Civil WarCommunismDemocracyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers Movement

6 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 30, 1937 Bill Column West Coast Seamento Continue Struggle for Militancy, Autonomy CIO or sign its own agreements. The rights of the membership to referendum votes on the question of calling strikes; both on and off.
e. The right of the membership to determine the name of the National Organization, guarantee that we will Election Campaign not be assessed for any political purpose. It the same old issue Good The right to elect our of dia campaign slogan. Yes, the Government vs. Bad LaGuarficials on referendum vote. We are told that there same old but in larger buckets. Laidler has gathered around is grave danger of the check him a group of progressive and off system of deducting dues, forward looking men By Glen Trimble Socialist tion in Portland attempted to concerned this must be on an in sailors pay by the shipowners) CallElection Issue. Heading the (Concluded from last issue)
stampede the delegates into an dustrial basis; by that we mean who turn them over to a Top progressive affiliation vote. The question was that the various seamen divi Committee of some seafaring Blanchard, a renegade who desertlooking group are Paul So long as Executive Cocincil referred to a referendum vote of sions, for instance, sailors, fire Union. In other words, that the led the for the flesh pots of quarrel with the cIo was one the unions composing the Federa men, etc. must be organized in shipowners would act as financial City Hall four years ago and over workers the of had tion.
failed to organize, the average tions revealed a curious hedging will guarantee the rank and file this system. We would expect a expelled from the for attackBrophy answer to ques a National Organization which secretaries for the Unions, under John Haynes Holmes, who was unionist sided with at least forced a hands off policy democratic control. Immediately from the bottom up and not would not be attempted in the ing the Debs Column in the capicampaigo is of direct and imme after the convention Lewis show. from a top executive board or seafaring Unions en er letter to the State Departdiate concern. Every established Decision is Sound ment in Washington. Laidler, the union is confronted with an ulti appointing a Maritime Executive and never will work out for the which gave no representation best interests of the seamen. This distinguished graduate of an unmatum to go CIO or face a cam whatever to the one was proven in the case of the The effect of this decision is distinguished college, is certainpaign to split away sections of lone representative to the seafar ISU; and is again being at to put the major questions of in good company! John its membership ing crafts and a clear majority tempted on the East Coast by progressive trade union principle Rockefeller donates 1, 000, stainThis is the real root of the to the Bridges Stalinist crew who the NMU.
Teamsters Longshoremen beef. had been defeated on every major ahead of the tactical one of affed with the blood of Ludlow, to campaign Would you be willing to liation. This is sound and genu LaGuardia fund.
The Bridges CIO is actively issue at the convention of the consider the following: ine progressivism. It provides People Front, yes, and such working to bore from within and federation. To clinch the matter break off sections of the Team Marvin Rathborne, Bridges wind up the affairs of the desion by seamen on all coasts. In the letter to the cfL. a real basis for democratic deci fine pipple it a pleasure!
sters Union. Teamster leadership stooge and chairman of Lewis funct ISU completely and cancel Counter revolutionists In the meantime the SUP is here is largely of the reaction committee, emerged from its first its charter. ary old line of type. They session to announce cooperating with the seatgoing Bela kun joins the long list.
that any Offer the SUP a national Firemen and Cooks in an aggres. Stalin. Trotsky predicts, will take care of the boys and them West Coast unions which refused charter covering the unlicensed sive drive toward completing in yet be shot as a Trotskyist.
selves and know nothing and care to accept its program would be personnel, the offer to embody dustrial organization on the West Antonov Ovseyenko recalled from less about class solidarity. Never immediately reorganized. these guarantees: theless the Teamsters are solidly Coast by amalgamating the three Spain head the Commissariat The CIO program was not ora. Complete autonomy in the crafts. Success in this will pro of Justice found that commisorganized, have relatively good ganization of the unorganized determination of policies, and vide a nucleus for rallying the sariat ready to beheari him.
scales and conditions. split can East, Gulf and Lakes but reor the conduct of its own business. entire Maritime Federation of Troyanovsky is happy to be only serve to break down these ganization of the solidly organ Absolute control of funds, the Pacific and, in turn, the sea back in America. You re telling conditions. The answer of the ized West Coast. This could only property, without possibility of men nationally to a progressive me!
leadership to CIO raiding is mean a CIO blessing for the confiscation by anyone.
counter attack on the CIO and Stalinists consistent policy of program and for solid, industrial The right to negotiate and organization.
the membership back up their trying to oust all independent leaders. This was demonstrated by progressive leaders on the West If you hear of a communist solid turnout on the San Fran Coast. If any doubt were left advocating force and violence, cisco waterfront. Longshoremen it was dispelled by Bridges apmark him down as a tool piwalked through teamster picket pointment West Coast CIO geon Browder. Well, well!
What a lot of stool pigeons were lines; teamsters called the fruce Director. The Sailors and Firewith the frank threat that long men immediately voted to destroy knocking around in the Third shoremen would find their pre the affiliation ballots because the Period days of battling for the cedent followed when teamster conditions had been misreprestreets.
respect for longshore picket lines sented and were now the reverse Oh say can you see hy Browder new light, was asked.
of those originally advanced.
In a straw vote of City Col yed to the ALP double tail. That What so proudly we hailed, This threat is no idle one, for teamsters can virtually make or Stalinists Seek Control lege students, James Cannon, makes quite a procession of tails. In the third period last Socialist Party, Left Wing)
break a maritime strike, and gleaming.
The refusal of the seamen to candidate for mayor showed surThe ALP can understand with the continuation of the present provocative Bridges polioy the buy a pig in a poke has brought prising strength by running Ma why labor loving Senator Wagner Antidotes for Reformism close third. The vote was should take stump for laborreactionary teamster officials are a strong fire from the Stalinists honey The best antidote for Alfred almost certain to win member and they have made repeated at LaGuardia, 1, 320; Mahoney, 72, hating Judge Mahoney. Despite Lewis and Browder ship support for the latter alter tempts, to pack and capture the Cannon, 62. Incidentally, Norman the fact that the Senator has Baker native. The Sailors Union was Sailors. Firemen and Cooks and Thomas, the surreptitious can been severely taken to task for belly crawling testimony before Massachusetts Legislative wise in taking a neutral position Steward locals. Completely un didate of the conscience stricken this indiscretion, it seems almost the Gene in this ugly squabble, but it is successful with the Sailors and Clarityites, got 15 votes.
certain that the ALP will support Committee, can be found him when he runs for re election Debs Canton, Ohio, speech deliequally plain that unless the CIO with the Portland, Seattle and vered in the midst of the 1918 Election day this year will wit next year.
abandons its present policy the San Pedro branches of the other war hysteria. Said Debs, It is Sailors and the entire labor move unions, they have been able by ness not only the close of one ment will be victimized by in liberal use of longshore permit of New York flthiest election Senator Wagner blasted the extremely dangerous to exercise creasing civil war.
men and beached Stalinist ex campaigns but also the culmina insinuating whisper that relief the constitutional right of free speech a country fighting to The case of the Sailors Union seamen to hold the San Francisco tion of the biggest People Front might be cut if Mahoney were make the world free for demoheadquarters of the Firemen and yet on a municipal scale. and the Maritime Federation of the Cooks. Though the unity of Guardia expressed this when, in fiction is inconceivable to anyone cracy. would rather a thousand the Pacific is the mast flagrant, the Maritime Federation of the a fit of enthusiasm, he declared, who times be a free soul in jail than knows as know how yet typical, example of CIO poli Pacific has proven the cy reversal. The cro long ago Weapon to defeat the shipowners, by the greatest combination of in sympathy with the needy, how streets.
sycophant and cuward in the only In 1937 ll be elected, supported Jeremiah Mahoney heart beats They tell us that we recognized that the Federation its majority is not under the groups was pivotal both because of prin Stalinist thumb, so a deliberate politics conservatives, ever seen in American it quickens at the thought of live in a free, great republic; that liberals, civic improvement. That ought that we are a free self governing cipled agreement and outstanding prestige and strength. Their mine and wreck it with a Stalin forgot to add fascists, socialcampaign is under way to understandpatters, progressives. He to bring in the votes.
people. That is too much even original attitude was consistent ized CIO as alternative!
for a joke. But not too much communists.
For the first time in history the for such jokers as Browder and with their generally correct poliThe Sailors decisions on affThe waterfront and seago liation and amalgamation are Citizens Union, ing workers were to maintain likely to prove effective answers mood last week, passed out some fit, gave its qualification to a Norman Thomas, in a generous capitalist good government outeconomic unity with the general to these maneuvers. The demand compliments to the head of the CP candidate. The individual in Questions labor movement.
They were to for a public and open reply from People Front ticket. He remark question is Isidore Begun whom undertake national organization both CIO and A, of To Al Hamilton, Secretary of unifying East and West Coasts, liation terms forces both to show ed that the Mayor action were the Citizens Union praised as the Thomas Tyler Youth: Is the the Gulf and Great Lakes. Any their hands. The Sailors are that the La Guardia administra shows a keen political insight of Yipsels or That YCL a rival organization to the possibility of creating a dual to the American union situation in the maritime ment addressed to Lewis and tion had made some real pro which we didn think the cu Legion?
To Norman Thomas: Do you industry was to be avoided. Au. Green and printed in the West gress in honesty. Since the capable.
tonomy, rank and file control and Coast Sailor. It reads in part: ists it seems to have adopted think that my good friend Dr.
and West Coast conditions were The certainly drove a hard plus informer Holmes will build Laidler plus renegade Blanchard the only possible basis for the Sailors Reply new political standards, bargain with the ALP. In ex Socialism in our time?
National organization. As the change for withdrawing the one real organized force, the The question of national affiThomas also took exception to candidate for Mayor and for To Do you recall your West Coast Seamen were to take liation, as far as the Sailors his being quoted in the press as Borough President of the Bronx campaign speech on returning the initiative in national organ Union of the Pacific is concerned, having said that the ALP was as well as several assembly presperity. We planned it just ization of the sea going workers is a practical question.
like this. Did you also plan the still the tail of a kite. He said, candidates (to say nothing of and their amalgamation istean As an organization of seamen held that view of it in 1936 giving up its very soul. the ALP present Hooverish days. industrial union. These terms we are interested in uniting the but not of, it in 1937. We have merely endorsed one or two Contrast were definitely and repeatedly seamen in one strong National to disagree with Norman. The candidates for City Council.
stated by John Lewis and other Seamens Union, organized under ALP tail this year has branch Since Councilmen are elected by Thru democracy to socialismo responsible CrO leaders.
a structure most beneficial to the ed out so that now it follows a preferential vote and the ALP communist election campaign In rapid succession these terms seamen.
both the Republican and Demo has its own candidates, the en slogan. The road to socialism were violated John Brophy at Past experience has proven cratic kites. The and dorsment mean practically noth lies thru the proletarian dictathe Maritime Federation Conven Ithat as far as the seamen are also have their little tails attach Wing.
torship Lenin slogan. Election Drive Notes an influential Lewis.