BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL October 2, 1937 Murders Rebelling Agent Reiss Broke With Stalin Painters Strike Settlement Arouses Thugs Take Him for Ride Dissatisfaction with Stalinist Leadership are Green Splits up Akron Labor the Bullet Riddled Body Found By Police in Switzerland Wednesday Sept. 15 marked Flower to call the cops, to break and his committee as a unionthe close of the 24 weeks Paint. the strike and a lot of workers busting outfit.
er Strike. 12, 000 painters, mem might get a wrong impression PARIS. On September 4, 1937 a trap, Schildbach is short, mas bers of District Council No. 9, about Our Mayor. good section of the memberthe Swiss police discovered at culine in figure, rather homely, Brotherhood of Painters, De a situation might play into the administration Beside such ship, long dissatisfied with the Chamblandes, in the Swiss Can graying, wears glasses, dresses corators and Paperhangers of hands of Tammany Hall which greatly disturbed by the new aconduct, ton of Vaud, not far from Laus plainly. She succeeded in find America returned to work, their is the current main danger. greement sanne, the bullet riddled body of ing Reiss, visited him on the eve major demands (the hour day Only last Saturday provide the posa thirty eight year old man bear of the assassination, told him of 50 per cent hiring through the membership meeting called pri gressive movement in the union.
general ibility of building a genuine proing a passpor in the name of her plan to break with Stalinism union) ignored not only by the marily to explain the new Hermann Eberhardt. The pub as he had broken, and invited bosses but also by the union ad ment was turned into an election workers, not reactionary eleFree sufficient number of militant lication of photographs of the him to supper. She was with ministration.
rally for Thomas Dewey. Still ments talking progressivism, to assassinated man made it pos him when he was assaulted, kid The new agreement calls for fresh in the minds of the mem begin this work abready exist.
sible promptly to establish his napped into an automobile, and a wage increase (from to 10. bership are the remarks of Wein. They must band together, adopt true identity and the very pecu riddled with seven bullets, five 50 per day. recognition of shop stock at a meeting of Local of a program and decide on a line liar nature of the crime. of them in his head. In the hands stewards and continuation of the the Electrical Workers a few of strategy. The problems con The victim was a Polish Com of the assassinated man were 25 per cent hiring through the months ago. The meeting was nected with this will be dicussed munist militant, Ignace Reiss, found strands of hair of Gertrud union. The Master Painters As called to protest Dewey move in the columns of this paper.
who belonged to the Secret Ser Schildbach.
sociation, the union of the big to investigate the union acti The road of class struggle is the vice of the Communist InternaIn the automobile there was painting contractors, in their vities and Weinstock in no un only road to effective unionism.
tional. At the beginning of this also found a top coat with a Mad efforts to secure from the real certain terms denounced Dewey There is no other way.
year, he had given the Dutch rid label, which leads to the sup estate owners a considerable inCommunist Opposition, through position that the assassins of crease in contract prices on the the former deputy to the Hague Ignace Reiss belonged to the or grounds of higher costs in what Parliament, his personal friend ganization which did away with promises to be the best painting of long standing, Henrik Snee Nin.
season in several years, had invliet, an exact warning on the deSchildbach has probably taken dicated early as last spring cision adopted in Moscow to em refuge in France or in Italy. their willingness to agree to a ploy all methods against the The Swiss police being in pos wage increase. Recognition of broad. At the end of July 1937 session of her photograph, it is shop stewards, as it is worded in By Blake Lear ed that they will go to any length he had published in the Nieuwe not very likely that she tried to the present agreement, means to preserve their interests at the Fakkel of Amsterdam, Organ of reach the Soviet Union by the little or nothing because the AKRON, Ohio. Under order expense of the working class.
union has no power to appoint land route.
the Revolutionary Socialist Party stewards in those shops where of the callous bureaucrats of This action is the culmination an open letter to the leaders of Revolutionary Record the bosses, through the threat of the AF. of Li Wilmer Tate, of a long period of sniping and Government. The letter was a Reiss was born on January 1st control the steward elections. ron Central Labor Union, has boys of the building trades and categorical break. Ignace Reiss 1899, in a middle class Jewish This gain is essentially the candy been suspended from office and is progressive ers wrote: family of the Austrian part of coating of the bitter fact that to be placed on trial on Oct. grouped around the large rubber Poland. From his adolescence the union got exactly what the The trigger man for the locals.
Broke With Assassins in high school, he came into con Master Painters had been will of was Bradley, a crea It was only late last August revolutionary la ing to give strike or no strike. ture notorious in local labor that began my activity as a so tact with the o. affiliates were cialist militant twenty years ago. bor movement. He studied law circles. Bradley, who later an expelled from the upon a cial have behind me sixteen years in Vienna, but did not complete Real Demands Ignored nounced, am not here to argue direct order from Green. Previous of illegal work. Now the ques his studies, having too closely altion is to save socialism. have lied himself with the revolutionThe press reports testify elo September 23 meeting of the between the of and the remained silent before too many ary movement.
He joined the quently to the above. From the refused to show any locals had always been assassinations, thus burdening Communist Party of Austria, col New York Times through the mandate whatever for the action, perfunctorily filed. joint board my conscience with a great error laborated in the Polish paper, Mirror down to the Daily Worke arbitrarily ruled motions out of to mediate jurisdictional disputes. should have broken with you Swit, and was sent to Poland by er, all accounts during the strike order, refused to entertain appeals was immediately set up in preon the day when the Father of the Party in 1920. There he was agree that the hour and 50 per from decision of the chair, paration for the maintenance of the Peoples had the Sixteen shot arrested, tortured and condem: cent demands were hardly raised threatened to lift the charter of the unity of Akron labor.
in the cellars of the Lubianka ned to five years in prison. Af by the union negotiating com the U. and refused to ac(street on which the Moscow ter six months, however, he was mittee, and since there was no cept the democratic and weheGreen Breaks Unity released on bail, thanks to the disagreement on wages, the only mently expressed will of the is located. Reiss disclosed that several of special regulations applying to point which the committee fought majority of the delegates.
This cooperation was rudely inficials of the who the former Austrian Poland. In 1923, for was the recognition of shop he went to Germany where he stewards. Ignoring the real de Majority Fights Bradley who utilized the initial advantage terrupted by Green, Izvestia announced, had just been The will of the majority, though gained by the naive compliance livene the deating, were. com who were supporting the Geri terestedoening, in securing its distorted by the exigencies of a to his letter (only one left wing given the decoration of the Or was in contact with Russians mands the committee pensated for having participated man Communists. Up to 1926, candy coating, Finally, the bosses agreed to representatives of the building accepting Green letter, the other leaders of the revolution. Him turned to Vienna where he spent the innocouous shop steward trades, who forced their rank and delegates thinking that the joint self decorated in 1928 with the he went to the Soviet Union linist, and secretary of the Dis upon penalty of refusing to send everything) to begin his drive Order of the Red Flag for ser: where he became a member of trict Council was reported in the them on jobs, and by the rulings against progressive locals in the vices rendered the revolution, he unworthy to bear the same de Later the party charged him complete victory.
the building trades formulations, seems to be heading towards excoration as the executioners of with missions in various cities The reasons for such a vic was clearly expressed in a 68 to pulsion from the of the best men in the working From 1929 to 1932 he was again tory in a period of unparalleled 54 vote to table action until the An additional factor tending class of Russia.
in the then resumed his advances of workers throughout next meeting.
toward the wrecking of the Progressives, led by Chalmers is the activity of the supporters the had received the order finally, the decline of Stalinism policies and actions of an admi Stewart of the Federation of of Lee Schroy, present repubIgnace Reiss soon learned that activity abroad. In 1936 1937, the country can be found in the to kill him. He informed his and of the Comintern convinced nistration composed of Stalinists Teachers, and delegates from the lican mayor of Akron, who are friends and took refuge in Switz him that it was and their united front allies, barbers. truck drivers. longer pos.
and seeking control of the to erland under the name of Eber sible to serve Stalin. He decided mostly former members of the machinists locals waged a bitter split the labor movement and dihardt.
old Zausner machine.
to return to Lenin and wrote his fight against Bradley in a meeting vert votes from Labor NonFuture issues of this paper will that was a rioutous uproar from Partisan League candidate, the Sets Murder Trap Party, for which he was to pay deal with these questions and the the moment that Bradley usurp self styled New Dealer, Judge The crime was minutely pre with his life. Honor to his me record of the administration dur ed the chair. Patterson, who is endorsed by pared. The Swiss police has es mory!
ing its 20 month rule in detail.
Motions to obligate packed del the democratic Party, Akron labor tablished that five persons, at For the present is sufficient to egations were defcated three generally, the Communist Party, Deast, who immediately quit the point out that the Peoples Front times, a letter to Green demand and if we are to believe a speech country and several of whom policy of the Stalinist bureaucra ing an of representative of Earl Browder last Thursday, must have taken refuge in France, STALINISM cy, translated into terms of the for Akron affairs other than by Thom Paine, Jefferson, Wash present participated in the crime. sixth, political and and trade Bradley was whooped through, a ington, Lincoln and Stalin. all union situation in com letter an accomplice, has been arrested.
Green condemning good boys in their way too.
pel the members in the Bradley high handed, undemoBOLSHEVISM The principal author of the crime has come to be known is known. She was a secret aunion to avoid any appearance of cratic action passed 66 to 41, and as a barometer of the American by gent both of the Executive Comradicalism in order to appear a resolution of the Minneapolis labor movement, forecasting the mittee of the Comintern and of Leon respectable in the eyes of the central babor body condemning political and trade union wenthe the Gertrud Schildbach TSKY friends of labor in the leader the of stand on the o. to come. Today the needle poin (born Neugebauer. 43 years ship if the local Republican Party question was heartily endorsed to storms ahead. The Social old. Along resident in Paris, Pioneer Publishers and the labor bureaucrats.
By this action against one of Party of Akron, having alo.
she lived recently in Rome, from 100 Fifth Avenue the most progressive central labor charted the correct course, can where she was sent to Switzermilitant strike (God forbid) bodies in the country, the alone emerge with its prestige New York, Land to draw Ignace Reiss into would only compel labor Little of shellbacks have demonstrat enhanced and all sails set.
was in. no to Akron 100