Bolshevik PartyBolshevismDemocracyFranceImperialismLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinTrotskyViolenceWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 13.
401 Saturday, November 6, 1937 Cents per Copy. Faces Crisis on Twentieth Anniversary of October Revolution Revolt Flares World Revolution Alone Most Gained In Morocco; Can Save Workers State by Bosses in Arrest Heads Deal The the next and earth.
Twenty years ago this week there took place the greatest event in the history of mankind. Led by those magnificent, firm, and clearsighted men forged by Lenin into the Bolshevik Party, the workers of Petrograd, through their insurrection, began the French Morocco is again seeth era of the socialist revolution. At long last, mankind, after untold centuries of barAmerican Labor Party ing with revolt. This time, against barism, violence, ignorance, brutality, op pression, was nearing its maturity. Men, polled nearly a half million votes the People Front Government. grown conscious of their destiny, were launching the final conflict, to lift themselves in the New York City elections, The People Front Government out of the darkness of pre history into the freedom and expansion of a truly human but got very little for its pains to the idea of freedom of colonial society.
labor in an election, the demonpeoples than was its predecessor. widespread movement has comparable to the courage of these work ing. With them were the hopes and aspira when no candidate is elected, was No courage ever before witnessed was in the hearts of the oppressed and suffer stration of class strength, which developed which expressed itself ers and their leaders. Millions of their tions of the masses. With them was the not achieved by the ALP. For on October 23, in the demonstra brothers and comrades lay dead on the vast great and only ideal which can lead men the city wide ALP vote went to tion of Moroccan Nationalists in battlefields of the War; and countless mil forward to the new world.
capitalist cand dates. In the enKhemisset. Fighting broke out. lions more lay wounded, ill, Upon the social needs, upon the masses suing haggling for Le rached its peak when thous: Starxation and exhausti o nadere a unei persones and their hopes, upon their great ideal, the electoral combination, much of and guns attacked the barricades trial erected around the government primitivlomy had broken to pieces, the Brushing aside the head shaking wise the argument that many of the ve disrupted food enough to eat. The ter Front Government responded by rible dead weight of generations of despotgth left date.
There was not enough strength sending more troops from Rabat (ism, of habits of ses social and moral cor trappings. The storm of the revolution its seat in the Board of Estimate, of lack of cul in the old world, for all of its grandiose The Bronx presidency and to put down the disorders. The ture and education, of. Jeaders of the group were arrest ruption, pressed the Russian people to the od and given quick trials rufed the mariah pelaganiay, morskerne na wage supposed tot een to the State sentences of from ten days to one veriling the nel Gat e Ramhete: The Thousands of years of traditions, habits. the world in Noothing could stand against it Republican and Fusion parties, it ordered. Imperial. Maneuvers of customs, with all the great power these The life blood of the revolution nourished division of labore whereby the place in Northern Africa in order God, in the person of the decayed and vici from their exhaustion, misery, starvation, fused to withdraw its own candito demonstrate natives ous Orthodox Church of all the Russias, and despair. Superiority of arms, of num date and helped throw the electhat they will tolerate no moves was against them. The world was against bers, of material resources, were unavail tion to the Democrat, Lyone.
The French Minister of Colo bullets, tanks, Wattleships of both sets not in the revolution conquered. It conquered Bronkel vote in un instantia fight to nies, Marius Moutet, claims to the imperialist powers.
the hordes of the internal counter revolu the presidency against LaGuar.
have uncovered a plot to unite But not everything. With all their bold tion, the armies of imperialist intervention, dia Bronx, Republican supportbeloner the discorerunder the ness and audacity, they were not dreamers, the traitors in its own camp, it conquered ees: theme La Ploidn take alleged plot led to the arrest of visionaries, utopians, these men of the re. its own weaknesses. Fiercely and relent off. The ALP ran no other canlour Arab Nationalist Leaders. volution. They kenw that what was against lessly the revolution defended itself; often didates for the Board of EstiNumerous outbursts have taken them was not everything; that it seemed to harsh and cruel in its justice, for it per mate, the real seat of city power.
more than of local significance, still focussed on, whose minds were stil sparing of itself. There was no time for licers, where ALP candidates ran for they are linked up with similar circumscribed by, the old and dying world. idle debate and metaphysical speculation. Democratic opponents, indicated demonstrations in Palestine, SyThe workers power must be maintained; that the ALP will poll at least Fighting Against Odds ria, and Egypt the enemies defeated; the path toward so twice as many votes for memStalinists Support Repressions With them was the future of mankind. cialism blazed.
bers of the new City Council With them were the inescapable needs and Simultaneously the revolution took the as will actually count for ALP In France, the disorders are requirements of the very productive me great measures to establish the founda councilmen. For part of the ALP being met with quick action from chanism which men have built in their age tion of the new social order. The factories, deal with Republican Fusion inthe People Front Government, long battle with an intractable nature. mines, railroads, means of communication, volved withdrawing most of its (Continned on page 8) With them was the cry for justice burning (Continued on page 4)
council candidates.
to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Russian Revolution Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the seizure Protest the suppression of workers democracy!
of power by the Bolsheviks under the leadership Protest the bloody purges of Stalin and the exof Lenin and Trotsky!
termination of the genuine revolutionists!
For the international extension of the October Protest the monstrous frame ups against Leon Revolution. Trotsky!
Speakers: MANNY GARRETT MAX SHACHTMAN McKINNEY, Chairman Monday November 8, 1937. 8:30 ADMISSION 25c Irving Plaza, Irving Place and 15th St.