AnarchismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandExtremistFascismGPUHitlerIV InternationalKamenevMarxismMussoliniSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSubversiveUnited FrontZinoviev

October 23, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Widow Reveals How Slew Bill Ignace Reiss in Swiss Village Column Stalin Aimed to Silence Marxist School a Success The Star Spangled Banner Former Soviet Agent As First Sessions Begin Trail of a Renegade it Spain. Leaders Split New Jersey In an interview published in the Daily Worker, Ear) Browder declared, that the only people The large registrations for the MENT Tuesday, P. who can really sing the Star By courses in the opening week of Maurice Spector.
Spangled Banner, are the memA week after the assassination of Ludwig (Ignace interest and enthusiasm. Since the Marxist School revealed great Rooseveltian Laborism bers of the Communist Party.
Reiss who published his open letter resigning from the all the classes are lecture coulises. SOCIALISM AND WAR If you want to hear the Star Russian Communist Party under the name of Ludwig) in attendance is permitted for indiTuesday, 8:45 Max Spangled Banner sung Schachtman.
should be, come to a gourd. omvidual sessions. admission Lousanne, succeeded in meeting his wife and engaged munist meeting.
twenty five cents.
The Epoch of Social Betrayal and in a conversation with her.
For the week of October 25th Proletarian Resurgence, Judas Offers Himself Ludwig wife is of Polish origin. She produces the subjects will be: War, Socialism and the the impression of a very energetic woman and excellently ELEMENTARY MARXISM Founding of the Communist On Constitution Day, Browder International, in the name of the Communist sequainted with the work of. Monday, P. John Party said that in the event of a Ladwig and the work of the GPU shoved him into the car and killed Wright. THE AMERICAN TRADE war against fascism, the in general. The day when saw him. Before his death he defend Contradictions of Capitalism UNION MOVEMENT. Fri would be in the foreground in her she was still totally uncler ed himself. In his hand they found 11. CHINA AND THE FAR EAST Basis for the of CIO Split. as are our comrades in Spain.
day, P. James Cannon stamping out extremists, just the influence of the blow, talked wisps of Schildbach hair. They quite unsystematically, and re found also in the car a coat with Monday 8:45 Robert Graves.
poated always one phrase. Those interested in receiving Twelve Anarchist Workers in a Madrid label. The police believe will live. Often she produced the that seven people, two women The Chinese Revolution 1925 27 more information on the School Catalonia, fighters for their class, impression of drugged person. and five men, participated in the POLITICAL CURRENTS IN 116 University Place, Sew York ed, were thrown from a car dead On the one hand she is convinced murder.
AMERICAN LABOR MOVE City. with their testicles in their that the GPU will kill her too Schieldbach fled, but left her mouths. That how Browder (since they realize that she knows baggage in the hotel. There they stool pigeon and gangster comall that was known to Ludwig. found some pictures of Schildlades deal with extremists in On the other hand she thinks bach, recognized by Ludwig that perhaps they will believe wife. The pictures were sent to eace Loving that she is totally terrorized and the police of different countries.
will remain silent, and that they Observation of the Soviet steam We have in the United States, will, therefore, leave her in peace. ers in various ports was estaba group of pacifist societies who, lished. The police identified one who, in the name of peace, are How Ludwig Was Killed more participant in the murder NEWARK. In protest against more than 19 of the total dele counselling unconditional surnamed Kondratjeff (a white, the complete pro war line of the gation were politically unaffiliat render. to International After having broken with the emigre) who aroused the suspi American Youth Congress and its ed (non YPSL or non de bandits. Whatever ther motives, GPU, Ludwig wrote to a number cion of the police by pacing back attendant suppression of the legates. The Stalinists used their such pacifists have become agents of his comrades proposing to them and forth the day of the murder democratic rights the oppo mechanical majority to put over of Hitler and Mussolini. Browthat they follow his step. Nobody at one place in a railroad station. nents of the Roosevelt war pro their pro war position without der at the Convention of the answered except a certain Ger. The police checked his papers gram, the demonstrati allowing the opposition the right Canadian That indicates trude Schildbach, maiden name. and since they were all right they vely broke with the Of to expression. Minority view. what in store for pacifists at Neugebauer, a functionary of the did not arrest him. Ludwig wife New Jersey at the latters Mo points, opposed to the People the hands of the Stalinist gangGPU in Rome with whom he had says that for such kind of work del Legislature session in Tren Front line of the leadership sters when Wall Street decides worked for twenty years and abroad, the GPU always chooses ton on October 16 and 17. The were refused minority reports. that the time is ripe for War.
bom he had hired himselt. White Guardists.
Town Club, representing a strong The steam roller was especially Another reply came from a GPU youth movement in Plainfield, worked up to infuse artificial en Scabbing on the Police tractionary in England, who was What Ludwig Wife likewise withdrew from the ses thusiasm for Roosevelt war Red Squads.
rapposed to visit Ludwig on Knows About the GPU sions, denouncing, the steam. mongering speech in Chicago; for Testifying before the MassaSeptember for a discussion. According to Ludwig wife, SchildAs have said already, Lud leadership. The representatives of fense as inclusive of Alaska and chusetts Legislative Committee for investigating subversive bach had sincere hesitations. The wig wife speaks nervously, in the Clarity group youth ex Hawaii (they weren sure, approof for it she sees in the fact terrupts, and jumps over from pressed their protest by refusing parently, about the status of the movements. a local leader of the that after the shooting of Zino one question to another evi a place offered to them on the Philippines at this time. as well Communist Party called on the viev and Kamenev she was very dently still upset from the recent state committee.
as in preventing a discussion of Committee to investigate organshocked and wept in her conversa. blow. will try to reproduce what of the 54 delegates present, at Fascism in connection with the ization activities of the Trotskytions with Ludwig. she tells: ists.
least 25 were member of the Peace Seminar.
On September Schildbach The whole foreign apparatus Young Communist League or the The break came when the Warning arrived in Switzerland for the of the GPU is being re organized. Stalinist innocent clubs. NO representative, Robert meeting arranged through corres. All the old functionaries are callShaw, upon being nominated for Let all class conscious workers pondence by Ludwig. Ludwig ed back and there they are ar and his wife for insufficient via the Nomination Committee, re and opponents of capitalist war wife was present at this meeting rested and shot on suspicion of gilance and for indecision.
fused the nomination in a dra take note. Browders storm troops Schildbach declared to Ludwig Trotskyism. Arrested or executed Refused to Confess matic speech received with rapt if not earlier, Browder will place Jare ready. The day war starts, that she was in absolute agree. are: Unshlicht, Stashowski, Shot!
attention by the tense audience.
ment with him, that she would Brunn, Walter, Rudzutak, etc.
Declaring that the pro war po his gang at the disposal of the break with the GPU, but that she To the question, are these people did not know what to do in the really Trotskyites. She answer. man, a Pole, had to be connected its attendant lack of democracy already pledged that. The GPU man, Max Fried licy adopted by the Congress and Department of Justice. He has Stalinist future. Ludwig answered that it ed that in general all are against with the Zinoviev trial. They ask rendered the unfit as an stool pigeons and sadistic brutes se necessary to join the Fourth Stalin, even those who are al, ed him to confess. Friedman instrument for solving the prob will be let loose ever. they International, to finish with the ways ready to sign anything and refused. He was shot without any lems of youth, Shaw denounced are in the and Spain.
past, and for the rest we will see. to praise Stalin. In their souls trial or judgement.
the presence of reactionaries and Clarity Goes underShe proposed to Ludwig that they they hate him. She herself knows Why do they confess? Those Fascist on the National Council have dinner the next night in one several people of the foreign ap who agree to confess (a minority) of the and the failure of ground of the restaurants of Lausanne. paratus who will refuse to re think that anyhow one has to die. the New Jersey, section to do The Clarity group in the Ludwig told her, jokingly, that turn, some of them because they If one does not confess he is shot. anything about it, desp te prehe had no more money. She ans fear for their lives, others for If he does confess perhaps he vious decisions adopted by that findink voting for LaGuardia wered that she had some money ideological reasons. The murder can escape. Some people confess body. He further pointed out the more then they can lear, have sad invited him. Ludwig wife of Ludwig was intended to ter because of fidelty to the party. nefarious role lett for Montreux. Ludwig had worize all these people. For this She knows also in great de refusing to endorse the Confer Secretly, they are structing to meet Schildbach again on reason it was committed.
tail the touching up of Feucht ence to re open Junior College, their supporters to write in the September to have dinner with During the trial of Pyatakov wanger latest book. About an institution which has splendid name of. whisper it candiIf you want further inher before leaving for Rheims. she was in Moscow. She knows a Feuchtwanger they are singing youth work to its credit, and Structions go to the house of Zam.
She was supposed to visit Lud number of details as to how this a little song in the which declared that the as in Knock three times. Say Gus sent wig wife on the following trial was framed up.
has the following sense: What the past, would persevere in its Sunday. When Ludwig left his The case of the GPU man, does Stalin fear that this Jew efforts to build up fighting you: The pass word is. Tootsiewife he told her that Schildbach Brunn: Sinee 1924 Brunn had should not become an Andre united front movement around Fruitxie. Then if you can prove produced in him a very strange been in his soul a Trotskyite but Gide. and you reliability and there is no the American Youth Act ad incomprehensible impression. didn speak about it. The GPU The case of Cherbinchich: against the threatening war being Altmanite in sight, Zara will slip knew about it. Some months be He was wounded during a shost: prepared by American imperial you the dope. Of course you may also have to buy a master code Assassins Known fore the Zinoviev trial they re ing on the Square book and a Breeder Guide.
moved him from his foreign post Rocherau in Paris. Cherbinchich The following is known to the reason: the competition bet. was an agent of the GPU consiNOTICE TO PARTY Ladwig wife from the commu ween Yagoda and Yezhov) and dered to be a provocateur and BRANCHES VILLAGE DANCE. Whoations of the police: Ludwig ordered him to investigate the the GPU decided to kill him. At Please send in name of HOTTEST! LIVELJEST!
and Schildbach had dinner to case of the German colonists who the beginning they proposed to comrades elected to serve as BEST IN TOWX: ther and then went out into the had to be joined to the Zinoviev Ludwig wife that she help but correspondents to the SOCIAL. It was late and the streets trial. He had to obtain confes it seems that she refused. In the IST APPEAL. Special atPLACE: deserted. They intended to sions. Brunn knew some of these spring of 1937 they tried to kill tention must be given to pro Washington Square an automobile, but another people personally; moreover, he him on the Square Denfertviding us with timely stories TIME: Lomobile arrived. man jump did not believe in this trial. Na Rocherau but they wounded him on trade union struggles.
11est and struck Ludwing on the turally he did not obtain con only. Since he left the hospital All copy must be in by Saturday Night, October 30.
with a blackjack. Then they fessions. They arrested Brunn Cherbinchich has disappeared.
Dancing! Dining! Drinking!
Denfert ism.