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October 16, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL New Stalinist Frame up Lasser Helps Drive Hits China Trotskyists To Undermine Militancy. Of Unemployed Alliance Chinese Bolshevik Leninist Exposes Lies in Daily Worker Dispatch By Li Fu jen For many months there has they will most assuredly discover and where they had not come been indignation in the ranks of that it all a Trotskyite plot under the bureaucratic control of the Socialist Party, particularly against our David.
the Stalinists, the State Execuamong the unemployed, concern And they ll be right. We have tive Board, composed of a maThe following statement on the latest frame ling the pro Stalinist and anti carried on a consistent campaign jority of non party members, up against Chinese Trotskyist agents of Japan. Socialist attitude of David Las for a militant class struggle pro passed a resolution disaffiliating reported in a Shanghai dispatch to the Daily ser as head of the Workers Al. gram in the Alliance, for democ from the Workers Alliance bem Two weeks racy in the organization, for So cause of its do nothing policy and Worker, is made by comrade Li Fu jen, member before the last meeting of the cialist action by those who call its attempt to bring the state of the Executive Committee of the Bolshevik National Executive Committee, ed themselves Socialists. And organization under stalinist conLeninists (Trotskyists) of China. He is of course New York decided it was time to file of the Socialist Party have them from the national office.
rank and trol by exporting leadership to in a position to speak authoritatively on the Stal call a halt, and a document out worked with us, despite the op Lasser knew what was going inist frame up system which is now being ex lining Lasser actions was drawn position of Jack Altman. on; he was informed of everytended to China. Ed.
up and presented to the NEC; in When the Unemployment thing that had taken place. He addition, Frank Trager in his Councils, which were Stalinist knew that the Socialists on the report as Labor Secretary spent controlled, merged with the State Executive Board (John According to what purports to Trotskyists is sufficiently well a considerable length of time on Workers Alliance, which the So Spain and others) had voted to be a, cable dispatch from Shang known in China and other coun this same question. But Lasger cialist Party had built up, Las remain in, had tried to convince hai printed in the Daily Worker tries. If Wang exists at all, belongs is a leader of the Alt ser had one of two paths open the other members that this was of October 5, the hand of Stalin the inquisitors of the Kuomin. man Thomas faction. dripping with the blood tang, with the help of to him: to go along with the the only correct policy for the The Socialist Party has set up Communist Party, since they had present time. But David Lasser, of murdered revolutionists in the agents (for the Stalinists and a committee to investigate a more numerous and disciplined usually a very slow moving fel4 Soviet Union and in Spain, has the Kuomintang are allied David Lasser and weighted it machine than he had, or step low, was immediately galvanized now reached into China. again) will doubtless secure from down with the burden of Murray into a minority position and carry into action. long and slanderThe dispatch reports the un him a confession implicating Baron, who was going to be in on the fight against them. Lasser ous letter went out from the Na.
covering of a Trotskytist plot the Chinese Bolshevik Leninists Washington next week anyhow. chose the first method, for it tional Office, and again it found to knife the Chinese defense in a plot to sabotage China de The committee will undoubtedly was in this way that he could its natural roost in the columns against Japanese imperialism in fense against Japan. The meth be encouraged by the polite tsk, keep his position as national of the Daily Worker. So well had the back by a putsch in Kwangsiods of the are so stereo tsk of the more genteel mem chairman.
Lasser learned the form and conprovince. Police, it is stated, typed as to be easily recogniz bers of the NEC and will probabnipped the alleged plot in the able.
tent of a Daily, Worker editorial ly bear in mind that stalwart Lasser Goes The Whole Hog staff member that the letter bud bŷ arresting the entire The supposed Wang, moreover, disgraceful! of Roy Burt. Then membership of the local Trotsky would have had no need to worni At the recent National Work needed no more introduction than ist group, which, in familiar his way into a Kuomintang ers Alliance Convention in Mil two or three sentences quoted Lasser The first fact to be noted here waukee language, is declared to be made organ in the period between 1929 put himself directly from the document.
up principally of bandits and and 1937. For it is admitted even is that until the middle of April squarely in the camp the ComLasser Stalinist Phrases other shady elements.
by the Stalinists that the Kuom this year there was no newspaper munist Party, supporting their intang regime at that time pur in Shanghai known as the Hsin resolutions and giving preference small group of malcontents Frame Up Apparent sued what in effect was a pro Ching Jih Pao. If such an organ to Communist Party members in and disrupters. activated by Japanese policy. pro Japanese has since appeared, it can be no the elections for executive board personal or group interests.
attempting to stab our movement That we are confronted here plotter could have joined Kuom thing else but the organ of the members, with another frame up intang bodies easily and pursued ew Popular Front in China, that The orientation of this conven in the back at a time when we is apparent from the entire text openly the Kuomintang own of the Stalinist Kuomintang tion, incidentally, was to remove are fighting the battle of ten of the Daily Worker story. We pro Japanese policy within the coalition. This supposition is all those militant elements who million unemployed. The charge are told that the Trotskyists party ranks without any fear of borne out by the language quoted had been carried over from the of no democracy is merely a were headed by Wang Kun tuh. evil consequences.
above. No bourgeois newspaper, merger. desperate attempt smokescreen to hide the splitting who had wormed his way into much less a leading bourgeois was made, and it was successful activities of those who. are the executive committee of the The Leading News organ, uses the canned language thanks to Lasser aid, to bring acting as stooges for our eneKuomintang organization in paper»
of Stalinism to castigate the the unemployed completely under mies. And then he goes on to Kwangsi during the period of Trotskyists. The language is the domination of the liberal talk about the right to honest anti Communist terror that swept Step by step, the Daily Worker unmistakable as that of a Stalin politicians, to remove all differences of opinion. On this China after 1929.
reveals the Stalinist frame up, or st or Stalinist controlled paper. embarrassing militancy, to des point, it is pertinent to quote No person named Wang tuh attempted frame up of the It may well be, however, that troy the vitality and political from a recent document on the is or ever has been a member Chinese revolutionists. The lead the Daily Worker story fore consciousness by which alone an New York Workers Alliance situof the Communist League of ing Shanghai newspaper, Hsin shadows a frame up against the unemployed movement can grow. ation, signed by Brendan Sexton, China (Bolshevik. Leninists) Ching Jih Pao, it declares, call organization of the Bolshevik By presenting a program of legis and, since the CP leadership acts Nor has any member of the ed for the rooting out of the Leninists in Shanghai.
lative action primary, and identically both on local and League ever been a member of Trotskyist traitors.
Just as in Spain the Bolshevik mass action only if absolutely national scale, this should give the Kwangsi executive com At a time when the entire na Leninists have been in the fore necessary. the with all due some idea of the deliberate false mittee of the Kuomintang ortion is united in war against our front of the fight against fascism, respect to constituted authority, hoods of Lasser.
any other Kuomintang organ. Imortal foe, the paper is quoted o in China the Communist League would joockey the unemployed state these facts as one having as saying, this despicable gang has been the consistent advocate into position as a pawn in its Sexton Testimony personal knowledge of the of Chinese Trotskyists are taking of intransigent struggle against pigger game of compromise with Power has been concentrated League membership and ac. advantage of the sending of Japanese imperialism for China Roosevelt.
troops to the battlefronts to or national liberation. And just as in the hands of top committees, Sabotage Struggle Even more decisive is the fact ganize a plot in the rear. Is it in Spain our comrades are framed which make all the important that there is no organization not clear at whose orders these up by the on charges of of the Communist League in Trotskyists perfom their deeds. conspiring with Franco, so in played a very dangerous game, shoved about at will. Special The Stalinists at the convention decisions and convert the membership into mere pawns to be Kwangsi province and there in the name of our country China the Bolshevik Leninists are one that could very easily have taxes are handed down by the never has been.
future, in the interests of resis accused of being agents of Jap been exposed had there been top committees without adequate The Stalinist practise of dub tance to the aggressor, the Trot anese imperialism. In both in united socialist action. They came discussion. Disruptive tactics bing sundry persons (especially skyist spies and traitors must be stances the Stalinists lie. And here, to a convention of unem: have been used by the political its own agents provocateurs) destroyed.
they know that they lie.
drastie reduction in WPA rolls majority in to stack yet attempted; to a convention locals having a different politiewhich ostensibly had as the main al tendency in order to take conpoint on agenda a big march trol away. etc.
And what (Continued from page 1)
that their salvation lies with the and to on Washington and deliberately conclusion does this statement Secondly, and of very great importance, though uggest to them that the choice between the two set out to sabotage this primary principles of democracy and free the movement is fundamentally the more rganizations is not perhaps of crucial importance. point. They were able to postprogressive of the two, the leadership of the Thirdly, the o. movement has been pone the march into the distant dom from political domination. ix at bottom on a par with the loader seriously handicapped by the prominence of the porary date; finally seeing to it ser to the existence of the Worki ship of the of in its devotion to capital. Stalinists in its set up, a factor bound up also after the convention that the ers Alliance by driving rank and isn and its general class collaborationism. This with Lewis general opportunism, an opportunism march took place when Congress siteunere des entre premtimine becomes more openly apparent as the 1: 0, hat often leads to the irresponsible. The Stalin had already adjourned. Surely struggle for the basic economic goes beyond its in certain industries: a fact long ago demonstrated whatever toward trade unions, and being interested Washington, Herbert Benjamin when it is vitally important to Sts. having on their side no sense of responsibility the Alliance representatives in needs of the unemployed, and by work together.
for example, the Auto Union. The bureauc Front and using them as recruiting bases for enough congressmen by this time Sexton was right when he said rats are just as quick to make any kind of shady the coming war, necessarily run any union into to be informed in advance as to that in order to be a leader in a deal with the bosses or the government boards the ground when they get their hands on it. The when Congress is planning to go stalinist controlled organization as are the of bureaucrats.
deals which have handed the attempted Maritime one has to completely sacrifice In addition, there has been an absolute lack of rganization to the Stalinists, which have given Revolt in the Ranks organizational and personal inany kind of democracy in the organiza them such a place in Steel, in the white collar tegrity. That is what Lasser tion, even a greater lack than in the of unions, and many others, combined with the posi of the Alliance, an open revolt Thomas Altman Tyler Among the militant members has done. Needless to say, the faction though two years ago that might have seemed tions won by the Stalinists previously (Furriers, took place. In New Jersey, investigation will not unduly impossible. These two features combine to disil etc. have militated heavily against the where one of the strongest state disturb Lasser and his Stalinist lusion the workers, to make them less confident movement as a whole.
organizations had been built up, bedfellows, The of Convention embryo stage and gets established 11