Andrés NinBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismFascismFranceKidnappingMoscow TrialsRadekSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSS

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 30, 1937 Swiss Police Arrest Assassins Of Murdered Man, Reiss on.
Group Denounce The Kidnapping Of Wolf, Rein provisional confessions of the alleged members of the right opposition (Rykov Bukharin) are aimed to break down the two most important defendants and to oblige them to play their role according to the script of the in a new trial. characteristic detail concernnear future.
Documents Reveal Tortures Used To Get The made and is mak organized the assassination Schildbach, who of Confessions from Innocent Victims of Bukharin trial in order to count citizen born in Alsace. She asked eract hostile public opinion with for a substantial sum of money Moscow Purgesand Framed Up Trials new confessions. In May, Rykov, from the in order to bethe former head of the Soviet come a French citizen. She regovernment, and Bukharin, the ceived the money but she never former head of the Comintern, took corresponding steps before By Leon Trotsky were brought from prison to a the French authorities. have already described the assassi nation of Ignace Reiss, an important foreign tee of the party. They refused things not less important will meeting of the Central CommitThat is enough for today. Other agent of the and the Comintern, near Lausanne, Switzerland. The assassina to confess to alleged treason, follow. In spite of our sufficiently tion was plotted by another agent stationed at Rome, Mrs. Gertrude Schild terrorism, and so Stalin turbulent times, the question of bach. The reason for the assassination. Disgusted by the Moscow trials, Ignace Reiss with them! Let them defend merits, believe, some attention.
to prison the activities of the gang wrote a letter on July 17, 1937, to the Central Committee in Moscow, proclaiming his themselves there! series of October 19, 1937.
definite rupture with them. When gave you this information, it must have seemed to the causal onlooker to consists of unwarranted as terrorists.
write about the Trotskyite This same Slutzky, in the presence of witnesses, described the sertions impossible of proof. In the next period we will thus questioning of Mrachkovsky, a Now the whole matter has have in Switzerland a trial of famous general of the civil war become public. On October a gang, one of the most and one of the defendants shot sensational trials of our time. in August 1936, as having lasted 2, two of the assassins of suppose that Mrs. Reiss, the ninety hours without interrupReias were arrested in Paris. widow of the assassinated, will tion. This was one of the methods The Swiss police, which is appear before the court as a wit of extracting confessions.
not tied by diplomatic interests, ness. There is no doubt that a Challenges Fischer seem to have done a good job powerful light will be thrown on The police have established that the Moscow trials.
In connection with the assasThe search of the police in the the Chevrolet car in which Reiss was killed had been rented to a sination of Ignace Reiss and the home of Rakovsky (former head Men and women prominent in American liberal and Swiss woman, been artean testeiner discovery of his assassins, dis ofem the Ukrainicentro veronment. labor circles issued a statement today, protesting the abShe was immediately arrested and close very important information member of the Central Commitshe confessed to have been an the papers of Reiss himself but to Paris) lasted eighteen hours fomer secretary of Leon Trotsky, by Stalin G.
after several days questioning, coming for the most part from tee, ambassador to London and duction of Erwin Wolf, well known labor journalist and agent of the for some also from other sources. It would without food or rest for the sixty, in Spain.
The statement, signed by such outstanding bers of the gang. Of the lic at the present time but can Rakovsky tried to serve him tea. figures as James Farrell, Ernest Sutherland Bates, two arrested in Paris, one is a communicate some of it to you. The opposed this on the Anita Brenner, Lorines zen, was in Spain as the reprepretext that she might poison White Russian, Dmitry Smirens must warn the that new him. It was the preparation of Pruette among others, di sentative of the London News ky, and the other a French phot assassinations will not prevent was Trotsky ographer, Pierre Ducommet. this exposure, since the documents Rakovsky for the first question rects its protest to the Cata Chronicle. He ing. story well kno are at different points and in by Ionian Generalidad, the Va secretary at the time of Piatathe Assassins Arrested Mr. Louis Fischer, kov alleged airplane trip to see safe hands.
semi lencia Government, Ambas Trotsky, when the latter was in official Soviet spokesman. am The identities of others have my archives was stoten inart of wondering if he will try to deny sador De Los Rios and the Norway. Wolt published many it.
heen established. They are: a ember 1936 from a scientific insCzechoslovakian Ambassa statements since the second Mosformer White cow trial (the trial of Radek, The has an order from dor, Piatakov) regarding this trip in Kondratieff, and another White that the theft was committed by Stalin to organize Trotskyist the course of his testimony and Russian, Pierre Schwarzenburg, the in connection with the trials abroad at any price in Hit Rein Abduction was an important witness in the and an enigmatic person named Moscow trial. Now it seems more order to confirm before world It protests not only the action against Trotsky. The motives of investigation of the charges Rossi. It is possible that as than probable that one of the public opinion at least a part of relate this, they have already organizers of the theft was the the accusations in the Moscow taken against Wolf, but the si the abduction are thus quite obbeen arrested. Gertrude Schildbach is also being hunted by the that he was living in the house are engaged in this work. Tre in the case of Mark Rein, corarrested Smirensky. It appears trials. The most important agents milar action taken by the vious.
police. In her hotel room a box next to the one where my son, mendous sums of money are respondent of the Copenhagen of Sozialdemokraten, had made Rein, in his capacity as editor of chocolates, which is now in the Leon Sedov, lived, with the pur being spent for this purpose, Sozialdemokraten and son of the hands of the Swiss police, was pose of having him under his especially in Spain, France, Russian Menshevik leader, Ra: the activities of the Stalinists in sensational relations concerning found treated with strychnine. close surveillance. don doubt Mexico, United States, but also phael Abramovich, a member of Spain and in the Soviet Union.
Even the French press is now that Smirensky and company in Czechoslovakia and Austria. the Executive Committee of the The source of his information, forced to recognize that the aswere preparing to assassinate hope to give you more detailed Second International.
Bassination was committed on Leon Sedov, who is inscribed information about this in the Wolf, a Czechoslovakian citi the councils of the Communist it appears, was someone high in orders from Moscow.
with red ink on the list of The active utilization of White Party of the Guard officers has become a general method of the abroad. Denounced to Police Demand Investigation The White military organization As supporters of the Spanish is almost entirely in the hands of (2) On August 26, scarcely the The kidnapping of more than a week before the as forces us to make this urgent So far because of the help of a workers and peasants in their General Mueller was committed sassination of Reiss, the French appeal for funds. The whole pro handful of comrades, we have fight against fascism. the statein order replace him with police received an anonymous gram of revolutionary socialism been able to publish on time. But ment concludes, and as friends General Skoblin, an old agent of denunciation from Switzerland in the United States is being se these few comrades cannot con of democratic rights, we, authors, the and in this way to against Reiss, alleging him to irously handcapped by the fact tinue to bear the burden and un fellow journalists, including memhave the free disposition of the be international financial that the Socialist Appeal has not less all comrades and sympath bers of the American Newspaper whole Union of the White Army. swindler. All the names under yet been in a position to finance izers make a special effort to Guild, protest against the secret The arrested and the hunted which he lived in Europe were its own expansion. Now it is not get subscriptions and contribu seizure of Erwin Wolf and are professional murderers in the indicated and these names were only a matter of expansion but tions at once, there may be a sad Mark Rein, demand that the service of the series of known only to the which ordinary weekly printing and story to tell in this column next Czechoslovakian Consul and the for overhead expenses which must be week, disclosed. Not with fabricated false passports Spanish governmental authorities crimes will their out interest is the fact that in him. On an international scale paid.
investigate We plead beg demand in immediately the bloody Chevrolet abandoned the denunciation political ad You do not want the Appeal sist that you help before it is whereabouts, and accord to these by he assassins on the road, the versaries to foreign police with delayed. You know as well as we too late. Use the blank and send foreign journalists sympathetic police found a new overcoat with false accusations is one of the do how important it is to get the it in with your new subscription to the struggle against Fascism, all the necessary legal guarantees a Madrid label. It seems very preferred methods of the Appeal out on time each week. or donation and don delay.
for their personal safety. We probable that the owner parti. 3) The thus denounced Socialist Appeal hold the officials of the Spanish cipated in the kidnapping and as an agent of the Gestapo an assassination of Andres Nin, old German revolutionary Gry 116 University Place Date government responsible for their security.
Erwin Wolf, and other revolu lewicz, now an emigree in Czecho New York City The full list of signers to date, tionaries in Spain and was, as a slovakia. The affair was directed enclose.
follows: for which please send me the high specialist in this work, ur by Yezhov, the new chief of the Ernest Sutherland Bates, Anita Brenner, James gently summoned by Schildbach Slutzky, the representative Socialist Appeal.
of the in France, expressOne year. 00. Six MonthsCannon, James Casey, Eleanor to Switzerland.
ed many times his indignation at. 00. Clark, Max Eastman, James the slowness of the Czechoslo enclose.
Stalinist Press Silent as my contribution toward Farrell, Charles Yale Harrison, vakian police. Finally, Slutzky Sidney Hook, Eugene Lyons, The European communist and his collaborators succeeded building the Socialist Appeal.
Dwight MacDonald, Felix Morpress, as for example the French in securing the arrest of GryleName row, George Novack, Liston but after several months of Humanite and Ce Soir, seem to imprisonment the authorities gave Oak, Arthur Address Lorine be totally paralyzed. They seem Grylewicz his freedom because Pruette, Meyer Schapiro, Clark to have lost the use of their the denunciation proved to be City Stillman, Carlo Tresca and tongues: it is not easy for them false. Widick.
An Emergency an.