Civil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismURSSWorkers Movement

Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 12.
401 Saturday, October 30 1937 Cents per Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL High Court Rejects Scottsboro Appeal Secret Paris Meeting Decides for Liberal Black Early Liquidation of Comintern Ducks Opinion; Trotskyists To Collective Security Youth Faces75 Be Annihilated Year Sentence Is Main Slogan IMPERIANESTE FRENCH INTERESTS 454 FRANCE BRITAIN will US eer. com The appeal of Haywood Patterson, leading defendant in the six and a half year old Scottsborc case, was rejected last BRITISH Tuesday by a unanimou: deciBy Liston Oak INTERESTS sion of the United States SuOn April 21, 1937, there preme Court.
The newest Associate Justice, was an historic conference of the representatives of the Hugo Black, apparently disINTERESTS 17 leading Communist Parqualified himself from participating in the decision of the Court, ties of the world, in Paris.
according to the announcement Such conferences have dismade in the formal orders.
placed the Congress of the Comintern, which met every Faces 75 Year Term year or two until 1928, after Patterson, one of the nine which it was seven years young Negroes framed up by the before the Seventh Congress Alabama reactionaries and Negrohaters on the charge of rape, has which threw Leninism overbeen convicted on that charge board and adopted Menshevfour times, hax been condemneck.
ism as its guiding philosothree times to die, and is now under sentence to serve the barphy.
baric term of seventy five years Earl Browder that great and in prison.
beloved leader of the CPUSA His appeal against the decision who assures Roosevelt that he of low courts, whipped up has nothing to fear from the to a frenzy of Negro baiting, Communists. was present at the was based on having been deParis conference. was in Barprived of the constitutional celona at the time, and know that guarantee of due process of law, the representative of the Ameribecause he was refused permiscan CP in Spain attended. Later sion to be tried in a Federal inJulian Gorkin, POUM leader stead of a State court and benow in a Spanish Stalinist jail, cause the jury was instructed by showed me a full report of the Carlo proceedings. presume Mike the judge to find him guilty even if he had not committed rape but Gold will cite this fact to prove had only conspired to do so.
his charge that am a spy. That the Supreme Court should cover up the reactionary SouthTo Dissolve Comintern ern bearers of white supremaThere were two main items on the agenda for discussion or rather, for instruction from the With the publication of the first provide adequate time for dis are to follow in rapid order. Pro Liberal Black Ducks Kremlin, for even among the big issue of the internal bulletin this cussion by the membership, the vision is being made throughout Of considerable significance, shots of the CP there is no longer week an animated discussion in convention, originally called for the party for the full and free however, is the position opted any discussion, except on how to the ranks of the left wing social the last week in November, has presentation of all points of view by Justice Black, ex Klansman, carry out orders. These two ques ist branches, preparation for been postponed until Friday, De in the oral discussion at branch highly toated liberal and selftions were: the national convention, got into cember 31 at Chicago.
and membership meetings and asserted friend of the Jews and The physical liquidation of full. swing. The original plan The first internal discussion for the representation of minori Negroes. He had an opportunity the POUM and other revolution for the convention to draw an bulletin, comprising 70 mime ties in the convention on a pro to express himself clearly against ary opposition to the Spanish organizational balance of the ex graphed pages, is now being portional basis. Unlike the prac the loathsome frame up. Black People Front, and the cam pulsion campaign of the La studied by the membership. It tices of the fraudulent democ ducked the issue in order not to paign against the Trotskyite Guardia socialists and their cen contains theses and counter racy followed by Altman Tyler offend Southern cracker agents of fascism internation trist lickspittles. has been theses and discussion articles Co. who know no way of meet friends.
ally; and The possible liqui broadened into a decision to put from various points of view on ing argument and criticism but The Communist Party is doubly dation of the Comintern, and all the fundamental problems of the problems of the civil war by gag Laws and expulsions, guilty, by virtue of its suppresthe necessity of finding a sub the labor movement, national and in Spain. Other internal bul the discussion in our ranks is a sion in recent years of the mass stitute for it as a weapon of international, on the agenda. Iletins on American perspectives real discussion and the democ protest movement, and the surthe Soviet foreign office. Owing to the additional time and revolutionary tasks, on the racy is a real democracy. By this render of the case to the TamThe secretaries of the 17 lead required to elaborate the main trade union question, on a basic method of internal democracy many attorney, Leibowitz. It is ing Communist Parties were in political resolutions these declaration of revolutionary prin the collective opinion of the high time to revive the mass (Continued on page 3) basic questions, and in order to ciples and on the Soviet Union membership can be recorded movement.
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