Andrey VyshinskyDewey CommissionFascismGermanyHitlerLeninRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

September 25, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Case of Leon Trotsky Review of the Dewey Sub Commission Hearing in Mexico City thc has Last April, in a crowded little refutable fabrications. Actually, of their confessions. Emphati strikingly and attest to the ¡the record, aims and techniques room in a suburb of Mexico City, of course, Moscow brazen dis cally no! And precisely by that dustrial impasse to which the of Stalin Thermidorian iwasaiLeon Trotsky made a promise to regard for consistency and ele token Trotsky legal argument bureaucracy frantie drive for tion conclusively exposed and the Preliminary Commission of mentary fact is due both to the and case take on added import records has led.
explained. The materials in this Inquiry which may have seemed impossibility of falsifying Trot The absence of proofs, speech, plus his fascinating exususual, over amibitious, and, sky activities and conditions of Trotsky repeated tirelessly before On Terrorism planations of revolutionary probindeed, incapable of fulfillment. life, regulated and recorded as the Commission, is the most lems, perspectives, strategy and Professor In relation to terrorism, Charles Beard they are down to the most minute terrible proof against Stalin.
tactics, make of the entire ve though he indicated that lys detail, and to a careless cynicism Trotsky voluminous proofs not from Trotsky writings since the record contains long excerpts lume an indispensable priser for hinsky puppet hows were on born of bureaucratie impunity. only demonstrate the innocence turn of the century, revealing a which Trotsky drives home page every revolutionist.
The lesson the same level as the trials of of the chief defendants, but fling consistent advocacy of mass pro after page, and which is itself the the Inquisition. had stated that Physically Impossible the crimes back in Stalin face. paganda as against the futile and it was impossible for Trotsky to Not only are Trotsky hands self defeating violence of desper the accusations most crushing condemnation of prove a negative by positive The documentation, as indi clean, but Stalin are stained and the whole the and declared that the cated by the extracts in the re with the blood of hundreds of ate individuals. The social roots bloody Stalinist regime, burden of proof still rested upon port, is complete in every in innocent victims. That is the full amongst the younger Soviet gen principled education of the maxof the new terrorist tendencies necessity of firm, patient, and Stalin and not Trotsky.
of Trotsky legal eration are analyzed and located Trotzky, however, promised of documents and affidavits de case. direct and, moreover, quite posi monstrate the physical impossiin the new social stratification ses, as opposed to all sort of and concentration of privilege.
desperate adventures, impatient tive proof of the negative fact. bility of Trotsky alleged meetProvides Political he pledged not only to raise a ing with Romm in Paris, or with Understanding Regarding the charge at allian maneuvers and alliances with the enemy class.
ce with Hitler and the Mikado, reasonable doubt but to establish Holtzman, Olberg, David and In the era of the People Front there are introduced Trotsky his innocence beyond the shadow Berman Yurin in Copenhagen, of Although public opion published writings, in which a brought out by his textimony sad betrayal, Trotsky teaching, of a doubt, and, the same Sedov alleged presence in co been increasingly skeptical since consistent anti Fascist line the harest and most bloody pra flight to Oslo and meeting with to the Red Generals the question tegy of combating fascisme syse liance upon the class strenght of token, to prove Stalin guilty of penhagen, of Pyatakov alleged the extension of the blood purge maintained, a class struggle stra by his still more eloquent life, me up in history. The task which Trotsky. Straight down the line of Stalin motivation, the why tematically developed, and the the proletariat assumes he assumed was not simply a every factual charge of any im of the trials and persecutions, hopeless position of Germany and significance and timeliness; and added defensive one, a refutation of the portance is crushed to bits.
has been the stumbling block for Japan in the coming charges against him, but vigor What, then, is left of the whole considerable sections of bewilder forth. Finally, the true political this record, which systematically musly offensive: he undertook to flimsy framework of falsehoods. red liberal thought. The political nature of the trials is exposed expounds the real nature of the brand his scensers for all time If confessions, of and by them documentation in the record, be by a fully documented analysis will go far toward rejuvenating massins of revolutionaries and clusive proof and none other the charges of terrorism, sabota charges against the Opposition that spirit and inspiring it with the grave diggers of the Russian than Vyshinsky has so affirmed, se, alliance with Hitler and the shifted with the winds of Russia new Revolution.
ihan standard Soviet handbook Mikado, etc. furnishes indispen political alliances and the chang the Defense of Leon Trotsky is The American Committee for Verbatim Report on criminal procedure. then sable keys to the understanding ing needs of the bureaucracy.
Stalin whole case must stand lof the trials, reveals their roots to be congratulated for providing or fall with the evidence which in the political exigencies of the The verbantim report of the Vyshinsky submitted. Great Speech a special paper bound edition of Stalinist bureaucracy and relates this big book at a sales price of Mexican hearings has now been them to events within the Soviet By itself, Trotsky 136 page two dollars. That means that we published. The Case. of Leon Of what did this substantiat Union and throughout the world. concluding speech is a brilliant can put it into the hand of every Trotsky, Harpers) and it is posing evidence consist? callingIn lengthy testimony, the sa historical document. Here all the comrade to whom it can serve sible for all to weigh Trotsky sard with two letters scribed on lient facts of Trotsky biography threads are brought together; as a handbook of the revolutionpromises against the actual proofs it (significance unexplained. a are set forth, showing how devo the factual material summed up ary movement in all its phases.
passport proving The investigation has not yet entered Russia as a Honduran class a movement run like a realitical core and background of the. to every radical worker and is trials ruthlessly brought to light, tellectual in the country, of Inquiry is still in session, col Japanese diplomat (not intro thread through his career.
The categorical facts of Trotslating the work of the Mexican, duced into the court record. a throw the be in the face Parisian telephone directory. ky and New York sub German ERWIN WOLF DULLEA TO RON commissions, examining the and nothing more! Beyond this, of his accusers, the most vociwealth of new evidence which only references to conspiratorial ferous of whom served in the IN SPANISH IN SPITE OF bas come to light, and on this letters from Trotsky, and falsi October Revolution. on basis will pronounce its verdict. fied and distorted quotations other side of the barricades.
DUNGEON from Trotsky writings, which Nevertheless, these 600 pages The Capitulators CLARITYITES of the record, incomplete though any literate person can look up and refute.
they may be, contain such a bulk Vyshinsky faced another knotty (Continued from page 1)
of persuasive juridical evidence. The Role of Confessions away the repeated capitulations to enhanced more and giving him cialist mayoralty campaign, with CLEVELAND, Ohio The Sofurnish such weighty and psychological analysis, offer mach complete historical docuIt is clear why Vyshinsky had grovelling and abject bootlicking, what he called urgent mail that Robert Dullea as candidate, is mentation, that hesitations and and others trumped up stories arch demon to extract from Pyatakov, Romm their fiery denunciations of the had arrived. Meeting in a cafe, being waged in vigorous fashion suspended judge. nents are Trotsky and the Tioli declared that he had for despite all sabotaging efforts of bereft of the slightest foundation.
tiom. about meetings with Trotsky and bitter attacks which the Opposi gotten the mail but would go the right wing.
Sedov at which they received tionists have launched for long his room and bring it back. He Trotsky has here already proved their directives. otherwise the years against the renegades from did not return, and in his stead his case to the hilt, and turned The last act of the La Guardia the charges into a terrible indict. attempt to implicate Trotsky, their ranks. For him there is a appeared the police, now con Socialists was to announce to the ment of his accusers.
backed up by not one iota of ma simple explanation: camoufla trolled by the who ar: terial proof, would have been too rested Wolf on the spot.
His press that they had withatrawn ge.
Documentation patently absurd to stand the light present whereabouts un their support from Dullea. PreviTrotsky analysis of the hisof day. Vyshinsky, despite the onsly the Clarity right wing known.
tory Exclusive of Trotsky of the capitulations, his oral preliminary investigations reports combine had moved for no indetestimony, the documentary evi allegedly filling dozens upon ample quotations from the con Konrad Knudsen reports fron pendent political action and had dence submitted to the Commis dozens of volumes, could present temptuous articles of the Oppo Oslo the information that a sion was of two chief types. a) not one trace of material docu sition press since 1927 on the Norwegian worker who raveiled had been decisively defmited by category of purely legal documentary evidence. From a juri traitors and scoundrels and through the Soviet Union last the membership.
ments, refuting the few charges dical standpoint, therefore, his deserters as well as from the summer as a tourist, wax crossWhen Frank Stern, Campaign of a specific and factual character, case hangs by the slenderext of miserable writing of the capitu examined by the concern those which alleged certain cons threads to those few depositions lators themselves, make it crystal ing Erwin Wolf and his wife. Manager, and Esther Levine, Adpirative meetings and correspon which attempt, however half clear that, as he says, It is a friend of Knudsen from whom ministrative Secretary, returned dence. b) a political category heartedly, to name names, vive historical and political law that the Appeal has just heard, writes to Cleveland from the de historical materials bearing on places and dates. The hundreds the relationship between the Op: that he fears that the convention, they found that a Trotsky record in the revolu of documents submitted tionary movement, his relations Trotsky refute every attempt to was all these years more bitter of the country and to the Soviet. new lock had been placed on the with the various defendants and establish a concrete link between than the relationship between the Union, where he is doomed to door of the party office by Bob with Lenin. his attitude over him and the conspirators. Thus, Cppositionists and the Stalinists. fall victim either to a hideous Parker, Clarity leader, in a desyears and decades on the subjects even when viewed purely legaliframe up or a murder in the perate attempt to knife the camof terrorism, fascism, sabotage stically, the frame up crystalOn Sabotage dark of the night the fate that paing for Dullea. Comrade Stern, and industry, war, etc. The latter clear.
Concerning the charge has befallen so many already. supported by a majority of the of materials, to be sure, are also of county committee, inviately With Trotsky and Sedor in sabotage, Trotsky introduces exbasic legal importance, With the memory of Andres rented new quarters from which Vyshinsky made definite allega are since nocence, the bloody proceedings tracts from his writings which Nin fate still fresh in the ſto centinue the campaign. The hopelessly compromised. analyzed the bureaucratic setting minds of all, it cannot be too new headquarters are at 737 tions regarding Trotsky writ. Trotsky was pictured as the of industrial tempos and warned strongly emphasized that Erwin Prospect Avenue, Clevelansk ings and activities. Never, from a purely legal of the plot in whose hands the speeds, making it compellingly most immediate and vigorons master mind, the prime mover of the ruinous outcome of dizzy Wolf life depends upon the At a general membership meetpoint of view, has a refutation others were but passive puppet. clear that the cabotenrs are been so completely and relentlessly Trotsky name appears on almost scapegoats selected to conceal the prote:t to the Spanish Gome, a score of members of the established in a case of like na every page went, and a demand for his im Jugoslav Federation, many the ecord rial which now ture and magnitude. It would usually several times. If Zinoviev, in the xist3 mediate release.
We appeal to whom had never atlender Soeconomy of the Soviet all groups and individuals to cialist. Party meeting, the few charges which he dared the others were forced to uttered from the Danish engineer, the Valencia regime.
Almost seem as if Vyshinsky, in Kamenev, Pyatakov, Radek and Union. Lengthy documents acquir send cablegrams immediately to brought down by the Clarityites left to fill with some small amount such monstrous lies about their Winfeld Hansen, who occupied a roll call vote disclosed that of precision; deliberately resorted master. can anyone then place high technical post in Russia, Erwin Wolf life must be least two people present were only to the most absurd and easily the slightest credence in any part bear out Trotsky predictions saved.
not members of the party!
the are. were