AnarchismAntifascist FrontBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

On SOCIALIST APPEAL November 6, 1937 socialism in single, isolated Russia, and taking adSOCIALIST APPEAL vantage of the lassitude of the masses, Stalin and his clique proceeded to entrench themselves in INTERNATIONAL NOTES Vol. No. 13. Saturday, Nov. 1937 power. One by one, they destroyed the agencies Published every week by the of workers and party democracy and control.
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Around themselves they solidified a totalitarian bureaucratic regime.
October Published at 116 University Place, 4, the British Walker keynote speech reLabour Party held its Conference veal the great change in the Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for The Corrupt Rule of the at Bournemouth.
months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order The central atmosphere of the party; they point on the agenda was, of might have been used and cents per copy. Single copies cents.
The trade unions, the factory committees, the masked by the cloak of the de ing.
course, All checks and money orders should be made the question of war, cheered in a conservative meetout to the Socialist Appeal.
soviets, the revolutionary party, all are destroyed tense of British Democracy. The as organs of the working class, and remain only military preparations of British demonstrated by the fact that The thoroughness of the job is Entered as second class matter September 1, as puppets in the manipulating hands of the imperialism demand the uncondi the minority vote included not 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
bureaucracy. The power of the bureaucracy is en tional mobilization of the British more than 70, 000 forced by repression, lies, terror, exile, execution workers, as an indispensable part votes, the rest representing those trade union The faintest opposition or suspicion of opposition of its war program. And it is of local labor parties. Again hear The Crisis in the Russian Revolution is met by the torture chambers and guns of the an illuminating fact that prior the Manchester Guardian: What The aim of the bureaucracy has become to the Conference there was wide seemed incredible a year ago has (Continued from page 1)
exclusively the preservation and increase of its spread concern, especially among happened, and the Labour Party were taken from the hands of the exploiters and own power and privilege. History, education, the so called liberal section of has achieved something like about the unity on defense.
placed in the ownership and control of the revolu science, art, law, are re written and perverted in the capitalist press, It tionary state. The land was given to the peasants accordance with the bureaucracy conception of possibility of division in the who tilled it. The press and education were taken its own interest. Corruption spying, bribery, false ranks of labor. That is to say British imperialism to have been ruling circles lest an opposition its next war venture, that which able achieve, even prior to from liars and perverters who used them for their hood have become the rule and norm of social and there were some qualms in the political life.
own corrupt ends, and made the enlightening instrument of the new order. During all the drawn In desperate and frantic adventures the bureau lop in the ranks of the Labour in 1914 it could assure itself only out and devasting crisis of the Civil War, step cracy attempts to correct the fissures in the in Party. The results of the Confer in the actual course of the war.
after step was steadfastly taken.
ternal economy which its own police regime make ence have left the British bourge has suffered another major blow.
The international working class So well were the foundations laid in the early italist methods of speed up; continually increases inevitable and cumulative. It re introduces cap oisie positively gloating.
Even though the British StalinThe social patriots had a field ists find themselves spurned mess and exhaustion of the country, it was able, the wage differentials in the effort to raise pro day, after suppressing the pacifist temporarily by the Labour Parts, after the breathing space of the New Economic duction norms, and through the inequalities there guinea pigs. Here is how the they can claim more than equal in history, in the development of the productive flicts; extends the free market, private property most concerned about the develops Pravda, incidentally, carried plant, the elimination of illiteracy, the extension on the collectives, and partial rights of inheri ments, summarizes the results: the new society had been a drawn during those foresight by the imprisonment and execution of movement has moved to a posi eance sincetes sissues and prevencelaime of social services and safeguards. The pattern of tance; punishes its own lack of efficiency and The great mass of the respetar slowing accounts of this conferworkers; arbitrarily and bureaucratically inter tion that even a year ago one the united front.
heroic years.
Thus, in its The Isolation of the Revolution and technicians, re arranges production and out for it to have taken up. Man issue for October we find the following comment: The acute chester Guardian Weekly, Oct.
put schedules; falsifies statistics; resorts constant 18. By an overwhelming vote Conference of the Labour Party struggle which flared up at the the Throughout the world, the electrifying effect of ly to administrative and terrorist methods, to of 2, 167, 000 against 228, 000 the on the question correct economic defect, Conference pledged allegiance to anti Fascist front has terminated to try to of the united the revolution stirred the masses. In every country they arose in great struggles, to defend the thereby only increasing and deepening the defects. the next war slaughter. Dem not quite in the manner desired revolution, to protect it against intervention, and Safer with ocracy An Armed by the right wing of the Labor.
Britain. to carry it through in their own country. In PoDifferences In Social Rank ites. be sure, from a formal land, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the workers stood The manner in which the im standpoint of the number of Similarly, the bureau on the threshold of power. The decisive advance re introduces and possible was achieved is likewise votes, victory was gain by this source of gratification to the wing. But in reality the partisans of the international revolution was in the balance. increases the differences in social rank and priviof unity achieved great successes.
But the still remaining resources of capitalist lege, in the army and in society generally, hoping war mongers. Mr. James Walker The revolutionary socialists imperialism, the exhaustion of the masses from thereby to aid in the maintenance of its own it is the general consensus the sufferings of the war. and above all the power and privilege by a system of rewards and which almost took the breath of have more than a fighting chance treachery of the workers own leaders, proved for the impetus to the re consolidation of a new bourthe Conference away.
to avert a similar debacle in this that stage an insurmountable obstacle. The revo geoisie, a new ruling class, and the definitive res the first big Labour Conference approach of the second imperialAfter pointing out that it was of unfolding events, and the rapid country. Against the background lution was thrown back at one after ent on the international front. The reformist so toration of capitalist exploitation.
Speech for a generation that has cial democracy, faced with the rising workers The last year, the twentieth year of the Revo struck the patriotic note. the ist world slaughter, our coming great power, joined with the bourgeoisie to slaughter lution, with its gigantic purge in which virtually Manchester Guardian comments Convention looms as the revolutionists and handed back the power to every leader of the Revolution itself, every poten gleefully as follows: The words historical sign post.
finance capital. An ebb tide of the international tial rallying point of opposition, has been executed revolution set in.
or imprisoned, and with the shameful fraud of the new Constitution providing juridical sanction for The Result of the Cantonal Election in France Revolutionary Wave Recedes the liquidation of the political power of the soviets and the workers organs generally and for the the recent French election with should be borne in mind that the By juxtaposing the results of has been passing in France. It As the revolutionary wave receded, the workers bureaucratic monopoly of power, this last year those of 1931, we can obtain some cantonal elections in 1931 were regime within Russia found itself in an ever widen brings the whole Stalinist system to a head.
indication of the processes held prior to the outbreak of the ing isolation. The revolution in the West, upon through which the class struggle crisis. Here are the key figures: which the leaders of the Russian Revolution had Stalinism and the Revolution 1937 1931 relied in order to place at the disposal of socialStalinism poses as the inheritor of the Russian The Communist Party (Stalinists. The Socialist Party (S. 1, 657, 088 574. 614 ism the machinery, resources, and skills of at 1, 090, 552 175, 162 least some sections of advanced European eco Party of Lenin; and in this picture it paints of Independent Socialists 1, 608, 793 939, 817 nomy, had, at this stage, failed. The Soviet power itself it is supported by the entire reactionary and The Center and Right Parties.
63, 089 148, 435 was left with only the pitifully inadequate pro2, 813, 053 1, 554, 160 ductive plant bequeathed to it by Tsarism and Mensheviks, anarchists, and the whole crew of Fascists (P. Doriot)
bourgeois press, well by the reformists, Fascists (P. de La Roque. 296, 537 70, 634 and the Civil War, with the primitive, undeveloped deserters from Marxism and the road of the workThus, in 1931 the four parties the crisis with their strength unagriculture; with the cultural and social backers revolution.
which today into the impaired, thanks to the cover No lie could be more gross and vicious, nor People Front polled a total of provided wardness of a people hounded and brutalized by more disastrous in the entire struggle for social 1, 838, 028 as against 1, 554, 160 the Socialists. And if the social the Stalinists and centuries of reactionary dispotism.
The Russian people themselves were reaching the ism.
for the right while in 1937 they democracy and Stalinism of their rope, physically, morally, spiritually. Stalinism is the dregs of proletarian defeat, the polled 4, 319, 763 as against 2, 818. experienced a growth, the forces The imperialist war, the socio economic crisis, the scourge of the revolution, and the destroyer of the 100 for the right and over one of reaction have consolidated break down industry, the famines, the Civil Bolshevik Party.
third of a million for the Fascists. themselves, and the Fascists are War, had drained them to the bone. There were Stalinism was vomited to the surface by the On the surface these figures beginning to assume mass pronot sufficient moral resources left with which to weariness, exhaustion, disillusionment of the appear imposing. But even a portions. Above all it must be face firmly the spectacle of temporary defeat of masses. It is the heavy, terrible price paid for deres romanalysis shows what a born in mind, that the crisis in disastrous effect the People France will not be solved on the the international revolution, and to chart an un the failure to extend the post War revolution.
thes swerving course through the period of isolation symbol and organizer of the defeats of the The Radical Socialists, the tradi are stronger in France today than Fronters have had on the masses. parliamentary arena. The Fascists in the light of the spirit and strategy of revolu international proletariat and of the backwardness tional party of French imperial. Mussolini was when he made his tionary internationalism.
of Russian economy and culture. In every nerve ism, were able to pass through successful bid for power in Italy.
and bone and sinew it is reactionary and corrupt.
The Degeneration of the Revolution Stalinism, solidified into a monolithic monster, Last Call!
has become absolutely incompatible with the revoThe revolution retreated. Its retreat was world lution, whether with the Soviet Union or internaDANCE and ENTERTAINMENT wide; and the Soviet Union could not, did not, tionally. The course of the Stalinist military Saturday, November 6th at P.
escape from the world movement. Out of the de bureaucratic dictatorship over the Russian masses IRVING PLAZA (Main Ball Room)
feat of the revolution internationally, the economie, is now in direct and irreconcilable conflict with 15th STREET and IRVING PLACE social, and cultural backwardness of Russia, and the expansion of the socialized economy, and the the exhaustion of the Soviet masses, arose Stal social and itical interests of the masses. This Tickets: Fifty Five Cents fnism the symbol, expression, and organizer of is the present crisis of the Russian Revolution.
On sale at: LABOR BOOK SHOP the degeneration of the revolution.
One the other must win; one or the other 28 East 12th Street.
Basing themselves upon the defeats, the exhaus: must be destroyed. Either the Russian masses, Auspices: Socialist Party (Left Wing) YPSL tion, backwardness, prejudices, through their cynt stimulated and aided by a renewed upsurge on (Fourth Internationalists)
mal and wholly reactionary theory of building (Continued on page 6)
a enter have end of of It