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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 23, 1937 Spain in Grip of Stalinist Socialist Kidnaped and Smuggled Off to Russia Drive to Aid Is Endorsed by Trotsky Subscribe, Give have influence, but the delegation felt itself in such danger of Stalinist reprisal that it refused to leave Barcelona without the accompaniment of a delegation from the FAI. The latter had to An early August issue of Herz has his agents in every which they took off for their escort them to the airdrome, from CARLO TRESCA New York City, Esteemed Comrade Trexca, Libertad. one of the underground: police station, from Barcelona all homes.
ergans of the CXT Fal, carries the way to Valencia. The secret With warm sympathy respond to your call for action service uses the camouflaged demensational information regard wignation Foreign Department Investigators Vanish to help the Spanish revolutionary victims of Stalin Negrin.
The militants of the incontestably oecury first ingthe workings of the Stalinists of the as a cover for The prominent Socialist RevoGPU in Barcelona.
its work. The Foreign Depart. lutionary Lawyer, Sternberg, place among these victims.
According to this paper, the ment has in its possession first Commissar of Justice in the As a Marxist am an adversary of Anarchism. Even bund of the GPU is certain Al complete file on the whereabouts, Bolshevik coalition governmore irreconcilmbly am an adversary of the present opPred Herz. This Herz appears to contacts and relatives, etc. etc. ment of the Soviets, has assumed portunism of the leaders of the But this cannot heil from Phila where he of every person in one way or charge of Rein defense. The hinder me from seeing and zing that in the ranks active for some time in trade another distasteful to the leader. Valencia government, through its of this organization are concentrated the elite of the Spananion circler. The GPU operater ship of the Comintern section in Special Service, placed an agent ish proletariat. Profound revolutionary solidarity bindis in Barcelona from three different Spain. Since the establishment of in charge of inventigating the me to the anarchist workers; whereas in the poeudo Marxcenters inainly, although it main the Stalin Negrin government. Rein case. This agent and his ist cliques of Stalin Negrin see only nmsked class for tains offices in various part of these unfortunates have been chiet, Fernando Meca, have since the city as well on the country. tracked down systematically. Col. also disappeared in the Against the attitude of the Nation and the New Repubsame side, usually in locations clone to laborating from a vantage point mysterious fashion.
lib. totally share your indignation. The executioner is hideous, but more hidecus is the priest in the serv ce of local police stations. The three in this work is a certain Schoyn The investigation, thus far, has the executioner.
main centers are the Consulate Kinderman. The latter is chief As the agent of imperialism, Stalin d the the Hotel Colon of the foreign intelligence service discovered the following facts to invokes hatred. Completely nauseating are the. which was a head of the Valencia police. In this be reliable. Mark Rein was not long haired democratic preachers who pander to the Stalinquarters before its suppression capacity, he has been able to killed by the Herz apparatus.
ist executioners.
and the Karl Marx Barracks of keep track of all contacts between Sometime between April 11 and The struggle for the liberation of humanity is impossible the Stalinist rererved members of political organiza April 30, he was shipped from without the simultaneour mobilization of contempt for such specially for the most refined tions and their central committees Barcelona as a trunk on a boat headed for Russia. Rein is, therecourtesans, sycophants, lackeys, bigots as the Nation and forms of torture.
located in Valencia or Madrid.
fore, undoubtedly in the hands the New Republic.
The Case of Mark Rein of the Russian GPU. wish you the best success in your campaign and shake However, the investigation of your hand with revolutionary greeting.
October 6, 1937.
LEON TROTSKY Misterious disappearances offect that the anarchists were res this case has only begun. The personages the labor move ponsible for it, because of his di. heads of the Second International ment since last May have xrown sagreements with them. This ver appear determined to get the in number. In every case sion was not, however, credited in bottom of it. Just as this case where the mystery of a disap any of the non Stalinist circles. has already revealed appreciably pearance has been solved. the The Executive Committee of the the methods whereby the Stalinthreads have been traced back Second International dispatched ists in Spain are carrying on their to the Socialist Appeal Some it to trade unionists on trial directly to the Herz apparatus a delegation to Spain, to investi persecution of non Stalinist labor subscriptions have come in as a subscription basis; to hand it out One such case which, after the gate the case.
alibi figures, so the further develop result of our appeals in the past during strikes; to popularise lynching of Andres Nin and the immediately proved to be worth ments will no doubt uncover the but they have not warranted amongst those who have never disappearance of Erwin Wolff, less. For, not only were innumer whole international network exthe expansion program that we seen it by giving away froscop We have had many request has arousel especial attention, is able obstacles put in the way of tending directly from the Want to put into effect. Let each ies.
that of Mark Rein.
the delegation by all government headquarters on Lubianka Street reader of the Socialist Appeal from all over the country, per either renew his subscription now ticularly in industrial are al Mark Rein is the editor of the organs in which the Stalinists in Moscow.
newspaper Sozialdemokraten.
or get at least one new sub ling us if it would not be possible scriber and we publisheit in Stockholm, Sweden.
promise that to send bundles for free distribe there will be no delay in mailing tion. The method is used by the bas been publishing regular your paper. So far the paper has Stalinixts with the Daily Worter.
come out on time. Every effort We must fight fire with fire, ports from Russin, shedettag in Interesting light on recent events is being made to keep it coming CONTRIBUTIONS to malo in the same manner AXD YOU this work possible can come from In that country. The information MUST HELP NOW.
contained in these reports is apno one but you the readers and parently of such an authentic The distinguished representa less visitors. Well, LaGuardia But just getting the Appeal out supporters of the Socialet Ap nature, that itx source is general tive of Wall Street in City Hall, told them, ll speak before your on time is not enough. The de pesi. Use the blank below, cob ly regarded as being a person in Fiorello LaGuardia, on Col meeting also. on the condi mand for the Appeal is growing tribute it possible and no amount high position in the Communist umbus Day gave the workers of tion that instead of having an daily. The national office want is too small or too large und at to make it possible to distribute least get another subscription!
Party or Russia. The ha New York City a lesson in Peo anti fascist rally, you make it for a long time shadowed the of ple Front politics that would be Columbus Day Celebration. The Socialist Appeal fices of the Stockholm newspaper, well NEVER to forget. Within a Committee promptly accepted the in an attempt to uncover the few hours space La Guardia ap suggestion and hurried to organ 116 University Place Date peared before a Fascist demonize for Columbus Day. Is there New York City stration sponsored by the Sons any question of who will Aght Is Son of Abramovich of Italy with Generoso Pope, fascism here! enclose for which please send me the agent of Mussolini in America, What has aroused particular and at the non fascist nally Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months interest in this case in the fact conducted by the Stalinists and MAN BITES DOG. 00. that Mark Rein is, in reality, a American Labor Party reactionI enclose son of Raphael Abramovich, the aries. The Non Fascist celeWhen a dog bites a man, that as my contribution toward building the Socialist Appeal.
well known Russian Menshevik bration held only a few hours no news. But when a man bites leader and member of the Exelatter the fascist demobilised was a dog, that is news.
cutive Committee of the Second advertised as a Columbus Day tober 18, prints as news the The New York Times of OcName International. Rein, under this holiday.
assumed name and using an Ame.
from Address following dispatch October 12th was established Madrid correspondent: rican passport, came to BarceloCity nearly last Spring and organiz years ago by revolutionary 80Largo Caballero, od gioup of anti stämtat 30 cialists and even the Stalinists ex Premier, who has threatened as a day for militant anti fascism.
cialists in the He pub For years every counter demon tor three months to launch a Hshed articles, in which, among other things, he criticized the po stration staged by the anti fas stump campaign against the gove key of the CNT, declaring that cists against the fascist parades ernment, was permitted by that his criticism is directed against was the scene of the most bitter government to address an open the CNT exclusively because physical clashes. Last year young meeting in Madrid today. Dancing It certainly has become news. Entertainment Refreshments socialists were brutally beaten of doing things they are the only ones capable and imprisoned for their heroic When the Stalino bourgeois People Front government ArchSwing Band Immediately after his arrival stand against an overwhelming defender of democracy grants the Herz apparatus began to plan number of fascists and police.
permission. to a labor leader, his seizure. He was lured into As last year, LaGuardia first critical of the Stalinistr, to speak their net over the telephone, in accepted the invitation of the at a public meeting.
15th Street and Irving Place message from a woman who Italian Fascists. This was an naked him for an interview. After unexpected blow to the Commonseveral days abrence from the ist leaders who, anxious to over STALINISM hotel where he was staying, the look La Guardia connections, and management of the hotel received expected that he would speak TICKETS: FIFTY FIVE CENTS letter signed by Rein, dealing before their People Front meet BOLSHEVISM with the disposal of his baggage ing. When the Stalinists learned For Sale at: Labor Book Shop by and other such matters. The that Le Guardia loved the FasMadrid date line on the letter cists as well as their voter they 10C Leon 28 East 12th Street, wus obviously written by die directed a Committee of peaceTROTSKY ferent hand from that of the tal inquiry to His Honor for an sathor of the letter.
explanation. The Mayor informed Pioneer Publishers Auspicer: Young Peoples Socialist League As soon as news of Rein dis them that he intended to speak 100 Filth Avenue Socialist Party (Left Wing)
appearance began to spread, the for the Freists. But what about New York, Inte circulated storia to the el our meeting? asked the same er en enkele online demokraten Dr. Fiorello Jekyll and Mr. Fiorello source.
its FALL FROLIC Saturday, November 6th at P.
Irving Plaza