AnarchismCapitalismCommunismImperialismInvasionItalyJohn DeweyRussian RevolutionSocialismSpainStalinStalinismVictor Serge

4 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 23, 1937 To Railroad 11 Puerto Rican By Nationalist Leaders to Prison sacre.
to a in is meant to SOCIALIST APPEAL VOL No. 11. Saturday, Oct. 23, 1937 Published every week by the Headlines SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
Published at 116 University Place, Subxcriptions: 00 per year; 00 for We are indebted for the following article to the month. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order Sept. 22nd Arbetaren, the Stockholm daily of the cents per copy. Single copies cents.
Syndicalists who belong to the same international All checks and money orders should be made as the We also know the gentleman reout to the Socialist Appeal.
ferred to as a henchman of Girolamo Valenti. By Bernard Ross Application for entry as second class matter is pending.
The man name is Umberto Galleani. It is Since September 13, a trial, and consisting of many promi rather difficult to get information about the big The Stock Market Crash silently ignored by the American nent Puerto Rican attorneys, deeds that this man did in Italy. It is said that press, has been taking place at journalists and intellectuals set he preyed a little on the socialists and a little on On the same day that President Roosevelt del the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico out to determine the responsibili the communists, but he was mostly content with ivered his radio address announcing that the The eleven nationalist defend ty for the tragic events of Easter doing nothing. But the people that say this are Federal Government with the return of prosperity ants, including Julio Pinto Gan: Sunday, The Hays report sub: syndicalists and anarchists. We must therefore must more and mole narrow the circle of its relier Party, and Lorenzo Piniero Ri liberties and rights are constantly from this point on keep close to other witnesses.
of activities and reduce the amount of Federal re vera, Interim General Secretary being flouted by Governor BlanGalleani drifted to America. He became a vaga.
venue to be expended in the amelioration of human of the same, are accused of aston Winship who refuses to rebond between socialist and communist newspaper want and distress in the various communities of sassinating an insular policeman cognize the elementary rights of offices. But alas, nowhere did they house him our land. the stock market experienced its sharp who was killed during the preme freedom of speech and assembly more than a week at a time and the editors were est decline in six years, with the prices of leading ditated police machine gun at The Hays report furthermore impolite enough to keep to hell away from him.
stocks down from to 15 points.
tack upon a nationalist demon maintains that what actually took So Galleani went to the Italian anarchist papers.
The continual declines in the stock market, stration on March 21, 1937. place on March 21st was purely But the rude anarchists did not appreciate Umwhich began in the middle of August, reached a and simply a premeditated mas berto any more than the rest. Finally he teamed new tow mark on October 18 with stocks tumbling Trial Background up with a non party paper (Valenti Stampa point where, according to the calculations of It would be well to state the Roosevelt Hypocrisy Liberal.
the New York Times, the combined index is back antecedents of the present trial, Then came Franco. The American Stalinists to where it was in June 1935.
On February 12, The Federal The Nationalist Party of were sending their kind to Spain. Umberto got Simultaneously, the Iron and Steel Institute an Circuit Court in Boston, reject Puerto Rico calls for the independ only the title of head of a little escuadra this was nounced that the operations of the steel industry ing an appeal for retrial, up dence of that island from the during the time of the always an important and often a decisive indica held the sentences meted out on United States. The Roosevelt and such trash existed. Umberto went to the front militia, when no officers tion of the trend in national economic life were July 31, 1936 to Doctor Pedro administration which so hypocri and well, the truth simply must be told now.
only 55. per cent of capacity this week, a fan Albizu. Campos and seven other tically condemns Japanese viola: During the enemy counter attack, Umberto Gal.
week before, and the lowest rate, with one excep victed by Federal Jury for grity in the name of humanita: those that did not get killed by the leader deser: tion, for the past 19 months. Compared with only United States Government, and been ruthlessly suppressing the tion, made a complaint to the higher command, two months ago, the decline in steel operations sentenced for terms varying be national aspirations of the Puerto with the result that Umberto got orders to report comes to one third of the total.
tween six to ten years at the Rican people. The nationalists to the kitchen.
Moreover, considering the large stocks laid up Atlantic Federal Penitentiary. are constantly being terrorized, To wash plates and peel potatoes did not suit many steel mills, the prospects for any early While the case was being aphounded and incarcerated. him; he tried to drown his sorrows in the winesubstantial revival of larger scale operations, are pealed to the United States Su American imperialism is deter which belonged to the militiamen. When on top not held to be too bright even the optimistic. preme Court, the Nationalist Par mined to railroad the present of this he tried to replace the wine by adding All the capitalist Pollyana economists from ty decided to hold a demonstra defendants to jail. The jury water to the remains, even the communists got Roosevelt down to the contrary notwithstanding, tion in support of Doctor Albizu (chosen does not contain one friend good and angry. Umberto had to be sent away.
it is clear that the United States is not heading at the city of Ponce. The Mayor of Puerto Rican independence. But the communists could not ditch such an ex: towards a return of prosperity. not even if that of Ponce, Tormos Diego, granted Evidence refer to that precarious, one sided a permit only to revoke it at the witnesses have been base Yess state cellent fellow. They sent him to work for the prosperity which led to the convulsive crisis of last moment under pressure contradictory, obviously concoctThe next thing the Garibaldi Division heard, 1929. That Roosevelt has succeeded in storine from superior military authori ed. On June 1, 1937, the Supreme capitalist profits level far higher than those ties at San Juan. The demonstra. Court upheld the sentence against Galleani was in Paris. He knocked around there What he was doing no one tion started at the set hour and Dr. Albizu Campos thus condemn for three months.
prevaming during the depths of the crisis, is indis within a few moments machine ing him to years of suffering in Khew. Anyway the world forgot Umberto Gal.
not surprising, for for that was Roose guns, ably managed at strategic the Atlanta Penitentiary.
velt job. Nothing of the kind has happened to points, began to cut down the Every revolutionary, every sinBut one day an Italian communist paper from the standard of living is today crowd. Men, women and chil cere individual, every honest New York arrives in Madrid. Big headlines: Um.
considerably lower than it was eight years ago. dren, participants and bystand friend of democratic rights and berto Galleani, member of the general staff of the In a word, has made no serious pro ers, were indiscriminately mowed liberties for colonial and semi heroic Garibaldi division tells of Italian Fascist gress in remedying the fundamental curse of capi down like blades of grass. When colonial people, must raise his losses in the fight at Guadalajara. talist society the centralization of wealth at one it was over, nine were dead and voice in protest against the sha portage, and true in every line, of course. With accumulation poverty at the other. more than two hundred were meless and impudent anties of the exception that at the tinie tine of the Guadalajara The stock market rumblings herald new reces: wounded. dozen more died the Yankee imperialism in Puerto fight, Umberto was in sion in industry which may catapult To following day. Thus did the naked Rico, demanding at the Umberto was now to stimulate fundinto a new crisis. The more farsighted heads of brutality, and insolence of Yankee time the immediate reldase of. Therefore the anarchist the ruling class understand this. Without a new that day. Rightfully it is call. papers kept quiet, as it hurt. week after and large market to absorb a pro Against American Imperialist the first report, came another communist paper can keep America wheels of industry turning at ated the Massacre of Easter Sun oppression!
from America to Madrid. In this we find the high speed, a deep crisis is inescapable.
For the right of the Puerto Great Man in full uniform and with a comthreatening tones of Roosevelt speech against An investigating commission Rican people to their indepen mander badge on his chest! The real commander the Japanese invasion of China imperial headed by Arthur Garfield Hays dence!
of the division, Pacciardi, laughed when he saw ism hopes for vast inarket of tomorrow indithe picture in the paper. Pacciardi is not cate how precariously balanced is the equilibrium munist, and he has a sense of humor. Still the of American capitalism, how touchy it is to the anarchist papers kept quiet: after all, for the sake prospect of losing tomorrow indispensable marof the collection.
ket, how well it realizes the fictitiousness of its But then, after another week, there came to returned prosperity. Madrid a Spanish American communist paper.
The Wall Street disturbances also outline on This time the headline was: The General Galthe horizon the coming concerted effort to unload TWENTY YEARS AFTER leani. and in the article he became transformed the economic difficulties of the capitalist class into the founder of the anti Fascist Garibaldi Diyiupon the workers, as it has always done in the by Victor Serge If you want the bitter and sion the communist division the paper called real truth about Stalin past. New encroachments on the workers standTranslated by it. At last the anarchist papers got tired of this Russia if you want to quit ards of living are in the offing. And with them, faker and gave their readers the story Max Shacht man kidding yourself this is new and more bitter struggles of the workers To complete the documentation of our story.
Published to coincide with the book. Max Eastman against their capitalist enemy and its government visit a few militiamen of the Garibaldi the 20th anniversary of the division, and asked: Who is the general of the Be it by a new imperialist adventure into war, Russian Revolution, think that this book de division. We have no general, the highest of or by slashing more deeply into already low living book is a clear, vigorous serves to be widely read, ficer is the commander. Who is the commandstandards that the capitalist class will seek to picture of present day Rus widely discussed. Without er? Pacciardi. And the founder? Pace surmount the new crisis facing it the workers sia, and a survey of the past doubt, it will be one of the ciardi, as the whole world knows.
must gird now for class struggle. And looking twenty years there, by. most challenging books of forward to it, nothing could be more disastrous But Galleani, then, who is he?
man who actually lived the the present publishing sea And then the men started to laugh. laugh for lahor than to be fettered by the paralyzing Revolution and was an active son.
James Farrell that became still more loud when we showed our chains of class collaboration, of People Frontparticipant in the events he ism, than to be cut down while passively waiting clippings about the Great Man. Galleani, that so vividly describes. have read Victor Serge drunkard, that coward, that woman chaser. After for their problems to be resolved by demagogic Book with absorbed inter that the militiamen owed us a treat to a drink.
Messiahs of the Roosevelt LaGuardia stripe. 00 est. It should be read by The men we interviewed were communists and Labor can rely for its advance only upon its own all who wish anarchists, on leave in Madrid. There are eventy strength, its own organizations, both economic and Pioneer Publishers the development and presfive anarchists in the division, the rest are compolitical. The consolidation of the trade union 100 Fifth Avenue ent conditions of the munists, socialists and republicans.
movement, on a militant, class struggle basis, and NEW YORK John Dewey The story of Umberto should give American the building of a fighting revolutionary party, are workers a good insight into how the henchmen of more urgently than ever on the order of the day.
Stalin manufacture generals and heroes.
to and not workers, whose neat re1 Pole and the accu country same in The day.
comRUSSIA we went this.