CommunismFranceGPUImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No.
401 Saturday October 9, 1937 Cents per Copy Nominate James Cannon for Mayor la New York Municipal Campaign Trotsky Sees OpenWrite inDrivefor Jap Blow up Only Labor Candidate ins, mass meetings, Miles New Crisis Hits People Frent Goy in France ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS PUT BY MR. On Sunday, October 3rd, Ernest McKinney, New York organizer of the SocialMCKNIGHT OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ist Party (Left Wing) announced to the press that the Party had nominated James REGARDING THE FAR EASTERN SITUATION Cannon as its candidate for Mayor of New York. This action was the response By Leon Trotsky of the revolutionary socialists in New York to the sell out to the LaGuardia machine engineered by every other working class party in the City, 1) An actual and serious victory of Japan over China campaign Committee headed by Alex Retzkin has been set up, and is already would signify the forcing out of Great Britain from China, functioning on a city wide basis. The campaign will be carried into every section of hermetically sealed doors for the United States and a New York, with street meetdirect threat to the Soviet Far East and, in the next stage, a threat to French Indo China and to Holland island Our Candidate and distribution of literaI do not believe, however, in the possibility of the execution ture. comprehensive platof this plan. As have written more than once in the past 10 the more honest, gifted, critically form has been adopted, and years, the Arst great war will end thinking representatives. Stalin will be issued as a popular in the greatest social catastrophe systematically exterminates them pamphlet. for Japan.
through the GPU. The bureaucracy has become the chief hindOnly Labor Candidate Blow up Threatens Japan rance to the economic and cultural development of the land.
The nomination of Cannon 2) The Empire of the Mikado The hydra of dissatisfaction will places in the field the only work By Frank Demby contains within it all the social therefore grow more and more ing class candidate who will contradictions which, in its time, heads. The regime Stalin is figure in this extremely imporThe rapdily approaching canexploded the Czarist Empire: doomed. good deal of recent tant election. One by one, during tonal elections and the October hall feudal agrarian relations; a correspondence from Moscow, the past months, the reformist communique of the French cabinet monarchy by divine right. ter censored or uncensored. tries parties and groups have capitu serve once again to focus the rible poverty of the people; a to prove that the bloody purge lated to LaGuardia. Through the eyes of the politically conscious tight internal market for indus strengthened the position of American Labor Party, formed on France. The long smouldering try; a monstruous growth of the Stalin. The authors of these remilitary budget; a military caste ports either understand nothing, last year, during the Roosevelt crisis bids fair to break out into JAMES CANNON campaign in order to keep labor the open with far reaching conwhich reflects in itself all the or they understand too much.
votes lined up for Roosevelt, the sequences for France and the eninner contradictions of the counThe external politics of Stalin labor bureaucrats led the tire world. Philip, Paris try, and so forth, and so forth.
are dictated not by the interests The masses of Japanese of the but by the conThe Lovestonites followed shortly correspondent of the New York Times, describes the recent caafter. They Browder an the Com binet meeting as having altered Boldiers reflect the deep dissatis cern or the self preservation of munist Party. Finally, ten days the whole course faction along which Japanese peasants the ruling caste. Stalin is reago, the procession ended when France has been traveling since and workers. In the beginning of treating and will continue to Norman Thomas, apostle of so the Popular Pont Government the war, the chauvinists wave retreat. War will tame the rulwill, as always, the whole ing bureaucratic caste. However, Following the highly entusias the withdrawal of his name from came into power fifteen months army but the reaction to it will do not doubt that the tic meeting held with Harry Mil the list of candidates.
Signs of the coming er sis and not be long in waiting.
will emerge victorious from a war ton in New York upon his return Meanwhile, the real character indications as to its nature have 4) Great Britain could not, in in the Far East.
from Spain, it has been decided of the La Guardia People Front not been lacking. Already, durthe 20 century, win India; on the Coyoacan, Sept. 20, 1937.
to sponsor a national tour to has been made daily clear. La ing the last months of the Blum contrary, it is getting ready to enable workers throughout the Guardia himself has endorsed cabinet, it was not difficult to lose her. Japan not Great country to listen to any eye wit the entire Republican slate, inc see that the major political parties Britain. China is stronger than RODGERS EXPELLED ness tell his story.
India. Japanese imperialism will luding the red baiter, George in the Peoples Front were being Milton, a well known militant Harvey. The tied to La subjected to different social presbreak its head by its Chinese By unanimous decision, the in New York labor movement, Guardia coat tails, followed sures, which, together with the adventure.
Oakland (California) Branch of went to Spain in February, 1937 along after him, though still exigencies of diplomacy and poStalin Regime Doomed the Socialist Party expelled Ward as a member of the Debs Brigade: balking mildly at Harvey. Last litical maneuvering, were tending 6) Stalin is conducting a civil Attorney and instituting criminal and was wounded in battle. He its next logical steps, and with or, at least, sufficed to show war against the people in all charges against Glen Trimble. At was chairman of the Independent drew its candidates for virtually that the honeymoon period was Labor Party contingent spheres of public life in econo the same time the branch, also the every city wide office. McGoldover.
the Landonnics, in the army, in literature, by unanimous decision, expelled militia. He participated rick and Morris, The Radicals, conscious insetc. the discontent of the mas Clarence Rust, attorney, for col in the May Days struggle in Republican candidates for City ſtrument of French finance imper ses with the demoralized bureau laborating with Rodgers in call Barcelona.
comptroller and President of the ialism, have steadly pulled in the cratic caste is manifested through ing in the cops. Full Itinerary: Page Continued on page Continued on page 6)
Speakers: ROBERT MENAKER JAMES CANNON Socialist Candidate for Assembly 14th Manhattan Socialist Candidate for Mayor MAURICE SPECTOR MAX SHACHTMAN HAL DRAPER JAMES BURNHAM SUNDAY. October 13, 1937, P.
IRVING PLAZA Auspices: Socialist Party of New York Irving Place and 15th Street Left Wing