Andrés NinAntifascist FrontBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceImperialismLeninismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyVictor SergeWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL October 16, 1937 The Crooner Stalin Terror Continues With Envoy Recall SEE you CAND OHHH SAY BROWDER which FE another of the Soviet Reput warrendered to Stalinin 1928 and Carla consBy Victor Serge Antonov Ovseyenko, consul general of the in Barcelona, has just been named People Commissar of Justice of the He is to leave Catalonia soon, and return to Russia.
It is well known that for some time numerous officials of the government of the have been disappearing in entire groups.
Here are the latest of the verified news reports in this respect, dealing only with events of the past few weeks: Goloded, Presi ky (disappeared, probably shot. dent of the Council of White Rus Eugenie Bosh (suicide. Fror.
sia and a colleague in the admin 1923 to 1927 28 he was among the istration of the late Cherviakov, leaders of the Left Opposition President of the Executive Com together with his friends Rakovsmitte, has, like the latter, also ky (disappeared) and. Piatakov committed suicide. The recent (shot. Represented the Soviet suicide of Liubchenko, President in Prague and in Warsaw; in of the Council of the Ukraine, diplomacy, he was a collaborator has already been announced in of Rakovsky (disappeared. Kresthe press for some time. The tinsky (disappeared. Sokolnikov, government of the Buriat Mongo imprisoned. Karakhan (disaplian, the Tadjikistan, the Uzbe peared. kistan and Georgian republics In Spain he collaborated with have likewire been purged by Marcel Rosenberg, ambassador at numerous arrests were Madrid, who has since also disapmost probably followed by ex peared. He an old revolutionecutions.
ist, once famous for his personal (The Associated Press, in a courage and for his rebel spirit; Moscow dispatch dated Oct. he was last to escape, thanks to 11, reports the ousting of the revolution in Spain, among Useyn Rakhmanoff as Pres. several groups of old Bolsheviks of the Council of Azerbaidjan. who were shot or imprisoned. He lics. The same dispatch com has since made every effort to ments as follows on the reserve him well. But so has the see by the papers, said as rose to go, ladies, always have to depend on brass bands or moval of Rakhmanoff: With majority of those shot or impri my time being up, that a certain hotheaded dow hired soloists to render our National Anthen. Our his elimination, the President soned.
ager of the Daughters of the American Revolution mass meetings give the only available model of or Premier (President of the is sore that we sing the Star Spangled Banner at a mass rendition of the revolutionary song. That Coandl, and sometimes both, Capitulation No Aid our meetings.
really the proper place to hear it nowadays.
now have been ousted from each of the eleven republics On the day after the execution. Why, that nonsense, Browder answered, his He was right. Any good communist meeting making up the of the Sixteen, he wrote on eyes smiling. We Communists are showing in our can prove it. And the interview was at an end.
Ed. being ordered to, it goes without meeting just how the Star Spangled Banner should. Interview with Earl Browder in the saying an unspeakable diatribe really be sung. The reactionaries, the Daily Worker, Oct. 6, 1937.
Rudzutak in Prison against his former comrades of the opposition, in which, outdoing ed about its own interests than publican victory compromised; to go through with the bargain Furthermore, confirmed reports Radek and Piatakov in his deli about those of the country, and the anti fascist front broken; the to the end, just as so many times have been released to the effect rious prose, declared that its interests, being those of a government discredited; the in the past; because in ten years that Jan Rudzutak, a member of had always been ready to shoot usurping cast of rulers, have Staliniste detested by all of of capitulating against the Political Buio and a Bolshe them. Taking his past into con very rapidly become incompatible advanced public opinion from cience, he has burned all the vik of the Leninist generation, sideration, the Torquemadas of with the proper conduct of indus the radical bourgeoisie to the bridges behind him, exhausted has been imprisoned. Sulimov, the Central Control Commission try, with good administration in and including the left all his resources, lost all his President of the Council of the could hardly demand less of him. general, with the progress of socialists. patent social crisis. chances of salvation; because he Great Russian republic (R. However, this type of prose has education, even with the existence For, certain methods cannot be still clings to his hope of serving up to the beginning of the not saved a soul up to now. The of a competent high command. used with impunity: the interests the Soviet fatherland, in spite of current year, is likewise in prison fact that it is demanded of a perIn Spain, Antonov Ovseyenko of a nation of workers fighting all the probability to the contrary.
assuming that he has not been son suffices to prove how sus only wanted to serve the for their lives cannot be sacri Finally, those who refuse to executed in the meantime. pect he is: marked for some but in reality he served only the ficed to alien interests without return have received an object of the three secretaries of the future guillotine cart.
bureaucracy. What does it matter, punishment for the perpetrators. lesson which is quite precise: it Political Bureau of the Com Not a man belonging to this he probably thought, in compar. The new People Commissar of is the course of ignace Reiss. munist Party of the Ukraine generation can be spared. All, ison with the interests of the Justice of the R, replac high Stalinist functionary only placed in office after last year whether they like it or not; ane million citizens, if the Spanish is and its 170 ing the demoted Krylenko (who yesterday, he went over to the grace of Postyshestwo, namely, others; all are equally dangerous, revolution is lost; it is far we knows this, sees it, feels that he of Lake Leman, murdered under also bound to disappear. opposition very courageously last Khatayevitch and Popov, have in spite of their disgraceful self moved from the former geogra. is lost. He will nevertheless re the very windows of the Palace disappeared. comrade who has just arriv racy; for all are equally conscous condary from every point of view, turn: for it is necessary for him of the League of Nations.
ed from Russia tells me: There of the crimes of the genial Chief, Spain being only a small power.
were about a dozen of us celeb whom they feign to adore while Stalin has a three fold aim there: rating the New Year in Moscow. filled with boundless hatred for to prevent a Franco victory, that All Stalinist functionaries, a few him. It is inevitable for him to is, the encirclement of his proof whom can rightfully be called order their suppression.
bable ally, France; to prevent a old revolutionists. All devoted to Antonov Ovçeyenko will have socialist revolution which could the regime, in spite of everything to give an account of himself. become a source of too many The first rumbling of the ap better serve their bourgeois masWell, all of them have since he most certainly does not have European complications and of some certainly are not among the he has been doing in Catalonia. self; to impose upon the Spanish The powerful propaganda mach are only too clear. We are the sole disappeared, some are in prison, any illusion about the dirty work social complications in Russia it proaching war finds the entire ters against the workers!
living any more.
Well, Antonov Ovreyenko is defeated by the bureaucracy in military domination. The patriot ine of American imperialism, the expression going back. He knows just what ternally, the revolutionists who ism of the ex revolutionist An radio, magazines, moving pictures, aspirations and the future of the pearance is only a matter of time. ness, short sightedness or political dated itself to this policy. But motion. stew of war hysteria banner of proletarian struggle to expect. We do, too. His disap rallied to Stalinism out of weak tonov Ovseyenko easily accomo church, school and newspapers working class!
have been swung into jingoist We alone will raise high the He has a fine revolutionary cowardice have always sought what sort of balance sheet will past. An officer, he took part in refuge in Soviet patriotism in he be able to present to his bos. and patriotic blindness is being against all varieties of bourgeois created! This juice is being sip enemies!
Novo Alexandria mutiny of order to justify themselves.
ped daily by millions of workers.
1905. Escaping from Russia, he They have said to themselves: It paralyzes the minds and Our press must become the emigrated to Paris, where he Reastion has carried the day for Assets and Liabilities bodies of all whom it reaches!
most effective combat mechanism took up residence. Bolshevik some time to come but the Soviet There is now an intensive against the war mongers! Every in 191. 7, he was member of the country remains, with its new Among the assets: the Stalin campaign by the Stalinist social day wasted makes the task of Revolutionary Military Committee acquisitions in history (collective ist domination of policy, censor patriots League for three daily counter acting the bourgeois under Trotsky direction, which ownership of the means. of pro ship and military command; the papers.
carried through the insurrection duction. reaction will pass, the weakening of the revolutionary sounded an early signal of what, ficult!
The Communist Party chauvinist combination more difin October. Antonov Ovseyenko regime will change; let us work proletariat (death of Durutti, its role is to be in the next war. We must act quickly and solidled the assault on the Winter to furnish it with good equip assassination of Andres Nin, per If America was forced into war ly! Our strength depends upon Palace and was the first to enter ment, good schools, a powerful secution of the impri against fascism, declared Brow your response Lack of funds it. Shortly after that, he orga army, etc. The bureaucracy can sonment of several thousand der, would certainly take up must not weaken the revolutionnized one of the first Red Armies prevent us from serving cons members of the the de arms. The slogan remains un ary front!
of the Ukraine. Led the civil war cientiously.
feat of the revolution begun in changed! The treacherous com NOW! NOW! NOW!
struggle in that country together (That where they were de July 1936.
munist will be the first to don with Piatakov (shot. Kotziubins ceived: it is much more concernRush your contribution to the Among the liabilities: the re Khaki. Three daily rags will SOCIALIST APPEAL!
Anti War Press