. Not Paris (20e. France the revolution is under attack from every side to the imperialist war, and of the Stalinist InterCapitalist imperialism, both bourgeois and fascist, national, the international organizer of defeat and and all of its servants, plots and prepares con degeneration, arises the Fourth International: the MARXIST SCHOOL stantly for the definitive destruction of the revolu international of victory, of the world socialist revtion, for the dismemberment of the Soviet Union, Solution.
Tuesday Evening, Nov 9, P. THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY AND FARMER REVOLT IN MOROCCO, colonial peoples. They support status quo. After the FrancoLABORISM. Maurice Spector. Continged from page 1)
the suppression of the colonial Soviet Pact they must show the which has the support of the peoples, by supporting the French imperialists that they are Tuesday Evening, Nov. 9, 8:45 THE Communist party. The National People Front Government. Stanice respectable people. They EPOCH OF STALIN OR THE SOCIALDefense Ministers held a hurried linists, who now wholeheartedly don want any revolutions in PATRIOTISM OF THE THIRD IN.
special funds to send more troops imperialist Army, shoot down the any country.
TERNATIONAL. Max Shachtman.
into the French colonies. In the Arab workers who are seeking Upper West Side Branch French Cabinet the ministers of freedom from French exploitation.
PRE CONVENTION DANCE Friday Eve. Nov. 12, P. THE TASKS War, Navy, Airand Colonies Funds to carry on the colonial Saturday, Nov. 13 OF MARXISTS IN THE TRADE recommend the taking of stern campaign are voted by the steps to further suppress the Stalinist members of the French UNIONS. James P: Cannon.
916 9th Ave. Corner 58th St.
Chamber of Deputies.
2nd Floor REAL SWING BAND (Monday lectures have been postponed one week in The role of the Communist Their whole outlook is toward Admission 89c.
view of the Russian Revolution celebration. Party in this is rank treachery to the goal of maintaining the of York