AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsExtremistFascismFranceImperialismInvasionItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSubversiveTerrorismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

October 23, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Liquidation of the Comintern Stalinist Hoodlum Beats Up Socialist at Browder Proclaims New York Election Campaign Meeting To Be Staunch Bulwark Of American Capitalism The International Stalinist ter the meeting and when told to ror begun in Russia against the keep quiet and go back to their Soviet masses, continued in Spain own meeting which was at through the wanton assassina the diagonally opposite corner, tion of Andres Nin and the mur hit out at the comrades selling der of many Anarcho Syndical literature. One of the literature ist workers; carried into Switzer agents, Morris Miller, was hit, land with the machine gun mur evidently with brass knuckles and By Liston Oak der of Ignace Reiss is now. had to be given medical treatbeing carried into the local elec ment at St. Vincent Hospital The Communist Party is not subversive. Earl Browder informed a Massachu tion campaign where members of the other comrade injured, Ed.
setts State legislative investigating committee on October 1, 1937. Communists make the Socialist Left are being un. Findley, did not need hospital the defense of our democratic institutions one of the cardinal tenets of our theory and mercifully beaten and terrorized treatment but is nursing a swolby hired squads of brass knuckle len jaw.
practice. The Communist Party does not conduct any teaching or activity which gorillas sent out by the local The truly despicable character is subversive to American Government. And the secretary the American section of the Communist Party of these terrorists hiding under of the Communist InternacMonday evening October 18, the liberal skirts of the ALP the Chelsea and Village branches and LaGuardia is shown by the tional, founded to overthrow join the Four Power Pact or opinion with you such theoretical of our party were holding a fact that they called a cop and all capitalist states and insti make some other deal with the reservations we may have fascist nations, isolating (an campaign rally for our mayoralty pointed out our comrades to him tutions by force, emphatical Soviet Union.
the embarrassing hold over of our candidate, James Cannon, on if it wasn for the fact that Marxist Leninist tradition) need the corner of 14th Street and Miller was bleeding profusely ly disavows the rumor spread What further evidence is need not prevent a united front on all Seventh Avenue, when a gang of from the chin and that the officer by subversive fascists and ed to prove the ideologocal liqui; practical questions such as war: Stalinist hooligans, tired of himself doubted the stoolpigeon Trotskyists that the Com presages its eventual munist believe in the use of tional liquidation? If additional agents of fascism advocating on the platform of the Socialist comrades would have been arrestorganiza: elements such as the Trotskyist under the ALP banner, descended statement of the Staunist our force and violence. evidence is required it is avai violent overthrow of our sacred Left in a body, began disrupting ed for beating themselves up!
democratic institution. Thus spake Black Defender Lenin is dead. The Comintern Browder.
want to redress social grievances ends shall be real. he answers, which he founded is also a corp Roosevelt nad promised the in order to safeguard bourgeois and to hold in check the imIn the same issue of the Daily se; but it continues to use the American workers a higher stan society. Did not Roosevelt re patient revolutionists to serve. worker, people champion of name Lenin gave it. The has dard of living if only govern peatedly declare that the purpose the bourgeoisie as a more effiliberty, progress, peace and pros long ceased to be revolutionary, ment is intelligent and energetic of the New Deal was to safeguard cient police force against subverperity, which comments editorial. to seek the overthrow of capital in giving the right direction to capitalist society?
sive elements who want to overly upon Browder statement to ism democratic and fascist. Marx economic life. Yes, echoes Brow Apostles of conservative or throw capitalism in the only way, Massachusetts investigating com is dead; but the Second Interna der, we Communists are with you bourgeois socialism were fre it can be overthrown.
mittee, also carries eight column tional continues to use and to in supporting a New Deal which quently denounced by Marx and headline in 72 point bold capt besmirch his name. Both Inter will accomplish these purposes; Engels, later by Lenin and all Mercenary for Sale Black Upholds Religious and nationals died of the same dread and if the workers can get higher the Bolsheviks. Bismarckian SoRacial Freedom in Radio Talk to disease social democratic oppor wages, shorter hours, social se cialism, the Gotha. Program, Ger The repudiates all theoNation. No other newspaper in tunism, social patriotism, reform curity, under capitalism, what man Social Democratic govern ries and proposals looking toward America has so vociferously de ist illusions, bureaucratic degen need is there for the overthrow of ment socialism, state ownership a forcible imposition of socialism fended the appointment of Hugh eration. When a pseudo Marxist capitalism? Obviously none. of public utilities, all reform or any utopia upon the majority, Black, late of the Ku Klux Klan, or Leninist party cease to be re Browder did not dare say that programs, all working class col of the people, If there should to the Supreme Court. The Daily volutionary it gives up its only Marx and Lenin were mistaken laboration with the liberal bour arise in America anything similar Worker is far to the right of the excuse for instance and is head in supposing that capitalism can geoisie in support of such pro to the situation in Spain, where Times, Herald Tribune, Post, ed toward organizational liquid not give the masses these things: grams, were denounced, ridiculed, the democratic republic, while World Telegram, eta on this is ation, whether the process takes that wealth is concentrated into and torn to theoretical shreds, by repulsing the fascist invasion.
sue. It doesn even scold Black years or decades.
fewer and fewer hands; that inner Marx and Lenin. Roosevelt re was stabbed in the back by the for his failure to repudiate the Klan and all it stands for. On Stalin, Pollit, Thorez or Diaz, so Nothing that has been said by contradictions incapable of peace forms, like the People Front uncontrollable extremists a miul solution bring inevitable crises, programs in France and Spain, nority of the anarchists and the this as upon almost political issues, the position bankruptcy of the as the vitable war; that capitalism can grams which Marx and Lenin said our brothers of the Spanish CP all other aptly illustrates the ideological as imperialist conflicts bring ine are the modern equivalent of pro Trotskyist POUM then we, like is identical with that Lewis and other labor bureau der on Sept. 9, 1937, in Boston, forms only in the period of rise not support without betraying the struggle to suppress, such extrem erats, and with the New Deal hailing the Constitution as an and relative growth; that dem revolution, reforms pointing to mists, who are really agents of Democrats committed to defense instrument of liberty and democracy is a sham and a delusion ward state capitalism.
of the Roosevelt Administration ocracy and peace which belongs and that the immediate aims whatever it may do.
to the American people, not to of the communists (which they Browder Is Patient In plain words, Browder hereIn this same issue of the Daily the capitalistic class; and approv. disdain to conceal) are the deswith serves notice upon the AmeWorker, of Oct. 2, there are ting the speech delivered a few truction of bourgeois supremacy, And we have those who are in will gladly play the same But Browder is wiser; he says: rican capitalist class that the other editorials. One denounces hours earlier by Roosevelt. conquest of political power by the meat trust and the chain the proletariat.
a hurry, who are impatient of the role here was played by stores for the high cost of steak. Browder the Democrat processes of constitutional dem. Noske, Scheidemann and Ebert in Not one word about the curtailMarx Out dated ocracies, who want utopia over German, by Chiang Kai shek in American democracy, as estabnight and are not sure that some China, by the Spanish ing of meat production by the government which led to the short lished by the Constitution.
is in But of course the Stalinists vague forms of proletarian dic and by the Russian to age giving the meat trust its pre danger of being destroyed, pro consider Marx as outdated as the tatorship is not the quickest road slaughter revolutionists should text for bit of additional proclaimed Browder, but it is not dodo; Lenin could not forsee the to it. Both types are equally dan the need arise. The has befiteering. The other editorial calls threatened by the Communists. rise of fascism which invalidates gerous.
come the party of reaction, the for sanctions by the United nor by any vague proletarian everything he taught. The Com Kerensky has hailed similar executioner of revolutionary leadStates Government against Japan. dictatorship. have no hesita minist Manifesto from which utterances of Stalinists as final ers. It pledges itself to be the to the practical, justification of his social demo watch dog of capitalist demThis editorial quotes with disap tion in declaring for the quote seems proval an editorial in the post that with the central thoughts realistic politicians to be leftist, cratic program; Lenin was such ocracy, of reformism within the declaring that the must and direction of President Roosectarian, outworn. Twentieth a Utopian, too much in a hurry; structure of capitalist society.
either get out of the Far Eastern sevelt speech, we are in prac century Americanism and impatient of the process of cons Not one single word in Browistitutional democracy such as der speech about the class strugWar and be strictly neutral. non questions with which we disa revisionism which makes Berns Kerensky established, and re gle, about the inevitability of and prepare for the inevitable gree, these are not questions for tein a flaming revolutionist placed it with dictatorship (not poverty and war and exploitation consequences of such war like immediate and practical solution. subversive extremist.
And so Browder declares the has recently argued, came Stalin ist solution as the only possible measures armed conflict in de The threat of proletarian refense of the interests of American volution and dictatorship is vague heartiest agreement with Roose, ism and the defeat of the social solution of the social probleme capitalists in China. The on indeed, so far as the Stalinists velt central thought. quoted ist revolution in Russia.
which grow more pressing as There will be no danger of re pitalism declines. Not one wort the contrary says that collective are concerned, not only in above, promising a higher standsanctions is the only way to avert but everywhere. The capitalists ard of living, etc. for American volution, continues Browder, un to show he remembers that in war! The Stalinists on this, the need have no fear on this score. workers. With every group or les progressives such as Roosevelt March, 1918, Lenin wrote. The most important issue today, are Browder reassurance only echoes person which makes this thought fail, if those leaders should petty bourgeois democrats pratto the right even of the liberals assurances given by Stalin re the guide in formulating policy, prove themselves incapable to tle of a united democracy.
of who recognize that sanctions peatedly, and by his flunkeys in we of the can find an ever produce a far higher standard of a single democratic front and mean war.
Spain, in China, and wherever growing basis for common ac. living. Only produce constantly similar nonsense Those who they seek collaboration with the tion, Browder declares, and that higher standard of living, have not learned this mucki Stalinists and War good democratic capitalist ru asks what prevents this policy even show only a consistent and even. must be given up as hope lers against the bad fascist from being expressed in govern effective fight for it, and all less.
But the Stalinists in reality capitalists, collective (military ment action. He does not ans fear of the impatient masses We must give up the Stalins also know that sanctions mean and economic) action of the wer: capitalism. No, it is the can be laid aside as un and Browders as hopeless the war the secret is that they want peaceful powers upholding the reactionary section of the capital real. The progressive program cannot be reformed, revolutionary nor com communists quietly, and calmly war. Considering war inevitable, status quo, against the warlike ist class fighting Roosevelt New is not the Stalinists seek desperately to aggressive powers seeking re Deal which stands in the way of munistic. It can all be achieved tell the President that he has minst Japan, German and Italy. der says, the differences between paradise. Roosevelt answers this sive rally to the people for a real Browder. What did Marx say?
sy call for measures in the the Stalinists and their new al question correctly, says the ex battle to achieve it.
Communists openly declare that ne of collective security and lies, the anti fascist section of bookkeeper of Kansas City. II, as Browder declares, a far their purpose can only achievponce knowing full well that these the international capitalist class, The spectre of the Communist higher standard of living for the ed by the forcible overthrow of measures would precipitate war, are insignificant; we are in prac Manifesto haunts me; what was masses can be achieved under the whole extant social order. Let but war on terms favorable to tical agreement. no immediate it that Marx and Engels said on capitalism, why is there any need the ruling class tremble at the Stalin Government; their fear and practical solution is neces this subject of capitalist reform. for a revolutionary party? Only prospect of a communist revothat Britain and France may sary for our slight differences of There are certain bourgeois wholto insist that the battle for these lution.