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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 9, 1937 French People Front in New Crisis Labor Systematically Robbed Nominate James Cannon for now no union sacrée, the national unity which will permit them to enter the coming war without any internal dissension at home.
The cantonal elections are important only insofar as they will elect the people who will then elect the members of the Senate.
Undoubtedly, they will witness (Continued from page 1) cabinet. In the words of Zyroms a victory for the People (Continued from page 1) in the current strike situation. ki: The Chautemps government Front, especially for the Stalinmilitant struggle might reveal direction of a Bonapartist regime is not in the image of the ists, now the strongest single City Council, are now also the that the friend of labor senda. at first, due chiefly to the People Front, but is a poor sub party in France. Apropos of the candidates of the Stalinists.
his police force too aggressively requirements of foreign postitute (ersatz) for a People Senate. it is necessary to recall series of isgraceful deals This has licy (alliance with England, Front Government.
strangling of the Spanish Revo dignantly denied that he was a the SP, published after the Mar. the labor slates, and has restrike, in the Automat strike, and noticeable, for example, Pivert in that part of the new program of has removed the independent against the strikers.
candidates for judgeships from during the recent painters lution, rapprochement with Ger Trotskyite and proposed a seille Congress, was for the remany. but soon the internal si fighting government e. the form of the Senate. When asked and in some cases, Democratic being made to prevent the calling placed them with Republicar, in the desperate effort tuatior (especie fin formation of another Blum go Maurice Paz, member of the CAP forced the Senate (dominated by vernment immediately, for which and authoritative spokesman for machine politicians.
of a transport workers strike on the Radicals) to kick over the he received 894 mandates. The Blum, How can you expect the Class Issues Dominant the subwey.
traces and to replace the Blum victory of the right wing bureau Radicals to carry out your new At the same time, no patent cabinet by the Chautemps cabi cracy was sealed with the elec program, when the first program Cannon nomination will give is being made aaginst the drastic net. In between, the has been tion of the new CAP, on which hasn been carried out, he re the militant workers of New cuts now being carried out by trying to make the class collabo: there are 18 supporters of Blum plied: If the Radicals don ac York an opportunity to express LaGuardia in next year city Front palatable to the workers of Pivert.
rationist policy of the People Faure, of Zyromski Bracke and cept our new program, we must their determination to break with budget, cuts which will be felt then finish the first program. capitalist politics in all of its by every worker, since they inand to maintain harmony within The Stalinists, having toyed Somewhat perplexed by this forms. The platform on which volve wage increases, provision its own ranks.
with the slogan of Thorez to logic, took my question to Cannon will run stresses the for adequate medical service, and In any case, if one doubts the power (Thorez being the Ge Jean Longuet, grandson of Karl fundamental class character of many types of social services.
depth of the dissension within neral Secretary of the CP and its Marx and an important cog in the issue confronting the work Write In Campaign the Peoples Front, or, perhaps outstanding leader at present) the reformist bureaucracy. This ers of New York, and the absoeven the existence of a crisis, the on July 14th, were the next to worthy stated quite baldly: We lute necessity of solving them in smoke that has not ceased to ob cause the political pulse to rise have entered It will be inipossible to place into an alliance the only possible way: by the in Cannon name on the ballit, at scure the political skies since the when, on July 29th, Humanite with the Radicals. This entails dependent class struggle of the this late date. Thomas, in keepcoming power of Chautemps (official organ of the CP) ran a certain responsibilities on our workers for socialism. The plat ing with the small time maneu.
leaves little doubt as to the ex front page editorial for the im part, which we must be prepared form goes further explain vering he has been attempt ng in istence of the crisis, and, to a mediate consummation of organic to carry out. Such is the leader the nature the People Front the campaign, waited until the lesser extent, of its nature. unity. The workers want the ship that the French workers which has been formed in support last day permissible under the of LaGuardia, how it differs in aw to withdraw his name. This Socialists Continue Ola united party. It was mistake have today!
respect from the support left no time for the circulation Line of course, with one eye cocked Sharp Struggles Ahead given Roosevelt, and how the of a nominating petition. It will The National Congress of the What a picture France presents La Guardia movement is used as a therefore be necessary to orghSP at Marseilles (July 10 14)
openly revealed the crisis. Coming off elections and the People revolutionary leadership does not struggle on the part of the work on election day. In spite of the on top of a postponement which would mean that the unified party is divided within itself and not Front agreements organic unity yet exist. The fascist movement ers.
handicap this may prove in terms The effects of the La Guardia of number of votes, it will in no facilitated the CAP (Permanent (which the Stalinists would be yet prepared to take power. The People Front are already being way be allowed to interfere making the decision to support sure to dominate as they have in bourgeoisie continually lower the felt in the New York labor mo with or slow down the campaign Not only the old line itself a campaign that will put the Chautemp cabinet, after hav: PSUC) would gain at the ex by depreciating the franc, and, trade union bureaucrats, but also the full program and policies of in cracked down on the youth pense of the Radicals.
by dissolving the Seine Federaincidentally weaken the position the Lovestoneites, Stalinists and revolutionary socialism before of the government as the elec right wing Socialists in the trade wider sections of the New York tion and its paper, La Jeune Radicals Divided tions approach. Hundreds of unions, are spending all of their workers than at any time during Garde and expelling the youth leaders, after having illegalized The Radicals, themselves, were workers and peasants are being time clamping down on militancy the past decade Pivert Revolutionary Left. meanwhile being torn in two. The in Indo China, in Algeria, in Mothere was bound to be fireworks so called left wing, dominated and the Blum Faure bureaucracy by Daladier Herriot and using rocco Bonapartism rears its ugly had to exert all its bureaucratic the notorious Chautemps, of outlived its historical usefulness.
pressure to maintain its major Stavisky scandal fame, as their The counter revolution is being. will appear regularly that the Socialist government they could continue to use the prepared behind the backs of the zine, known throughout the world in the New Internationale et notes bureaucracy would be so hard alliance with the and SP to in labor and revolutionary circles tion of the magazine will concern pressed to maintain its majority, their own advantage. Fortified by only intensify the crisis. If the 25 The results of the elections can outstanding organ of re itself with Marxist criticism of nor that there would be such increasing support from the big workers enter the path of direct volutionary Marxism, will begin arts and letters. Well known lite violent incidents as the fist fights bourgeoisie (including Le Temps) class struggle action in the near publication again, the first issue rary men will contribute to this and other turbulent scenes that they have so far kept the upper future, The Bourgeoisie may be of the revived publication to be department. The various tendenas against the so called forced to rely to stop the proceedings. right The most interesting aspect of Bonnet and Delbos, who want to the revolutionary initiative of the wing, led by Caillaux, Thorez government to strangle ocasion of the 20th anniversary ment in the United States and of the Soviet Republic. international will receive thorough the Congress was undoubtedly break with the CP and form a Regarded generally as the most expositions in its columns. The the existence of the three ten center government with Flandin. masses. Otherwise, if war does significant theoretical organ of role and significance of the rising not intervene, the government dencies Blum Faure, Zyromaski Laval and Co. more or less on Bracke and Pivert. To be sure, the model of the old cartel may witness a steady drift to the the revolutionary movement, its movement for the Fourth Inter there was no oppositon to the governments.
as the French political scene is, magazine will top even its form tention, and connected therewith Peoples Front in principle at The People Front has enter we do not hesitate to predict thet er high standards. The publice the true history of Bolshevis, such opposition having already ed its stage of permanet crisis. Chautemps will fall in the not tion will contain timely Marxian the reasons for the rise and fau been expelled or throughly squěl. The government must more and too distant future and that the analysis of the American scene of the Communist International, ched. The differences of opinions, more function openly for what it French workers will be face to in the field of politics and labor; will be made clear adequately.
therefore, all took place within is the conscious instrument by face with a ferocious reaction, pertinent reviews and surveys of The contents of the first issue the framework of class collabo which the bourgeoisie maintains wielded by the Stalinists, militar. the international political situa of The New International mago ration, and are, at most, the dif its oppression of masses. ists or fascists, or any combination, as exemplified by the condi zine will be announced in the ferences between reformism and That is the real significance of tion of the three. No, the course tions and events in Japan, China, forthcoming issue of the Socialist centrism. The actions of the first the comunique of Oct. What has not been altered by the Soviet Russia, Italy, Spain and, Appeal. The magazine, say the Peoples Front Government, un. else can it mean when the go French cabinet! It is simply that in fact, throughout the world. The sponsors, The New International der socialist leadership, were vernment recalls to all citizens the French bourgeoisie are pre best writers and thinkers in the Publishing Co. will be issued overwhelmingly approved by the necessity for public order and paring for tomorrow. Will the revolutionary movement will con monthly in 32 pages, the same 519 to 26.
social discipline, when it makes workers be ready?
tribute thoroughly informative, size as the former publication.
The major debate, front page an appeal to the workers to recomplete, and authoritative re The magazine will retail at 20 news throughout the country, was nounce definitely. all occupation views on the burning issues of cents per single copy. The Sub over the Blum Faure motion to of factories, when it is resolvthe day and period.
scription rate is 00 per year continue participation in theed to put an end to the agita UNSER WORT In no other publication in the and bundle rates are 14 cents in Chautemps cabinet. It was car tions and activities of certain The attention of comrades English language will be found bundles of five and up. The ried after a tumultuous session foreigners on the soil of the refamiliar with the German the material and penetrating National Action Committee of by 3, 484 mandates against 1, 866. public. All the parties of the articles which The New Interna the Appeal Association has given language is called to Unser The differences became clear, People Front are afraid of one Wort. the official paper of tional will regularly carry in its its whole hearted endorsement to hawever, only on the debate over thing above all that the workers columns. Foremost among its the re issuance of The New Inter the German Section of the 4th general policy, which included will become fed up with the conInternational.
contributors will be Trots national and calls upon all memperspectives for the future of the tinued treachery of the People ky; bers and supporters of the lett party. Blum Faure again carried Front and will take matters into Comrades wishing to sub Documents and classics of wing everywhere to support the the day for their outright re their own hands again, as they scribe to the paper, or to re Marxism, hitherto unpublished in publication through subscription formist policy, receiving 2, 949 did in the glorious days of June ceive bundle orders should use English, or not at all and in many bundle orders and donation mandates. Zyromski Bracke re 1936. That is why all the various the following address for com instances suppressed, from the Requests for information, orded ceived 1, 545 mandates for their proposals, contradictory and selfmunications: works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and money for the magazine positions, which was to support contradictory as they are, must Jean Meichler, 14 Trotsky, Luxemberg, Liebknecht, should be addressed to: Chautemps but to prepare imme yield before the imperative ne 248 Rue des Pyrenees Riazanov, Mehring, Plekhanov THE NEW INTERNATIONAL diately for the replacement of cessity for the French bourgeoisie Paris (20e. France and numerous other theoreticians 116 University Place, 3rd floor Chautemps by another Blum to complete the establishment of of the labor and revolutionary New York, New International On Way