BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismURSSWorking ClassWorld War

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 9, 1937 Clashes in Far East and Mediterranean Make New World War Danger Imminent Akron of To Imperialist Apron Strings Charter Lifted Dullea Gets 1511 Votes for Mayor invaded Ethiopia. The League of Nations stood idly by.
What confronts Britain to day is a solid bloc of Germany, Japan By Herman Stern and Italy. London is attempting to break this blocat its weakest Like the bursting of an enormous swollen balloon, the point Italy. The exact closeness next war, more devastating and horrible than has been of war is in large measure dewitnessed in all human history, will explode from the pendent upon the preparadness By Blake Lear of Britain and its ability to conAKRON, Ohio. The charter of the Akron central labor union present international crisis. It is no longer a question ciliate Mussolini. With Japan, of, will it come but where and how soon. This estimate however, a settlement of basic was lifted early last week by action of Bradley, agent of differences is precluded.
William Green.
of recent developments inoEurope and the Far East either be allotted colonial. comces: French foreign policy away from composing the building tradesa Persistent reports of a new It was immediately handed over to the small group of unions made by the New York sions by British and France of the Soviet Union and closer to council, labor racketeers of longi take these concessions by use of Five of the nine officers of the Times, contains a remark the military. Japan demands an Britain are considerably strength. standing Exeecutive Board of the Central ably clear summary of the immediate share of colonies and ened by the French agreement wave of protest surged Labor Union, including Wilmer current war danger.
advances into China. Italy took with Britain to give the Soviet through of ranks here Tate, militant president; Art.
Ethopia. Germany has spoken Navy a back seat in the Black immediately, the federation of Klatt, secretary, and member of The stage for a World War is quite openly of its designs in Sea for piracy duty. France goes teachers being first to take offi the truck drivers; and Chalmers being carefully set in the East. Soviet territory. The colony where England leads.
Nothing cial action, with a unanimous Stewart, chairman of the board Japan invasion of China, for possessing powers refuse and can can erase traitorous record decades a great sore spot on the not afford to tolerate any further of the French communists who protest at the high handed action of trustees, and president of the The union has written its Inter federation of teachers, were exframe of world capitalism will encroachments upon its property pitalism became its most reliable whole matter be brought on the union was reorganized.
in practicing diplomacy with ca national demanding that the pelled when the central labor not be resolved around conference by the have nots. Thus, the tables but in a military collision inevitability of a new war.
deputy against the workers.
floor of the Denver convention, In a blistering condemnation of Japanese with British and It is an over simplification to The War on Piracy and it has protested to the Ex issued by them they exposed the American Imperialism. say that the war policy of Japan ecutive Council of the of rank dictatorship of the Bradley Those billions of dollars pain in China is directed by an irres The war against piracy is the itself.
crew, listed example ofter ex.
fully extracted from the blood ponsible cligue which fails to latest British product to veil its Further action will be taken ample of his violation of trade of the toiling masses and furn realize the full consequence of intentions in the Mediterranean. tonight, as fifty or more union democracy, and promised a ished the war industries were lits actions.
The movement of From the Daily Worker comes the of locals meet to map out the determined fight against the Hot invested for nought. Soon Japanese troops in China is not following transmission of a state campaign of strategy against the group which has now sueceded the long stored guns and bullets an adventure. It occurs, not ment by the Italian government. anti working action of the in causing a three way split in will again be handed to millions merely while England and at its The Italian Government is con of leadership.
Akron labor ranks.
of workers. To the old tune of tail, France, are pre occupied vinced that Great Britain believes peace, freedom and democracy with protecting their inerests in in Franco success too: The Union in a war. One need only we will once more be invited to the Mediterranean, door to the British attitude perhaps should recall the vile names that were surrender limbs and lives to fill British Empire, but undoubtedly be held responsible for the bold heaped upon the revolutionists higher the pockets of the class with the consent and direct sup ness with which the Italian Navy, when prior to Hitler advent, exploiters.
port of Germany and Italy. comouflaged as Spanish National they considered the advisability It is easily seen that the ist s, has undertaken the blockade of Soviet intervention in Germany Capitalist War strategy of the Berlin Nanking and patrol of Spanish shores. to guarantee the victory of the Inevitable combination was to engage their If Britain aids Franco, as she German revolution.
common foe simultaneously, on does, and if Italy is the pirate. Despite a hastily organized War is a natural, unavoidable two fronts. At the same time as is not denied, unless we accept The Pro Fascist Pretense campaign and confronting the and ever present threat in bour. that Mussolini and Hitler, appa the explanation that Italy wishes active sabotage of the Clarity geoise society. The struggle of rently unchallenged, tossed chest war with Britain, why should we The Daily Worker, perhaps a fites, the Socialist Party of Clethe more powerful nations among. nuts for concessions in Spain believe that Mussolini indiscri bit dissillusioned with the non veland, led by the Left Wing, themselves for colonial invest and as the Stalin regime reveal minately fires upon British ships intervention committee, declared emerged from the primaries of ment markets rages unceasingly. vast internal difficulties, Japan as well as others? The anti before the convocation of the last week with the support of In general this struggle pro delivered a swift thrust in China. piracy campaign does not explain Piracy Commission, just now 1, 511 workers slidly behind it.
ceeds peacefully thru tariff This action of a prepared the tension in the Mediterranean the British Tories are busy mak During the last campaign conand currency manipulations, of Japanese army, navy and air and Britain hasty dispatch of ing the coming Geneva parley ducted by united party and ten reinforced by military means. force, impelled by Japan urgent battleships there. The truth is against piracy a pro fascist pre spending far more time and When it becomes necessary se requirement of a broad colonial that Britain fears Italy game tense similar to what they did money, Robert Dullea, left wing riously to engage a competitor, exploitation field, was inevitable and only explains in the term with the non intervention com candidate, received only 500 votes with an army and navy, the old Japan executed her plan after piracy the possibility of Italy mittee.
struggle only assumes a new long deliberations choosing what going further than Spain into But by the time the pro fascist The Cleveland comrades have form. Nothing has changed. All appeared to be the most propi British territory. It is significant pretense met, with the Soviet demonstrated that the ears of the classes retain their economic and tious moment. Says William that of all the reported British Union seated warmly in the cen working class are decidedly repolitical identity. War is a con Philip Simms, foreign editor of damages by Franco none of her ter, the line underwent a com ceptive to the program and eftinuation of polites by other the World Telegram, Japan is ships was sunk or badly dama plete change. Litvinov delivered forts of revolutionary socialism.
means. The meaning of war is out to make China a Japanese ged.
a tirade against piracy. The It is significant that Carl given in this simple explanation. dependency. Success will mean The participation of the Soviet Soviet and press devoted Winters, belated candidate of the No ruling class burdened with that the open door is to be closed, Union in all shams perpetrated columns and columns to prove communist Party, received 2, 237 the responsability of mobilizing locked and barred against the by England to deceive the world to Great Britain and France that votes, only 700 more than Coman entire population to protect Great Britain and the rest draws her deeper into the orbit piracy was a challenge to their rade Dullea. This is the first time its interests, enjoys or desires of the world.
of imperialist British politics. decent, self respecting merchants since the Old Guard split that the History testifies that war Having los in and that severe peace measures CP has not trebled the votes of is an extremely risky undertakJapan vs. England dependent position, Stalinist dip are demanded. Further. the the Socialists. In ten city out ing. Capitalism tries desperately Japan desire in China language can hardly Soviet Union volunteers to take of thirty three in the city Com to avoid it. The Paris Commune, well known in England. To show be destinguished from bourgeois. the first step on its own. If rade Dullca received more votes both Russian Revolutions and in that she is not asleep and in anti Briisha tena frenchronmperialism how best to protect its imperial, automobile workers districts, the to understand than Winters. In the important produced by wars. The historians England has appropriated no less that it is dependable, Stalinism, ist rights the Red Army will 26th and 32nd wards, the vote for capitalism have kept the than 1, 500, 000, 000 dollars for in this Soviet Union into the role begin this dangerous work for it. for revolutionary socialism ex.
ruling class closely familiar with war preparations. The traditional of street cleanerfor Gr. Britain. The Red Army organ vederea ceeded that of the Stalinists.
the possibilities of new prole: British policy of balancing the The Red Army and Navy once declared that if the conference tarian revolutions arising from Intenational of Mediterranian powers fails the coming war. This is probably abandoned. More than talk was working class and protector of to stop the pirates the Soviet SOCIALIST APPEAL scales in Europe has been speedly the pride of the the strongest single factor that needed. The concentration of the October Revoluton was last government will find the neceshas postponed war thus far.
Vol. No. Saturday Nevertheless, against its will and close to 100 battleships in the month commissioned by Stalin to sary means for calling the sea Mediterranean indicates that initiate the offensive against pirates to their responsibilities October 2nd, 1937 despite this grave possibility, and forcing them to fulfill legal war is imposed upon capitalism Britain is preparing for the very Italy for Britain.
It is permissible and necessary demands headline in the Published every week by the and it has no alternative but to worst. An approximate figure of risk it.
one Billion dollars of investments that the Soviet Union safeguards World Telegram said Force ad Socialist Appeal Pub. Assn.
in China does not tell the whole its ships going to Spain, even to vised by Red Army if talk fails.
Publisher at 116 University The Two Camps story of its stakes in the Far the point of fighting the attacker. Does the Red Star state that the Place, Wew York East. The maintainance of its But for this encounter, support Soviet Union contemplates action The world is at present divided colonial prestige, which in the of the international labor move against the pirates because the pirates threaten the Spanish Subscriptions: 00 per year; into two camps of nations. There last years has steadly dwindled, ment is indispensable.
workers. 00 for months, Foreign: Oh no! This might is Britain, France and the is of first importance.
Such a course of aid to the mean that Britain and France 50 per Year. Bundle order who were especially successful in The British balance of power international struggle for social would refuse to use the cents per copy. Single copies 1914 18. On the other side, there policy facilitated the re arming ism was always considered any longer. Instead it repeats is Germany, completely relieved of Germany to be used as a force adventuristic by Stalinism. The that the high seas must be ade All checks and money or of its colonies by Britain and against threatening France and argument given was that the par safe for merchant shipping.
ders should be made out to France, and Italy and Japan who, Russia. In 1931, Japan supported ticipation of the Soviet Union the Socialist Appeal.
like Germany, have comparative by the balance process against in the affairs of working class Gullible people may feel that this Application for entry as ly nothing. For the have not the China, annexed struggles outside of its bound constitutes the defense of the second class matter is pending.
nations to prosper they must Manchuria. Italy, aided in its eries would involve the Soviet Soviet Union.
wai ace of are lomacy as cents.