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France for the French! Is Now Stalinist Call the October 30, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Sugar, which was 50 a kilo, has gone to 60 Other food products, clothing; INTERNATIONAL NOTES shoes, transportation, postal rates, all are going up. Who is responsible for the High Cost of Living? Follows an attack on the big capitalists who attack The Coming Elections in Russia the franc, the powerful trusts who decree the rise in prices to The official date for the first election under Stalin Constitution increase their already exaggerat has been finally set for Sunday, December 12. The electoral campaign ed profits and the large, all was officially opened on October 11. The ruling clique is uneasy, powerful food handling companies if not panic stricken, by the newly aroused political activity among. the Maggi Co. who collect the masses, and is mobilizing its forces on an unprecedented scale milk, butter etc, at prices insuf against any unpleasant surprises. The press, especially Pravda, has ficient for the producers in order been concentrating for weeks on the elections, issuing one alarm to sell them at exaggerated prices signal after another.
By Charles Orr to the consumers, thus realizing There once was a time when the cry of the French fascists, scandalous profits. Note the Says Pravda: Only a political blockhead can suppose that the La France aux Francais (France for the French) was vigorously bait to the small shop keepers. election campaign, as well as preparations for it, will go by without The rise of prices can be rabid attempts on the part of the enemies of Soviet power to cause contested by the cry of the revolutionary Parisian workers, Les stopped by putting a quick end to injury and do dirt to our Fatherland. September18, 1937. soviets partcuts (Soviets everywhere. Tat was before the People capitalist oligarchs. by sub This theme is constantly harped on, with especial stress on Front. With the signing of the People Front pact the more revolu mittig the trusts to the control the rural population as the source of greatest danger. Thus on tionary slogans of the Communist Party, to which adhere the elite and effective watch of the state October 8, Pravda editorializes: Elections to the Supreme Soviet of revolutionary France, the Paris workers, were immediately in order to reduce their mons constitution the continuation of the struggle with the class enemy, trous profits, by limiting the who will not let the opportunity slip to befuddle the most backhushed up in order not to injure profits of the great food compa ward section of the collective farmers, and lead them astray.
their compact with the Radicals the sacred heritage of our fathers. nies.
and various anti fascist and anti The French intend to remain the And the climax to this expose to the Trotskyist Bukharinist agents of Fascism and bourgeois For the first time in many moons, the press refers not only clerical allies. But still, no one masters of their own house. They which does not even do credit to thought that, while the workers intend to take care of their own a reformist, is another parody of nationalists, but also to the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionists settled into a mood of bewildered business between themselves and Frenchmen, Unite! as enemies to guard against and root out. Column after column discontent, the leaders of their give themselves whatever reforms The CP recently brought is devoted to admonitions to agitators that it is essential for them vanguard party would actually may be fitting. To keep the out a special paper, Le Conscrit to keep their ears sharply cocked as to what is being said and La France aux Francais. etc. of France, the Republic must do army. The front page is adorned authorities.
take up the fascist slogans of peace, liberty and independence written for the conscripts in the what is being complained of and immediately to inform the away with this shady army of with words and music to a song Komsomolskaya Pravda for October asserts that reports from Showing True Colors provocateurs. The poster ends entitled, La Belle France. the provinces provide ample proof that, as the elections draw closer, Many people, to whom with the logans: Long live the Among the other counsels ad with every passing day, the hostile elements are mobilizing, often People Front was only a temthe union of the French nation! dressed to the soldier of France skulking behind a mask of loyalty and devotion to the Soviet power.
we find the command: No illegal The enemies, it asserts, resort largely to the weapon porary plot of the to lure of Living Costs High poisonous the middle class into a revolution work. Do not edit clandestine rumors, slander and gossip, anti Soviet anecdotes, by the back door, find these latest in. to the extremes inexplicable. But for the prices, whicho chas?
Yongisesinin of the Popular Front admitted calculated to undermine confidence in tpe government. To combat Marxists, who have watched the wiped out the gains of the work into the barracks. Id! comment 900, 000 in number have been mobilized by a special decision of the record of the Communist Party ers from their June, 1936 strikes changing the nature of the capi party and the Komsomol. Each teacher: is expected to send in a and the People Front in Loyalist and the Popular Front Spain, this last painful develop laws, is embarassing the com talist state. Attitude toward the written pledge of the work he or she binds himself or herself to ment is only logical. It was pre munists, as the most ardent sup under officers: Do not hold them do before the elections to combat these anti governmental rumors, cisely in such revolutionary porters of the Front. They re responsible for everything that anecdotes, etc.
situation as Spain, where political cently felt called upon to bring wrong. They are only ex Over and above this, there has been an unmistakable growth parties and organizations show out Other articles in influence of the priests. The organ of poster on this subject. It ecutive agants.
the trade unions, Frud, has their true colors most clearly, proclaims, in part. Everything the French army, explain how among miners and factory workers, especially in the Des Basin.
describe the glorious history of been reporting for months the growth of religious tendencies even that the People Front broke is going up!
down the point of excluding to the Communist deputies defend Responsible for it are, of course, the Trotskyists, who have pen Bread which was 80 a kilo, the soldiers (the under officers etrated into the Atheist Alliance to undermine the anti religious and oppressing its revolutionary elements and the new type of has gone to 60. 16. Milk, which and officers, it explains below) front (Trud, August 27. it is rapidly approching the most 80 Butter, which was 16. 00 songs to sing while marching and The apparatus is banking a great deal on the co operation of repressive toryism.
a kilo, has gone to 25. 00 working.
the non party Bolsheviks. the entire new labor aristocracy, the Stakhanovists, the badge and decoration wearers, the various office In France the test has not yet and record holders, especially the rurakintelligentsia, chairmen of been put to the but each kolkhozes. brigade leaders, tractor and combine operators, etc.
day it moves further to the right.
Towards the end of September a And yet Pravda reports that preparation for elections in the vilbig yellow poster, announcing a lages are unsatisfactory.
speech Marcel Thorez, the The fear of oral propaganda, great as it is, is overshadowed young Communist chief. begins by the ruling clique panic lest its press fail it in the emergency, with this super patriotic slogan, By John Dwyer The ruthless purge of the newspaper editorial staffs was calculatedFrance for the French and calls to guard precisely against this contingency. The havoc this has QUAKERTOWN, Pa. Local National Office approved or not. created seeps through the editorials of Pravda. It is an absolutely all Frenchmen to the defense of their country which is being Bucks County, Pa. comprising Calling upon Charles Sand intolerable fact that a great number of regional newspapers are threatened by dirty foreigners, the branches in South Langhorne, wick, Clarity alternate to the without editors.
who put bombs in the headquart Quakertown, and Perkesie, issued NEC, to speak his piece, then (Pravda, Oct. Not anly does Pravda warn consers of steel magnates, who steal a call for all groups of the Social. the meeting was opened. Sand tantly that the newspapers, especially the regional ones, are not submarines and who kidnap ist Party to come and present wick, in a replica of Felix pepared for the campaign incidentally the trade unions have White Russian generals. This is their point of view at a county speech declared that it was not been especially under fire and their central organ Trud, it is charged completely in line with the go membership meeting on Sunday his intention to speak on the in has printed almost nothing about the elections during the entire Sep vernment campaign against for October 24. The Secretary of the ternal situation. Felix and Sand mont ber but keeps harping that among eigners which is heartfy endorsed Local, comrade Nicely, received wick then slid out of the meeting the personnel or regional editorial boards hostile elements are still by the fascists and reactionaries an acceptance from the Appeal The entire audience remained thriving who utilize the sloppiness and illiteracy of the editors to as a way of cleaning the country group. Jack Altman wrote back seated and comrade James Can carry on anti party anti Soviet propaganda. Oct. Many editors of the thousands of German, that since there was no Appeal non was given the floor for the of regional, provincial and autonomous republican papers have not Balkan.
Spanish political refuges. An impossible for him to speak, and Cannon reviewed the past year so far as to charge that the Soviet press nationally is being utilized other big poster appearing if he came. Clarity did not even Appeal group in crystallizing the guise of exposing enemy ideas. in the guise of deliberate typoasked that his expenses be paid in the and the role of the as a tribune for the propagation of anti Soviet agitation in the the first week in October screams, reply. Enough! For a long time now revolutionary elements within the graphical errors. slips of the pen. awkward formulations. etc.
our country has been the theatre When the meeting started, Says Pravda, Among the basic methods of enemy work in the of aggressions and provocations. David Felix of Philadelphia ask During Cannon talk Sand The French want to work in ed for permission to address the wick had sneaked back to his seat press is, above all, the propagation of enemy ideas under the guise peace and conserve their liberties, National Office of the Socialist the floor to speak for the Socialof condemning them (October group as a representative of the and now asked and was given, Everything indicates that repressions, far from decreasing Party, present only to investigate ist Party. His talk was a distor during the electoral campaign under the most democratic constituTUESDAY NOVEMBER the situation in the Local. He was tion of the facts of the case as tion in the world. will become intensified, at 8:45 given the floor and after a windy was shown by comrade Cannon EUGENE LYONS attack on the Appeal group, dec who tore every argument preThe Purges Continue European Correspondent will lared that since there were mem sented by Sandwick to shreds.
Pravda for Oct. verfies the rumored arrest of Vareikis, sectalk about his new book bers of an enemy party present discussion followed in which retary of the Far East party district: Together with him, the Assignment in Utopia he could not discuss matters con questions were asked of both entire editorial board of the Pacific Star was likewise arrested. Soviet Russia)
cerning the inner life of the speakers of such a nature as to Discussion Admission 50c.
He declared that Local Bucks, demonstrate again Sandwick County was acting in violation of inability to make a clear defense THOMAS PAINE SOCIETY the rulings of the by even of his position. Although no acThe Cost of Living in France 88 Seventh Avenue South listening to Appeal speakers. tion was taken at the meeting it The cost of living is sky rocketing. Taking the prices for 30 In Old Manhatt The chairman of the meeting, was clear that the revolutionists (7th Avenue Subway comrade Ruth, who has been in of Bucks County will not stand staple commodities as 100 for the year 1914, the prices in July Christopher St. the Socialist Party since 1905, for the violation of the best of this year rose to 600, in August to 613, in September to 640.
Admission 40 cents with this declared that as long as he had traditions and convention Unemployment, which has been dropping slowly, is again on the Ad. or mention Socialist come to hear the different points decisions. They will support the increase. The figures for the week of October indieate a rise Appeal.
of view he was going to hear convention Cail of the left wing of more than 2, 000 unemployed, for a total of 370, 512. Strikes, illegal them and he did not care if the in Chicago in November. under the Popular Front regime, are beginning to flare up again, Bucks County Local With Left Wing After Hearing Cannon Debate Felix and Sandwick Italian, Polish,