BourgeoisieCapitalismHitlerImperialismInvasionMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinTrotskyViolence

Leon Trotsky Writes on Beginning of End of Stalin Regime Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 10 401 Saturday, October 16, 1937 Cents per Cops SOCIALIST APPEAL Roosevelt Heading Towards New War Speech in Chicago Heralds Offensive Against Japan in Far Eastern Crisis equal The address on the international situation, ment of various industrial and military mobili could not be mobilized for the war through a delivered by President Roosevelt in Chicago on zation plans, are an obvious certainty at the next direct and open statement of the imperialist October 5th, is the most important single declar: session of Congress.
aims and issue. The masses of the people will won of policy ever made by Roosevelt, and fight only for what they take to be some great ranks among the three or four most far reachReaching Out for the World ideal, some moral imperative to which the sac ing political statements made during the entire rifice of life itself will seem an act worth while.
history of this country. In the Chicago address, the whole world heard the masterful, able, and beings where Secretary Hull declaration to the perialist exploitation the real aims and real In its political meaning, Roosevelt address The naked, ruthless, barbaric demands of im. authentic voice of that gigantic colossus, Amer Buenos Aires Conference concluded, and follows issues are useless and worse than useless for ican imperialism.
the same general structure established there by the rallying of the people. They must be dressed the Secretary of State. At Buenos Aires, Hull up in lies and illusions, illusions that will capture Mobilizing Public Opinion for War announced the fact of United States hegemony masses.
the conscience an rouse the moral fervor of the over the entire South America Continent, and There is only one possible focal sense in which the determination of the United States to defend To lay out the blueprint of these lies and ilto understand the Chicago address: This declar hegemony against any and all comers. The two lusion is the chief purpose of the Chicago Ad ation is the first grand scale step in the mobil. Americas, Hull made clear the base of opera dress. With the terrible cynicism and utter ization of public opinion in the United States tions from which the United States reaches out moral pervesion which the rotted capitalist order for the coming war. Beside this mighty toward the rest of the world.
impose upon all of its servants, Roosevelt flung fact, all debate over details of Roosevelt re In his Chicago address, Roosevelt announced out the banners around which the masses will marks, all analysis of particular sentences and that the most favorable ares for United States be rallied and summoned.
paragraphs and doctrines, sink into insignifi imperialist expansion and expansion already Innocent peoples and nations are being crucance. The official mobilization of public opinion, begun on a serious scale is the Far East; and ally sacrificed to a greed for power and supre the keystone of war preparations in the modern that the United States is prepared to defend its macy which is devoid of all sense of justice and world, is now, formally launched.
rights of exploitation in the Far East against humane consideration. The peace loving naThis does not mean, of course, that war is the challenge of Japan and of any or all other tooms must make a concrete effort in opposition necessarily expected, so far as the United States powers.
of humane instincts. Those who cherish their is concerned, within the next weeks or months.
This point of view had already been made me freedom and recognize and respect the The exact moment of the outbreak is not in parent in the response of the war in China. It rights of their neighbors to be free and live in question. It means that the outstanding spokes men since the outbreak man of United States capitalism, concluding is, for example, in the highest degree instruc peace must work together for the triumph of United States must necessarily take part in it, American finance capital in connection with It is, therefore, a matter of vital interest and Wartais inevitable, and recognizing that the Times the most authentic representative of justice and confidence may prevail in the world.
has charted his firm and direct Chinese events with those written Course toward concern to the people of the United States that of international treaties and the sults for the American bourgeoisie; hat hence tions of Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler in Spain in peace. can and must in some way to make the terms that will yield the most fruitful real express from time to time distaste over the rate maintenance of international morality be reso forth the governmental policy of the United and certain indignation over Almeria and their will prevail. The moral consciousness of States will be wholly subordinated the war preparations.
and restrained limits; and these comments were the world must recognize the importance. of The further steps will follow quickly, and in and especially by a balance maintained between sioner. There must be positive endeavors to balanced by editorial attacks on the Loyalists, putting an end to acts of international aggrespreserve peace.
these few days since the delivery of the address. pro Franco and pro Loyalist correspondents in the news columns.
On all sides it is recognized that the infantile Neutrality Policy. Behind the Peace Cry. so solemnly enacted by the sovereign The Masses Are Duped By Lies The isolation Press, has been quietly buried.
press is being whipped into How pure and noble! What beautiful words line within two days of the address the Almost daily since the invasion of China to die for! No word here of American investcon termine mode which has amades tablation en e foundation of its editorial policy, announced torials, not in the least measured for restrained, the impatient idle capital in the banks unable The problem now is to implement and carry violence un precedented abarthe Times since the Whisper of the imperative necessity to preservo abandonment, and stated in large type that but, quite, on the contrary, of a vigor and even to find profitable outlet in the home market; no peace organizations. only a as a brigand, outlaw, murderer and pariah. Not Easter markets. We are lifted to far loftier weak for the nation destiny, are weeping velt Chicago address with open armed ap cruel, greedy enemy, slaughtering and murderonth ago issuing statements that pretended to by accident, then, does the Times greet Roose ground. From that vantage point we see the paintively in a social wilderness. vast in proval.
ing, devoid of all moral sense. fit dog to kill!
arease in the armaments budget, and the enact It goes without saying that public opinion And we, of course. Continued a page 7)