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8 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 23, 1937 Timely Book: An open Letter to Alfred Baker Lewis Trotsky Exposes on the Mass Expulsion of the Left Wing The Lie Machine to received your letter inform By John Hall to say. Neither can you. cering me of my expulsion from the tainly not until you find out the Party a la Stalin. say a la meaning of democracy. But you The Stalin School of Falsi KRASSIKOV (continues. Stalin because have received an honest man, sent Arkin the could find out the meaning of fiation by Leon Trotsky.
If we do not pose the question no charges and have had no trial, same size check that he gave us. dictatorship of the proletariat if 368 Pages. 50 Pioneer that way then we ought to or opportunity to answer your You saw no harm in a left wing you could ever bring yourself to take steps in relation to the accusations. And say expul caucus with its own dues system, read the classics of Marxism, Publishers, New York. Provisional Government which. sion The Chairman deprives him hoping that would be as un regulations because you, apparently contributions, and membership instead of the Nation. It has no Reviewed by Hal Draper You see no harm resemblance to the fantastic cariof the floor.
principled as your payroll pa in it today, for you maintain cature you make of it. But how ORDJONIKIDZE: Why did The revolution was not on the triots, have given me until Oct. such a caucus in Mass, today, can hope to explain this prinyou dwell so long on your bio agenda at any time during this 1st to recant my heresies. have and make your heavy contribu ciple to you when you haven first conference of the Party. no intention of doing so.
graphy? re tions to it both locally and na learned the other two?
And today too the program of main a revolutionary socialist. tionally. So you know we were TROTSKY. was not the Comintern may be summed the one who first brought up up in Chairman Nogin succinct wing violation of discipline. You caucus, and have every right to You make a fuss about Left and are organized legally as a No Crawling to the question of my biography. way: The revolution is not on say the NEC acted to expel us continue. Finally, why were 125 Bureaucrats Nothing was further from my the agenda.
mind. There are enough ques.
because we were an opposition expelled in New York, and eight You demand that the party political party within the SP brought up on charges in Mass. give a blank check to John tions as it is. But it is pre Stalin Biography cisely the Stalinist faction that and we violated a National Con long before either the launching Lewis Co. in the unions. You The section on the Political vention decision forbidding fac of the Appeal or the decision of started fighting about our opposihas substituted the question of my biography for all political Biography of Stalin is rightly tional papers. by publishing, the NEC?
tion to this right after you found questions. And reply to fic called only contribution. the Socialist Appeal. Let take On the second page of your that the jobs of some of your tions with irrefutable facts. Souvarine work; not a bly, the second charge first. You letter you say we failed to sup. supporters might be in danger has added greatly to our know: That the decision you port the campaign and national from certain trade union bureaucTherefore this book. There will information, but the essen refer to was an agreement con office last year. You know that rats. You sent out a crawling, be liberals who will see nothing tial points that Trotsky makes, ditioned by the promise of an a lie! The best meeting for bootlicking letter to these same in all this except more proof that if in a sketchy form, are only internal discussion organ open to Thomas in this section was in fakers, asking them please to be the Trotsky Stalin struggle is more thoroughly proved by others all groups in the Party, which Lynn. arranged by Trotskyists! nice to you, and giving half a only a personal quarrel. But the researches: Stalin Menshevik organ has not yet appeared. Thomas told a group of us in dozen examples of good work left wing has learned through deviations even before 1917, his after six months. That the Lynn after the campaign that his done by Socialists, most of which own experiences in the Socialist record of constant intrigue and right centrist NEC has refused worst meetings were those ar were actually done by the TrotsParty, with the Altman and Clar. treachery, his failure to formu to carry out that agreement, hop ranged by the efficient ashcan kytes, whom you denounce like ity schools of falsification, that late a single independent idea or ing to muzzle the left. that collectors of Wisconsin, and the any stoolpigeon. How quickly when mud is thrown instead of to develop a correct line a single the Call is a factional organ of best in the Trotskytte state the injuries suffered by hundreds principled arguments, it is be time on his own hook, etc.
the right and center and has of California. You know that militants in the United Mine cause the latter ammunition is Souvarine has given further given not one line to the left Altman, your political ally, ex. Workers from Lewis thugs, lacking.
evidence for Trotsky deduction since the Convention. That cluded left wingers from cam strong arm men, and cops, have Trotsky goes at the task with that Stalin began political life there is no rule of the SP for paign activity. And let your healed! To the man who built a bitterly ironic pen and a mass as a Menshevik; but on the other bidding comrades starting even a National Secretary, Roy Burt, one of the most ruthless machines of fact and evidence upon which hand, he defends Stalin against public journal if they feel it is explain the standing of the in the labor movement, you to exercise it. In the Letter to Trotsky attack on his letter of needed. If there were, the Call states in the Fund Drive, which would entrust industrial unionism the Bureau of Party History he 1911, in which he (Stalin) spoke would not have been started. So showed the Trotskyite strong in America! We reshse to sell marshals document after docu of Lenin fight against Menshev this charge is hokum.
holds at the top of the list, and out. The party must and will ment to answer such questions ism as a tempest in a tea pot, the LaFollette Socialists at the fight for militant class struggle As: Why didn Trotsky join the worthy only of disdain by pracHypocritical Charges bottom. The saboteurs were your policies in the unions, and will Bolsheviks immediately on re tical workers.
political allies, who were afraid never hesitate to criticize the turning On the other, you are incon. to fight Roosevelt, as they now conservative leadership, let the Russia? Who organ Trotsky tries in vain, writes sistent, not to say hypocritical. fear to fight LaGuardia.
ized the insurrection? What is Souvarine, after the event, jobs fall where they may!
Though pathetically anxious to the truth about his alleged dis describe this state of mind as in keep the corrupt and worthless Referendums Sabotaged against us, the heart of your But in your third complaint agreements with Lenin? Thus difference to theory or the myo Old Guard in the Party, you did he covers the main Stalinist sland. pia of a practician, because, help treacherous campaign is exposed.
caucus activity against ers in the period 1917 1927. An forsooth, this was the general them. You made a pledge to the we made no effort to start a re pious phrases in which you try Again you lie when you say Rather than waste time on the interesting appendix by Mar condition of the radical workers, militant caucus to support me kin takes up the latter day tale which Stalin merely reflected! In ferendum against the NEC reso to bury the truth of your policy, that it was Stalin who won the his On the Road of October militant organizer, though you lution on Spain. It was initiated leti fretted lest offend Arkin, its application in civil war, practically single hand Stalin makes exactly the same Bearak and ed, with a little help from Vor defense for himself ragarding his Coolidge might make your com bers, along with another on the cheap politicians like LaGuardia, by Local San Francisco and practice.
Reivo. Comrade Today you and your endorsed by thousands of mem clique are selling out the SP to oshilov.
March 1917 line: the majority plaint, for heard that he, being of the party held this position gag rule. And you know that and demand our consent to the Suppressed Documents too, and he, Stalin, only reflected the National Office. NEC and sellout. You have protested that the Call have all refused to take you are not backing LaGuardia, Two suppressed documents are this. This way of evading resreprinted the report of the ponsibility is exactly the same, Bolshevik for many years (leav the action made mandatory by but are backing the ALP. For March, 1917 Party Conference in turn, as that of the German ng it a Menshevik stronghold. the Party Constitution.
give me if refer that distinction Again you lie when you say without a difference to the Col(just before Lenin returned) and Social Democratic leaders, who and where he had been unaniof the November, 1917 session of blamed the social patriotism of mously expelled from the party that When charges were pre lege of Cardinals, to put beside the Petrograd Committee. It was the masses for their own betrayal for intriguing against the leaders ferred against individual mem the dual nature of the Pope.
You of the organization thru syste bers for so violating discipline, will give up Socialism to support in March that Stalin took his in war time.
matic spreading of calumnies. the locals and branches involved LaGuardia, author of the NYC first flyer at being the party Stalin Ethics This aptness at striking secret declined to hear the charge. sales tax, loyal ally of red baiter boss; he took over control of by other people hands, while Lynn, Boston Central, and Wor George Harvey, sturdy defender Pravda and made the main report Much of the book, in effect, himself going unperceived, made cester, gave hours to hearing of capitalism and honored guest at the Conference. The result matches Trotsky political biog a shrewd combinationist of Koba your charges and found the de of Italian Fascist organizations, was: endorsement of a defensist raphy against Stalin And from (Stalin. one who drew the line fendants not guilty. Because they candidate of the bankers and realattitude toward the war; polis the mass of detail, one picks out at no methods, and evades all refused to become parties to your estate men, who demand and get tical support of the Provisional the outlines Stalin moral accounting, all responsibility. bureaucratic, undemocratic wreck lower taxes at the expense of the Government; steps toward unity physiognomy. Lenin has already This character of Stalin is evi ling, you use your graveyard workers. You would give us this with the Mensheviks. The at characterized him in his last dent in the character of all his majority on the SEC to expel rotten flunkcy of big business as mosphere of this conference Testament. Trotsky gives his affairs. And among Stalin them.
a substitute for socialism! You which took place under the theo own opinion as follows. affairs. Verechtchak gives de Such frantic dishonesty must would do this because you are retical guidance of Stalin may man in whom energy, will and tails on several intrigues of Stalin must have a powerful urge be afraid of the hardships of carrybe judged from what happened resoluteness are combined with involving his denunciation of hind it! You admit its nature. ing on the fight for socialism, when a misguided delegate made empiricism, myopia, organic other comrades to the authorities. You cannot endure our loyalty because you have faith neither in so bold as to mention, timidly to inclination to opportunist deci It is clear that the Stalin to three basic principles of revo the working class nor in socialist be sure, the dictatorship of the sions in great questions, personal School of Falsification has not lutionary Socialism: Dictator principles, because you are not a proletariat and the question of rudeness, disloyalty and a readi only a political raison etre but ship of the proletariat. Inde socialist.
power: ness to abuse power in order to also a personal origin. The least pendent policy in the trade KRASSIKOV. If we suppress the party. Souvarine ne can say is: the Moscow trials unions. Independent working pelling the revolutionists. In that But you may succeed in exthink that the time has now sums him up:. a will to power of Stalin and his latest tool, class political action. With your case you are welcome to the come to realize the dictator out of proportion to his will for Yezhov, and the unprecedented, customary display of ignorance, hodge podge of muddleheads, ship of the proletariat, then knowledge. an oriental dexter.
systematic viciousness and ca you phrase them as follows: pie card artists, and nineteenth we ought to pose the question ity in intrigue, absence of scrup, umniation which informed them, They rejected democracy under century liberals that will remain.
that way. We unquestionably les, unfeelingness in personal are of one piece with Stalin worker control. and insisted The Party name is only two have the physical force for a relations, scorn for men and whole record. It is quite in order that dictatorship by one party words. We will defend the honor seizure of power. believe human life.
therefore that Comrade Shacht only, their own, was the bad to of that name as long as we can.
that we will have sufficient Fellow Prisoner Testifies man should have devoted his power. the discredited But if you succeed in your camphysical force both in PetroIntroduction to the question of communist position that it is paign to cover that name with grad as well as in other cities. former prison companion, the recent Trials, calling the roll necessary to drive a wedge be dishonor, revolutionary socialis (Commotion in the hall. Shouts: Verechtchak, has given a conc with cumulative impressiveness tween the leadership and mem will carry on under another banNot true. was present. rete picture of Stalin as a con of the Bolshevik Old Guard bership of unions. fur ner, though you cast aside all. THE CHAIRMAN (inter genital and disloyal intriguer (in liquidated by Stalin. For the ther declared that any Farmer principle and even common honrupting. The question under an article excerpts from which Stalin School lays bare both the Labor Party is reformist in esty to destroy it. The revoluthe discussion involves the were reprinted by Pravda as a political and personal contexts character and must be opposed tionists, the overwhelming majorpractical steps for today. The reliable tribute to Stalin. Ve from which the Moscow night as bitterly as the Democratic and ity of the active socialists, are question of the dictatorship of rechtchak had been president of mares appeared and exposes the Republican parties.
with us. We will build the revothe proletariat is not under the Soldiers Soviet of Tiflis, organizational methods that made What democracy under work lutionary party. We will achieve discussion.
where Stalin had worked as a their execution possible. er control means can hope socialism!