Anti-naziCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGPUHitlerIV InternationalNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismSubversiveTrotskyWorking Class

October 9, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Fear for Life of Widow of Reiss, Murdered by LaGuardia favored by Wall Street to Preserve Its Financial Interests was protec aid. in 400 Yipsels Demonstrate Against Nazis was We reprint below a wireless ky son) and others, he broke dispatch from Mexico City to the with the GPU and the Comintern, New York Times, which contains returned his decoration of order an important statement made by of the Red Banner and simulLeon Trotsky on the assassination taneously wrote old friends of the revolutionist, Herman abroad urging them to leave the Eberhardt, the agents service.
in Switzerland a couple weks Then, Trotsky declared, ago.
woman resident agent in Rome That Fiorello La Guardia is By James Casey fnot appear genuine enough for am hopeful that focusing whom Reiss had enlisted years the possessor of an ugly antia New Deal. since the general attention on this case will dis ago was ordered to go to Laulabor record has been clearly was identified with Wall Street suade the GPU from murdering sanne and lure him to a restaurshown by facts and figures in genuine action by Tammany interests. Fusion was facing its Mrs. Reiss, Trotsky said. Ho ant on the outskirts for supper.
previous issues of the Socialist police and prosecutors, grew first crisis. At this point, none wever, if they assassinate her it when they left, a car came up, Appeal. It has been definitely bolder in their insistence on other than Roosevelt came to its will be as useless as her hus and Reiss knocked out, established, also, that the Repub business concerns for band murder, now in safe hands dragged into the car and later lican People Frontists candidate tion pay. This protection pay for Mayor and will eventually be published. thrown out on the road with ten Roosevelt Imposes the support of was largely, of course, for the Reiss was an agent of the bullets in his body.
many of the most powerful reac breaking of strikes, hiring out LaGuardia GPU operating in Britain, Swit am very concerned about tionaries in Wall Street.
of strikebreakers, interfering in Jeremiah T, Mahongy, the De. the affairs of trade unions and On August 3rd a conference zerland and Holland. When he the fate of Mrs. Reiss, whose admocratic nominee, is also an old the clubbing of men and women was called of all Fusion leaders. involving himself, Sedoff (Trots reason, the statemen concluded.
foe of the working class and a on the picket line.
spokesman for Big Business. But inevitable conflict, bankmember of Roosevelt brain the concentration of forces ers, manufacturers and merchants trust was sent from Washington fighting the American toilers, found, to their chagrin, that to address the Fusionists. The hour by hour every day in the Tammany was too closely linked meeting ended with the nominayear, the advantage is easily on to the racketeers to be of much tion of LaGuardia.
the side of LaGuardia over his further value for administrative the selection of LaGuardia had In the final analysis, therefore, Tammany rival. For this political purposes.
devolopment, there are ample and of One Thousand, made up of centered principally around the Four hundred anti Fascist de They called for support of James With the exception of two or ed and 150 lawyers were retain and general plunder of the city Socialist Party (left wing) and working class candidate, for monstrators, organized by the Cannon, the only independent three brief periods Wall Street, ed to handle the cases of mer toiling masses.
for more than three generations, chant Young Peoples Socialist League, mayor in the coming elections. victims of the rackFusion administration was dehad been throughly satisfied with woke up Broadway last Sunsigned to assure Wall Street a One young socialist, Rader, teers.
rule over New York City by its At the same time, a request smoother financial control over day evening with shouted slo was assaulted and injured by Democratic political wing. Tamthe city resources, was made to Franklin Roosethrough demonstration directed against a up copies of the Socialist Appeal many made its systematic raids velt, then governor, for an in consolidation or elimination of on the city treasury with im vestigation of the city adminis various bureaus and departments, mass meeting of American Nazis he was selling. The police, who claimed for its interest in the who broke with the Tammany and a narrowing down in the dis. Guardia finest. While the trances as they distributed leafpunity and had even been ac tration. Former Sudge Seabury, a curb on illegal racketeering held in Madison Square Garden were eagle eyed in chasing young public welfare. One of its out robber gang in 1916, after they tribution of graft and tribute, as Fascists inside the Garden thank lets, were looking the other way spoken friends of past years was had rebuffed his quest for the none other than LaGuardia him gubernatorial nomination, was The rest is now open history. ed Hitler for his four years of at the time.
LaGuardia self, as the records reveal.
elected, his barbarism and blood purges, the Among the people who witnessappointed to investigate the do ascendanoy to the mayoralty a revolutionary socialists on the ed the demonstration were many ings of his avowed enemies.
Tammany Decay natural outcome of a situation outside tangled with the police young Stalinists, some of whom in their attempt to reach the hissed Trotskyites! and some However, Tamman y Hall 44 Million to Underworld developed by the inner contradic Garden entrance and wound up of whom asked Where is the tious of capitalism.
the grown more and more brigandish Among the points brought out unusual Communist Party. Neither the with the years and less proficient in the investigation was that the Guardia has been true Four years have passed. La the parade with to his spectacle of a revolutionary mass Communist Party nor the Young as a servant of the vested inte gross volume of retail sales in Wall Street makers. He has aided meeting in the middle of Times Communist League were any rests, had by 1930 begun to show New York City for the year 1930 in the prosecution of illegal Squere.
closer than 13th Street. Their signs of political decay. The dis totaled 4, 402, 876, 069 and that racketeering. He has permitted Met by a combined police cor only sign of life was a leaflet tribution of graft became so loose the tribute paid out to racket the clubbing of workers on the police, the demonstrators took to cultural organization which dedon of 200 mounted and foot being distributed by a stooge and so disorderly as to arouse the eers involved at least one per cent picket line by company displeasure of business leaders of that amount. In other words, and progressive police of his Broadway, where they drew sco nounced the Nazis for profaning and capitalist civic res into their ranks with their the Star Spangled Banner by groups underworld gangsters hired to administration. He has warned throughout the city.
club workers and commit other trade unions against the calling slogans: Down with Nazi Ter linking it with the swastika. Two Big Business may, and does, depredations, had received more of unnecessary strikes, with ror Down with Fascism. Up years ago, the Young Communist condone thievery, bribery and than 44, 000, 000 for their work himselt sitting as judge to decide with Socialism. Hitler, Hands League had joined with the other crimes in public office. one year. the necessity for impending or Fourth International! At least anti Nazi demonstration at the Off Spain! and Long Live the YPSL in organizing a similar Nonetheless, Big Business insists that such acts be committed be Crain, then district attorney of Reports in the office of prevailing strikes.
He has appeared 5000 people witnessed the event. Garden, but they were nowhere at Italian hind the scenes and so subtly New York County, showed that Fascist The mass meeting in the heart in evidence on Sunday. They mass meetings and is that the public may never know manufacturers had paid out mil today receiving support of Times Square was addressed were probably unwilling to emin his of Italian by McKinney, New York barrass LaGuardia, whom they vention Big Business demands tion. Later, this significant diata Fascist groups throughout the Premiere of the Socialist Party acero importing for Mayor. It was servants. The had disappeared from the files city.
growing failure of Tammany of the District Attorney office.
La Guardia has served well the and Manny Garrett, YPSL lead that the Stalinists, who accuse officials to meet this requirement to this day, it has not been re Chase National and National ers, who explained the issue in the Trotskyists of being agents convinced Wall Street tories that the city Democratic party had City Banks and other Big Busi volved in the counter demonstra of Hitler. did not fight the Nazis covered.
the in deed, whereas the Trotskyist All in all, the Sesbury investi ness interests in the city. The Nazi rally was being tolerated agents of Hitler were the only outlived its usefulness for them at least for the time being.
gation had adequately served the Then, too, the Tammany spoils end intended by its Wall Street super demagogue, has given suf and protected by a mayor who ones to be found in the militant system, run amok, had begun to sponsors. Tammany had been ficient proof to Wall Street reac pretended to labor sympathies. Idemonstration against Fascismo the city credit and discredited and repudiated by the tionaries that he can always be brought down upon the Wigwam investigators. The voters were counted on as their man.
chiefs the wrath of the Chase stirred to bitterness against National and the City National Tammany. The groundwork was Banks, the nation two largest, laid for coalition of forces to STALINIST banking institutions.
eject the Walker administration PRESS AT The first, Rockefeller bank, and replace it with one that would WORK off to a good start. Some more much more. That isn much but letters like the following with we have a tough time.
and the second, a Morgan con serve more efficiently the bankthe same kind of enclosures will cern, were, and still are, the city ers, manunfacturers, merchants Comradely yours, largest creditors. The boards of and other sections of Big Busisolve many problems, financial these banks issued an ultimatum ness.
and organizational that have Jules Geller during the Walker administration Subsequently hunt was been facing us. St. Paul, Minn.
for an immediate and drastic cut started for a suitable mayoral Dear Comrades: If every local duplicated what in spending and general distributy condidate. Considered for the Enclosed please find eleven St. Paul doing would not tion of funds.
nomination were such reaction 11) dollars to help you along be long before that Daily Socialaries as Nicholas Murray Butler, with the publication of our re ist Appeal that we are all lookRacketeers Cut Profits president of Columbia; General volutionary organ.
ing forward to would become an 50 PM Aula John Ryan, militarist and Kindly take out enough for actuality.
Finally, Tammany district wealthy business man; Martin consider. Browder said, two bundle orders and to cover At the moment, however, help leaders and office holders had be Conboy, millionaire attorney: that there are ample reasons the twenty five cents due on our us keep the weekly coming recome hopelessly entangled with George Medalie, then for this investigation, and know last order. The rest is another gularly. More sube, more contthe nation biggest racketeers Attorney, and LaGuardia, the that there are subversive influ installment on our sustaining ributions, are absolutely esser(natural products of the capital Little Flower.
ences working to overthrow the fund.
tial for the maintenance and ist system) and the demands of On July 30, 1933, a number of American form of government. The comrades in St. Paul success of the Appeal.
he latter began to cut in sharply leaders announced their agree The Communist Party is not are cooperating in the mainte If you haven done anything the profits of members of the ment on General Ryan. This under such a heading, and does nance of an Appeal sustaining about the subscription blanks shambers of Commerce, boards selection, however, did not meet not conduct any teaching or act fund. However, we are small in that have been appearing in each of trade, merchants associations with the approval of the more ivity which subversive to numbers. believe you can count issue of the Appeal, do something and manufacturers groups. astute political leaders. They American government. Daily on between ten and fifteen dol about this one. There space for The racketeers, fearless of any contended that this choice would Worker, Oct. 2, 1937.
lars a month for sure, and hope contributions, too!
choke Here We Are! a is