AnarchismBolshevismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalItalyKamenevLeninLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeWorking ClassZinoviev

SOCIALIST APPEAL October 9, 1937 WHO IS GIROLAMO Our Duty in Spain Is Aid VALENTI? To 4th Internationalists new party same program to the program of the.
the mags The Spanish events once again underline the anarchists of the Friends of Durruti, and with the central lesson of our epoch. This lesson can be left wings and groups of the POUM.
put in either positive or negative form, and is Above all, the Bolshevik Leninists understand The Financial Wizard of equally true in both: without a revolutionary party the fundamental requirements of the Spanish in a assalable all the.
the talism on a world scale, all of the material con tion of the new party, without which all the rest At almost every membership Valenti proceeded to re launch ditions making possible the success of the revo is vain. Unceasingly they call upon the left wings meeting of Local New York, the paper with a new combina lution are present. dozen times since the War, of the POUM and the socialists, upon the militants prior to the expulsion of the left tion. new corporation was for in Germany, Hungary, China, Austria, Spain, his of the anarchists and the trade union federations, wing. Girolamo Valenti took the med with the Tammany lawyer, tory has placed the conquest of power within the for a fusion of forces on the basis of the revoluLloor as spokesman for the right Bongiorno, and the Tammany grasp of the working class. But, tragically, there tionary program, the indispensable condition of wing to demand ousting of the politician, Modica. The paper has not been present a leadership, a party, capable victory.
revolutionary socialists because was sold to this new corporation of living up to history requirements.
Their task is our task. We must not forget for, they introduced into the party, As heads of the Sons of Italy, according to Valenti, the com Modica and Bongiorno were preNowhere is this clearer than in Spain during a moment that the defense and advance of the munistic germ.
sented to the anti fascist work. the time since the outbreak of the Civil War. In Spanish Revolution, the building of the new Some ten years ago Valenti par ers as liberals. anti fascists. the weeks immediately following the Fascist coup, in Spanish are inseparably linked to the American ticipated in the launching of the Valenti remained silently in the and again in the Barcelona events, power was but revolution, the building of the revolutionary party with the Spanish som to issue the anti fascist daily head of the Sons of Italy, had it taking that final and decisive step.
Leninists is dhe pressed Sup send telegrams of devotion to our adherence to the same It is this fatal lack and this terrible need which our ad posediy. it was under the con. King Emmanuel cand to his gives the Bolshevik Leninist (Fourth Internationa, idarity must also include active propaganda in the Fourth International. But our soltrol of the Socialist Party but lini. When Dino Grandi, the Fasin fact it was in the hands of cist leader, came to this country. list) group of Spain so mighty an importance, an their behalf, and concrete and specific aid for the Amalgamated Clothing Work Bongiorno and Modica showed numbetence that Bolshevik memories ito sita present them, in particular finaạcial aid.
ar official, Augusto Bellanca. their colors plainly and sought members. The Bolshevik: Leninists. in ispaine emer; ditions of the illegality and persecution, the techUnder the con whose brother, Frank, became its first editor. Issued at the Grandi and the fascist newspaper Spring of this year. Since then their activities height of the Italian anti fascist boss here, Generoso Pope. This have steadily continued and expanded. They were aid can be translated into revolutionary results.
ivitiesparably difficult. Every dollar, every quarter of paper was used to advance the couldn sell his readers and he celona baricades. They alone, in those days, pre certain that such aid reaches its proper destinaposition of the Bellanca family then began to shout: Down with sented a program answering to the revolutionary tion. It is for us to give it, and to utilize to this in the AGWA and the ILGWu Modica and Bongiorno, traitors needs of the workers action. Though driven into end every public meeting and lecture on Spain, and constituted the most shame and fascists!
illegality by the repressive measure of the People as well as special collections in the branches and less exploitation of the anti fas.
The two Tammany men cist sentiment of the Italian work. perturbably continued the publie deepening of the reaction, and they function ac Leninists, should be forwarded to James Caninn Front government, they were prepared for the locals. Funds, marked for the Spanish Bolshevikers in this country.
that the communists were at that during Grandi stay as the only Negrin and the They are aggressively demonstrate that internationalism for us some.
non, at 116 University Place, New York. Let us time being liquidated by Hill good anti fascist man in the Amalgamated and by Thereupon, Valenti organized an carrying out common activities with the left wing thing more than a verbal slogan.
Schlesinger in the ILGWU, deter other combination, to publish a mined the crudely vicious red new and real anti fascist paper an Italian hospital (article of baiting campaign conducted the present Stampa Libera.
June 7, 1937. Is that the SP against the Communist Party by policy? It doesn matter. The JUST PUBLISHED Il Nuovo Mendo.
editor column (June 30, 1937)
Money Tight Again justifies executions Valenti the Fixer RUSSIA TWENTY YEARS AFTER As usual with Valenti, money conducted against revolutionists The financial mismanagement again became tight: subsidies by the reactionary bureaucracy of the paper was scandalous. Al from Antonini of the ILGWU of the Soviet Union. Is that the though it received large sums of and others of the Amalgamated SP policy? No, it is the CP money, including 10, 000 from the covered the deficit. In return, and that what matters to VaGarland Fund, it was penniless the paper would give column lenti, the financial wizard of the Do Soviet workers enjoy freedom of the press and at the end of its second year. upon column of blurbs for Anto Newark, as a leader of the SP, Valenti speaks in opinion?
Even the 9, 000 taken from the nini, that he said, what he did, fund collected to erect a monu what he planned to do. When he and hails the suppression of the What are the hidden implications of the new Conment to the great martyr Mat withdrew his financial aid, the POUM in Spain, only deploring stitution?
teotti, did not help. Thereupon paper guddenly discovered that the failure to suppress them long Who are the men and women incarcerated in the Valenti appeared as the editor, he should be sharply attacked for ago.
manager and fixer of the paper, this, that and the other thing, penitentiaries and solitaries? What are their Takes Up La Guardia and the confidante of Bellanca, which caused Antonini to say, crimes. Through Valenti, a new corpora far and wide in the labor moveNow Valenti is having some What is behind the secret service? Is there an eftion was organized, shares were ment, that Valenti was nothing difficulty with the Stalinists. The fective opposition movement and how does it sold in the name of the fight but a common blackmailer, latter, having used the Stampa against Fascism and more money manage to survive?
was collected. Accountings were Stalinists Become Partners for all it was worth, are now contemplating the publication of What actually took place behind the scenes of the scarce, but as a result of the Valenti Bellanca Zinoviev Kameney trial?
manipulations, Two years ago, the first page their own paper. Valenti imthe Italian Socialist Federation of Stampa Libera announced that mediately turns to his old love All of these questions and more are answered was left high and dry, with plen the official organ of the Com and becomes an ardent La Guarty of debts, in a state of disor munist Party, Unità Operaia, dia supporter. The closed and fearlessly by a man who actually lived ganization and with no paper. would cease weekly publication bership meeting of the SP at and fought for the revolution.
Here a new side speculation and throw all its support to which the question of the ALP Victor Serge describes the democratic character of the was undertaken, with the then Stampa Libera, which would be and La Guardia was discussed, regime envisioned by Lenin and Trotsky and contrasts it with Muste group called into the com come the official organ of the is reported in full (and falsely. present social conditions. Using the rise of the vast conservabination for the purpose of get People Front. Two or three fby Valenti in Stampa Libera tive bureaucracy as an axis, he takes up such important ting out a labor paper. When Stalinists were put into the edi. July 30. with these headlines: aspects of soviet life as the conditions pof the workers and the the money contributed by it was torial and circulation depart Towards a Sincere Cooperation inequalities of the wage scale, the methods by which indusgone, the Muste group was not ments. Valenti had succeeded in Between the SP of New York trialization and collectivization of agriculture was carried out, very politely ousted.
establishing organic unity on and the ALP in the coming Munithe truth behind the Stakanot movement, the all pervading the Italian field. The fact that cipal Election. The Socialists growth of a police dominated state and the new system of Valenti Partners this was in violation of the SP Favor the Re election of LA legislation which has replaced that of Lenin.
Again no money? Very well, line, mattered not at all to him. Guardia. Outline a Mutual Supthen a new combination. Think What was important to this ad port for the Candidates to the 298 pages. 00 ing of refurbishing a tarnished venturer was the fact that with Municipal Council. He reports reputation, the former minister his paper in the red again, he hop especially the speech he delivered of PIONEER PUBLISHERS Giolitti, Arturo Labriola, ed that the deal with the Stalinists in the name of the Italian 80was called here. He returned would net him 10, 000 with which cialists in favor of La Guardia.
shortly thereafter and entered to pay debts and wages.
Why does he take internal 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City the camp of Mussolini, as a fas.
The Stampa views became party matters before the public cist retainer.
the Stalinists views. It agitated and present them falsely and Our tactionally before Meanwhile, Astoria Frank Bellanca, loudly for the People Front.
decision the main prosecutors of the revo comrades will tender grand social effort for having resigned as editor and Following Dimitroff, it promoted has been reached? Because his lutionary left wing. It is no acgone into business with his the theory that peace and recon bosses, the real owners of Stam cident that the opportunists and the benefit of the Socialist Appeal.
Dancing, refreshments brother. was having banquets ciliation must be effected between a Libera, Sala and Bellanca, bureaucrats of the right wing Ribitzing will be part of the with the fascists and the Italian Jthe honest fascists e and the are close friends and sponsors of should have this personage, whose evening at Frances Wallachs used his reputation as editor to policy? The Stampa united pipers call the tune and Valenti name is odiam among the ad home, 5023 61st Street, Woodjig.
vanced Italian workers, as a side, Present yourself on organize in New England an in front policy demands unity bedustrial corporation for the tween the anti Fascists, the ItalHere you have a brief sketch prominent spokesman. The Vs. Segurday, Oct. 16th, with the building of airplanes, in which ian consul, Generoso Pope and of the recent career of this un lentis characterize the leadership Line from either Times Square the innocent participants shortly the Mother Superior of the Cath principled demagogue. It is no and the politics of La Guardia or Grand Central to Woodside lost some 200. 000. olic Carmelites in the building of accident that he should be one of socialism!
Station will bring you there By Victor Serge and