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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 16, 1937 Reveals Interests in China High Stakes in East Drive Toward War WithJapan new Beginning of the End ment in per cent of the total. Americanerican imperialism: would be in a position to chaltrade with Japan, however, is In seizing all of China and lenge the American colossus on much more considerable. In 1930 converting it into Japanese the latter own home territory.
it amounted to seven per cent of colony, Japan will strike a deadly America total foreign trade, or blow at America growing trade War Impends more than twice the amount of with that country, force AmerAmerica trade with China. ican capital enterprises from the Hence Roosevelt new and ag.
By Llucifer This proportion, too, has altered scene (as in Manchuria. and kill gressive policy in Far Eastern In his Chicago speech, President Roosevelt announced but little.
all possibility of fresh invest affairs. How soon and in what These facts go far in explain ments in China.
the end of the isolationist policy of United States im ing the hitherto seemingly conmanner that policy will be im2. With all China at its dis. plemented remains to be seen.
perialism, as consecrated in the Nentrality Act, and tradictory and obviously vacil posal, Japanese imperialism will The spokesmen for American imembarkation on a course of active intervention in world lating and hesitant policy which have tremendous sources of sup perialism, both official and un affairs. subsequent declaration by the State Depart Washington have purchased in terials which it needs (Manchuria Japan can be stopped only by the imperialist governments at ply of most of the vital raw ma official, have concluded that ment, branding Japan as the aggressor in the Far the Far East in recent years. did not come up to expectations. force or the threat of it. In any Eastern conflict, set the authoritative seal on the new policy. In defiance of the Open Door in addition to a vast monopolized case, they understand that the Only the publication of the archives of the State Department policy in China enunciated many market in which to dispose of Washington government can conwill reveal the immediate cause for this sudden reversal of foreign years ago by Secretary of State the products of a greatly expanded tinue to allow Japan a free policy. For the time being, it is John Hay, Japan has been schem industry. Japan will become vir hand in China only at the cost sufficient to note that the im This is recognized by none other ing and fighting to make of all tually independent of American of sacrificing, not only present perialists of this country have than Henry Stimson, secret China her own exclusive preserve trade.
economic interests, but the whole deemed the time ripe to com ary of state under Hoover, in a for trade and investments. When Thus United States imperial future role of American inpermence playing that role on the letter to the New York Times Japan seized Manchuria in 1931, ism, unless Japan is halted, will ialism.
world arena to which the pozi on October 7, written as if in an the Hoover administration did lose both its actual present trade The Roosevelt policy tion of the United States, as the ticipation of Roosevelt Chicago nothing beyond reaffirming the with China and Japan, and there makes it clear that that role is strongest world power, assigns speech. Stimson, out of office, Hay doctrine. His successor, with all its potential economic not going to be sacrificed. Amerthem.
can afford to be more direct and Roosevelt, continued the policy of interests in the Far East. And a ican imperialism is preparing to Chauvinist Flood specific than Cordell Hull or watchful waiting. In large part, greatly strengthened Japan, as defend and extend its Far EastRoosevelt. The latter feels it inactivity in face of Japan con we have already pointed out, lern interests arms in hand.
Roosevelt speech has let loose necessary to motivate the new tinental advance was a simple a flood of chauvinist propaganda foreign policy of American im reflection of the fact that the designed line up the workers perialism on idealistic or altru principal immediate interests of of this country behind the new istic grounds. Stimson can speak American imperialism in the Far policy of the Washington govern plainly the interests of the East resided with Japan rather than with China. But also rement, a policy which, in the fi money bags. Continued from page Japan, Stimson wrote, can flected the hope that Japan would nal analysis let there be no illunobody. Should the bureaucracy sions on this score! leads ines cause immense loss to all na break her neck in Manchuria is still indispensable to Stalin succeed in extruding from itself for disciplining his clique. On a new property owning class by capably to war. The govern tions commercially interested in with Russia help.
the morrow Stalin will become revamping the forms of property, ments of the satiated and there. China, and for a time she may Interests Com burden to the ruling stratum. this new class will find itself fore peace loving countries make herself a stronger military mercial Infinitely more important, how other leaders who are not tied (Great Britain and France) hail power than she is at present, with ever, is the fact that the bureau with the revolutionary past and Roosevelt speech as a great the result of causing great apAmerican imperialist interests cracy is being purged of its who are more literate. It is contribution to peace. But they prehension and danger in the have no illusions as to Washing area of the North Pacific. For in the Far East are primarily motley elements at the cost of hardly likely that Stalin will This is why the an ever widening gap between thereupon receive a single word ton real aims. Stalin govern a considerable time, if Japan is Washington does likewise, able to proceed in her own way, they could not afford to alienate It is no exaggeration to say that accomplished.
governments felt the bureaucracy and the people. of gratitude for the work he has Open counter reand thereby consciously aids in there will be a great storm cen: Japanese trade (especially dur the atmosphere of Soviet society volution will make short shrift deceiving the workers.
grave possible threats and dis ling the early period of American is surcharged with hatred of the of hin, most probably on the In the van of the flag Wavers turbances to us and our own in line China cause when Japan in the occasion to convince himself event Stalin will fall victim to the in terests. The working class and may demo already occupy ringside seats at vaded Manchuria. To have done at every step that resoluteness type of amalgam he has himself so would have meant a costly and firing squads alone do not instituted. This path, however, cratic minded and peace loving this battle.
Against this danger to An: war for which Washington was suffice for the salvation of a is not at all predestined. Man peoples must become active to erican imperialist interests the not in any sense prepared. Am regime that has outlived itself. kind is once again entering an realize effectively and in life the Washington government is now erican investments in China are The purges in the army and the epoch of wars and revolutions.
policy given by President Roose preparing to act, but the action, comparatively negligible.
the Daily Worker on October when it comes, will be publicly timates made in 1931 placed the minders of the fact that the ap regimes will topple like houses Two days later, the same paper grounds, as imperialist wars are compared with Great Britain up of living beings who are sub that revolutionary convulsions in quoted him as saying, before a always justified. Roosevelt has 1, 139, 200, 000 and Japan 1, 136, ject to the influence of their en Asia and Europe will forestall hatred the overthrow of the stalin clique Versive activities in Massachu talist press. The working youth. otal foreign investments in China of the bureaucracy by jail bocause refused to see just of America will be deceived into was only per cent as com as well as the muffled hostility tion and prepare its downfall that (fight for his country. L) aidie wenkha defenselesse nation cent and Japan 35. per cent. cracy toward Stalin corroded masses. In that event Stalin will don regret my actions at that against ravenous aggressors and Insthe ensuing six years, Japan inevitably the apparatus of coer have even less cause to count on has outstripped Britain and now cion, preparing thereby one of gratitude.
the conditions for the downfall time. But now, if America was deception the Stalinists, them occupies the leading place.
The memory of mankind is forced into war against fascism, selves the authors of the slogans The unfolding of Japan con of the regime.
magnanimous as regard, the apI would certainly take under which the coming imperial tinental policy, which aims to The Bonapartist rule grew out plication of harsh measures in American imperialism is in ist war will be fought, are al bring all eastern Asia under the of the fundamental contradiction the service of great histərical terested in a stable Europe as ready giving not inconsiderable banner of the Rising Sun, had between the bureaucracy and the goals. But history will not par a guarantee of its Continental assistance.
inevitably, sooner or later, to ef people, and the supplementary don a single drop of blood shed investments and trade profits.
fect a change in America Far contradiction between the revolu in sacrifice to the new Jokoch of Hence Roosevelt reference to Trade in Far East Eastern policy. American trade tionists and the Thermidorians self will and privilege. Moral aggressor states in general.
with Japan, as we have shown, within the bureaucracy.
Stalin sensibility finds its highest satisThe fascist powers are upsetting What are the immediate Far is important. And it is as vital rose by supporting himself pri faction in the immutable convicthe apple cart and preventing Eastern interests of American to Japan, as it is important to marily on the bureaucracy tion that historical retribution the re establishment of the capi imperialism which are to be de America.
against the people, on the Ther will correspond to the scope of talist equilibrium in Europe. But fended. In total trade with midorians against the revolution the crime. Revolution will unthe principal target of the new China, the United States has Japanese Depend on ists. But at certain critical mo lock all the secret compartments, American policy is Japan. Scar held the leading place for several Rivals ments he was compelled to seek review all the trials, rehabilitate cely any attempt is made to con years, outstripping both Great support among the revolutionary the slandered, raise memorials to ceal that fact. For it is in the Britain and Japan. Taking Japanese imperialism, however, elements, and, with their assis the victims of wantonness and Far East that the interests of China imports, American trade is in the peculiar position of be tance, among the people against cover with eternal infamy the American imperialism, both ac supremacy is shown in the fig ing dependent on its rivals in the over precipitate offensive of names of the executioners. Stalin tual and potential, are being ures for January April, 1937: vital economic spheres while the privileged ones. But it is will depart from the scene laden most gravely menaced. Japa United States 76, 131, 000; Ja struggling against these same impossible to support oneself on with all the crimes which he has nese domination of China will pan 70, 423, 000; Germany rivals for hegemony on the Asia a social contradiction that is turn committed not only close that country to American 55, 390, 000; Great Britian tic continent. Thus last year, ing into an abyss. Hence flows grave digger of the revolution trade (following the example of 45, 191, 000 China exports to according to the United States the forced transition to Thermi but as the most sinister figure in Manchuria, destroy the value of the United states in the same pe Department of Commerce, Japan dorian monolithism through the history of mankind.
American investments in China, riod tell a similar story: United imported from the United States the destruction of all vestiges of and virtually end the role of Am States 103, 095, 000; Great Bri alone 52 per cent of her iron the revolutionary spirit and of New Headquarters erican imperialism in the Far tain (including Hongkong. and steel (including scrap. 76. the slightest manifestations of East. 65, 847, 000; Japan 44, 968, 000; per cent of her oil, 43. per cent political self activity on the pait The Socialist Appeal Office Germany 26, 004, 000.
of her raw cotton, 42. per cent of the masses. Saving temporarihave moved to 116 University Stimson Spills Beans These figures are revealing of her machinery, 94. per cent ly Stalin rule, the bloody purge Place, New York City. All enough in themselves, yet their of her automobiles, 47. per cent has shaken asunder the social correspondence should be mail.
Moreover, a Japan economical significance is modified some of her wood pulp.
and political props of Bonaparted to this new Address.
ly strengthened by conquest of a what when we consider that Am Among other things, Japan ism.
The local office of the New vast colonial empire in eastern erica trade with China accounts aims to end this economic depen Stalin is drawing close to York Socialist Party (Left Asia would threaten American for only a tinyl percentage of dence by means of her conti the termination of his tragic misWing Branches) and the Na.
commercial interests in Central America total foreign trade. nental policy. But this policy, sion. The more it seems to him tional Offices of the Young and South America, and ultimate For the years 1930 31 (and the if permitted to proceed to its that he no longer needs anybody, Peoples Socialist League are ly the States of the Union situ proportion has altered very little specified conclusions, will have the closer draws the hour when now also located at this adated on the Pacific seaboard. since) it represented only three disastrous consequences for Am he himself will prove needed by dress.
up arms.
ON the