BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniOpportunismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

. SOCIALIST APPEAL October 23, 1937 Browder Complete What Going on in TurnAbout Face On Election Campaign LaGuardia Election over. the Amid the blaring of Giovinez. when the delegation went in to za, the Fascist hymn, shouts of see the Mayor, he wasn in. Fascisti and upraised arms in new slant on the housing Fascist salute, LaGuardia, chier problem in New York was viven By James Casey Finally, as a sort of summa of the People Front, New York by Stanley Isaacs, ALP candiOpportunism, when put into practice, plagues a political organ that the campaign is one for the monstration in Columbus Circle Manhattan. After studying the tion, the Stalinist leaders argue section, addressed a mass dhe date for Borough President of ization like a malignant cancerous growth. Once it sets in, prin furtherance of democracy and on October 12. The meeting, call question thoroghly he came to the ciples and theories are revised, defiled and, finally, repudiated amid that the same campaigns for ed ostensibly to celebrate Co. conclusion that, do not think a hurricane of wild rationalizations. process of ideological dege the Communist Party in every into a demonstration for Ausseful in real estate interests than democracy are being waged by lumbus Day, was soon turned that anything can be more harmneration, disintegration and chaos ensues. The metamorphosis does city and State in the land. In this lini and Italian Fascism. few the development of slum condinot present a pretty picture. It is this stage that Stalin now last argument lies the key to the hours ter, LaGuardia againions and widespread decay xprefinds itself.
whole Stalinist program, the ans spoke at the same place, this adiny over broad areas in this dence of the steady decay und slums, but fires Every day provides new evi. starve. He promised to clear the wer to the party political and time, however, at a non Fascist conmunity.
condemned ideological bankruptcy as a work meeting. Militant anti Fascist decline of Stalinism, the world tenements reap an ever richer ing class organization.
workers thus got a fine taste of The new high in frankness, harvest of workers lives.
The is fighting for Dem the People Front in action.
however, belongs to Mahoney. In Decay of Stalinism He promised to protect the ocracy. So declares Browder and a speech which moved the worksalaries of teachers and city em his statement is echoed by Amter The extent of the greaters of New York to tears, he said, people with susare still being executed by the firings of city employes, ruthless fighting for the maintenance and by the fact that Paul Blanshard, picion at Wall Street. What In the Soviet Union, workers ployes. his record is: salary cuts, and inheiro underlings. They are stride to the right is indicated 106 setre, while other thousands are driving down of the living stan democracy. But what kind of Guardia cabinet, has joined the a more honorable set of men and of Commissioner of Accounts in Lawrong and unjust. There is not being thrown into prison or sent dards of white collared and pro democracy? The prevailing dem Independent Committee for Har: women in the city into exile. The regime is warn fessional people. feel it ing workers, still unmarked by Fusion LaGuardia promised cracy. of coursecapitalist ry Laidler, running for city the duty of an administration to democracy. Just what does this Council. Blanshard desertion of find out what are the troubles Agents of to distrust one abolition disease breading entail?
the back in 1934 was de down in Wall Street and how we mother. their neighbors, friends slums. Instead, he practises: vile and families all in a ruthless discrimination, brutal police op: Party must initiate, promote and members, including Luidler, as a should have a xympathetic intermeans that the Communist nounced at time by all can help them. An administration effort to smash the sharpening pression and hastly frame ups of aid campaigns of narrow nation betrayal. Now Blanshard is oot est in all business in the city. If political opposition. And the Negro workers. Exorbitant rents, alism, wave the flag (Ku Klux ing for Laidler.
workers fighting the bureaucracy segregation, discrimination are remaining away from fac. jobs and relief, unheard of suffer Klan fashion and defend the political position hasn changed Street. it hures all the city wait tories, in silent strikes. The whole ing for the Negroes are the re More than that, since the moti banner of Socialism, but appa at all costs. one whit since he deserted the hits the State and it hurt the national economy is shaking sults of LaGuardia promises.
entire country.
under the terror of Stalin reign. Hundreds of thousands of yating force behind the Stalinist rently Laidler has.
In Spain, militant workers are young unemployed workers are line is the maintenance of capitalthe Communist What is Fusion? The Repubbeing shot down by Stalin discriminated against; get no re. Party must Thanks to the Stalinist leader. Rican and the new Fusion Parties agents, while the Kremlin is di lief, are without future, without militant workers, revolutionary unemployed demonstration at City many Hall. They represent the relentlessly fight ship of the Workers Alliance, the serve the same masters as Tamrecting a sell out of the nation a chance to find employment, activity and revolutionary work. Hall last Saturday was turned same interests: the bankers and toilers to the imperialists Europe.
workers are miserably exploited ingl class organizations. And to into La Guardia campaign rally. trusts, the interests of the capiIn England, the Stalinists are and speeded up. Thousands of unconceal their sinister aims, the The chief demand of the demons talist system as a whole. The Stalinist leaders prattle about trators was for increased relief whole Fusion campaign is but a mingling their nationalist cries employed girls are homeless; fill for war with the singing of God the flop houses; sleep in subways. Seeking to bring about Social to meet the rising cost of living. new deal between the Republican ism through legal means.
Save the King.
Single unemployed women are It did not occur to the Stalinist and Democrat capitalist politicHere, in America, Earl Brow denied relief.
Lenin Warnings leadership, however, to demandians (to be gained from robbing der, the party general secretary, Democratic Governor Lehman the repeal Sales Tax, and starving the people. Who assures a Massachusetts Inquiry and the Republican State Legis Lenin lashed out against this which La Guardia saddled on the are the men behind Fusion. Commission on Fascism and Com lature helped La Guardia put sort of treachery time and again. workers of New York, as a means Fiorello LaGuardia, several manism that the Communist Party through his economy (hunger) Excoriating the machinations of of easing the burdens of the un. times decorated by Mussolini for some WAA his faithful services to the Fais opposed to subversive ele program. Governor Lehman him opportunists, Lenin in his State employed. When raised the ents in our country. that it self negotiated the city bankers and Revolution (p. 19) wrote: members slogan, scist butchers of the Italian is staunch upholder of our agreement that mortgages to the When Marxism is adulterated Down with the Sales Tax, they workers, is one of the most dan constitution and that he (Brow bankers the relief of the unit become opportunism, the sub were actually threatened. Oh yes, gerous agents of the finance der) is ready take up arms ployed, the salaries of civil em stitution of electicism for dialeckings. With Tammany more and for our government in a war ployes and the living standards tics is the best method of deceiv the subversive elements seeking more discredited, and the Repubon fascism.
of the working population. ing the masses; it gives an illu to destroy our government are licans having little chance The speed at which Stalinism Fusion La Guardia and Dem sory satisfaction; is seems to the Trotskyists. Thus the Stalin New York, La Guardia is brought is racing to the right, joining ocratic Lehman both serve the take into account all sides of the ist leaders not only glorify na forward as a man of the people reaction in all its crusades for same masters. Both worship the process, all the tendencies of de tionalism, they emerge in the Behind the smoke screen of dethe vested interests and against same God the bankers agree velopment, all the contradictory open as spies of the constituted magory and promises, LaGuardia the workers, is clearly illustrated ment. They both follow the same factors and forth, whereas in authorities against the working and Fusion are committed to the in the current election campaign. program the program of plund reality it offers no consistent and class.
same program ax Tammany Hall, Stalinist leaders, who less than ering the people in the interests revolutionary view of social de By the same token, Browder the plundering of the poor, the three years ago denounced Fio and profits of the Chase National velopment at all.
not only heaps praise upon Rooibreaking of strikes, starving the rollo LaGuardia as an un Bank and the National City Lenin also flays the sophistry sevelt for his war speech in Chi unemployed, and maintaining the principled demagogue and a tool Bank.
of achieving Socialism through cago, but he declares in the Daily profits of the same handful of of Wall Street are now passionSo there you have it right out legal means. In the same work. Worker that the Communist bankers at the expense of the ately instructing Communist of their own mouths. 17) he descibes the State as Party is entirely in accord with welfare of the workers and their Party members to cast their vote a special repressive force.
the Administration line (Election Platform, for the Little Flower.
Why Front Changed It follows from this, Lenin enunciated by the President. With Communist Party, 1933. What explanation, may wrote, that the special repressive this brotherly gesture, Browder On LaGuardia in 1934 reasonably ask, do the Stalinist force of the bourgeoisie for the again lets the cat slip out of the Governor Lehman and Presibag.
dent Roosevelt, the white haired In 1934, the Communist Party leaders offer for their flagrant suppression of the proletariat, of change of front a change that the millions of workers by the Not the Marxist Leninist line bays of the ALP last year, are in its election platform gave a outrkes in downright duplicity handful of rich, must be replaced for the Communists but the line supporting the ALP Enemy detailed political estimate of Laand shamelessness any shift ever by a special repressive force of of the Administration, of capital. Number One, Mahoney. And SeGuardia. Here are wards on the Republican Stalin. executed by any political orga the proletariat for the suppres ist democracy, of the Wall nator Warner. the ALP great labor hero, is also stumping for ist candidate of 1937, as printed nization in the annals of American singer of the bourgeoisie (the die Street oligarchy.
in the communist Party election offer interninable explanations, just this that constitute the des socialists, especially in the pre ing at a rally of the Tradex Union It is the task of revolutionary Tammany candidato by speak La Guardia promised the workt only one of these is politically for use in to state as it starte me sent write in campaign for James Party, set up by Tammany as understandable.
It is just this that constitute the Cannon, mercilessly to expose Labor Party in opposition to ers the right to strike. His record its First, the Stalinist leaders say act of the seizure of the means Stalinism, with is: injunction, police terror, jail, People the ALP. Is the ALP sore!
of production in the name strike breaking. He promised the that they support not La Guardia, Frontists line of class collaboration, social chauvinism, jingoism, right to organize. His record is: but the Labor Party in order to society. emphasis The revolutionary and its violent struggle against socialist schemes to place all unions under build the labor Devement.
Capitalist Agents police control the training of a They, then say, their position revolutionary working class unity campaign will wind up next week special rifle and machine gun is made necessary as part of the and Socialism. Particularly must with a series of section rallies Having embarked on their new regiment against workers. drive to defeat Tammany and opportunistic and narrow nation these streamlined nationalists he dotting the map of New York at La Guardia promise cash re keep Reaction out of City Hall. alist line, there is no limit to how unmasked in the trade unions. In which James Cannon. left ther for all unemployed but he (And this, mark you, after shout. far their betrayals of the work the furtherance of this work, the wing) candidate for muayor, Mex Yound the unemployed with police ing that LaGuardia kept Reaction ing class may extend. In the revolutionary Socialist must rally Shachtman, Maurice Spector, ches, jail, brutal terror and City Hall. conspiracies for the murder of They also say that by uniting Frankfeld, secretary of the Com the workers for the building of James Burnham and others will denonstrafe workers. He cuts with all the progressive forces munist Party of New England, a strong unified and active ro put forth the position of the rerelief, throws thousands of re they help to build their own party, to tell the already mentioned volutionary Marxist Party in volutionary socialists in the liet workers into the streets to and so on and so on.
Massachusetts commission that America.
in as families.
one the exact of