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SOCIALIST APPEAL October 30, 1934 Roosevelt Regime Is Main Prop of Brazil Oligarchy.
All these more.
fying commentary it is on the police regime preSOCIALIST APPEAL vailing in the Third International that opposition to a political line should be answered by imVot. No. 12. Saturday, Oct. 30, 1937 prisonment! In Lenin time, Kun was in real and Published every week by the very active, open opposition to the Comintern SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS policy on more than one occasion; and not Kun Published at 116 University Place, alone. Whoever would then have brought a warden Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for or firing squad to answer the opponents with, srould have been driven out of the revolutionary months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order cents per copy. Single copies cents.
movement with a bullwhip, or sent to an asylum. Nous By Bernard Ross Alt checks and money orders should be made avons change tout cela, Stalin says now For the second time since the November 1935 rebellion, tho out to the Socialist Appeal.
we have changed all that. We have no political arguments for our critics, but we do have the Vargas government in Brazil has decreed a state of siege. It Application for entry as second class matter the police the executioner.
means the re establishment of the death penalty, the annulment of is pending.
For Bela Kun, a revolutionist can hold no brief. home inviolability, a strict military censorship not only of the press He was in the forefront of that blackguard crew but of the private mails, and the removal of legislative, judicial Tell Me Who Your Friends Are headed by Stalin who, since 1923, worked systematically to drive the knife deeper into the and gubernatorial immunity. The government justifies such drastic There is an old saw: Tell me who your friends heart of the Russian revolution and the Com action by maintaining that a are and ll tell you who you are.
munist International. While the genuine prole vast communist plot fabricated per cent of the national income, The Communist Party and the Thomas Tyler larian revolutionists were being slandered, ex with the aid of Moscow gold is is controlled by nata handful mount wing of the Socialist Party are both supporting pelled, imprisoned, framed up, deported and shot, afoot.
opulent feudal fazandeiros.
the Little Flower, LaGuardia one of them braz. he never opened his lips save to yell louder than The Imperialist Hand The clearest expression of Braenly and shamelessly, the other cravenly and his neighbor for the blood of the Trotskyists. zil economic backwardness lies shamefacedly. La Guardia in turn supports that What lies behind the action of in the fact that in spite of ita guardian of people liberties, George larger lande surface it only has Harvey.
The candidate of the American Labor Party for wise, Stalin and Yezhov would head the list of really exist? Unfortunately, ger 250, 000 of the United States.
the arrested. Kun arrest is but a link in the Inuine communist activities and Mayer is the same La Guardia.
But to even things chain with which Stalin is strangling the world ideas play an insignificant role up, LaGuardia endorses that paladin of labor revolutionary movement.
in Brazil today. It is not threatLabor Conditions rights, advertizing tycoon and admirer of Mus As will be seen elsewere in this issue, the order ening communist activities that The economic condition of the solini, Bruce Barton, for Congressman in the 17th has come from the Kremlin to prepare the official determined Vargas actioner but rural and industrial workers is District, who is running against the can dissolution of the Comintern. Sinking deeper into tional imperialist rivalries jockey labor office statistics the didate, George Backer, the distinguished prole the swamp of his own creation, Stalin must every ing for positions. The govern average daily wage of the rural tarian who is a millionaire real estate man on day give a new gage of his respectability, of his ment decree has as its fundamen, worker is 10 cents (American)
the side.
Knights of the People Front in New to the capitalist class, Bela Kun has for a long American imperialist hegemony. er is 70 cents. The cultural state York acclaim the chief weed in the garden of the tim As a fresh imperialist carnage of the poverty stricken Brazilian Little Flower, Thomas Dewey, Jr. Here indeed iime symbolized the subversive agitator, speedanother, light becomes imminent with masses is equally deplorable, with. More than that, he is the ing the flames of insurrection. Wherever the each passing day, Yankee imperi over two thirds of the 47, 000, 000 beloved of the labor chieftains. That is why the the class struggle raged fiercely, the frightened alism exerts greater efforts to population illiterate. Public health Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union contributed reptile press reported that the Hungarian dic assure its economic hegemony in reflecting the economic misery of 5, 000 to his campaign. The same amount was tator, Bela Kun was on the scene, the western hemisphere so that the people, is at a wretched level contributed to Dewey by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union. We do not know how sian revolutionists in order to prove how little the ca immeasurable resources will diseases the highest in Latin.
his enthusiasm for comrade Dewey, he couldn perialist allies. You are afraid of such people as mando de Salles Oliveira, ex What has been the attitude of have been tight fisted about it. They are all the Kun, just because of his old reputation for making governor of Sao Paulo, is the Roosevelt, the great humanitarfriends of Dewey, who is a friend of LaGuardia, trouble for you? Well, you need be afraid no candidate of British imperialism ian and lover of democracy who is a friend of Harvey, who is a friend of the longer. And Kun is not the last of non Russian lite of that state, holding economicowards the dictatorial governrubber hose and the lamp post.
communists intend taking care of.
its ment of Vargas? The administrahands the coffee plantations, tion, hypocritically designating But Dewey has other friends, no less enthusias This is how the Gengis Khan of the Kremlin railroads and the tramway and the western tic, no less generous. John Rockefeller 2nd has keeps adding to those dreadful crimes for which electric power industries. Ostens bulwark hemisphere of democracy. has given him 2, 500. Mr. and Mrs. John Rocke he shall yet render an accounting to a re awak ibly being used against commun been giving its unwavering sup.
feller, Jr. kicked in with 2, 500 piece. Nelson ened world proletariat. Rockefeller (same tribe. who hasn been pro port to Vargas. Do we not recall hibiting any criticism of the how Roosevelt lauded Vargas one doing so well lately, gave only 1, 500, which is The Government of Defeat government, will be used to ham year ago at Rio de Janeiro. The certainly a hell of a of a paltry contribution for per and intimidate the Oliveira support of the Roosevelt govern.
People Fronter to make. It may be safely as The fall of Gijon at the hands of the Fascists opposition. That opposition pre ment has not been purely moral.
the campaign fund would have been enriched by of the People Front regime in Spain.
sumed that if old man Rockefeller were still alive, tragically serves to underscore the real nature tends to stand for more democ few months ago Washington for rejuvenated tottering Brazilian another dime. Mrs.
Daniel Guggenheim, of the The main argument used its partisans gotten that when Vargas carried finances by setting aside 100 was evened out by Harry Guggenheim 2, 500. Spain has been that a democratic People Front Luis, the former employed the And just a week ago, an agreegave Dewey 1, 000, but that against the struggle for proletarian power in through his coup in 1930 against million dollars for the stabiliza John Hay Whitney, of the Whitneys, who runs a regime would be a government of victory on the same liberal terminology in his ment was signed to rent out to People Front brokerage at Wall Street, raised Fascism. Naive souls drew solace from the efforts to win popular support. Brazil six warships.
the ante with a trifle of 1, 000, which was im thought that if we did not have a working class Since 1930, Brazil has been mediately doubled by Whitney who runs in power, at least the Fascists would be defeated living through one of the most ween Yankee imperialism and the An unholy alliance exists betan exclusive People Front Penthouse for Popular Politicians at 230 Park Avenue (not to be con its vicious suppression of proletarian organiza revolution history. Vargas hased by an impotent national fused with the Wall Street Whitney. ions, the People Front has accumulated nothing ruthlessly surpressed every de bourgeosie, and it is this alliance The party and the candidates that are good but defeats inevitable consequence of its course. mocratic, anti imperialist mani which retards the economic, po enough for the Rockefellers and the Guggenheims Early in September 1936, Irun fell, for lack of festation of the Brazilian people, litical and cultural development (to say absolutely nothing about the Whitneys, ammunition supplied by the government. In the in the revolutions of October of Brazil. This alliance is resthe William Nelson Cromwells, the Thomas middle of that morith, fell San Sebastion, surren 1931 and July 1932. The greatest ponsible for the black reign of Lumpen millionaires. may be good enough for fense. In the month that followed, Franco was drowned in a sea of blood.
Thachers, the Harry Payne Binghams and other dered intact by the traitorous chiefs of the de mass explosion against Vargas, terror which since 1935 has cast the November 1935 rebellion, was 17, 000 political opponents into the Twentieth Century Americans on 13th concentration camps and media.
But that just what makes these parties and through Talavera de la Reina, to Toledo, and then all the Latin American nations, march straight east from Badajoz, Brazil is the most backward of eval dungeons.
kandidates no good at all for the working class to the very gates of Madrid. On February 10, with feudalism supreme. Coffee, imperialist, must raise their All revolutionists, every antiLet the workers of New York show their class 1937, Malaga was lost, betrayed by socialist min the economic foundation of Bra voices in protest against tha solidarity at the elections by writing in the name ister of James Cannon, the revolutionary socialist reco, who deprived it of the navy, and by zilian economy, accounting for 70 present reign of terror in Brazil under secretary of war Asensio, only now openly candidate for mayor.
denounced as a traitor. On June 19, Bilbao was 20th ANNIVERSARY Irving Place, Sunday, October surrendered intact, despite the heroic insistence 31, at P.
Bela Kun in Prison of the revolutionary militiamen that only ruins The Socialist Party of New be left for the Fascisas, York (Left wing) and the Young It is now established by the official Stalinist CHALLENGE OUT The famous June offensive on the Aragon hold a 20th Anniversary Russian People Socialist League press that Bela Kun, chairman of the Council of The second issue of the ChalPeople Commissars of the short lived Hungarian Front, left without artillery or airplanes, was Revolution meeting at the Irving lenge of Youth is now off the Soviet Republic, has been arrested and imprisoned. used to wipe out the anarchists and the POUM, Plaza, Irving Place and 15th St. press! Brimming with news, The formal charges, on the basis of which he and the collectivized farms. The much touted July on Monday, November 8, 1937, at cuts, features, and articles, it was arrested, are, if we are to believe the ap offensive on the Madrid front proved to be a p. Admission will be 25 represents a new high in a revoparently anthenticated (and in any case, undeni fiasco. The great victories of the People Front cents and prominent speakers lutionary youth paper, an organ ed) press dispatches quoting the official state are two: the destruction of the famous Aragon will address the audience. Re with which we reach the in the Communist International magazine, Council (the collectives of the peasants) by the serve the date!
young workers in offices, shops, perfectly monstrous.
Stalinist Lister Brigade, and the employment of and factories throughout The magazine said, reports the United Press 10, 000 Assault Guards in punitive expeditions MEMBERS! country.
from Moscow on October 20, Kun was charged throughout Catalonia against the anarchist and We appeal to the party mem.
with Trotskyist activities which undermined the POUM workers and peasants in June and July.
The New York local, in addi bers for subscriptions in line poputar front in Hungary. Such charges, adds The People Front government, like class col tion to regular discussion at the with our new special offer, the report casually, usually mean the death laboration in general, is equivalent to surrender, weekly branch meetings, has ar cloth bound copy of Behind the penalty.
ranged also for three weekly Moscow Trials by Max Shachtcapitulation, treachery, defeat. Victory is posIf we assume for a moment that Bela Kun sible only by the most widespread mobilization of discuss the convention problems. ly free with every year subscripgeneral membership meetings to man which will be given absoluteknown for anything but a critical attitude to the proletariat and peasantry on a working class The first of these general mem tion. In each branch throughout wards the Stalin regime and its policies, did op line, with working class methods, with working bership meetings will be held at the country we expect party pose the People Front line, then what a horri class objectives.
Irving Plaza, 15th Street and members to subscribe Street. allowed will can the