AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarDewey CommissionImperialismLeninMoscow TrialsSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyVictor Serge

8 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 30, 1937 Arrest of Loyalist Generals Shows Treason in People Front Regimes Stalinist Pogrom Against POUM Intensified to Cover Betrayal of Northern Front by Basque Bourgeoisie in the Valencia Government Bureaucracy Adopts Barbaric Penal Code to Punish Smallest Offenses in Russia Why such a trial should be betrayed?
a The very much pro People s, lencia on behalf of Nin. When Front Madrid bureau of the New the Stalinists showed him the York Times, which avidly repeats alleged documentary proof remost Stalinist slanders, makes ferences to in a document no mentio of POUM members. Miravittles burst out laughing, in the arrests (October 24 issue. by his own account, and declared By Felix Morrow All the POUM leaders of that nobody would take it serious.
Barcelona are dead, jailed orly. As a matter of fact, only the few hours after the fall of Gijon, the Negrin government announced the forth very few have fled from the Stalinists reiterate the prepos, country.
coming trial of three generals for treason leading to the fall of Malaga. Thereby terous charge against the POUM leaders. Even Prieto told the ILD hangs a tale.
Laugh at Charges French delegation that he did not Malaga fell on February Immediately the CNT presented proofs that the debelieve the POUM leaders had Apart from the Stalinists, any relations with fascists. The fense had been directly, deliberately betrayed.
the Catalan government is cons liberal bourgeoisie and the right The first move of the bourgeois Stalinist bloc was to attempt to make the CNT tituted by President Companys wing socialists are prepared to the scapegoat. Francisco Maroto, anarchist military leader, was arrested and not have publicly protested against rectionaries. e. as revolution released for over a month.
the slander that the POUM ists! The Stalinigts cannot be as The CNT had the goods, But as the Italian anarchists, in jail since June 16. Why are leaders are Franco agents. Comhowever, and as a result, on Camillo Berneri, in a letter attack they not tried, even under the panys sent the head of the com honest as Prieto, and must transing the collaboration of the CNT ex post facto decree of June 23 missariat of Propaganda, Jaime form the revolutionists into February 21, Under Secre with the bourgeoisie, pointed out which provides secret trials? Miravittles to intervene in Va fascists!
tary of war General Jose. Prieto deliberate disuse of the After four months, the Stalinists Asensio, his chief of staff, fleet was part of bourgeois are still trying to sweat someone Cabrera, and Colonel Vil orientation. The great democ this fasco, and to provide the Stalinist policy of Anglo French into confession. To cover up lalba whom Asensio had sent racies feared that a loyalist atmosphere for shooting them to Malaga on the eve of its clash in the Mediterranean would without trial, stories continue to fall were imprisoned await hurt their imperialist interests, appear about new discoveries.
therefore persuaded Prieto to of POUM Franco plots. The Daily ing trial. The Caballero hang up the navy at Cartagena Worker latest (October 25)
By Victor Serge cabinet soon gave way to for the duration of the war! from Valencia reports that an Barbarism. Is there a word this crime and that as a result, Negrin. Now, nearly six Furthermore, in December a ssasination. sabotage. espionage more correct to characterize this some 35, in two groups, have months after the Negrin ca decree had established the Sup plot was frustrated by the arrest frightful social back sliding? been shot. Crimes ascribed to hoodlums or hooligans, are binet came in, a trial is again reme War Council, in which the last night of a gang of Franco Judge for yourself.
bourgeois Stalinist bloc had a spies, including leaders and memTass, the official newspaper regarded in every other country announced.
majority as against the CNT bers of the POUM, the Catalo agency, announces from Moscow minor offenses usually punishUGT ministers. Where was the nian Government announced to that long terms at forced labor ed with short jail sentences or Reason For Trial Cou while Malaga was being the press last night. All that have been re established by de fines. From the social point of false in Joe North story is: cree for the wreckers. This view, they are due to a lack of Furthermore, such a trial would spotlighted now, is quite clear. 1. Not the Catalonian govern type of penalty was abolished at education, or improper supervision chief of the beginning of the revolution of adolescents, alcoholism and series of open betrayals has have to air the story of Antonio ment, but the police wipped out the northern front. Guerra, Stalinist delegate in the Barcelona, announced the arrests. iat made remarkable advances in The dictatorship of the protelar poverty.
Soviet penal law is thus becomthe most inhuman in existhe traitors. But a trial of those whereabouts, had remained associated with the fall of Bilbao, mystery until a fierce controversy icance: The police chief is a direct in the very midst of the civil war. Itence. It is the only penal law in Santander, Reinose, Gijon, would between the Stalinist and CNT appointee of Valencia, which The Council of People Com the world which applies the death lead directly to the doors of the leaders provoked the latter (CNT under the Catalan autonomy sta missars, presided over by Lenin, penalty to minors, the death Boletin, Valencia, August 26, tute provision, took over control decreed that that the longest penalty for theft, the death penpresent government. Desperately seeking a way out of this pre Guerra had stayed behind with May 1987) to remind the that of public order in Catalonia on penalty depriving a defendant of alty for crossing the frontier and despite the lapse of his liberty shall not extend be without a passport; the obligatory dicament, the government turns the fascists. Moreover, the Stalin six months still keeps that con yond five years. The absurd and deportation of the families of happened during Caballero mi ist, War Commissar Bolivar, had trol, thus wiping out any real degrading inhumanity of perpet those condemned to heavy senbeen with Villalba at the Com Catalan autonomy. Furthermore, ual or quasi perpetual penalties tences; imprisonment for inverts.
Certainly, it would be possible mander Headquarters and had the director general of police for in civilized society, was thus KARAKHAN in such a trial to compromise deserted with him, two days be all Spain is the Stalinist, Moron, abolished. Later on, the maximum CNT can testify that twice, in betrayal for which Villalba is to stalinist. Burillo. Burillo is he years. Beginning with October 3, been informed with certainty the be tried. These are but a few loved of the masses, notably for it has been extended to twenty Karakhan, who was one of the October and November, delega of the facts which make extreme being an ex member of the five years!
tions vainly urged Caballero to ly doubtful a real court airing.
first Soviet diplomats, serving as Spanish Monarchical Union and Dispatches on the same day ambassador in China and in Turstrengthen the defense of Malaga.
for having, as chief of operations apprise us The Stalinist, Colonel Romero, POUM Trial Fiasco that the Siberian key, has been shot. Previously, it at Toledo, surrendered intact to authorities, in order to combat had been ascertained that he had can tell the story of fascist air the fascists the important muni hoodlumism. have decided to disappeared. My informants are attacks at will because no anti The POUM leadership has been tions factory there.
institute the death penalty forcategoric on this subject.
aircraft guns were provided.
Asensio subsequent refusal supply arms to Malaga and his POPULAR HANDBOOK OF THE TACTICS AND STRATEGY OF REVOLUTION!
appointment of the traitor Villalba who had been previously CRUSHING INDICTMENT OF THE STALIN FRAME UP REGIME!
arrested by ONT troops on the Aragon front as a fascistThey say: certainly reflect on his superior, Caballero. In a carefully managed He marshals his evidence and argument with trial, the government might make such mastery and cumulative force that the reader Caballero the scapegoat and thus will probably regard this testimony not so much seek to turn attention away from as a defense as an indictment. It is an indictthe northern betrayals and the ment more powerful than any penned by Zola dureold and plain fact that in six ing the Dreyfus affair.
months the government has proSidney Hook, in the vided only, defeats.
New York Herald Tribune Nevertheless, predict that, if the trial is held at all, it will This book is most readable. It contains Trotsbe a secret one, on the pretext ky final speech of summation which will, most that military secrets are involved.
likely, go down in history as one of the greatest For if the CNT militiamen go indictments of all time. It contains Trotsky reon the witness stand and are not The Verbatim Record of the Hearings of the Dewey muzzled either by the judges or cord of his life, his relationship with Lenin, with by the CNT leaders in the name Commission in Mexico City Stalin and the defendants at the trial, his story of unity. they can add a number of the oppositional fight with Stalin. And it contains a closely reasoned and brilliant analysis of of highly embarassing facts lead617 Pages ing straight to the doors of the every aspect of the Moscow trials.
present cabinet. James Farrel, in the Saturday Review of Literature.
Prieto and Navy SPECIAL PRICE DURING THIS CAMPAIGN SALE: 50 Above all, they can point to Prieto, then as now head of the navy. Malaga is the nearest port to Franco communications lines with Morocco. It was the obvious Rush all orders to place for the loyalist fleet to be, 28 EAST 12th Street New York, and the Italians and Moors could then never have taken Malaga. The Case Of Leon Trotsky The Labor Book Shop