CommunismCommunist PartyFascismImperialismLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrike

October 2, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Wall Streeters Behind LaGuardia Mayor Is Liberia! Front for Prominent Reactionary Backers By James Casey Call Has Alibi On La Guardia an Corp.
is proudly of With New York election Hoover campaign. In 1933 her campaign well on its second lap, raised funds for the first La the political picture is now crystal Guardia mayoralty campaign.
the Bruck Silk Mills, Ltd. a Winthrop is a director of the On the one side are arrayed British Company. He is also Chase National Bank, a Rockethe Rockefeleler Morgan duPont chairman of the board of directors feller institution. He is a director interests, the Stalin tailists (as of the MacArthur Concrete Pile of the Long Island Railroad, the Lenin would have called this Corp.
Wabash Railway, the Ann Arbor alliance were he alive today) and picture of Chadbourne would Railroad, the Rubber Co. the Altman Thomas band wagon be complete, however, without a Morgan concern)
and the chasers.
mention of his political activities American Express Co. He is a On the opposite side stand the abroad. Several years ago, Chad member of the New York Stock Left Socialists, mobilizing the bourne In reporting the decisions of ing us a little trick. Perhaps it was a member of the Exchange.
toilers for a class struggle with United Russian Relief, Inc. the National Executive Commit merely wants to cover its own their own independent candidates, organization raising funds for ers In Lead for tee of the Socialist Party, the tracks, and to do a little facealone upholding the banner of re monarchists and white guards in Mayor Socialist Call of Sept. 11th states: saving for Tyler, in order to volutionary Marxism and fighting, Paris and other parts of Europe. The withdrawal of Thomas as make Tyler capitulation someat one and the same time, both Since the Stalin regime is exStill another active supporter candidate for mayor will be per what more graceful. Tyler himWall Street imperialism and the ecuting and isolating revolu of LaGuardia is William Calder, mitted if it is felt that such ac self, it should be remembered, misleaders of the labor move tionary leaders and workers by former Senator from New tion would promote cooperative was so certain that the NEC ment.
the tens of thousands, it is not York and an Old Guard Repub relations between the ALP and decision meant support of La The painful surprise given out of keeping with Stalinist lican. While in the Senate, Calder the Socialist Party in the future. Guardia that he resigned as edimany militant workers by the policy for People Frontists in was a mouthpiece for General Everyone naturally understands tor of the Call in protest. few open alliance of the Wall Street America to work hand in hand, Motors, Steel Corp. General that cooperative relations will hours later he was persuaded to Tories with the Stalinists and with Chadbourne against the Electric and other Morgan du beyond doubt be promoted by change his mind (in order to the Thomaites has been acutely toiling masses.
Pont interests. He is a director withdrawal of Thomas, and that keep an unbroken front against intensified by recent events. As of the Mutual Life Insurance such withdrawal is a foregone the left wing. and the Call arthough it were not disgusting Fusion Chairman conclusion.
ticle might have been part of enough to witness the spectacle Other reactionary backers of The Call, however, goes on to the bait used to lure him back.
of the People Fronter grovel Lest some naive worker may the Mayor include Henry Stim say: In no case is the Socialist Our view is notoriously preing before Fiorello LaGuardia. feel that the appointment of son, Secretary of State under Party to give an endorsement to judiced in these matters. Maybe the Mayor suddenly added more Chadbourne was not deliberate, Hoover; General John Ryan, any candidate, like La Guardia, we are just slandering when we stench to the betrayal by an but just a horrible mistake on the militarist and Big Business man, who appears on the ticket of a say that the NEC decided to sup nouncing his endorsement of part of the Republicans, is only and Charles Hughes, Jr. cor capitalist party. And the con port La Guardia. Let us recall George Harvey, Red baiter, necessary to call attention to the poration lawyer and of the ditions under which the NEC again what the Clarityite memKu Kluxer and supporter of director of the La Guardia Republican Chief Justice of the endorsed the Altman Thomas moEuropean fascism.
campaign for the City Fusion Supreme Court. leading woman tion include the following: It bers of the NEC said themselves about the motion which the NEC Party. This Fusion crowd is made supporter of the Mayor is Mrs shall be made clear to the ALP adopted. Quoting from the de Wall Streeters Give Aid up of those progressive forces Edward Dreier, chairman of that no support is to be given by liberations of the NEC) Kreugthat the Daily Worker hails so the Republican Women the Socialist Party to La Guar er: The step proposed by the But the Harvey incident as the new political Campaign Committee, and a a dia.
New York majority is a step only one of a hunderd to bring cronies of the Stalinists. And the Social Registerite (one of AmeMeans Endorsement which commits us to a People into bold relief the true political Fusion Party selection of chair rica 400. character of LaGuardia und man for the Mayor campaign Front, which permits our partiAll of the aforementioned are No endorsement of or support cipation in the labor liberal capiemphasize more the need acquainting the city toilers with carries indisputable evidence that members of a Committee of One to La Guardia? We would like talist party which is appearing Wall Street has placed its best Hundred bankers, industrialists, to ask the Call, then: Whom on the horizon. Tyler: If the the Mayor supporters. care trained men in the most strategie manufacturers, Social Registrites will you endorse or support as majority proposition goes ful survey shows that many of spots to assure the re election of who, together with the Stalin candidate for Mayor? When through, the SP will be taking Wall Street most notorious its pet candidate.
sts, have announced their endor workers who are planning to the first step in class collaborareactionaries are working actively Maurice Davidson is not a sement of LaGuardia, whose anti vote the Socialist ticket notice tion. There is a limit to comfor LaGuardia re election.
labor man and has never been labor record already has been that there is no mayoralty can promise when you begin to cross Consider, for example, the connected with trade unions. In outlined by the Socialist Appeal. didate, and ask you whom to sup class lines. Felix: The Chiperson of William Chadbourne, deed, the Fusion campaign Chair. The next article will tell why port for Mayor, what are you cago Convention was hoodwinkthe Republican Party chairman man, although on the city pay. Wall Street favors the re election going to tell them?
ed. It did not elect a sufficientfor the LaGuardia campaign. roll as one of La Guardia depart of LaGuardia. Chadbourne has been brought ment heads, is closely identified But perhaps the Call is play. ly large majority of left wingers on the NEC. And Kreuger forward as a progressive but with the city biggest business the facts again, after the vote had been of his political and interests.
economic background have been This new political associate of road to class collaboration.
cleverly concealed from the city the Stalinists and the Thomasites In East Coast Marine Union The document signed by Max voters.
is a director of the Clinton Gates In 1920 Chadbourne was an Corp. director of the Tri National Delson and Herbert Zam (as the active campaigner for the election Trading Corp. director of War of the Deck division of the Na evading the fact that some of paign Committee) in opposition At the September 14 meeting through the war zone thus minority of the Municipal Camof Warren Harding, whose ren Securities Corp. secretary. cabinet (how can anyone forget. and director of the Alaned Realty ional Maritime Union, some of these ships bring cargo to to the Altman Thomas motion, reeked to the skies with graft, Corp. and a director of the he members came to realize what Franco forces.
is even more explicit. few bribery and corruption of the Brierfield Operating Corp. He is was really meant when a motion It seems contradictory that on tually lead to the elimination of pearls: This policy will evenfoulest kind. On May 16, 1920 also associated with the corpo was passed at the previous meetChadbourne was host at a dinner ration law firm of Davidson and ing to form an Anti Copeland one hand the has a com the Socialist Party as a political to collect factor in this country. Capitulto prominent backers of the oil Mann.
smeared President.
Another leading backer of La committee this week revealed that money to buy an ambulance, ation to the backwardness of the In February 1932, Chadbourne, Guardia is. in who is a millionaire corporation Winthrop. This man, a Wall the fullest extent under the ists ranks and on the other hand can only give us another German lawyer, was found to be working Street financier, has raised more guise of anti Copelande activity, they are hollering for a bonus. a revolutionary Marxist party.
The question by a member, Who to salve their conscience for they Bar Association to break down than any with the Trade and Commercial money in political campaigns the hell said we were for a phoney know they are sending bullets to the support of La Guardia is in other individual in the nation anti trust laws in America. Winthrop will probably Militants attempted to get the murder their shipmates to whom mously rejected by the convenlabor party was behalf of Rockefeller and Morgan serve as a member of the Fusion floor but the chairman succeeded they fidestepped. Fascist forces; bullets that suite effect People Frontism, a policy categorically and almost unaniand impose new burdens on the finance committee.
already much harassed popula was national treasurer for the in giving it to someone who mov candy, and an ambulance.
sending cigarettes, tion. But the position of the tion. Chadbourne was a charter Republican Senatorial Campaign tion which invariably passes.
Local New York administration member of this Wall Street Committee. In 1932 Winthrop The CP fraction of the is a direct repudiation of the Sogroup.
The CP group again showed is doing damndest to exoner cialist Party position in the the campaign chairman is also was head of a powerful se poate its colors to be yellow and not ate the government for all of its presidential campaign IT IS connected with big business inred. Joe Curran has been fol. repressive measures against the CAPITULATION TO THE terests exploiting millions of lowing their lead right along. little bit of hard won freedom AND TO PEOPLE FRONTworkers in the South American SOCIALIST APPEAL The question of demanding a that the seamen at present have. ISM. Capital letters in the semi colonies of Wall Street imbonus of a few hundred dollars The government faithfully car original. perialism. He is a member of the Vol. No. Saturday from the shipowner for each sea ried thru the interests of the Maracaibo Corp. This concern October 2nd, 1937 Delson Zam Estimate man employed on ships carrying class it serves when it ordered, controls the capital stock of the Published every week by the cargo into war zones was being thru the person of Kennedy, But does the motion mean Unicsa Petroleum Corp. and many Socialist Appeal Pub. Assn.
discussed. militant worker arose Chairman of the Maritime Comother concessions in Venezuela, and reminded the Stalinist lead mission, that the seamen of the support of La Guardia. Let where workers are employed at Delson and Zam give the answer: Published at Room 1609 ership that, we have brother Algic be placed in irons.
the starvation scale. The Mara100 Fifth Avenue, New York unionists over THE MAJORITY PROPOSAL there fighting The seamen of the Algic MEANS SUPPORT OF LA caibo outfit has interests in the against Spanish Fascism and you are guilty of putting into action GUARDIA, EVEN THOUGH Barco concession in Columbia. Subscriptions: 00 per year; guys are advocating that it O. the slogan, Workers of the THE LANGUAGE IS DELIBEThrough this connection, Chad 00 for months. Bundle to send ammunition to the Fas World, Unite. They refused to bourne is associated with the orders cents per copy. Single cists who are shooting my pals handle the cargo and break the RATELY AMBIGUOUS. But it Carib Syndicate (a House of cents.
as long as get two hundred strike of their fellow longshore not frank, forthright support, Morgan affiliate) and the Gulf dollars for it. Chairman Curran, men of Montevideo, Uruguay. such as that given La Guardia il Corp. belonging to the Mellon All checks and money or who always blusters thru such And the Communist Party says, by the ALP and the Communi.
state. ders should be made out to situations by humorously ridicul in an effort to save the face of ists. It is hidden and cowardly He is a director of the Com the Socialist Appeal.
ing the speaker, succeeded the government, Copeland Puts monwealth International Corp. shielding the CP again by stat. Seamen in chains.
support, Application for entry as What a more cowardly the Distributing Corp. the Drilling and Exploration Co. and second class matter is pending.
ing that the bonus is demanded damned lie. The government or than that given by the Communonly on those ships going dered it.
ist Party to Roosevelt last year. Pushes LaGuardia taken: We are starting on the The report of the mittee functioning are even