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October 16, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Roosevelt Preparesfor Widick Runs for New Imperialist War in Mayor in Akron Far East Against Japan England Nations hou into action war.
war By Ed Thorn The Socialist arty of Akron, both cpublicans and Democrats Ohio, today announced its entry against each other is sheer deinto the Mayoralty campaign magogy. It is merely a question with the candidacy of of two capitalist parties, one of Widick, left wing unionist. them supported by the so called The Socialist statement said: Communist (Stalin st) party. Cont. from page 1) shall kill him, we shal: ourselves die, taking concerted, collective The campaign thus far bet now degenerating to the level of action against this vicious aggressor for justice, for freedom, for the sanctity of ween Republican Mayor Schroy the two capitalist parties.
and Democratic candidate Our slogan is: Elect a Socialinternational obligations, and for peace.
Patterson has been a mere fight ist Mayor!
Above all, for peace Peace is the theme that runs through this Chicago warbetween two capitalist parties cry. With a grim and bitter irony, it is for peace that the United States will wage for the right to act as the political the coming war, the war that will be more completely devastating than anything beagent of the rubber companies in fore known in history.
exploiting the working class of HALL RYAN Absurd and intellectually contradictory as it may seem, the chief war slogan is Akron. The credit of the two the call for peace. And yet not so absurd nor so contradictory when peace is but major parties being bankrupt, With great sorrow we learn of of the policy of imperialism. Already during the Ethiopian affair we saw in Labor Non Partisan League the death of Comrade Hall Ryan, has been utilized as a new tool a prominent and active member has transformed society, comprising the bulk of adult English citizens, in a few weeks for the enslavement of the work of the Revolutionary Socialist a body ing class of Akron.
Party. They pacifism under imperialismo. ito every effortainen the siatrempithin facing this community is a ques: work building the Salt Lake City The crucial immediate problem Formerly engaged in full time Wanted peace; get it aid in the ideological preparation line up popular inte villist puiters tion of layoffs in the rubber organization, comrade Ryan boycott, sanctions against shown so bluntly by Roosevelt for ich wearingaipetts then he mis men into the camp of the un: to re enforce the work there. He tions could be carried out only the paciâsts have only given that runs through the Moscow locally. Yet neither of the two and to the Socialist Party. His sor, Italy. But effective sanc meetings, articles, propaganda of enemies. This is the bloody thread creating a severe economic crisis gave invaluable service to the backed by military and naval moral standing to the slogans of frame ups the crushing of the candidates has offered, nor can death is a loss to his comrades, force, only by war. Thus their war.
Spanish revolution, the lynching conception peace, bounded by Far more directly, even, is this of Nin, the kidnapping of Wole they offer, the workers cons. his friends and to the movement.
tructive solution to this problem an acceptance of imperialist the case with the treachery of the gangster murder of Reiss in created by a declining capitalist society, leads straight toward the social patriots.
now say with more assurance and boot licking of the American local campaign are merely a small they said that Roosevelt does not and flag waving in France, the system. The questions raised by the STALINISM Roosevelt Leads to War more authority? Their policy has Legion, the labor bureaucrats reflection of the problems conand It is not in the least different been, in fact, merely the antici and the capitalist politicians in fronting Roosevelt New Dealpation of the not yet publicly this country.
with Roosevelt programs. How announced policy of American And let no one imagine that of which the working class of the ism nationally, in the solving BOLSHEVISM is the United States to ensure imperialism. And now, with the their support of the war in this United States is rapidly being by peace. Not by talk or pleading. Chicago address, the alignment country will stop with words, led into an imperialist world war 100 Leon The aggressor nations do not is far clearer: they stand there with speeches on the virtues of by accident inconceivably more horrible than go TROTSKY or for together, the head of the govern the Constitution, and articles on the last.
amusement. They go because men and the social patriots, ready the American Home. The vigildriven by intolerable necessity, to make the war. Only revolutionary socialism Pioneer Publishers Ante groups 109 Fifth Avenue by the overpowering strain of their internal conflicts. For them one who doubts read the Daily their hands as the war draws of Communism on the part of Can this be doubted? Let any. Legion will find time hanging on can give working solutions to New York, it is a life and death question. Worker for the day following the nearer and finally begins: for only by acts. And what acts? writes on the front page: They can be stopped, therefore, Chicago address. Earl Browder the Stalinists will be ahead of Only by force, by force more Socialist Appeal powerful than their force: by The Communist Party welists will take the lead in building 100 Fifth Ave.
Date guns, ships, airplanes. Only, that comes the President declaration the lynch spirit against all those Room 1609 is to say, by war.
of a positive peace policy for the who oppose the war, and in the New York City How easy it would be if the slightest doubt that it embodies United States. There is not the actual lynching as well.
Does this seem an exaggerastruggle were in truth over the ressential features of what is tion?
Listen to Browder once enclose.
for which please send me the peace justice morality, the only way by which American more, to his speech to the mass Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months for these easy ethetorical generalities that can be kept out of war. Such a Communist Party. 00. for the slip so readily from the tongues enclose as my contribution toward of statesmen. All could be settled United States by the Communist Asks for Lyncher Job building the Socialist Appeal.
in church or by a philosophical Party, as well as by all cleardebate. Unfortunately, the genui therefore only express our grati diates now as in the past, all headed peace advocates. We can. The Communist Party repuName De stakes are more markets, colonies, raw materials, fication that the President has theories or proposals looking togiven such a sharply formulated ward a forcible imposition Address fields for investment. And what and popular expression to such Socialism or any utopia upon the one gets means that much less a policy, and put it forward as majority of the people. We reCity for the others; and there are not his own. And the next day, the pudiate the reckless resolve to enough to go around. It is these headline: The President Has seize power by any minority. It the cha to Spoken: Let the People Act.
there should arise utilize these to keep the profits in America period the outbreak of the war. in the midst of the preparation of finance capial threatened ever Traiters in Labor anything similar to the situation in war the ruling class plays for for the Convention whose task more roughly by the decay of the in Spain, where the democratic high stakes and risk much; but it is to organize for the re build world capitalist order, from disRanks republic while repulsing the in revolution it risks everything. ing of the revolutionary socialist fascist invasion was stabbed in consious, organized revolution party in this country. Our Conappearing altogether. The Chicago address only anoints these Let their no illusions. Even the back by the uncontrolable ary party, with the confidence of vention, small as it may seem in real issues with the sacred oil of Roosevelt and his class associates, extremists (a minority of the the decisive sections of the work the eyes of the philistines when noble phrases.
with all their great popularity, anarchists and the Trotskyist ing class, will stop the war, will compared with the strength of Pacifism Aids War mobilization of public opinion for brothers of the Spanish Commun tory of the revolution before the reply, to the war makers.
the war. They are the direct re ist Party would be in the fore war and thus remove war forever The Convention must be made How ruthlessly does Rooseyit presentatives of the bourgeoisie, front of the struggle to suppress from the world. revolutionary a rallying point for all those address expose the true meaning and the masses, even in a country such extremists. who are really party, even if without great mass who in word and act are against of pacifism and social patriotism! so little developed in class cons agents of fascism, and render influence, will nevertheless delay the war, who are resolved to Here he springs the trap which ciousness as this, are at least them harmless.
the war, and will make certain carry the struggle against the Imperialism has in readiness for sufficiently aware of this to disHere is Browder written gua that from the war itself will war to the end. History has placed pacifism, when the issue comes. trust them when face to face rantee to the ruling class, signed issue the socialist revolution. this task upon our shoulders What is left now of all shades with the war. It is the traitors in the blood of the Spanish reThis responsibility cannot mund varieties of pacifism? Is not within the working class, the volutionists.
War and Revolution avoided or shifted. We must facr the leader of American imperial agents of Roosevelt and his class In the fight against the war, it firmly, clearly, unflinchingly ism, the greatest pacifist of them among the masses, the Greens, there is no task more crucial and This is the cold and sober fact: and with the profound confidence all? Does not the call for Peace Lewises, Waldmann, Browders, all important than the constant, the fight against the war, the that springs from our knowledge pend more roundly from his who alone can complete the win unremitting, uncompromising only possible fight, is the fight of the goal which destiny hat Lips! He is one who takes his ning of the support of the masses struggle against Stalinism. for the socialist revolution. There placed within the reach of the pacifism seriously. Yes, he is is no other struggle against the men who have the courage to mudy to make war for peace.
Among the traitors, the first In this country and in every war save for the class struggle fight for and grasp it.
And behind the chariot of his place is taken most vie ously imperialist nation, there is one of the workers for power and Against the War!
slogans he draws the whole mot by the Stalinists. Internationally force and one only that will com for socialism.
Against the Rognerelt of the pacifist groups and orga as well as nationally, their en pel the ruling class to draw back There is a deep historic sig Plans!
wiorations; into his mobilization of tire policy centers around prepa from the war. That force is the ntficance in the fact that Roose Against Stalinism and every opinion for the war he incorporation for the war; acting as power of the revolutionary move velt address, launching the form of Social Patriction!
rates all of their ideology. agents of the hangmen the ment. The fear of revolution drive for the mobilization of For Perce through the World This, indeed, is the function of Kremlin, they concentrate their alone can delay for any lenghy public opinion the war. comes Socialist Revolution of to the war.