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October 9, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Trotskyists Hounded and Imprisoned Stalinist Union Wrecking Is By Fascist Terror in Austria, Germany Discrediting CIO Movement Among Minnesota Unionists While the Stalinists Slander Them as Agents of the Gestapo. the Real Gestapo Makes the Fourth Internationalists Its Chief Victims.
of That the slogan Smash the Trotskyists Agents of the Gestapo is mere camo By Carlos Hudson Machinists Resist Raids uflage for a world wide line of counter revolutionary activity on the part of the Stalinists, is sufficiently clear to the advanced workers in every country who have has passed since the Stalinists machinist situation. The Stalinist MINNEAPOLIS. month been following the policy of the parties of the Communist International from day split the three Machinist Locals CIO forces, who are unable to give to day. But even the most simple minded worker can see through the whole treac in Minneapolis, taking a segment one honest reason for splitting herous deception of the Stalinists once he becomes acquainted with this fact: that over to the CIO. Important de the three established Machinistas velopments have come up since locals, having merit logic the revolutionary followers of the Fourth International are the constant prey of the then.
bloody butchers of this self1. The Executive Board of the on their side, have resorted to In same Gestapo (Fascist Sec the Bolschewik. Under cross of his work for the Communist Machinists International, led by and 30, they are going around ret Police) whose agents examination, Niescher admitted Party from 1931 to 1933 and of Wharton his membership in the Trotsky the reasons why he decided to investigated and under pressure up isolated AFL machinists. Some they are supposed to be.
ist organization and declared: join the Trotskyists. Among of progressive unionists told the have been severely injured. In Within recent months a whole The Trotsyists are a socialist, other things, comrade Scheuer AFL machinists: You have built one case, a Stalinist gang was wave of Gestapo, Nazi and Fas or if you prefer, a communist said in his defense: an industrial union. You can keep unable to catch its victims. But cist persecutions has hit the group, which has remained true your industrial union. We won Trotskyist workers in Duessel to the teaching of Marx and For World Revolution interfere. No accurate figures They drove out to the victim dorf, in Danzig, in Vienna. The Lenin. He was sentenced to one are available as to the AFL CIO house and shot his dog. It is not trials in Danzig and in Duessel and half years imprisonment at The Trotskyists are the only forces with the exception entirely clear how this benefited dorf have been given ample publi hard labor, beside the one year ones who today stand on the Local 1037 in Hopkins; of the the cío but perhaps the dog city in the press in the past. Now sentence he was serving after platform of world revolution. Our 700 members about 455 are with had taken a firm stand against word comes from Hamburg and being sentenced in a police court task is the rehabilitation of the AFL.
the People Front. By their from Vienna of new trials and at the time of his arrest.
Marxism Leninism, the building John Brophy spoke here at splitting tactics, the Stalinists new convictions against Trotsky On August 13 last, the fourth of a new party of the working a CIO mass meeting arranged by ists by Hitler Gestapo and the of the trials was hald. The ses class. But that does not mean the Stalinists and endorsed the are placing the machinists in Schuschnig Fascists in the Aus nions lasted a whole day. Among that we call for an uprising move to split and raid the fore the bosses. Under the cloak trian government.
those on trial, were the following: every day. We are not putschists, Machinist Local. Before he left of the CIO, the Stalinists have Comrade Ludwig Auinger, but Marxists. Unfortunately, the town, he explained to progres, already tried to raid other estab Trotskyist Trial In years old, a metal polisher. Austrian proletariat is in such sives that the situation would lished Minneapolis unions, among Charged with circulating twenty a condition to day due to the have to work itself out, and that them the General Drivers, the Hamburg two different items of Trotsky collapse of the Second and Third he was too occupied with the Woodenware Workers, the Flour In Hamburg, the Nazi secret ist literature. Sentenced to two Cereal Mill Workers, the centrate all our efforts the go into the matter.
County Municipal Employees, police seized a number of leading years at hard labor.
fighters of the Fourth InternaComrade Georg Scheuer, 21 building of a new, Marxist worktional only a few weeks ago. years old, unemployed. Charged ers party. After continuing along Stalinists Discredit cio etc.
Every worker in America ought Within a few days of their arrest, with participating in the publi these lines, comrade Scheuer con3. The Minnesota State Federa to know the rotten crimes of the the comrades were tried before cation of the Bolschewik. Sen cluded. The Trotskyists today fight tion of Labor held its 55th annual Stalinists against the most milia Special Tribunal. Needless to tenced to one and a half years for freedom of opinion, of orga convention in Hibbing, with tant and best organized union mosay, the comrades courageously upheld their revolutionary views Comrade karl Fisher, 18 years nization and of press. This fight about 800 attending delegates, vement anywhere in the country.
in the face of their Fascist ac old, commercial employee. Char naturally has to be carried on il by far the largest meeting ever These irresponsible, unprincipled, in the legally as well as legally. This held. Reactionaries were firmly power hungry wreckers ane cusers. Each admitted his desire red with participating the saddle. progressive dragging the banner of industrial publication of the Bolschewik. implies agitation, propaganda, pe in to set the overthrow of the Hit Sentenced to fourteen months at titions as well as such means caucus held about 250 votes, the unionism in the mud in Minneaas the Viennese textile workers Stalinist forces about 90. The polis. They are raiding unions, pressed his firm conviction that hard labor.
of AFL has formed 133 new locals not in the interests of the men it would be achieved under the Comrade Johann Schoeffman, recently used the weapon strike action.
in the state during the past year. in the industries, not in the inleadership of the Fourth Interna 42 years old, engineer, Charged Finally, the comrades protest The CIO took a terrific beating terests of the labor movement, tional. The Special Tribunal in with responsibility for the publed against the duplication of at the convention, something but in the interests of their own flicted upon them expecially heavy lication of the Bolschewik and sentences for political prisoners. three months ago. This is chiefly unity, carry unity resolutions in occurred selfish clique. They shout about sentences.
Comrade Hannes Bremer was ists. Sentenced to twelve months. Trotskyist workers have been explained by the type of self every pocket, only the better to sentenced to six years of forced Two others, Grand and Meyer, subjected to the outrage of dup appointed Stalinist mis leaders provoke splits and to weaken the labor.
were acquitted because of insuf lication. The Trotskyists were the who have been masquerading working class.
Comrade Herbert was sen ficient evidence.
tenced to five years of hard Prosecutor Beigl expressed his first, however, to raise a protest under the CIO cloak in the state.
Unionists Aroused in the form of a demonstation Their tactics in Hibbing were as labor.
dissatisfaction with the verdict in open court. This initiative on though calculated to arouse a The Minneapolis labor moveComrade Walter to two and in each case and announced that their part had its effect. few lynch spirit against the CIO. On a half years imprisonment. Com he woul seek their indictment for days later, Chancellor Schuschnig an important test vote, that of ment is now throughly aroused rade Hans Tapet, to three and high treason. a charge which declared that police court sen permitting Congressman Bernard and prepared for action against a half years forced labor and implies a minimum penalty of tences against political delin CIO organizer in the Northern Central Labor Union met Monday comrade Frieda Holbe to two five years imprisonment.
quents were illegal.
part of the state, to address the evening, Sept. 27, and voted to years imprisonment. number convention, the motion of other arrested comrades have Take Militant Stand Trial Gets Publicity crushingly defeated.
endorse the AFL machinists. The bot been Minneapolis Teamsters Joint ght to trial, The unity resolution called but the prosecution has demand comrades took Under cross examination, the The Viennese press gave wide upon the cio to accept Green Council sponsored large massed special measures the opportunity publicity to all the trials. Front offer to attend the AFL conven mory on Oct. 1, at which speakmeeting in the Minneapolis Aragainst them in its indictment An indi the followers of the Second and headlines were devoted to the last until program of harmony anders relentlessly exposed the sta to distinguish themselves from page stories with three column tion in Denver and remain there particularly terrifying brutalities that the latter two organizations speeches of the accused cation that the Nazi bandits have Third International, declaring of the trials in particular. The unity is reached. Dobbs of Truck Mlinist splitting tactics, carried on in store for them.
were Drivers Local 544, with the under the spurious slogan of had betrayed This is how the Trotskyist working class and made clear quoted in lengthy excerpts, their backing of the progressive cate unity, and voiced a determination agents of the Fascists. agents that for this reason they consi Public opinion was stirred up by that the AFL convention, when Minneapolis working class that protests emphasized in sub heads. cus, put through an amendment to stop union raiding. The of the Gestapo. etc. are being dered their task of the moment the trials more than at any time considering unity, should recog many historie struggles that has treated by Fascism in Germany. to be the building of a new party, in the last few years.
has emerged victoriously from sp Four Trotskyist Trials in tional based upon world revolu nigg prisons and fortresses, the sed.
From their cells in Schusch ism, and the amended motion pas beaten back the cops, the forces of the Citizens Alliance, the naAustria in One Year tion and the teachings of Marx, Viennese Trotskyists have issued tional guardsmen, that has proSome months ago, Lenin and Trotsky.
In the Austrian capital, Viena call for solidarity to revolution. Elmer Benson jumped Governor ceeded to organize itself in inReplying to the presecutor ary and classe conscious workers CIO bandwagon with both feet to be dragged back and permit on the dustry after industry, is not going trials of arrested Trotskyists have charge of high treason, comrade in the entire world. They speak Just in time, he has realized his the Open Shop to be restored. It been held in the course of the past participates in illegal activity on behalf of the imprisoned com. majority of Minnesota unionists, is going to wreck our movement.
the overwhelming has rallied and declared: No one year.
Anton Hochrainer, an eighteen activity is the eventual downfall Protesting against Fascist terror, overwhelmingly AFL, and have a steps to make this slogan effectyear old worker, was arrested of the present government. they also call upon workers bitter contempt for what they ive.
for distributing the illegal organ If that is high treason, then everywhere to put a stop to the have seen of a Stalinized CIO in of the Fourth International in everyone who participates in Stalinist terror, crying out bit this state. Benson arrived in Austria. Der Bolschewik. He was illegal activity is guilty of high terly against the lynching of Hibbing and made a very skill The Stalinist Hungarian daily convicted to five years imprison treason. If that is so, why don Anders Nin by the gun ful speech to worm his way back paper, Uj Elore, published in ment at hard labor.
you throw the Nazis (the Nazis men.
to the good graces of the AFL Cleveland for thirty five years, In July, 1937, Hochrainer was are illegal in Austria Ed. into Those whom the corrupt bu It can be anticipated that he is to be suspended permanently tried once more in the Court of jail as well as the Reds. How reaucracy of the Stalintern sland will become more and more cool to make way for a Peoples Front Appeals. The previous sentence ever, it never occurred to me that er as agents of the Gestapo to the CIO.
paper not controlled by any was upheld.
the mere distribution of printed are standing up bravely and Late in the same month com matter constitutes high treason.
party groups. it was announced courageously in the fight against aid, to support them rade in their by Joseph Feher, managing Fritz Niescher, arrested In the course of his cross the Nazi terror, in fight struggle and to fling the calumny editor of the new paper, the and jailed ever since October, examination on the witness stand, against Fascist oppression. It is of the Stalinist bureaucrats 1936, was brought to trial for comrade Scheuer told of his long the duty of revolutionary work against them back into the brazen Hungarian Daily World, to be complicity in the publication of years in the socialist movement, ers everywhere to come to their faces of these detestable traitors. published in New York.