AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyAndrés NinBolshevismCominternCommunismEnglandFascismGPUHitlerLeninismMarxismMoscow TrialsSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

September 18, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Harry Milton, Wounded London Buro Aids Stalin Frame Ups Saved From GPU Jail By Refusal To Join Probe Commission DOW Harry Milton, torn from the of Bilbao. It will now be possible chatches of the Spanish GPU, is for the fascists to move the Bilarriving in New York. Wounded bao army to raise the siege of on the Aragon front, his sacrifices Huesca which is now completely Hypocrisy In Guise of Impartiality Shown In Reply By Brockway in the struggle against fascism surrounded. If they succeed there did not save him from arrest and will be hell to pay in Aragon and Imprisonment as a revolutionist. Catalonia.
By Leon Trotsky Workers protests saved him. My general health after fifteen We print below extracts from days here is beginning to crack. lutionary Socialist Parties was they were either alarmed by or immediately after the Zinewier The London Bureau of Revo settled opinions on this score but gation of the Moscow frame ups Comrade Milton recent letter: m always very tired, very sleepy invited, together with the Second indignant over the totalitarian Kamenev trial, the might Jefatura Prison, Barcelona, 21 87. absolutely no exercise and and Third Internationals, to par character of Moscow justice and not have dared to put in cuculaThe day before yesterday was cockroach would die of starva ticipate in the International Com over the fact that the Norwegian tion the palpably false charge arrested by the authorities at tion on the food.
mission of Inquiry on the Mos. Socialist flunkeys of the that the leaders of the Portbow, brought back here and Falcon Prison, cow trials. On May 21, Fenner had placed me behind lock and are collaborating with General without being given an opportunJuly 11, 1937.
Broockway, in the name of the key at the very moment when Franco. But this was not done.
ity to speak or to make any kind have already told you that London Bureau, rejected the in needed freedom most to defend The impartial ones shielded of an explanation, thrown into with me in prison was Kopp, the vitation, The pertinent section not only myself but hundreds of the As a result, Nin has fail. The conditions here in jail commander of my regiment. We of his reply reads verbatim as others. It goes without saying been murdered, together with beggar description, a long damp had a thorough discussion three follows: that had the American Committee scores and hundreds of others.
stone room, about 100 persons days ago, as a result of which The International Bureau been composed of hypocrites it The has been crashed.
in it. Absolutely no provision for we decided to immediately oris not able to endorse the Am might have called itself The What has been let ship cannot be sleeping or resting. No beds, ganize a general hunger strike.
erican Commission of Inquiry Committee for the Defense of retrieved. Do Messrs. Brockway blankets or any sanitary facili After taking all the necessary or to be represented on it be Eternal Precepts of Morality, think that the time hos ties. We are fed twice a day, one steps to bring it to the attention cause it takes the view that But it choose to act openly. By come for an international investhin piece of bread and a little of the radical and labor press in a disastrous mistake has been Defense of Trotsky the Com tigation of the crimes of the platter of rice and potato soup. England and Europe, a letter was made in initiating the inquiry mittee had and has in mind not in Spain of the frameA Spanish edition of the infa sent to the Chief of Police dethrough a Committee which to provide the alliance between ups, pillages and murdeis? Or mous Moscow trials is now being manding that charges be immedescribes itself as a Commit Trotsky and Hitler with a cover are they waiting for the sterilized concocted.
diately placed against us or that thee for the Defense of Trot but to provide Trotsky with an priests of impartiality to initiate Some of the POUM comrades we be set free. The idea caught sky.
opportunity to publicly refute the investigation? Let Brockway have already been brought before on like wild fire. When the poThe London Bureau, it would the accusation made against him. supply me with their adetresses a special tribunal of three judges liticals learned of our discussion, seem, is vitally concerned in the Nothing more! It is quite suf and telephone numbers. win all of whom are Stalinists. All and that we were already on success of the inquiry and if it ficient.
immediately get in touch with of them are asked to confirm the strike for almost two days, they refuses to give any assistance it The members of the Committee them. But if, as suspect, they alleged link between the POUM also decided to participate. An is solely due to the fact that the understood from the first just as do not exist in nature, let the and Franco. The entire procedure the anarchist prisoners joined in. investigation was initiated by the well as Brockway did that the London Bureau take upon itself is farce.
The POUM refused to partici Defense Committee. However, verdict of the International Com the initiative of calling the inThe anarchist worker are pate. After four days the joint Mr. Brockway fails to specify mission would carry weight only quiry. Let the Bureau, ennulating becoming increasingly more im Plenum of the Anarchists and just who should have initiated if the inquiry were conducted the example of the American patient with their official leaders the Youth passed a resolution to the inquiry. The new head of the with all the requisite guarantees Committee, turn to all the existAnd all kinds of anti leadership the government demanding an Yezhov? Or the secre for thoroughness and objectivity, ing labor Internationals and to and illegal papers have appear immediate release. or else. The tary of the Comintern, Dimitrov? in particular, with the participa outstanding individuals in sci od on the streets. In prison with government told the anarchists or the King Counselor, Pritt? tion in the Commission of reore ence, literature and art who are me is my commandant from the they would take some action but Or the secretary of the London sentatives of the different trends known for their honesty and in front, kopp, a ranking General. first the strike must end.
The Bureau, Fenner Brockway? Or, in political thought. The Comtegrity. If someone were to say At the front we had been quite anarchists instructed their mem finally, the Archbishop of Clan:mittee began by inviting publicly that Fenner Brockway would make friendly but now we are real bership to quit. They did and of terbury? The most impartial the representatives of the Moscow a disastrous mistake by initiachurms. He a Belgian engineer, course nothing happened. didn of the above listed candidates, Government, the Comintern, ting the inquiry instead of allowmade gun powder secretly for eat for and one half days.
one should imagine, is Brockway Friends of the Soviet Union, ing matters to rest with Stalin the Spanith Government, was Paris, August 30. himself. But, as is obvious from the Second International, the or Negrin, every rational and discovered, beat from Belgium take this occasion to convey his letter of last February to the London Bureau, etc. It was, na benest person would call such an with a lorry filled with guns and my deepest and most comradely American Socialist, Devere Allen, turally, not a question of the accuser a brazen hypocrite.
ammunition, and since has been Salud to my dear friends and none other than Brockway him political or moral evaluation of In conclusion, con vler it at the front. He will probably be comrades, the Bolshevik Leninists self not only refused to initiate Stalinism, Trotskyism, Bolshevism necessary to recall here another shot on the charge of having led of the United States. For ours the inquiry but did everything in or Marxism. No political ten not unimportant circumstance. In the uprising of May So far no is the banner of today and tomor his power to prevent others from dency would agree to serve as the very same February letter charges heve been made against row. We shall conquer. The day taking the initiative, and, far the object of appraisal by an in which he expressed his touchme but assume similar charges will come when once again the thermore, adduced arguments in inter party commission; no ra ing concern for the interests of will also be made for participat working class will measure volving not the interests of im tional commission would under Stalin, Yagoda and Dinitrov, ing in an insurrection while on swords with the enemy. And when partiality but those of the Mos: take such an insuperable task. Fenner Brockway proposed to leave.
that day comes we shall wipe the cow bureaucracy. Here is what the appraisal of political ten create an international commisThe military situation is again capitalist class off the face of Brockway wrote to Allen: The dencies is made by the masses sion of inquiry. into my political extremely serious, with the tall the earth. Speed that day. inquiry. will merely arouse in the course of the political activity and, furthermore, with prejudice in Russia and in Con struggle. The final verdict is rather strange precipitaney munist circles. Isn it astonish brought in by history.
proposed to include in this comSOCIALIST CALL ALIBI ON ANSWERED ing? In a letter not intended The task of the inquiry of the mission Norman Thomas, Otto for publication Brockway incau International Commission did and Bauer, Branting, and other bitter tiously spoke up as a BY COLD FACTS member does consist only The of verifiying political enemies of mine.
of the Committee for the De certain specific charges made very idea of an official apfense of Stalin, Dimitrov, against certain individuals. The praisal of the political activity Vyshinsky and Yagoda. pointed political conclusions from the of an individual or (Continued from page 5) every section of the country and, this out in the press at the time. verdict of the Commission will through the medium cf a comabove all, of militancy in the Not a word came in reply from be drawn by each tendency in its mission of inquiry is so absurd had, and may have still months own way. This made it all the that it properly belongs only on class struggle. Every one of the Brockway. Several influence in the upper councils 18 members was active in some elapsed. In his letter of May 28, more essential for every organi the pages of a provincial humorof the Methodist youth move capacity in building the organ Brockway again came out against İzation interested in bringing out ous magazine. Of course, Fenner ization. They included union or the inquiry, but this time with a the truth to participate in the Brockway himself could not have Dent.
One of the new NEC members sanizers, student leaders, profes completely different set of an investigation. But the direct and failed to understand this. But he No fly guments. But in essence he still indirect agents and friends of attempted make use of the is the leader of the Altman youth by night dilettantes. Every one emains a member of the under the and the friends of gory Moscow amalgams in order group, Hyman Bookbinder. Bar of them was young, though many cover Committee for the De. friends flatly refused to parti. to deal a blow at Bolshevism shop, who created a scandal in have year self sacrificing ex fense of the falsifiers against pate. Some of them, in the spirit. Trotskyism. which he hates the League with his record maniperience behind them. Older their victims.
of Fenner Brockway first letter, so much; in addition he tried to palations, was also put on the comrades, leaders in past activiThere is no juridical or moral argued that it was impermissible cover up his factional struggle Committee. Report has it that ties, left the ranks of the youth ground whatever for the suspi to arouse any perjudice against with the cloak of an impartial when he was put in nomination, in order to augment the cadre of cion which Brockway, in the na Stalin and his Comintern; others, investigation. Specialists in many delegates booed. How much party militants.
me of the London Bureau, seeks in the style of Fenner Brockway morals are notoriousły fond of this was plain jest and how much honest peeve on the part of to cast over the inquiry. All that second letter, adjudged the con fishing in troubled water.
Ours was no apologetic, pussy the American Committee did was mission not impartial enough.
The Convention the few activists present, will footing tone.
ribitants, who are known to be gates who had sacrificed so much more, the sum and substance of had ample justification for fear criticized Win policies where thely never be know. Prominent meant a great deal to those dele morta kthet het minitiative. Further: Both the former and the latter proceed differently. We opening left wing in sympathy, were com to attend. They had come to lay its initiative consisted precisely ing an investigation. The London was alive. We did not alternbei the foundations for a mass revo with in this: To assure, in collaboration Bureau protected their rear. evaluation of him after he died.
pletely excluded from the NEC. lutionary youth other organization.
organizations, an To reveal more vividly the un But inasmuch as we never for With a bold militancy they orobjective and a conscientious worthy role played by this Bureau a moment doubted the integrity And a Convention ganized a Young Peoples So investigation through a special we shall dwell on another, and of this proletarian fighter, we International Commission, entire. more recent case. The gangsters stand ready to de everything in Most of the delegates at the cialist League that, shaking off ly independent of the initiators of the in Spain murdered our power to rehabilitate his League convention had met for the petty obstructionists like The composition of the Amer Andres Nin, the leader of the name and mercilessly brand his two long days in left wing cau Clarity, will come to grips with ican Committee is not a homo Nin was an opponent executioners. We declare in adsession. Yet they went the real enemies, the capitalist geneous one. There are individu of mine. Fenner Brookway, on vance to Fenner Broekwas apd morals through the convention with no class and its reformist agents. als in it who understood from the the contrary, considered Nin a all other specialists in very outset the absurdity and co thinker, If the London bureau that not a single one of our slackening of spirit. An NEC Along this road lies the future vileness of the Moscow accusa and other impartiat Pontius friends and. co thinkers will atwas elected, representative of of the revolutionary YPSL! tions. Other members had no Pilates had joined in an investi. Contipaed on pake 8)
party some cus