BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyExtremistFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorking ClassWorld War

October 30, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Words Out of the Past Which the Stalinists Want to Forget It is difficult to forecast the lineup in the next imperialist war.
But is is very probable that such a war would start either as an attack upon the Soviet Union or, as Stalin said, would be rapidly transferred into a united attack of the imperialists against the But whatever the exact circumstances in which the hostilities would begin, the French Communist Party would continue to wagę its relentless and unceasing struggle against French capitalism and their own imperialists. It would raise Lenin slogan of turning im.
perialist war into a revolutionary civil war. Soviet France would be the best and only genuine ally of the Soviet Union. At the moment the immediate interests of French imperialism require friendly relations with the Soviet Union. But the defense of the Soviet Union ultimately depends upon the efforts of the international working class. The hindering and crippling of the war machinery of all capitalist governments is among the most important tasks confronting the world proletariat. The fight against the war preparations of the imperialists is an integral part of the figth against capitalism, and if pushed with sufficient force, can assure the establishment of Soviet power before the outbreak of an imperialist The anti war struggle by its very nature is a defense of the an advancement struggles of the working class against capitalism. It should be emphasized that under all circumstances the main task of the working class is the overthrow of the capitalists of its own country. The struggle in this direction makes for peace, the defense of the Soviet Union, and the furtherance of the interests of the international proletariat. Daily Worker, April 3, 1935. Reprinted in the Daily Worker, May 11, 1935. slaughteret Union of the SecretParisMeetPlans Roy Burt Lifts Minnesota ToWipeOutComintern Charters; Left Has Membership autonomy are By Arthur Hopkins News from France and Spain indicates that Likewise in Spain, Pasionaria and Diaz and MINNEAPOLIS Roy Burt, Educational Association, but like progress is being made toward organic unity Hernandez join with Prieto and Negrin and Azana national secretary of the Socialist Burt, he has found no time to of Communist and Socialist Parties. No basic in the repressive drive against all revolutionary Party (Right wing) skulked into devote to the revolutionaries in differences on political principles divide them; organizations against even the left social dem the Twin Cities on October 11 to this state. However, he found the Socialists are only concerned by the question ocratic wing of the UGT and SP led by the renvestigate the party siuation, and time, between whirlwind camof control. Many of them object to domination formist Caba as a result of his findings, Locals paigns to convert liberals and from Moscow; many demand greater national Does the approach to organic unity, and the Austin, St. Paul, and Minneapolis, dilettantes to become as liberal and more party democracy; and many unity in action already achieved, foresehadow comprising a membership of over as himself and his group, to issue 200 left wing socialists, have had a statement to the capitalist press are honest and decent enough to abhor Stalinist the capture of the Second International by the their charters revoked.
Third? Does it mean the eventual liquidation of During which reads: Under the leaderGPU methods of terrorism.
his brief stay here Burt failed ship of James Cannon, Max Thurez and Cachin join with Blum and Chau the Comintern? The revolutionary principles to meet with the State Executive Shachtman of New York and temps in outlawing sit down strikes and in de upon which the Comintern was founded are long Committee, which had informed Vincent Dunne of Minneapolis, manding the suspension of the 40 hour week law, since liquidated so far as it is concerned. Will Burt that it was ready to meet followers of Trotsky have split so as to ensure capitalist recovery and prosperity this ideological liquidation be followed by or with the him at the St. Paul off from the Socialist Party and without which the eople Front cannot survive. ganizational dissolution?
headquarters to discuss the Min have announced their intention of nesota situation. While the State founding a new American Trots(Continued from page 1) butcher for his mass execution revolutionists to accept the estab Commitee awaited Burt, he was kyist party in Chicago this Noformed that the time had come of Chinese workers and peasants lished fact the Cominern meeting with six people, two vember. The statement reads is to stop half way measures against at Canton and Shanghai in 1937: nothing whatever today but the of whom being Appealites, and further that party locals in St.
the Trotskyite bandits and un Chiang Kai shek who for ten years instrument of the Stalinist bur one not a party member. At this Paul, Austin and Minneapolis controllable extremists. they has led armies against Chi eaucracy misruling the USSR. small meeting plans were laid for had been ousted and all officers must be ruthlessly smashed as an nese Soviets instead of resisting This ruling caste of Russia has the expulsion of the revolution dismissed, Herman Erickson of Obstacle to People Frontism and the encroachments of Japanese the jitters. It has staked everyists in Minnesota.
Minneapolis is appointed state the foreign policy of the Krem imperialism. The Chinese Soviets thing upon forming an alliance representative of the party, and lin; they were also informed that have been liquidated and the Red with the democratic capitalist Ask Loyalty Oath moves to form a new state unit if British, French and American Army is part of the People powers against Germany, Italy will be made in December. Erickimperialism demanded, as the Army. the CP has pledged it and Japan, and hopes for the only rades in the affected Locals ap son is well known as a non activprice of a military alliance against self not to carry on any revolu action that the Stalinists believe prising them of the revocation of Germany, Italy and Japan, that tionary activity whatever, just as can stop these aggressive, have the three Local charters for the Comintern be eliminated from Earl Browder has made a similar not powers seeking re division giving aid and support to a Members Solid the international arena, that must pledge to Roosevelt in more of the world war. WAR.
be done.
This act of the National Exgroup dual to the Socialist Party.
cautious language. Mao Tse tung Thus the Third International The letter goes on to state that ecutive Committee in attempting Soviet Russia, since Stalin has and Chiang Kai shek, Browder repeats the betrayal of the Second members of the Local are in to disorganize one of the banner eliminated all opposition from the and Roosevelt, the Red Virgin International left by mass executions and im Paisionaria and Azana, are com test of every revolutionist is his ed and expelled under the deci state organizations of the Party, prisonment, is ready if necessary, rades and pals or at least the attitude on war. The test provession of the National Executive a section firmly grounded in the to pay the final price for military Communists seek such friend that the Stalinists aid, for collective security. for ship.
not Committee, but any member who trade union movement of the against your own imperialist so desires to disavow his rela state, which was one of the an entente with all good. The Chinese People Front, government that they do not tionship with a dual organization twelve state organizations which peaceful, democratic, progress which failed so disastrously in seek to turn imperialist war into may, upon application and subive capitalist powers against the 1927, is resuscitated why? civil war. The patriotism of the ject to regulations laid down by completed its campaign quota in bad, war like, aggressive fascist Browder and Gannes and Pollit social democrats in 1914 and since the be transferred as the 1936 presidential race, is of powers threatening the USSR.
and Strachey advise American and is mild compared with the social members at large and so maintain the same criminal nature which But the Stalinist bureaucracy British imperialists to take ad patriotism of the Stalinists with continuous membership in the finds this group of liquidators will not readily surrender a power. vantage of the generous offer their twentieth century Ameri Socialist Party.
ful weapon one which no other extended by Mao Tse tung and canism. their nationalism in Norman Thomas, leader of the first flirting with the class collanation possesses an international Chiang Kai shek. that those Spain and France and China. In expulsionists, has been in Min borationists, social patriots and apparatus with influence out of nations which help China in her every country they drape the flag nesota, speaking in Bemidji be liberal bourgeoisie and ultimately, all proportion to its numerical our of need and win her friend and not the red flag. about fore the Northern Minnesota embracing them.
strength capable of aiding the ship will be given concessions them and shout for collective acruling class in each democratic markets, resources to develop. tion, for sanctions, for measures country in mobilizing the masses Stalinists are on their knees be which they know full well will But it is the inescapable logic, and France and fascist Turkey, for war. An alternative must be fore the capitalist class of the lead to war in defense of the Stalinist bureaucratic degenera defense of the status quo, are all the inevitable consequence, of its People Front policy and its found in case the British Tories democratic countries, begging for status quo, in defense of their tion flowing from the futile et logical steps from its abandonmafuse to shake the hand of friend aid for Soviet Russia, agsuring, own capitalist governhents as there is any danger, real or tion in China, in Spain, in France, fence of the national interests of backward agricultural country: very nature has to be, a league ship proffered by Stalin. As long them they need fear no revolu against the fascist menace, in de fort to build socialism in one ment of Lenin position that the country. and that country a League of Nations is, and by its imaginary, that the Comintern in the A, or anywhere, as the Soviet bureaucracy.
may change its line again and suring the British and French the destruction inner party of imperialist brigands.
take another leap to the left, imperialists that the Spanish The Logic of a Policy tion, the disastrous defeats during foot to Anglo French Imperialdemocracy and of the left opposi If today Russia is tied hand and itate to align themselves with People Front is the best de fender of their interests in Spain The political line of the old in two decades suffered by the ism, if Russia is a planet moving Russia.
against the threat of German and ternationals converge. Stalinists working class, the ascendancy of in the orbit of the British EmThis alternative is the capture Italian imperialism, and against and social democrats may argues clique in the USSR devoted pire, if today the American of the Second International. Fail the threat of proletarian revolu about details but that doesn basically to its own perpetuation endorses the candidates of capitaling that, the organization of a tion. Why this disgraceful spec stop them from reaching an ac and the defense of its interests ist parties and the Spanish and.
In line with this perspective, democratic, reformist, opportun most terrible betrayal in history, into class collaboration governnegotiations were pushed more Drive Towards War ist program, far to the right of accompanied by shocking atroci ments, it is not surprising. Stalinenergetically for organic unity of ism could lead nowhere else.
the French, Spanish and Italian The answer is simple, but the ternational. This complete capi The present line, the Stalinists The demise of the Third InterCP and SP. In China the CP re Comintern has so long enjoyed tulation to a political philosophy claim, is not a new line, but an national will cause no heartaches entered the Kuomintang which a reputation as a revolutionary that has been proven utterly application of the old line to new among revolutionists. It will only it had characterized for a decade organization, has so long posed bankrupt, that led in a series of conditions. In a sense that is true. remove the greatest barrier to as counter. revolutionary, as the inheritor of the traditions European countries, with the aid The Soviet Union went into the the formation of a new Internafascist organization, an agency of Marx and Lenin, that it is of third period ultra leftist League of Nations; its collabora tional and thousands of sincere of Japanese imperialism. Mao difficult for many comrades to Stalinism, straight fascist tion with imperialist powers in revolutionists still deluded by Tse tung again clasps hands with believe that its degeneration has triumph, this surrender. say, the Non Intervention Committee, Stalinism will join in this historic Chiang Kai shek, called a fascist gone so deep. It is hard for many is amazing.
Jits alliance with Czecho Slovakia task.