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2 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 16, 1937 Anglo French Aidto Ratification Meet Starts Spanish Loyalists is a Mayoralty Drive of Fraud and Delusion Left Socialists for Cannon in the have.
who Circumstances beyond our control forced us to start our camBy Felix Morrow whole is declining. Without tan ing momentum. Our campaign got off to a good start at the rati.
paign late, yet the revolutionary socialist campaign is rapidly gainThe Anglo French proposal that Italy enter negotiations for gible rewards and the prestige fhcation meeting held on October 10. Our campaign platform and withdrawal of blackshirts troops from Spain has been answered could not withdraw from Spain pamphlet will soon be out. Section campaign meetings are being by sending a crack squadron of bombing planes including Bruno without dealing a fatal blow to planned to cover the neighborhoods. Special leaflets appealing to Mussolini among its aviators; by landing in Cadiz and Algeciras the illusion of omnipotence he unemployed, and trade uniong a more volunteers. by dispatch of reinforcements to the Libyan has built up at home, and on workers will soon be out. The till after Election Day. Of course garrison adjoining British Egypt; and by the Italian note of Oc which his regime rests. Musso final wind up rally of the camthe Mayor could easily solve the tober 9, declined discussions.
lini will not, cannot withdraw, paign will be held on October 31. problem by taxing the swollen French revolution, after the re. defeat, e. war. If through Eng.
except after a crushing military Democratic Myths profits of the utility corporations Street When the Workers Alliance but inaybe his Wall volutionary strike wave of last Street and the Quai Orsay policies of the Communist and Mussolini will increase Franco and relief cuts. at the Central Can one doubt that Downing year, by the class collaboration land, France or Stalin, the loyal decided to demonstrate on Oc backers wouldn like it.
knew in advance that this would Socalists, has also weakened this be the answer? Yet their note source of aid to the loyalists It aimament to save him from de Relief Office instead of at City its pulled and winks to the press, to formal gesture of opening up the until the point where outside aid plained that the former place had a fast one by manufacturing an the effect that they were firmly border to ordinary commerce will into active, large scale participa barrass the Mayor whom the filed as an independent. party is thus qualitatively transformed been chosen so as not to em Anti Communist Party which moving to put an end to Italy not be followed by shipments of tion may, in fact, be the way the AA has endorsed. The Progres for Mahoney. The CP protested role in Spain. The American armaments sufficient world war will start.
sive Group in the WAA, howe vigorously. And why not? When press, swinging into line behind Franco.
Roosevelt ver, raised hell on the question it comes to anti Communism, the new international Why? Because the Spanish question is but one factor in Struggle Inevitable and forced a change in the scene CP wants policy, joined the Anglo French no amateurs press in playing up the Anglothe conflict of interests betof the demonstration to City Hall. field.
French note, thus bulwarking For the present, Anglo French Won the Mayor be embarrassween the imperialist powers the myth of democratic indigna and will not be settled. if imperialists hold back from the led!
tion against Fascist intervention.
the imperialists of both camps tually fight to hold what they war, although they must evenIn a radio speech under ALP Loudest hosannas of praise came have their way, until they And speaking of embarrassment auspices, La Guardia said, reUntil that moment, they those anti Fascists from Stalin press come to the point of a general in Russia are fuse to take any orders from any and elsewhere. Who can believe settlement of all questions, e. Spain as elsewhere.
They have supporting LaGuardia are at a political bosses. Now when the oss to explain their candidate ALP, after Election Day, comes that the Stalinists are such fools permitted a trickle of aid to the insistence upon getting all pro to City Hall and pleads, Please, this pointe by openglo French im Break up of Status Quo because they do not want a vic u. Harvey, Boro President of beating up our pickets, LaGuara perialism? But they needed this pap for their following, in order Italo German imperialism em as he does not double cross his Fascists public enemy number with the above quotation on it.
to justify Stalin subordination barked on aid to Franco as but allies.
of all considerations to securing one of many moves designed to one. The Fusion Party balked at Equally, however, they do not supporting Harvey and put up Anglo French collaboration in the break up the European status want victory for the loyalists. its own candidate, Ambrose wat war. The Negrin Govern quo in which Italian and German First, because victory for the anti Acker, against him. But LeGuar the press last week as urging Norman Thomas was quoted in went of Spain, likewise committ capitalism were strangling. Ger fascists any time before the dia put on the screws and Acker the defeat of Tammany Hall. Wm ed to fawning upon Eden and man capitalism (handicapped in crushing of the Catalonian pro withdrew at the last moment, some bright Clarityite please tell Delbos, joined in passing off the the world market by the chains letariat in May would have re bitterly Anglo French note as real cur of Versailles) and Italian capi sulted in the victorious workers for pushing Harvey. The ALP year about the CP slogan, Dedenouncing LaGuardia the class what Thomas said last rency.
talism (weakly industrialized, a going on to the social revolution. also refused to support Harvey, feat Landon. In all likelihood Mussolini poor relation at the carving up As a matter of fact, even now, but strangely enough, put up no refusal to withdraw his troops of the world at Versailles) had five months after the May defeat candidate against him. That will not be countered by decisive temporarily solved their prob of the workers, after five months leaves the field clear for Hitler The Stalinist controlled WPA aid to loyalist Spain from Eng lems by fascist destruction of of Negrin systematic curbing Harvey.
Teachers Union held a sympoband and French The French wage levels and social services of the workers, important secsium on the campaign last week, People Front Government, now Fascism, however, had done little tions of the Englo French ruling speakers all moving sharply to the right in more than enable them to pre class still doubt that When the National Executive There were four moothe the masses by accompany to make inroads on the broad social revolution in spite of all tried to placate the Clarityites for LaGuardia. In response to a its internal policies, may try to pare the armed forces required victory would not be followed by Committee of the endorsed for LaGuardia! The SP speaker, Altman line on LaGuardia, it John Block, came out openly ing its conservative trend with a economic domains of Anglo the bourgeois Stalinist bloc have by a further ruling that, with the question from the floor here gesture to Spain, such as form French imperialism. Eventually done. Second, an imminent loyal exception of LaGuardia, Local vealed that he didn know that ally opening the border. Even their inroads must lead to war ist victory would be such a blow Ny was not to support in any a split had taken place in the SP!
this gesture may never come to and all its dangers of defeat and to Mussolini prestige that he pass, unless a new strike wave revolution. But the only other would plunge into war by sending way candidates who run on cadislodges the reluctance of the alternative is an even more cer really complete pitalist party tickets. Now Altexpeditionary The Peepul of NY should be reins of the Anglo French bloc tain one: internal collapse and forces into Spain and bottling upsion by having the SP candidate setting ready for big selaout. that must never be forgotten; revolution Germany marched to the Mediterranean with his air for Boro President of the Bronx after Election Day. Neither major that hold on the reins has been the Rhine, sought penetration in and navy forces.
word specially strong since Stalin Austria, Hungary, the Balkans, The parge of the Red Army leader Czechoslovakia, Italy sought ex bloc made a serious move in the candidate, Nagler who is also it is one of the most important time the Anglo French withdrew and endorsing the ALP party has thus far said as it was) in the Franco Soviet East, spheres of influence in the guard the lite line of empire Party, the most capitalist of ca attorney for the Manhattan El, pact.
Balkans. The Spanish civil war through the Mediterranean, by pitalist parties in New York.
both parties are agreed upon a provided another area of penetra the Nyon pact; but that was only modification of the now infamous Little Aid in Sight tion through support of Franco. fortuitously part of the Spanish Last week Tammany Hall put Seabury Berle plan which we Formal recognition of the Burgos situation. Short of an open inva the Mayor on the spot by having rejected some time ago and which Even if the border were form regime irrevocably tied Italy and sion of Spain on an imperialist the Board of Aldermen override provided that the City buy the ally opened, it would provide Germany to the fate of Franco. scale of warfare, or a systematic the Mayor veto of the cut in the BMT and IRT lines at such a Httle more aid to Spain. Food Why should Italy retreat from blockade of the Mediterranean, water tax. Fiorello almost threw monstrous price as to necessitate staffs and non military materials Spain under Anglo French diplo Anglo French imperialism will a fit and shouted that he refused an increase in the fare. Incidenthave been passing matic pressure, any more than not stop Mussolini aid to Fran to make up the difference in the ally, both Seabury and Berle are through, on the ill equipped and Mussolini desisted in Ethiopia co.
budget by cutting relief. That 100 per cent behind LAGuardia.
constantly bombed railroad to even when economic sanctions what he says now. But just wait Catalonia. slight trickle of were decreed against him. Had Britain in Bilbao war matertals has also been gett sanctions been effective, e. had ing through with government they threatened Italy with eco Meanwhile, British interests at the outset: the great demo Friday Oct. 15th at P.
consent, but much smaller in nomic collapse, Italy would have have arranged with Burgos for cracies will give no decisive aid Stalinized Russia: amount than the illegal war gone to war to break the eco exploiting the British owned Bil to the anti fascist struggle. The will be discussed by supplies which have been coming nomic blockade. Sanctions are bao region (their chief invest man power and resources of the through Southern France against peaceful only when ineffect ment in Spain. Dr. Schmalhausen sudden col Spanish people will be added to the resistance of the government. ive. If Anglo French imperialism lapse of the Basque defenses from the outside only by inde Brilliant and Dynamic Lecturer Let us recall that this under were to grant Mussolini big eco came after British banks had ex pendent aid from the interna Questions Discussion ground stream including arsenal nomic concessions loans, colo tended to Burgos, via Dutch con tional working class. But the Admission 50 cents workers raiding stores of machine nies, markets, special access to nections, a credit of nearly ninety Second and Third Internationals guns and light artillery, mecha raw materials it is theoretically million pounds, to be secured by bend all their energies only to The Thomas Paine nics and aviators boldly stealing conceivable that in exchange products from the Bilbao region. getting their capitalist governSociety o with lanes from military Italy would withdraw support This fact was revealed by the ments to aid. If the energies of 88 Seventh Avenue South strports. renched its highest from Franco. But Anglo French authoritative Frederick Bir the Spanish masses last Point in December, when the imperialismlook at the franc! chall in the New York Times of long, the great democracies Greenwich Village. 7th Avenue Subway French government was most. in no position to buy off August 16.
will utilize them as a little termly set on the non intervention Mussolini, despite the spoils of to Christopher St. Fifteen months of the war have Belgium when the imperialist Send for Full Free Programs The strangling of the Versailles, for capitalism as a conclusively proven what we said war finally breaks out.
an and that course.