FranceImperialismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

November 6, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Bill Left Wing Socialist Calls for Militancy at Ohio Confab Fur Militants Unite Against Leaders The Resolutions Committee then brought forth a one line resolution to accept the state officers report. Preis again took the floor. He was repeatedly Column stopped by the chair and other Stalinists on points of order.
Preis refused to yield the floor and forced the Stalinists to per The Last Straw mit him to finish. Preis showed how the reactionaries and imThe tottering Mahoney camperialists were behind the pro paign was finally given the kiss gram advocated by the Stalinists, of death by the endorsement of further, demanded fan explana How to Win Friends and as proposed in this report; and, Matthew Woll.
tion for the concealing in the report of the true condition of Influence People AKRON. year of Stalinist, the branch of the little town of cott of Japan by the labor orga the organization. The Stalinists rule and ruin revealed its balance Barberton. Cuyahoga County nizations, significantly leaving did not attempt to answer these shoot them, starve them. reJapanese style: Bomb them, sheet at the third annual con. Cleveland) had 7, 500 votes ap out their real line of calling on questions.
vention of the Ohio Workers proximately, or a total for the the American imperialist govern Ruth Fredricks, of Wood sult they love you. And you Alliance, at the Akron entire county less than either of ment to apply sanctions and a County, an independent Socialist collect their customs taxes.
October 23 24.
the two aforementioned individual boycott.
Roosevelt Feed them and Dorothy Meagley, a ClarityWithin one year, the financial branches. It was revealed that Preis again secured the floor ite, and also a Toledo Down alphabet soup with all the possible report of the organization reveals a block of 1, 000 stamps was and pointed out the difference town Branch delegate, collaborat permutations and combinations ed, the Ohio Workers Alliance, purchased by the Cleveland Sta between working class sanctions ed with Preis throughout the together with just enough cash until six months ago the largest linists just before the voting and imperialist sanctions. Al convention. This was done in the to keep them alive, so Farley can organization of unemployed out strength was assigned. Cleve though the latter was not includ face of the threat that if they tell them how to vote. If disside of New York City, has been land is where the demon orga ed in the resolution, immediately were seen even talking to Preis, content still shows, increase rereduced to less than 900 dues. nizers and functionaries, Arnold a dozen Stalinists took the floor they would be physically isolated lief. Not by a long shot! Appoint paying members September Johnson and Ben Gray, draw and began arguing in favor of from the rest of the delegates. That wows the radicals.
Though ninety percent of the down their pay. It has a popula imperialist sanctions.
It was these two workers who 81 official delegates present (ation respectively five and seven Here again, surprisingly, dele blocked an attempt in the ConsRussian style: Call them traimiserable numerical representa times greater than Toledo and gates, rank and file independents, titution Committee to write in a tors; sabotagers, agents of fotion in comparison with previous Akron.
supported the revolutionary po clause empowering the state reign governments, purge, imconventions) were Stalinists or Almost the entire first day sition. bureaucratic motion to president to reorganize on his prison or shoot them. Result: Stalinized sympathizers, Herbert sessions were filled by lengthy close debate was shoved over own discretion any local of the economic chaos. Then have Stalin Benjamin, of the Central two hour reports and speeches quickly.
make a speech for improved mo Committee, Arnold Johnson, em by Ben Gray and Herbert Benrale.
bittered renegade from revolu jamin. Here was all the We greet English style: Send George tionary socialism, Ben Gray, enthusiastically Roosevelt Chiaround to stutter a speech. That president of the and cago speech, Our Government, jolly well drives em gaga.
their lesser satellites, suffered Our Congressmen, The PeeIn France: The job is finished.
from a violent attack of the pul. Peace loving nations Everybody is in one big happy jitters, carrying through the against war loving nations.
People Front family.
most comically complex and etc. Not one word about milibureaucratic maneuvers to pre tancy, class consciousness, classThe Butcher and the vent the voice of the one revolu struggle, independent working Cattle tionary socialist present, Art class political action, the prinPreis of Toledo, from being ciples upon which the Stalin appeals for confidence heard.
was funded.
and cooperation in a talk to Why They Were Afraid Debate on any question was leaders who replaced those relimited to five minutes per delecently shot, purged or in prison.
But they had reason to be gate, with opportunity to speak To the outside, world the Stal The activities of the Opposi Reminding them of the fate of afraid. They had had trouble again only when no other dele inists proclaim that a genuine tion are healthy, and are in close their predecessors, Stalin said: whipping into line rank and gate wanted the floor.
united front exists today in the relationship with the mass of Leaders come and leaders go.
file revolt of their own delegates, All voting was to be by aye Furriers union. Those familiar the furriers, In other words, cooperation or who wanted as officers of the and no. or a show of hands of with the actual situation know The opposition is 100 conelse.
organization members from the the delegates present, except that this characterization is a structive. How do the Stalinists Rival for the ranks who had actually worked when twenty percent of the bluff. True, they have managed carry through a united front?
to build the organization and had delegates present voted for a roll to win over some right wing off. In the last elections, the Stalinis preparing to met with some success in Summit call. Twenty one delegates from cials whom they promised jobs ists distributed a leaflets among create a recruiting agency which County. Akron. Several leading Cuyahoga County represented and put on their slates. It was the furriers reading as follows: could be relied upon in the event members of the Barberton less real votes and membership these same right wing officials Some of the little groups, of war to enlist at least 500, 000 local, Summit County, with than the two delegates from the who, during the bloody period, regardless of the fact that they volunteers in the first sixty days second largest voting strength at Toledo Downtown Branch! were very often the object of do not represent anybody in of hostilities. Times.
the convention, privately confess motion passed prevent the well known Spit brigade the fur trade, we have endorsed to this observer that, they had ing additional nominations from the dainty girls who spit in un ed in the previous elections. Search for Peace been literally blackmailed floor! The chair ruled ison on all those who would not and we endorse them now. We do not do this because the its patient search for peace Roosevelt Administration in supporting the Stalinist bureau that no resolution, not previously succumb to the bureaucratic Stalcratic, class collaborationist line ly approved by the Resolutions inist rule. These right wing boys little cliques and groups are reached Brooklyn Navy Yards.
by fear that the Stalinists would Committee, could be read before were then subject to the vilest constructive elements in the work was started on a 62, 000, wreck their organization, which the delegates except by a two insults, called scabe, racketeers. represents years of hard, earnest thirds vote of the convention! and gangsters. Today, when they union, or because we need their 000 help, or their ability, but be. Could anyone ask more forceful super super dreadnought.
work. These workers were fearfall in line and obey their drivPlan Administration Deal cause the united front is holy proof of our ful of personal reprisals through ers, the Stalinist fakers call them to us.
peaceful intentions. the usual methods of personal The most significant remark honest, constructive and sincere slander and causing them to lose by Herbert Benjamin was According to the above statesocialists. Religion on the Wane their jobs. In this fashion, the statement that the Workers These right wingers capitulat ment, the Stalinists admit that vile methods of the are Alliance must become a respon led, many fur workers remained their united front is nothing more recent survey of 10, 000 rebeing spread into every workers sible organization that would passive. But there is still a fine elections as in the ones previous, presentative citizens indicates. organization These rank and file command the respect of the number of the rank and file who the Stalinists endorsed candi that religion losing ground.
workers, recent converts to Sta public. because the organiza carry on the fight against the date of the opposition, and placed news item. little more light honest, resent the fact that while written agreement with the better conditions for the fur agents of the bosses. enemies a glance over the sermons in New they do all the work and try to This points the way to the workers, of Soviet Union, and aids of Gen York last Sunday as reported in build the organization, pie card coming sell out of the organized The opposition in the Furriers eral Franco, and without asking the Times. Reverend James artists and paid machine men unemployed to the administration. Union is a unity of all elements the candidates whether they ae Gilles: doubt that many of the like Ben Gray and Arnold John Preis finally secured the floor who are against Stalinist control, cept the endorsement. This so called Christian leaders believe son are given all the influential for brief five minutes and ex class collaboration, Peoples swindle is performed in the name in a personal God.
We can and desirable posts. The Stalinist posed the use of the terms res Frontism, and union bureaucracy, of holiness, in order to show the even trust the people who go to higher ups are so fearful of their ponsible and respectable as which the Stalinists carry world that there is such a thing Church every Sunday. Why political line that they are in being terms used by the capitalist through in order to betray the as a united front in the furriers even? The Reverend Dr. Wm.
creasingly rejecting all except class and boss press to designate workers. One can imagine what union.
Ward Ayer: The church ought the most corrupt and venal func the weak and sell out type of it means to be an opposition This year, the Lovestonites always to take the side of mantionaries.
leadership which the capitalists in a Union where the Stalinists were also not a part of the so hood against the Moloch money.
Real Voting Strength Analyzed militant organization.
could effectively use to stifle have complete control. called united front of the Stalin But alas too many times her The opposition has great finan ists.
condemnations are hushed by the An analysis of the voting Preis Well Received cial difficulties; it is, therefore, because their leader, pleasant tinkle of gold. Very strength at the convention is very hard for it to carry through Lovestone, a few months ago, in very sad! The Reverend Dr.
revealing. Lucas County (Toledo) Despite all the attempts to strong campaign. The opposi an article in their paper, not very Minot Simons was shocked by had almost 16, 900 votes, based on slander and physically isolate tion is a strong one. The fact is strongly, in a mild way, criticized the sins of many well to do who yearly dues stamp purchases. him, Preis words were greeted that in the last elections, the Stal. Stalin, for the bloody happenings have concern over hiring but none This was for the year during with a real round of applause. inist vote counters themselves in the Soviet Union. The Stalin over firing but their number which Art Preis, a Trotskyite, Benjamin hastily took the plat gave 2000 votes to an opposition ists could not bear this, and re grows less. Seek ye the o.
ras chairman. 8000 of these votes form and for a half hour tried candidate.
fused to have a united front with and their number wih dwindle to sided in the Downtown Branch, with weasel words to undermine The important thing is that in the Lovestoneites in the Furri nothing. Yea verily!
The Rev.
oledo, of which Preis is chair the effect of Preis five minute the leadership of the Opposition ers Union.
Dr. Wentz: Martin Luther man. This one branch represent talk.
there are no prominent leaders, It is clear that there is not burning of the Pope Bull in ed about twenty percent of the Fearful of precipitating any and yet the plain rank and filers united front in the Furriers 1520 was the Boston Tea Party total voting strength at the con discussion, the Stalinist resolu who cannot gwallow the Stalinist Union. The Stalinists are spread of the reformation. If Martin pontion! Summit County (Akron) iton committee first brought in traitors, are ready to sacrifice ing this illusion in their own was only around now, what and 12, 000 votes, almost 000 in a resolution calling for boy themselves and fight to the end. interests.
fire he could start. The army into the This