AnarchismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

October 9, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Rubber Workers Convene in Akron Conservatives in control, Bus NOTES FROM SPAIN School Offers Five Courses.
to Collectivization Attacked By Jack Wilson seemed that one calling for op fused to constitute a youth alposition to all imperialist wars, liance with the Stalinists. The AKRON, Ohio. The second ete, which presented a revolution set September 15th as the dead the Stalinists proposed that Point The Catalan Generalidad has breaking point was reached when MARXIST SCHOOL annual convention of the linitele position would be passed. line for proving the legality of of the pact include following: 116 University Place, New York Rubber Workers of America re Instead a muddled resolution collectivized factories and lands. The youth. considers it necescently held here reflected the calling on Roosevelt to invoke the Since much of the collectivization sary to stamp the Trotskyists as FALL COURSES general development of the clo Kellogg pact against Japan was was carried through in emergency agents of fascism, enemies of the OPENING OCTOBER 18th (The registration form for each movement in the past year. adopted.
Tremendous organizational gains furnished the background received unanimous endorsement, effort to speed the war against of the espionage center recently Labor Non Partisen League months of the civil war in an unity of the people and of the course in seventy five cents (four for the convention. Membership as resolutions calling for inde, the fascists, it is expected that discovered by the police, and Elementary Marxism John Wright months. Many important contracts action were tossed aside by the the government will seize upon declares that they be punished in Monday, 7:30 8:30 to uch a manner that they should introductory course espeand concessions had been won. resolutions committee.
properties to their capitalist not be able to raise their heads. cially valuable newcomers to Over 250 delegates with 100 votes However, in one extremely imowners.
The Libertarian Youth refused the socialist movement.
were present compared to slightly portant phase of its work did the over 100 at the 1936 convention. convention carry on the progres The Gaceta of August 14 pub to sign its name to this slander Introduction to Marxian Economics.
Yet at the very moment the sive tradition of the 1936 con lishes decree of the Ministry and broke off negotiations. Contradictions of capitalism.
convention was celebrating the vention. very democratic cons of the Interior which lapses all Courts Re Organized Classes and the Class Strugle.
victories of the 1937 organizing titution (compared to all other arms permits. Now no arms are With the FAI (anarchists) ex4. The Road drive, Goodyear Local voted to CIO unions) was adopted. Ample legally held by the workers or Power.
allow 1, 700 lay offs, and 2, 500 provision for protection of the their unions. All previous arms cluded by decree from memberII. China and The Far East Goodrich unionists were walking rank and file and the left wing decrees had provided for the ship in the Popular Tribunals Robert Graves the streets, victims of production against attacks by the leadership unions keeping the arms which and more and more functions of Monday, 8:45 10:15 reductions.
was inade. are used to guard all factories the tribunals arrogated to Special This lecture supplies the necesContrasted the and union buildings.
Tribunals appointed by the Mi sarry background and material for convention with its xpirit of mi. Constitution Democratic The CNT press publishes almost nistries of Justice and Defense, an understanding of the present litancy, progressiveness, and its tone of class struggle, this conIn the past year, reactionaries daily warnings advising the work. Minister Irujo has embarked on policy of the Roosevelt governvention was a somewhat routine have used their position on local ers to guard against provocations. further steps to change the commente in the Far East crisis. The Reawakening of the Far affair.
executive boards to bring prog Stalinist Insults Workers Martyrs position of the Tribunals.
East. ressives up on charges before Roca, CNT member, ex sub The Chinese RevolutionConservatives Dominant them and thus have handicapped furor has been created secretary of Justice, now tells 1925 1927.
them tremendously. Now that throughout Spain by a speech of how, when the Popular Tribunals Imperialist Interests in the Caucus meetings held before power has been taken away Comorera, Stalinist Catalan lead were formed (with presiding Far East.
the convention indicated that the from the executive boards and er, on August 9, in which he con judge and about fifteen members The Present Sino Japanese majority of delegatex would be placed in the hands of the rank temptuously referred to the hero of workers and anti fascist orgaConflict.
in complete agreement with and file. Severe penalties for un ic first months of the civil war, nizations constituting each) in 111. Political Currents in Amer.
whatever program the present substantiated charges are pro when Aragon was conquered by September, 1936, a meeting of ican Labor Movement leadership offered and that those vided. One leading Goodyear pro the Catalan militias (mostly judges and magistrates was called Maurice Spector who disagreed would be unwill gressive was ruined for two CNT) as: The war began with by the Ministry of Justice, to Tuesday, 7:00 8:30 ing to strnggle unless fkor lead months by the false charges some tribes that stormed the secure volunteers to go to the critique of the politics of ership could be offered. The de brought against him. The con trains feat of the left wing candidates vention, ineidentally, upheld him going to take Zaragoza. Now we to try the fascists. Not one would the of Communist Party, Thomas Socialist for delegates preluded that pos Tribus volunteer they knew the fascists Party and the Lovestone group In terms of trade union per have a great army.
spectives, the convention adopted (tribes) is an insulting term. The would have to be convicted.
Most with particular reference to third It was no surprise, therefore, the correct slogan for the next CNT press bitterly contrasts the of the tribunals when not a voice wax raiset period of its organizational cam successes of the tribes with the were presided over by left wing party and farmer labor party against a resolution outlawing paign. Organize Gadsden and present stalemate.
attorneys. Minister Irujo is now Reward Your Friends, Punish all forms of sit downs, although the South. Eliminate the The Stalinist controlled Claridad dissolving them, appointing the Your Enemies.
over 50 delegates with a voting Sweatshops. Madrid) has refused to remove once reluctant judges, who now Rooseveltian Laborism.
strength of nearly 150 were firm Per capita tax to the Interna from its masthead the title of eagerly accept the posts since Left Proponents of Farmerly convinced that it is a power tional was raised to forty cents organ of the UGT and the the Popular Tribunals no longer Laborism.
ful and necessary weapon. so that this work could be carried National Executive of the UGT ferret out fascists. The Revolutionary Party and didn want to stick my neck out, out effectively. Previous tax was has (August 12) repeated its re Apparently some supporters of Farmer Laborism.
was the alibi of one progressive thirty seven cents. Dues remain pudiation of the sheet.
the government are beginning to IV. Socialism and War who had fought brilliantly at the a month, however.
Anarchist Youth Refuse to fear its isolation from the masses, Max Shachtman previous convention for endorse Since Gadsden, Alabama, has Slander Trotskyists for Alvarez Del Vayo, who osten Tuesday, 8, 15 10:15 ment of the sitclown strike. been the scene of terrorism, beattatiously appeared at a Com An historical Survey of the Direct pressure of the CIO and ings, flagrant discrimination The Peninsular Committee of munist Party plenum shortly theory and practice of social deofficers of the URWA kept Akron against union men, and of every the Libertarian (anarchist) Youth after the dismissal of Caballero, mocracy, Stalinism and Marxdelegates from bringing up the other form of oppression, it on August 10 issued a lengthy is now calling for the return of ism in regard to war with an case of Widick, former re symbolizes the open shop reac manifesto explaining why it re the to the government.
eye to the specific problems of search director of the union. He tionary South at its worst. More the day, democracy, fascism, had been removed by the execu than one delegate at the convencollective security, defense of the tive board without any charges tion had been driven out of GadsSoviet Union when it is allied ing placed against him and den.
with an imperialist power.
without any hearing.
Goodyear has a key plant there. The Epoch of Militant ResoCarly in the convention Widick Other ubber companies are follutions or the traditions of the rejected a CIO ugrestion that lowing it to the South in an efWed. Oct. 13, New Haven Mon. Nov. 8, Omaha Tues. Nov.
pre war Social Democracy.
he make a deal for reinstatement fort to escape union labor. Thurs. Oct. 11, Hartford Fri. 9, En route Wed. Nov. 10, Den The Epoch of Social Betrayal which would, in effect. vindicate victory there would be a real gain Oct. 17, Boston Mon. Oct. 18, Fri. Nov. 12, Sat. Nov. 13, Salt Oct. 15, Lynn. Sat. Oct. 16, Sun. ver Thurs. Nov. 11. Denverand Proletarian Resurgence the executive board. He refused for the entire labor movement. Albany Tues. Oct. 19, Syracuse Lake or War Socialisin and the because that would avain place The rubber workers, after two Wed. Oct. 20, Ithaca. Thurs.
founding of the communist him at the mercy of the board. years of failure, will try again Oct. 21, Rochester Fri. Oct. 22. Mon. Nov. 15, Tues. Nov. 5, The Epoch of Stalin or the Sunday, Nov. 14, San Francisco International.
Delegates frankly declared they to organize it.
were afraid to buck the CIO or Sat. Oct. 23, Sun. Oct. 24, To Wed. Nov. 17, Thurs. Nov. 18, social patriotism of the Third the leadership on that issue, al tive board members provided the Tues. Oct. 26, Election of officers and execu ront Mon. Oct. 25, Youngstown Oakland Fri. Nov. 19, Sat. Nov.
though they recoxinzed it. poli only high light of the convention. Oct. 27, Thurs. Oct. 28, Fri. Oct. Los Angeles Tues. Nov. 23, Fri.
Akron Wed. 20, Sun. Nov. 21, Mon. Nov. 22. Critique of Pxcude Marxist tical significance. When a caricus Theories on War or an xafinally agreed to fight for the Some Progressives Win 29; Cleveland Sat. Oct. 30, To Nov 24, en route Thurs. mination of the Bauer Zyrissue, the convention was about 25, Kansas City.
omsky theses, the Lovestoneover and the matter coulin be The three year campaign of the Sun. Oct. 31, Detroit Mon. Nov.
Fri. Nov. 26, Sat. Nov. 27, Sun.
ites, etc.
brought up.
left wing and progressive forces 1, Chicago Tues, Nov. 2, Chica Nov. 28, Mon. Nov. 29, Chicago The American Trade Union against John House, reactionary go Wed Nov. 3, Minneapolis Convention Tues. Nov. 30, St.
Movement Confusion on War. president of Goodyear Local, Thurs. Nov. 4, Fri. Nov. 5, Sat. Louis Wed. Dec. 1, Indianapolis James Cannon Fascism finally bore fruit and he was de Nov. 6, Sun. Nov. 7, St. Paul Thurs. Dec. 2, LouisvilleFri. Friday, 7:00 3:30 feated in his three attempts to Dec. 3, Sat. Dec. 4, Columbus Lectures on the significance of Confusion on political matters be re elected to the executive All other executive board mem Sun. Dec. 5, Reading Mon. Dec. the conflict between the of was evident throughout the con board. The margins were very bers and the present officers were 6, Quakertown Tues. Dec. 7, and the problems of vention and was illustrated in decisive.
re elected. H: Dalrymple was Allentown Wied. Dec. 8, Wash organization of the basic indusparticular by the action taken on In the ballot between unopposed for presidency. Thomas ington Thurs. Dec. 9, Baltimore. tries and the role of evolutionthe questions of war and fascism. Eagle, Ohio distriet organizer, Burns defeated House for ists in the trade unions today.
As one rubber worker said, and considered one of the leading vice presidency. Frank Grillo was Gala studio party ponsored Industrial versus Craft. UnionThis convention adopted a progressives, and Buck re elected treasurer.
by llage Branch and intendTrotskyist resolution against fa master, Firestone Local presi L Callahan, Goodrich Local ing to startle the entire city will Basis for the of Lscism during one session and dent and admitted strongest con president, and militant leader of occur this Saturday Oct. 9thC. Split.
then turned around to pass a servative candidate for the board, many Akron strikes in the past Problems in the Stalinist resolution for war. Eagle won by 230 to 190. Buck year, won the sixth position on at the home of Dr. Luttinger, Unions.
After the excellent resolution master later defeated House to the board opened by House de Washington Sq. North. good The Tasks of Marxists in the against fascism was adopted, it return to the executive board. feat.
time assured.
Trade Unions.
Milton Tour Dates